16 research outputs found

    Analyses of transcriptomes and global histone modification patterns in Arabidopsis hybrids at early developmental stages

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    University of Technology Sydney. Faculty of Science.Heterosis has been used for decades in the crop industry, especially in the production of rice and maize. Hybrids usually exceed their parents in plant biomass, seed number and seed weight. Previous findings suggested that heterosis could be associated with altered gene expression in hybrids. In some cases, alterations in gene expression are associated with the alterations in epigenetic factors, such as DNA methylation and histone modifications. Although biomass heterosis has been shown in hybrids at relatively late developmental stages, the timing of heterosis establishment is not clear. In this project, the transcriptomes and global histone modification patterns were analysed in Arabidopsis hybrids at early stages of seedling development. The results suggested that biomass heterosis was present in young seedlings of Ler/C24 hybrids. This early heterosis was associated with transient changes in the hybrids relative to the parents in the activities of genes involved in critical pathways, including photosynthesis pathways, responsible for plant growth. A limited role for histone modifications in regulating the differentially expressed genes in hybrid seeds was shown. Finally, our results demonstrated that allelic expression patterns in hybrid seeds anticipate those in parents at later developmental stages

    Association between napping and type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    As the incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is increasing rapidly and its consequences are severe, effective intervention and prevention, including sleep-related interventions, are urgently needed. As a component of sleep architecture, naps, alone or in combination with nocturnal sleep, may influence the onset and progression of T2DM. Overall, napping is associated with an increased risk of T2DM in women, especially in postmenopausal White women. Our study showed that napping >30 minutes (min) increased the risk of T2DM by 8-21%. In addition, non-optimal nighttime sleep increases T2DM risk, and this effect combines with the effect of napping. For nondiabetic patients, napping >30 min could increase the risks of high HbA1c levels and impaired fasting glucose (IFG), which would increase the risk of developing T2DM later on. For diabetic patients, prolonged napping may further impair glycemic control and increase the risk of developing diabetic complications (e.g., diabetic nephropathy) in the distant future. The following three mechanisms are suggested as interpretations for the association between napping and T2DM. First, napping >30 min increases the levels of important inflammatory factors, including interleukin 6 and C-reactive protein, elevating the risks of inflammation, associated adiposity and T2DM. Second, the interaction between postmenopausal hormonal changes and napping further increases insulin resistance. Third, prolonged napping may also affect melatonin secretion by interfering with nighttime sleep, leading to circadian rhythm disruption and further increasing the risk of T2DM. This review summarizes the existing evidence on the effect of napping on T2DM and provides detailed information for future T2DM intervention and prevention strategies that address napping

    Analysis of the Characteristics of CH4 Emissions in China’s Coal Mining Industry and Research on Emission Reduction Measures

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    CH4 is the second-largest greenhouse gas and has a significant impact on global warming. China has the largest amount of anthropogenic coal mine methane (CMM) emissions in the world, with coal mining emissions (or gas emissions) accounting for 90% of total energy industry emissions. The results of CH4 emission inventories from previous studies vary widely, with differences in the spatial and temporal dimensions of gas emission factors of belowground mining being the main points of disagreement. Affected by the policies of “eliminating backward production capacity” and “transferring energy base to the northwest”, China’s coal production layout has changed greatly in the past ten years, but the closely related CH4 emission factors have not been dynamically adjusted. This paper investigated 23 major coal producing provinces in China, obtained CH4 emission data from coal mining, calculated CH4 emission factors in line with current production conditions, and studied the reduction measures of coal mine gas emission. According to the CH4 emission data of China’s coal mines in 2018, 15.8 Tg of methane is released per year in the coal mining industry in China, and 11.8 Tg after deducting recycling. Shanxi Province’s CH4 emissions are much higher than those of other provinces, accounting for 35.5% of the country’s total emissions. The weighted CH4 emission factor of coal mining in China is 6.77 m3/t, of which Chongqing is the highest at approximately 60.9 m3/t. Compared with the predicted value of the IPCC, the growth trend of CCM has slowed significantly, and the CH4 utilization rate has gradually increased. This change may be aided by China’s coal industry’s policy to resolve excess capacity by closing many high-gas and gas outburst coal mines. In addition, the improvement of coal mine gas extraction and utilization technology has also produced a relatively significant effect. This paper determines the distribution of methane emissions and emission sources in China’s coal mining industry, which is useful in formulating CCM emission reduction targets and adopting more efficient measures

    Correlational analysis of occupational accidents and the safety policies in the Chinese coal mining industry from 2008 to 2021

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    Abstract This study investigates the correlation between previous coal mine safety policies and accidents in China. Data on coal mine accidents and government regulatory information from 2008 to 2021 are collected. The characteristics of coal mine accidents are analyzed, and safety policy indexes are identified. An ordinary least squares (OLS) regression model is established to quantitatively analyze the correlation between accidents and safety policy. The study finds that safety policies have some impact on accident occurrence in coal mines. Although there has been a decrease in accidents and deaths over time, higher mortality rates are observed during periods of increased production intensity and on weekends. Gas accidents are the most common, followed by roof and flood accidents. The study concludes that national safety policies with wider coverage and a stronger system are effective in preventing accidents, but caution should be exercised to avoid reduced vigilance with decreasing death rates

    Research on Macroscopic Mechanical Behavior of Recycled Aggregate Concrete Based on Mesoscale

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    Recycled concrete is a heterogeneous composite material, and the composition and volume fraction of each phase affect its macroscopic properties. In this paper, ANSYS APDL was used to construct a two-dimensional numerical model of recycled aggregate concrete with different replacement rates of recycled aggregate (0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%), and a uniaxial compression test was carried out to explore the relationship between recycled aggregate content and its macroscopic mechanical behavior. On this basis, the numerical simulation of different strain rates (0.1 s−1, 0.05 s−1, 0.01 s−1, 0.005 s−1 and 0.001 s−1) was carried out. It was found that with the increase in the recycled aggregate replacement rate, the peak stress decreases first and then increases, and the peak strain increases continuously. When the replacement rate of recycled aggregate exceeds 50%, the overall damage area of the material increases rapidly. The strain rate will change the path of the micro-crack initiation and expansion of recycled concrete, as well as the process of damage accumulation and evolution. As a result, the unit area and shape of recycled concrete are different at different strain rates, and the damage degree of each phase material is also different

    Additional file 2: Data S1. of Genome-wide analyses of four major histone modifications in Arabidopsis hybrids at the germinating seed stage

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    Number of sequenced reads mapped to reference genome. Data S2. List of the genes with non-additive expression and consistent non-additive histone modifications in LxC and CxL at germination stage. (XLSX 5193 kb

    Novel Information-Driven Smoothing Spline Linearization Method for High-Precision Displacement Sensors Based on Information Criterions

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    A noise-resistant linearization model that reveals the true nonlinearity of the sensor is essential for retrieving accurate physical displacement from the signals captured by sensing electronics. In this paper, we propose a novel information-driven smoothing spline linearization method, which innovatively integrates one new and three standard information criterions into a smoothing spline for the high-precision displacement sensors’ linearization. Using theoretical analysis and Monte Carlo simulation, the proposed linearization method is demonstrated to outperform traditional polynomial and spline linearization methods for high-precision displacement sensors with a low noise to range ratio in the 10−5 level. Validation experiments were carried out on two different types of displacement sensors to benchmark the performance of the proposed method compared to the polynomial models and the the non-smoothing cubic spline. The results show that the proposed method with the new modified Akaike Information Criterion stands out compared to the other linearization methods and can improve the residual nonlinearity by over 50% compared to the standard polynomial model. After being linearized via the proposed method, the residual nonlinearities reach as low as ±0.0311% F.S. (Full Scale of Range), for the 1.5 mm range chromatic confocal displacement sensor, and ±0.0047% F.S., for the 100 mm range laser triangulation displacement sensor