11 research outputs found

    Factors influencing nursing mothers’ exclusive breastfeeding practices and their effects on infants aged zero to six months in Nigeria: A review of current evidence

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    Objectives This systematic review aimed to investigate the various factors contributing to the practice of Exclusive Breastfeeding (EBF) among nursing mothers in Nigeria and its potential effects on infants aged 0–6 months. Methods A literature review was conducted using reputable electronic databases, including PubMed, African Journals Online, Science Direct, Scopus, Research Gate, and Google Scholar. The search was limited to studies published between January 2013 and August 2023. Results Eleven studies were analyzed, and their outcomes are presented in this review. The results suggest significant diversity in the maternal understanding of EBF. While certain mothers exhibit a commendable comprehension of the significance and advantages of breastfeeding, others require greater awareness or hold misconceptions regarding this practice. The lack of comprehensive data on the effects of EBF on maternal practices poses a challenge to mothers when making informed choices about infant feeding. Behaviors related to breastfeeding are notably influenced by sociocultural factors, wherein specific communities adhere to cultural standards that support the early introduction of supplementary food. Conclusions The implications of adhering to EBF practices are significant for both maternal and infant well-being. The findings of this review have led to several recommendations to enhance the promotion of EBF practices in Nigeria. These include bolstering breastfeeding education and awareness, implementing workplace policies that support breastfeeding, addressing sociocultural barriers through community-based interventions, enhancing healthcare support, and conducting ongoing research and monitoring efforts

    Impacts of clustering of vegetable farmers in the Philippines

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    This assessment was made as part of a systematic process of evaluating the impacts of clustering vegetable farmers in the southern Philippines. Program theory was used to map the impacts. The performance of cluster and non-cluster farmers was compared. Farmers’ performance before and after clustering was also examined. The study found that, on average, cluster farmers had higher incomes than non-cluster farmers. Moreover, farmers increased their income by about 47% after clustering. Examining the returns on investment in the research project, it was found that the net present value (NPV) was 35.3 million pesos, the internal rate of return (IRR) 48.6% and the benefit:cost ratio (BCR) 2.47. When spillover effects were considered at a 5% adoption rate, the NPV, IRR and BCR increased to 106.9 million pesos, 81.5% and 3.8, respectively

    Social Capital and Trust in Collaborative Marketing Groups: the Case of Vegetable Clusters in the Southern Philippines

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    Over the past two decades, numerous studies have explored the role and the impact of social capital in organizations. Social capital helps overcome problems of institutional access to information, credit, the supply of farm inputs and the provision of government services. Despite the increasing number of studies, the role of social capital and trust in collaborative marketing arrangements for smallholder producers remains relatively unexplored. This study examines social capital among cluster marketing groups in three regions of the Southern Philippines. The results show that social capital in the form of affiliations and networks, social cohesiveness, open communication and trust had positive benefits for each of the cluster marketing groups

    Impact of Collaborative Marketing on Vegetable Production Systems: the Case of Clustering in the Southern Philippines

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    In the Southern Philippines, the clustering method has been introduced to smallholder vegetable farmers as a development approach to facilitate linkages with markets, while simultaneously assisting farmers to establish more organized and effective groups. For the clusters to sustain their linkages with buyers, they must often adapt their production systems to meet the buyers’ requirements. This study explores the impact of cluster marketing on vegetable production systems in the Southern Philippines. Key changes in the production systems include the use of superior varieties to increase the marketable yield and to mitigate disease, the introduction of protected cropping through rain shelters to minimize losses from adverse climatic conditions, and the application of non-chemical inputs to reduce production costs

    Experiences with the Catholic Relief Services' clustering process for agroenterprise development and some suggestions for improvement

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    An evaluation of the Catholic Relief Services’ (CRS) eight-step clustering approach to agroenterprise development was a key focus of the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) – Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCAARRD) horticulture project on ‘Enhancing the profitability of selected vegetable value chains in the southern Philippines’. The CRS approach encourages farmers to form small, collaborative marketing groups (clusters) and to facilitate the sustainable development of these clusters. The research, which used participative action learning and action research processes, identified that an enhanced clustering approach should incorporate processes that overcome issues such as: input financing arrangements to replace loans from informal moneylenders and traders; risks associated with production failures and pest and disease problems; maintaining relationships with buyers; and building group resilience and independence so that donor agencies have an exit strategy. The research findings suggest that to enhance the sustainability of the clusters the CRS eight-step process should be applied to three phases: (i) establishment, (ii) building resilience and (iii) implementing an exit strategy

    Marketing Benefits Derived from Clustering: the Case of Vegetable Clusters in Mindanao

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    One of the most limiting constraints for improving the profitability of smallholder vegetable farmers is poor marketing. With the lack of knowledge and inability to negotiate with downstream buyers, farmers have little option other than to sell their products to the traditional market. To facilitate access to technical information, credit and institutional markets, smallholder farmers are forming collaborative marketing groups. Clustering is one form of collaborative marketing in which smallholder farmers are organized into small groups within a defined territory or geographic area. Using the CRS Eight Step Plan for Agro-enterprise Development, 29 clusters were formed in three provinces in the Southern Philippines. This study explores the various marketing benefits smallholder farmers have achieved after joining the cluster. After interviewing 61 vegetable farmers from 10 clusters using a structured questionnaire, results show that upon joining the cluster, farmers became more aware of their buyer’s preference for product quality and gained knowledge on how to properly handle and package their produce. Cluster farmers increased their income from vegetable farming by selling a greater product variety, a larger volume and gaining access to high value markets

    Theory and Practice of Participatory Action Research and Learning with Cluster Marketing Groups in Mindanao, Philippines

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    Researching and developing new arrangements for marketing smallholder products in the transitional economies is complex and requires an agribusiness systems approach. One approach to addressing complex problems is for researchers to facilitate an action learning process with farmers and market intermediaries, while using an action research process to investigate the factors that enhance the chances of success for farmer groups. This paper reviews the literature on action learning, action research and participatory processes in an attempt to clarify some of the terminology and define the similarities and differences. It outlines research into a framework to improve the effectiveness and resilience of cluster marketing groups through the application of these processes to smallholder vegetable chains in Mindanao, the southern Philippines

    Microfinance as the key factor affecting farmers’ investment decision-making: cluster experiences in Impasugong, Bukidnon, the Philippines

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    This paper focuses on how microfinance has affected the investment decision making of squash and bitter gourd cluster farmers in Impasugong in the Southern Philippines. The farmers received loans from a microfinance institution (MFI) but because of production problems farmers were not able to meet their buyers’ requirements. The squash cluster disintegrated, while the bitter gourd cluster decided to diversify into onion production and to adopt organic fertilizers as a more cost effective means of production. As a result of these setbacks, both the clusters and the MFI learned some valuable lessons including; the role of microfinance in production; the risks associated with loans; and the level of support received by the farmers. Sustainability of livelihoods is the key factor that keeps the MFI and the farmers together. As the farmers aspire to maintain production, they will continue to need access to financial resources to meet their farm and family commitments

    La psicopedagogía y su labor en el contexto de la educación moderna y las políticas sociales vigentes.

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    Tesis (Psicopedagogo, Licenciado en Educación)Es en esta etapa, final de un largo proceso educativo y de formación, y comienzo de nuevos desafíos profesionales, cuando surgen interrogantes sobre nuestro futuro como psicopedagogas. Es necesario comprender el campo de acción de la psicopedagogía, los roles concretos que se dan en la práctica y, en general, sobre los fundamentos de la disciplina y su importancia en la actualidad