1,489 research outputs found

    Embedding Brans-Dicke gravity into electroweak theory

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    We argue that a version of the four dimensional Brans-Dicke theory can be embedded in the standard flat spacetime electroweak theory. The embedding involves a change of variables that separates the isospin from the hypercharge in the electroweak theory.Comment: 4 pages, no figures; replaced to match published versio

    Evidence of Cooper pair pumping with combined flux and voltage control

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    We have experimentally demonstrated pumping of Cooper pairs in a single-island mesoscopic structure. The island was connected to leads through SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interference Device) loops. Synchronized flux and voltage signals were applied whereby the Josephson energies of the SQUIDs and the gate charge were tuned adiabatically. From the current-voltage characteristics one can see that the pumped current increases in 1e steps which is due to quasiparticle poisoning on the measurement time scale, but we argue that the transport of charge is due to Cooper pairs.Comment: 4 page

    Elastic Energy and Phase Structure in a Continuous Spin Ising Chain with Applications to the Protein Folding Problem

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    We present a numerical Monte Carlo analysis of a continuos spin Ising chain that can describe the statistical proterties of folded proteins. We find that depending on the value of the Metropolis temperature, the model displays the three known nontrivial phases of polymers: At low temperatures the model is in a collapsed phase, at medium temperatures it is in a random walk phase, and at high temperatures it enters the self-avoiding random walk phase. By investigating the temperature dependence of the specific energy we confirm that the transition between the collapsed phase and the random walk phase is a phase transition, while the random walk phase and self-avoiding random walk phase are separated from each other by a cross-over transition. We also compare the predictions of the model to a phenomenological elastic energy formula, proposed by Huang and Lei to describe folded proteins.Comment: 12 pages, 23 figures, RevTeX 4.

    Magnetic Geometry and the Confinement of Electrically Conducting Plasmas

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    We develop an effective field theory approach to inspect the electromagnetic interactions in an electrically neutral plasma, with an equal number of negative and positive charge carriers. We argue that the static equilibrium configurations within the plasma are topologically stable solitons, that describe knotted and linked fluxtubes of helical magnetic fields.Comment: 9 pages 1 ps-figur

    Partially Dual variables in SU(2) Yang-Mills Theory

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    We propose a reformulation of SU(2) Yang-Mills theory in terms of new variables. These variables are appropriate for describing the theory in its infrared limit, and indicate that it admits knotlike configurations as stable solitons. As a consequence we arrive at a dual picture of the Yang-Mills theory where the short distance limit describes asymptotically free, massless point gluons and the large distance limit describes extended, massive knotlike solitons.Comment: 4 pages, revtex twocolum

    Mean-Field Dynamics: Singular Potentials and Rate of Convergence

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    We consider the time evolution of a system of NN identical bosons whose interaction potential is rescaled by N1N^{-1}. We choose the initial wave function to describe a condensate in which all particles are in the same one-particle state. It is well known that in the mean-field limit NN \to \infty the quantum NN-body dynamics is governed by the nonlinear Hartree equation. Using a nonperturbative method, we extend previous results on the mean-field limit in two directions. First, we allow a large class of singular interaction potentials as well as strong, possibly time-dependent external potentials. Second, we derive bounds on the rate of convergence of the quantum NN-body dynamics to the Hartree dynamics.Comment: Typos correcte

    Delocalization and Diffusion Profile for Random Band Matrices

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    We consider Hermitian and symmetric random band matrices H=(hxy)H = (h_{xy}) in d1d \geq 1 dimensions. The matrix entries hxyh_{xy}, indexed by x,y \in (\bZ/L\bZ)^d, are independent, centred random variables with variances s_{xy} = \E |h_{xy}|^2. We assume that sxys_{xy} is negligible if xy|x-y| exceeds the band width WW. In one dimension we prove that the eigenvectors of HH are delocalized if WL4/5W\gg L^{4/5}. We also show that the magnitude of the matrix entries \abs{G_{xy}}^2 of the resolvent G=G(z)=(Hz)1G=G(z)=(H-z)^{-1} is self-averaging and we compute \E \abs{G_{xy}}^2. We show that, as LL\to\infty and WL4/5W\gg L^{4/5}, the behaviour of \E |G_{xy}|^2 is governed by a diffusion operator whose diffusion constant we compute. Similar results are obtained in higher dimensions

    Solitons and Collapse in the lambda-repressor protein

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    The enterobacteria lambda phage is a paradigm temperate bacteriophage. Its lysogenic and lytic life cycles echo competition between the DNA binding λ\lambda-repressor (CI) and CRO proteins. Here we scrutinize the structure, stability and folding pathways of the λ\lambda-repressor protein, that controls the transition from the lysogenic to the lytic state. We first investigate the super-secondary helix-loop-helix composition of its backbone. We use a discrete Frenet framing to resolve the backbone spectrum in terms of bond and torsion angles. Instead of four, there appears to be seven individual loops. We model the putative loops using an explicit soliton Ansatz. It is based on the standard soliton profile of the continuum nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation. The accuracy of the Ansatz far exceeds the B-factor fluctuation distance accuracy of the experimentally determined protein configuration. We then investigate the folding pathways and dynamics of the λ\lambda-repressor protein. We introduce a coarse-grained energy function to model the backbone in terms of the Cα_\alpha atoms and the side-chains in terms of the relative orientation of the Cβ_\beta atoms. We describe the folding dynamics in terms of relaxation dynamics, and find that the folded configuration can be reached from a very generic initial configuration. We conclude that folding is dominated by the temporal ordering of soliton formation. In particular, the third soliton should appear before the first and second. Otherwise, the DNA binding turn does not acquire its correct structure. We confirm the stability of the folded configuration by repeated heating and cooling simulations

    Counter Machines and Distributed Automata: A Story about Exchanging Space and Time

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    We prove the equivalence of two classes of counter machines and one class of distributed automata. Our counter machines operate on finite words, which they read from left to right while incrementing or decrementing a fixed number of counters. The two classes differ in the extra features they offer: one allows to copy counter values, whereas the other allows to compute copyless sums of counters. Our distributed automata, on the other hand, operate on directed path graphs that represent words. All nodes of a path synchronously execute the same finite-state machine, whose state diagram must be acyclic except for self-loops, and each node receives as input the state of its direct predecessor. These devices form a subclass of linear-time one-way cellular automata.Comment: 15 pages (+ 13 pages of appendices), 5 figures; To appear in the proceedings of AUTOMATA 2018

    On dimension reduction in Gaussian filters

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    A priori dimension reduction is a widely adopted technique for reducing the computational complexity of stationary inverse problems. In this setting, the solution of an inverse problem is parameterized by a low-dimensional basis that is often obtained from the truncated Karhunen-Loeve expansion of the prior distribution. For high-dimensional inverse problems equipped with smoothing priors, this technique can lead to drastic reductions in parameter dimension and significant computational savings. In this paper, we extend the concept of a priori dimension reduction to non-stationary inverse problems, in which the goal is to sequentially infer the state of a dynamical system. Our approach proceeds in an offline-online fashion. We first identify a low-dimensional subspace in the state space before solving the inverse problem (the offline phase), using either the method of "snapshots" or regularized covariance estimation. Then this subspace is used to reduce the computational complexity of various filtering algorithms - including the Kalman filter, extended Kalman filter, and ensemble Kalman filter - within a novel subspace-constrained Bayesian prediction-and-update procedure (the online phase). We demonstrate the performance of our new dimension reduction approach on various numerical examples. In some test cases, our approach reduces the dimensionality of the original problem by orders of magnitude and yields up to two orders of magnitude in computational savings