75 research outputs found

    The effect of optically thin cirrus clouds on solar radiation in Camagüey, Cuba

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    The effect of optically thin cirrus clouds on solar radiation is analyzed by numerical simulation, using lidar measurements of cirrus conducted at Camagüey, Cuba. Sign and amplitude of the cirrus clouds effect on solar radiation is evaluated. There is a relation between the solar zenith angle and solar cirrus cloud radiative forcing (SCRF) present in the diurnal cycle of the SCRF. Maximums of SCRF out of noon located at the cirrus cloud base height are found for the thin and opaque cirrus clouds. The cirrus clouds optical depth (COD) threshold for having double SCRF maximum out of noon instead of a single one at noon was 0.083. In contrast, the heating rate shows a maximum at noon in the location of cirrus clouds maximum extinction values. Cirrus clouds have a cooling effect in the solar spectrum at the Top of the Atmosphere (TOA) and at the surface (SFC). The daily mean value of SCRF has an average value of −9.1 W m<sup>−2</sup> at TOA and −5.6 W m<sup>−2</sup> at SFC. The cirrus clouds also have a local heating effect on the atmospheric layer where they are located. Cirrus clouds have mean daily values of heating rates of 0.63 K day<sup>−1</sup> with a range between 0.35 K day<sup>−1</sup> and 1.24 K day<sup>−1</sup>. The principal effect is in the near-infrared spectral band of the solar spectrum. There is a linear relation between SCRF and COD, with −30 W m<sup>−2</sup> COD<sup>−1</sup> and −26 W m<sup>−2</sup> COD<sup>−1</sup>, values for the slopes of the fits at the TOA and SFC, respectively, in the broadband solar spectrum

    Análisis del plano sagital en las escoliosis idiopáticas tratadas con instrumentación Cotrel-Dubousset

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    Se analiza la evolución del plano sagital en 50 enfermos con escoliosis idiopática intervenidos mediante artrodesis posterior con instrumentación de Cotrel-Dubousset con un seguimiento medio de 72 meses. Se recogieron los valores evolutivos de cifosis torácica medida entre T5 y T12 y de lordosis lumbar medida entre Ll y L5. Las curvas escolióticas fueron clasificadas según King et al. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que no existía una variación global significativa de la cifosis torácica tras la cirugía. Sólo en aquellos enfermos que previamente existía una hipocifosis torácica existía una mejoría estadísticamente significativa de la misma con la intervención. Se evidenció una clara tendencia al incremento de la cifosis torácica con el tiempo. La lordosis lumbar se mantuvo, en la mayoría de los casos, dentro de límites fisiológicos. La instrumentación de Cotrel-Dubousset ofrece ventajas evidentes respecto a instrumentaciones previas en lo que respecta a la obtención de una curva más fisiológica en el plano sagital. Permite corregir la hipocifosis torácica severa y mantener la lordosis lumbar dentro de límites normales, incluso en instrumentaciones por debajo de L3.Sagittal plane analysis of 50 patients with idiopathic scoliosis treated with Cotrel- Dubousset instrumentation was performed. Mean follow-up was 72 months. The values of thoracic kyphosis from T5 to T12 and lumbar lordosis from L1 to L5 were retrospectively reviewed. Scoliotic curves were classified according to King et al. The results showed that there was not any significant change in thoracic kyphosis after surgery. Only those patients with preoperative thoracic hypokyphosis achieved a significant realignment. There was an obvious increase of thoracic kyphosis with time. Lumbar lordosis was maintained within normal limits in the mayority of patients. Cotrel-Dubousset instrumentation achieves better sagittal alignment than previous systems. It corrects thoracic hypokyphosis and preserves lumbar lordosis, even when the instrumentation is carried out lower than L3

    Avulsión de la tuberosidad anterior de la tibia asociada a rotura del tendón cuadricipital

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    Se presenta 1 caso de fractura-avulsión de la tuberosidad anterior de la tibia asociada a rotura del tendón cuadricipital en un varón de 16 años. Tras el tratamiento quirúrgico de la fractura tuberositaria, y a pesar de haber pasado inicialmcnte inadvertida la lesión tendinosa, el resultado final a los 9 meses ha sido satisfactorio.A case of avulsion-fracture of the anterior tibial tubercle associated with rupture of the cuadricipital tendon in a 16-ycars-old boy is presented. After surgical treatment, in spite of having overlooked initially the tendinous lesion, the functional result at 9 months follow-up has been satisfactory

    Pseudotumor de pisiforme: a propósito de 1 caso

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    Se presenta 1 caso de pseudotumor del pisiforme con dolor crónico en eminencia hipotenar y compresión del nervio cubital en un varón de 33 años. El diagnóstico histológico definitivo fue de callo hipertrófico con degeneración cartilaginosa focal del hueso pisiforme. Se presupone el origen laboral de la lesión, secundaria a microtraumatismos repetidos por martillo neumático. Se practicó exéresis simple del hueso, con un resultado excelente a los 6 meses. Los autores piensan que el tratamiento de elección hubiera sido la inmovilización precoz al comienzo de la sintomatología.A case of pseudotumor of the pisiform vvith cronic pain in the hipothenar eminence and compression neuropathy of the ulnar nerve in Guyon's canal in a 33 year old man is reported. Pathologic diagnosis was consistent vvith hypertrophic fracture callus and focal degenerative changes in the articular surface of the pisiform. Repetitive minor trauma in his job as a miner, while using pneumatic hammer is presumed to be the main etiologic factor. Simple excision of the pisiform was performed vvith excelent functional result at 6 months. The authors believe that early inmobilization when the symptoms started, vvould have been the ideal treatmen

    Cotilos roscado y atornillado recubiertos de hidroxiapatita: estudio comparativo

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    Se estudian 122 cotilos recubiertos de hidroxiapatita, 45 roscados y 77 atornillados, con un seguimiento medio de 3,8 años. La valoración clínica se hizo según el protocolo de Johnston comparando el estado previo y el actual, obteniendo un 93 % de excelentes y buenos resultados en los cotilos roscados y un 83 % con los atornillados. El cotilo roscado ofreció mejores puntuaciones en las necrosis avasculares (p<0,01) y artrosis primarias (p<0,05). El resultado clínico fue mejor en la artrosis primaria que en los recambios (p<0,05) y las artropatías inflamatorias (p<0,01). No se evidenciaron aflojamientos, encontrándose como única diferencia la posición más horizontal de los implantes roscados. En el sexo masculino fue más frecuente la aparición de calcificaciones periarticulares. Se produjeron un 7% de luxaciones que se asociaron a la mayor altura del cotilo sobre la lágrima y a la menor longitud del cuello femoral por encima del trocánter menor.One hundred twenty two hidroxyapatite-coated acetabular implants, 45 threaded and 77 fixed with screws, were reviewed. The average follow-up period was 3.8 years. The results have been very encouraging, obtaining 93% of excellent and good results with threaded cups and 83 % when fixed with screws. Threaded cups had better scores for avascular necrosis (p<0.01) and primary osteoarthrosis (p<0.05). The worse results were achieved for patients with revisions and inflamatory diseases. No evidence of loosening was found. The placement of threaded cups was more horizontal. Male sex was associated with developing of heterotopic ossification. There were 7% of dislocations associated with a longes distance from the teardrop and as shorter length of the calcar from the lesser trochanter

    Impact of missing sounding reports on mandatory levels and tropopause statistics: a case study

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    This paper describes the effect of missing sounding reports on temperature and pressure mean values for mandatory levels using the aerological information from the Camagüey Meteorological Centre. Also it is described the effect of missing data on mean temperature and pressure values at the multiple tropopause levels. The case study belongs to one station for a time lag of eight years. Up to the present these types of studies have been conducted using simulated datasets. The present one uses a real inhomogeneous radiosonde dataset. The main reason for missing reports were transmission problems and possible encoding-decoding difficulties. It has been found that profiles of the mean temperature and altitude show little differences between the complete and incomplete datasets. Moreover, no statistical significant differences were found for the mean values of the variables for the complete and incomplete datasets. The most probable reason for those results is that the cause of the missing reports has a random behaviour. Finally we have found that the only two effects noticed on the statistics were slightly higher values of the mean temperatures in the complete dataset and the decrease in the percent of multiple tropopause reports for the incomplete dataset

    Técnica de Imhäuser en el pie zambo : resultados a medio y largo plazo

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    Se revisan un total de 60 pies con equinovaro congénito pertenecientes a 48 pacientes, todos con un seguimiento superior a 5 años. En todos los casos se realizó un tratamiento combinado: ortopédico (manipulaciones y enyesados desde el nacimiento) y quirúrgico (correcciones según el método de Imhäuser modificado). Se valoró morfológica, funcional y radiográficamente cada caso. En la valoración global sólo 1 caso fue considerado malo, 13 regulares (21,6%), 6 por pies planos valgos, 3 por pronato de antepié y 4 por adducto de antepié, y 12 buenos (20%), aunque presentaban alguna alteración morfológica o funcional mínima, y 34 excelentes (56,6%). Se concluye que: 1) la técnica de Imhäuser ofrece en este trabajo el 77% de excelentes y buenos resultados; 2) el 2.° y 3.cr se pueden resumir en uno solo, el hemitrasplante del tibial anterior, y 3) los resultados clínicos, morfológicos y funcionales son superiores a los radiográficos.—We cheked 42 patients with club-feet (60 feet), all of them with follow-up over 5 years. All the patients received a mixed treatment: orthopaedic (manipulation and plastering) and surgical (Imhäuser technique modified). We evaluated morphological, functional and radiographic parameters. In the overall evaluation only one of the cases was considered bad result; 13 (21.6%) fair results, 6 with valgus flat feet, 3 with pronatus forefoot and 4 with adductus forefoot; 12 (20%) good results, with a minimal morphologic or functional alterations; 34 (56.6%) were excellents results. Conclutions: 1) Imhäuser technic had 77% of good or excellent results in this work; 2) the second and third Imhäuser surgical times can be summarized in only one: the external hemitrasplant of the tibial anterior tendon, and 3) clinics, morphologics and functional results are better than radiographics results

    Measurement of circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D: A historical review

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    The constantly increasing requests for the measurement of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D over the last years has led reagent manufacturers to market different automated and semi-automated methods, that being unfortunately not fully harmonized, yield different results. Liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS2) has more recently been introduced. This approach allows the distinction between the two forms of 25-hydroxyvitamin D and to measure other metabolites. This approach also requires harmonization to curtail the differences between the different analytical methods. To meet this requirement, the American National Institutes of Health (NIH), the CDC (Centre for Disease Control and Prevention) in Atlanta, the NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) and the vitamin D Reference laboratory of Ghent University have pooled their expertise to develop a standardization program. This article reviews the main elements and the difficulties of the automated and semi-automated methods for 25-hydroxyvitamin D, from sample preparation to the analytical phase, as well as those related to mass spectrometry. It also addresses the issues related to the clinical decision thresholds and the possibility of measurements in different biological liquids
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