3,827 research outputs found

    Sharing Polarization within Quantum Subspaces

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    Given an ensemble of n spins, at least some of which are partially polarized, we investigate the sharing of this polarization within a subspace of k spins. We assume that the sharing results in a pseudopure state, characterized by a single purity parameter which we call the bias. As a concrete example we consider ensembles of spin-1/2 nuclei in liquid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) systems. The shared bias levels are compared with some current entanglement bounds to determine whether the reduced subspaces can give rise to entangled states.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Pengaruh Pelaksanaan Promosi terhadap Keputusan Konsumen Memilih Jasa Akomodasi (Studi Kasus Hotel Benteng Pekanbaru)

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    Execution of Promotion is networking of target and target, policy and order giving direction to effort marketing of company from time to time, at every level and reference and also its location, especially as response of company in face of environment and circumstance of emulation changing. Needs consument grow because an motif of pursuant to attribute suit fancy and its requirement in using an service activities, pursuant to the mentioned hence the company have to precisely design strategy of marketing to draw enthusiasm from within x\u27self of consumer is in order to interested to product of service which on the market so that if consumer have had an interest in the product hence there will be decision to buy the product and generate decision of consumer buy.This research is conducted in Hotel of Benteng Pekanbaru which have location in road street of Soekarno Hatta kav 10-12, Pekanbaru. Target of this Research is conducted to know influence of execution of promotion to decision of buy of at Hotel Benteng Pekanbaru.In this research is methodologies used by quantitative and descriptive with program SPSS, where sampel used by that is patient of visitor of Hotel Benteng Pekanbaru and as source of information is HRD, Front of Office and Manager marketing. To determine sampel use formula Slovin, method of sampling by accidental sampling. Technics of data collecting of through interview, observation and kuesioner.From result analyse data covering validity test, reabilitas, and linear regresi modestly, execution of promotion in research of inimeliputi 4 that good component is advertisement, publicity, sales promotion, and the personal sale. Each owning indicator which each other be interconnected and have an effect on positive to decision of buy of service of room;chamber of Hotel of Benteng Pekanbar

    Pertumbuhan Tanaman Bawang Merah Asal True Shallot Seed Terhadap Aplikasi Berbagai Dosis Pupuk Kalium dan Trichokompos Kotoran Ayam

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    Penerapan teknologi budidaya bawang merah True Shallot Seed (TSS) merupakan awal yang positif untuk mengatasi permasalahan bibit umbi para petani. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari – Agustus 2022 di Rumah Kaca, serta Laboratorium Fisiologi dan Pemuliaan Tanaman, Fakultas Peternakan dan Pertanian, Universitas Diponegoro. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap Faktorial dengan 2 faktor. Faktor pertama adalah dosis pupuk kalium dengan 4 taraf perlakuan, yaitu : K0 = Kontrol; K1 = 57 kg. ha-1K2O; K2 = 114 kg. ha-1 K2O; dan K3 = 171 kg. ha-1 K2O. Faktor kedua adalah dosis trichokompos kotoran ayam dengan 4 taraf perlakuan, yaitu : T0 = Kontrol; T1 = 10 ton.ha-1; T2 = 20 ton.ha-1; dan T3 = 30 ton.ha-1. Percobaan terdiri dari 16 kombinasi perlakuan dengan 3 ulangan. Hasil penelitian yaitu pupuk kalium 171 kg.ha-1 berpengaruh pada penurunan tinggi tanaman sebesar 11,84% dan berat tajuk kering sebesar 26,08%. Trichokompos 10 ton.ha-1 berpengaruh pada peningkatan tinggi tanaman sebesar 41,26%, jumlah daun sebesar 21,28%, berat tajuk segar sebesar 100%, dan berat tajuk kering sebesar 93,54%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian pupuk kalium pada media tanam dengan nutrisi kalium yang cukup tidak efektif. Aplikasi Trichokompos 10 ton/ha sudah mampu meningkatkan 64,02% pertumbuhan bawang merah asal True Shallot Seed (TSS).Kata kunci: Trichoderma, Tuk-tuk, Unsur Har

    Studi Kelayakan Penggunaan Mesin Diesel Dengan Metode Break Even Point (Bep) Dan Analisis Sensitivitas Pada Pltd (Studi Kasus : PT Pln Persero Sektor Pembangkitan Lombok Pltd Ampenan)

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    This study intended to analyze the feasibility of the use of the Power Plant (PLTD) of Ampenan using the break even point (BEP) and sensitivity analysis. That there are several alternatives that can be taken are: first, if the use of the selling price to the public\u27s ability to     Rp. 800 per kWh and a subsidy of Rp. 29.758.612.278 per month, then power plant will have a turnover in the  month to 12 to earn a revenue of Rp. 159.148.857.478. Secondly, if the use of the selling price to Rp. 900 per kWh and a subsidy of Rp. 28.100.809.978 per month, then power plant  will have a turnover in the month to 12  to earn a revenue of Rp. 179.042.464.663. Thirdly, if the use of the selling price to Rp. 1000 per kWh and a subsidy of Rp. 26.443.007.678 per month, then power plant will have a turnover in the month to 12 to earn a revenue of        Rp. 199.936.071.847. Then the results of research using sensitivity analysis to changes in the initial investment is known that the increase in initial investment 600,83% below power plant  is still feasible to operate.. But the power plant  would not be feasible to operate when the increase 600,83% above the initial investment.Furthermore the sensitivity analysis to changes in income are known to decrease in revenue of less than 85,73% of power plant is still worth operating.  But if the decline in revenue was down more than 85,73% power plant operation is not feasible
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