213 research outputs found

    Dolphin Morbillivirus in Eurasian Otters, Italy

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    We report biomolecular evidence of dolphin morbillivirus in 4 wild Eurasian otters (Lutra lutra) from southern Italy; 2 animals showed simultaneous immunohistochemical reactivity against morbilliviral antigen. These cases add further concern and support to the progressively expanding host range of dolphin morbillivirus in the western Mediterranean Sea

    Synthesis and Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization of a New Norbornene Dicarboximide with a Pendant Carbazole Moiety

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    A new norbornene dicarboximide presenting a pendant carbazole moiety linked by a p-methylene benzyl spacer is synthesized. This carbazole-functionalized monomer is polymerized via ring-opening metathesis polymerization using Grubbs third-generation catalyst. Microstructural analysis of resulting polymers performed by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) shows that they are stereoirregular. Wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD) and thermal (DSC) analysis indicate that polymers are also amorphous. With respect to the fluorescence analysis, both solution and film polymer samples exhibit only "normal structured" carbazole fluorescence, while excimer formation by overlap of carbazole groups is not detected

    The Introduction of the Income Tax, Fiscal Capacity, and Migration: Evidence from U.S. States

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    We evaluate how fiscal capacity and migration respond to the introduction of the individual income tax, drawing on new panel data on U.S. states from 1900 to 2010. We find that states that introduced the income tax experienced a 12 percent increase in total revenue per capita in the near term, a 15 percent increase in the medium term, and a 17 percent increase in the long term. However, the introduction of the income tax did not significantly change the absolute level of revenue over the long term, at least for post-World War II adopters. To explain this difference in the per capita and absolute results, we show that the introduction of the income tax induced significant outmigration to non-income tax states by middle- and high-earning households

    Large Follicular Cyst Associated with Upper Third Molar in the Maxillary Sinus with Pterygomaxillary Space Extension: Reflection on a Case Report

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    BACKGROUND: Follicular cysts are osteolytic lesions characterized by greater growth, differentiation, and degeneration potentials, compared to inflammatory root cysts. Those connected to upper third molars can disrupt the neighboring teeth and extend to maxillary sinus and adjacent anatomical structures. CASE PRESENTATION: In this study, we present a case of a large dimension follicular cyst associated with the upper third molar, extended to maxillary antrum and pterygomaxillary space, uncommon for dimensions, involving meso- and sovra-structure describing the clinical diagnostic procedures, and the surgical strategies adopted. The cone-beam computed tomography allowed a very accurate analysis of the lesion. Surgical excision was performed through Caldwell-Luc technique, approaching to the pterygomaxillary space. A 1-year follow-up shows good clinical, anatomical, and functional conditions. Histological examination confirmed the diagnosis of follicular cyst. CONCLUSION: Giant follicular cysts require an accurate pre-operative study due to the delicate structures that may be involved

    Inter and intra‐operator reliability of Lekholm and Zarb classification and proposal of a novel radiomic data‐driven clustering for qualitative assessment of edentulous alveolar ridges

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    Objectives: The present study was conducted to evaluate the reproducibility of Lekholm and Zarb classification system (L&Z) for bone quality assessment of edentulous alveolar ridges and to investigate the potential of a data-driven approach for bone quality classification. Materials and methods: Twenty-six expert clinicians were asked to classify 110 CBCT cross-sections according to L&Z classification (T0). The same evaluation was repeated after one month with the images put in a different order (T1). Intra- and inter-examiner agreement analyses were performed using Cohen's kappa coefficient (CK) and Fleiss' kappa coefficient (FK), respectively. Additionally, radiomic features extraction was performed from 3D edentulous ridge blocks derived from the same 110 CBCTs, and unsupervised clustering using 3 different clustering methods was used to identify patterns in the obtained data. Results: Intra-examiner agreement between T0 and T1 was weak (CK 0.515). Inter-examiner agreement at both time points was minimal (FK at T0: 0.273; FK at T1: 0.243). The three different unsupervised clustering methods based on radiomic features aggregated the 110 CBCTs in three groups in the same way. Conclusions: The results showed low agreement among clinicians when using L&Z classification, indicating that the system may not be as reliable as previously thought. The present study suggests the possible application of a reproducible data-driven approach based on radiomics for the classification of edentulous alveolar ridges, with potential implications for improving clinical outcomes. Further research is needed to determine the clinical significance of these findings and to develop more standardized and accurate methods for assessing bone quality of edentulous alveolar ridges

    Complete Molecular Response due to nilotinib as III line treatment in a patient with CML and F317L point mutation of the Bcr-Abl kinase domain

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    In 1997, a forty-three years old woman was diagnosed with CML and treated with alfa-Interferon, achieving complete haematological response (CHR). Three years later, patient was switched to hydroxiurea due to thyroid toxicity. For logistic reasons, therapy with imatinib 400 mg/die was initiated only in 2003, obtaining complete cytogenetic response (CCyR) and suboptimal molecular response in twelve months. CCyR and CHR were then lost three years later. Doubling imatinib dose to 800 mg/die gave no positive results. Mutational analysis performed in September 2007 showed F317L point mutation of the Bcr-Abl kinase domain. In October 2007 dasatinib was started and in April 2008 CCyR was reached with suboptimal molecular response. In March 2009 Bcr-Abl transcript progressively increased, and in August 2009 cytogenetic analysis showed loss of CCyR. Therapy with nilotinib 800 mg/die was started, and in October 2009 the patient obtained complete molecular response (CMR). Bcr-Abl kinase-domain point mutations, acquired during first line therapy, are a common cause of resistance to tyrosine kinase inhibitors. While several Bcr-Abl mutations have been identified, involvement of codon 317 has been reported in the literature following treatment with imatinib and dasatinib

    RANKL-RANK-OPG Pathway in Charcot Diabetic Foot: Pathophysiology and Clinical-Therapeutic Implications

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    Charcot Foot (CF), part of a broader condition known as Charcot Neuro-Osteoarthropathy (CNO), is characterized by neuropathic arthropathy with a progressive alteration of the foot. CNO is one of the most devastating complications in patients with diabetes mellitus and peripheral neuropathy but can also be caused by neurological or infectious diseases. The pathogenesis is multifactorial; many studies have demonstrated the central role of inflammation and the Receptor Activator of NF-kappa B ligand (RANKL)-Receptor Activator of NF-kappa B (RANK)-Osteoprotegerin (OPG) pathway in the acute phase of the disease, resulting in the serum overexpression of RANKL. This overexpression and activation of this signal lead to increased osteoclast activity and osteolysis, which is a prelude to bone destruction. The aim of this narrative review is to analyze this signaling pathway in bone remodeling, and in CF in particular, to highlight its clinical aspects and possible therapeutic implications of targeting drugs at different levels of the pathway. Drugs that act at different levels in this pathway are anti-RANKL monoclonal antibodies (Denosumab), bisphosphonates (BP), and calcitonin. The literature review showed encouraging data on treatment with Denosumab, although in a few studies and in small sample sizes. In contrast, BPs have been re-evaluated in recent years in relation to the high possibility of side effects, while calcitonin has shown little efficacy on CNO

    Spatial genetic structure in the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) meta-population from its core range in Italy

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    We characterized the genetic structure of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) meta-population living in the core of its Italian distribution range providing results from 191 fresh spraints, collected from 24 watercourses included in Southern Italy. Furthermore, according to ecological corridors and barriers, we discuss the likely ways of movement and possible evolutionary fate of these populations. We genotyped 136 samples using 11 Lut microsatellite nuclear markers amplified from faecal dna. Microsatellites were moderately variable (Ho = 0.45; He = 0.46), with a total number of alleles and average number of alleles per locus in the meta-population of 50 and 4.54, respectively. No significant heterozygosity excess was observed in meta-population suggesting no recent population bottlenecks. Bayesian clustering discriminated a sub-structuring of the meta-population in five putative clusters, indicating that local populations are genetically differentiated: three of these seem to be identifiable with geographically defined sub-populations (from the Cilento, Agri and Basento river basins). The fourth is represented by multiple sub-populations with admixed genotype, that include genotypes from the Lao, Sinni and Abatemaco river basins, living in a landscape with the higher environmental permeability. Landscape genetic analysis could provide evidence of an unexpected ecological corridor: the seacoast, highlighted, for the first time as a new way for the dispersion of the South-Italian otters. Deepening the knowledge of these perspectives is crucial to identify solid strategies aimed at the future health of the populations of the Italian otters, by restoring dispersal corridors and managing the watercourses

    Concert recording 2019-03-30b

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    [Track 1]. Histoire du Tango. I. Bordel II. Café / Astor Piazzolla -- [Track 2]. Three blues / Charles Ruggiero -- [Track 3]. Tight sweater. 3. Mara\u27s lullaby 2. Trans fatty acid\u27s rein / Marc Mellits -- [Track 4]. I never saw another butterfly. 1. The butterfly 2. Yes, that\u27s the way things are 3. Birdsong 7. The old house / Lori Laitman -- [Track 5]. Donna Lee / Charlie Parker -- [Track 6]. Lonnie\u27s lament / John Coltrane