917 research outputs found

    Viewing Lepton Mixing through the Cabibbo Haze

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    We explore the hypothesis that the Cabibbo angle is an expansion parameter for lepton as well as quark mixing. Cabibbo effects are deviations from zero mixing for the quarks but are deviations from unknown mixings for the leptons, such that lepton mixing is veiled by a Cabibbo haze. We present a systematic classification of parametrizations and catalog the leading order Cabibbo effects. We find that the size of the CHOOZ angle is not always correlated with the observability of CP violation. This phenomenological approach has practical merit both as a method for organizing top-down flavor models and as a guideline for planning future experiments.Comment: References added, minor typos fixe

    Neutrino Oscillations at Reactors: What Next?

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    We shortly review past and future experiments at reactors aimed at searches for neutrino masses and mixing. We also consider new idea to search at Krasnoyarsk for small mixing angle oscillations in the atmosheric neutrino mass parameter region.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX 2.09, 6 Postscript figures. Talk given at Non-Accelerator New Physics Conference, Dubna, 28.06-03.07.199

    Construction, Management and Visualization of 3D Models of Large Archeological and Architectural Sites for E-Heritage GIS Systems

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    In this paper we present an integrated system developed in order to record, construct, pre-process, manage, visualize and visually navigate 3D models reality based of large archeological and architectural sites for eHeritage GIS systems. The framework integrates structured geometrical and documentary information resulting from multiple sources with the aim to enhance the knowledge of those sites within the frame of its historical evolution and its institutional management in a 3D GIS/DB. The developed applications were designed for different types of users, with a largely scalable interface, able to support different output devices and to work at different levels of iconicity. The system allows a full comprehension of the buildings in their own context, permitting to discover unknown relationships, to evaluate their architectural occupancy and to quickly access a complex system of information. The framework has been tested in two different systems - designed and developed to satisfy both internal (cataloguing, documentation, preservation, management of archaeological heritage) and external (communication through the web portal) purposes: the first, in Pompeii, developed in order to have a web-based system that uses Open Source software and complies with national and international standards; the second one, a prototype designed to make available on the Google Earth platform the complete Palladian corpus documentation implemented by the CISAAP

    Shaken Dynamics: An Easy Way to Parallel Markov Chain Monte Carlo

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    We define a class of Markovian parallel dynamics for spin systems on arbitrary graphs with nearest neighbor interaction described by a Hamiltonian function H(sigma). These dynamics turn out to be reversible and their stationary measure is explicitly determined. Convergence to equilibrium and relation of the stationary measure to the usual Gibbs measure are discussed when the dynamics is defined on Z(2). Further it is shown how these dynamics can be used to define natively parallel algorithms to face problems in the context of combinatorial optimization

    Neutrino flavour relaxation or neutrino oscillations?

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    We propose the new mechanism of neutrino flavour relaxation to explain the experimentally observed changes of initial neutrino flavour fluxes. The test of neutrino relaxation hypothesis is presented, using the data of modern reactor, solar and accelerator experiments. The final choice between the standard neutrino oscillations and the proposed neutrino flavour relaxation model can be done in future experiments

    Polynomial algorithms for partitioning a tree into single-center subtrees to minimize flat service costs

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    This paper deals with the following graph partitioning problem. Consider a connected graph with n nodes, p of which are centers, while the remaining ones are units. For each unit-center pair there is a fixed service cost and the goal is to find a partition into connected components such that each component contains only one center and the total service cost is minimum. This problem is known to be NP-hard on general graphs, and here we show that it remains such even if the service cost is monotone and the graph is bipartite. However, in this paper we derive some polynomial time algorithms for trees. For this class of graphs we provide several reformulations of the problem as integer linear programs proving the integrality of the corresponding polyhedra. As a consequence, the tree partitioning problem can be solved in polynomial time either by linear programming or by suitable convex nondifferentiable optimization algorithms. Moreover, we develop a dynamic programming algorithm, whose recursion is based on sequences of minimum weight closure problems, which solves the problem on trees in O(np) time

    Final results from the Palo Verde Neutrino Oscillation Experiment

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    The analysis and results are presented from the complete data set recorded at Palo Verde between September 1998 and July 2000. In the experiment, the \nuebar interaction rate has been measured at a distance of 750 and 890 m from the reactors of the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station for a total of 350 days, including 108 days with one of the three reactors off for refueling. Backgrounds were determined by (a) the swapswap technique based on the difference between signal and background under reversal of the positron and neutron parts of the correlated event and (b) making use of the conventional reactor-on and reactor-off cycles. There is no evidence for neutrino oscillation and the mode \nuebar\to\bar\nu_x was excluded at 90% CL for \dm>1.1\times10^{-3} eV2^2 at full mixing, and \sinq>0.17 at large \dm.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Constraints from Neutrino Oscillation Experiments on the Effective Majorana Mass in Neutrinoless Double β\beta-Decay

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    We determine the possible values of the effective Majorana neutrino mass <m>=jUej2mj|< m > |= |\sum_j U_{ej}^2 m_j| in the different phenomenologically viable three and four-neutrino scenarios. The quantities UαjU_{\alpha j} (α=e,μ,τ,...\alpha = e,\mu,\tau,...) denote the elements of the neutrino mixing matrix and the Majorana neutrino masses mjm_j (j=1,2,3,...j=1,2,3,...) are ordered as m1<m2<...m_1 < m_2 < ... Assuming m1m3m_1 \ll m_3 in the three-neutrino case and m1m4m_1 \ll m_4 in the four-neutrino case, we discuss, in particular, how constraints on | | depend on the mixing angle relevant in solar neutrino oscillations and on the three mass-squared differences obtained from the analyses of the solar, atmospheric and LSND data. If neutrinoless double β\beta-decay proceeds via the mechanism involving ||, conclusions about neutrinoless double β\beta-decay can be drawn. If one of the two viable four-neutrino schemes (Scheme A) is realized in nature, || can be as large as 1 eV and neutrinoless double β\beta-decay could possibly be discovered in the near future. In this case a Majorana CP phase of the mixing matrix UU could be determined. In the other four-neutrino scheme (Scheme B) there is an upper bound on || of the order of 10210^{-2} eV. In the case of three-neutrino mixing the same is true if the neutrino mass spectrum is hierarchical, however, if there exist two quasi-degenerate neutrinos and the first neutrino has a much smaller mass, values of || as large as 0.1\sim 0.1 eV are possible.Comment: 15 pages, REVTEX, 2 figures, final version to be published in Phys. Lett.

    Lepton Mixing Matrix in Standard Model Extended by One Sterile Neutrino

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    We consider the simplest extension of the standard electroweak model by one sterile neutrino that allows for neutrino masses and mixing. We find that its leptonic sector contains much less free physical parameters than previously realized. In addition to the two neutrino masses, the lepton mixing matrix in charged current interactions involves (n-1) free physical mixing angles for n generations. The mixing matrix in neutral current interactions of neutrinos is completely fixed by the two masses. Both interactions conserve CP. We illustrate the phenomenological implications of the model by vacuum neutrino oscillations, tritium beta decay and neutrinoless double beta decay. It turns out that, due to the revealed specific structure in its mixing matrix, the model with any n generations cannot accommodate simultaneously the data by KamLAND, K2K and CHOOZ.Comment: 14 pages, no figures; version 2: (1) added a short paragraph at the end of subsec 2.2 to record the counting of physical parameters for any numbers of generations and sterile neutrinos for completeness; (2) added a note in ref list, item [18] to quote and comment on an earlier work; (3) added the second paper to ref list, item [17]; (4) fixed typo

    Neutrino oscillations from the splitting of Fermi points

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    As was shown previously, oscillations of massless neutrinos may be due to the splitting of multiply degenerate Fermi points. In this Letter, we give the details and propose a three-flavor model of Fermi point splittings and neutrino mixings with only two free parameters. The model may explain recent experimental results from the K2K and KamLAND collaborations. There is also rough agreement with the data on atmospheric neutrinos (SuperK) and solar neutrinos (SNO), but further analysis is required. Most importantly, the Ansatz allows for relatively strong T-violating (CP-nonconserving) effects in the neutrino sector.Comment: 6 pages with jetplFRK.cls, v4: published versio