191 research outputs found

    Importancia de la enfermera escolar en la detección de la neoplasia testicular

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    En este artículo planteamos una revisión de la literatura en diferentes bases de datos (CINAHL, CUIDEN, MEDLINE) con el fin de valorar la importancia de la neoplasia testicular en la adolescencia y el papel fundamental del profesional de enfermería, concretamente de la enfermera escolar, en la detección precoz de esta patología. Una vez analizado el tema y tras tomar conciencia de la importancia de enseñar prácticas de autoexploración testicular correctas, se ha concluido que la enfermera escolar no debe desarrollar únicamente una actividad asistencial, sino que entre sus funciones se debe contemplar la promoción de la salud y la prevención del cáncer testicular. Dentro del proceso educador, y como fomento de hábitos higiénicos en el adolescente, planteamos dadas las características de presentación de la neoplasia testicular la realización de talleres en los que se instruya a los jóvenes en la autoexploración testicular y la necesidad de realizar una técnica correcta, con el fin de fomentar la adquisición de hábitos de autoexploración testicular al igual que se hace en las mujeres para detectar precozmente la patología mamari

    El papel del cooperativismo en el turismo rural de la Comunidad Valenciana

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    This study considers rural tourism an activity that is playing an important role in the local development of many inland shires, with notable future potential both as a means of complementing agricultural income and as a way to create employment in disadvantaged inland areas. The co-operative philosophy is presented as ideal for getting these activities underway; whether under the agricultural co-operative format –already widely known in rural areas-; or in the form of associated work co-operatives or community land exploitation. The article shows the experiences in this field and this business format in the Valencia Autonomous Region, explaining the main defining features.Rural tourism, agricultural co-operatives, associated work co-operatives, local development, Valencia Region.

    Circadian rhythmicity in schizophrenia male patients with and without substance use disorder comorbidity

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    Circadian rhythmicity is associated to clinical variables that play an important role in both schizophrenia (SZ) and substance use disorders (SUD), although the characteristics of the coexistence of these two diagnoses (SZ +) remain mostly unknown. Hence, we studied a sample of 165 male patients divided in three groups each of 55, according to their diagnoses (SZ + , SZ, and SUD), as well as a healthy control (HC; n = 90) group. Alongside with sociodemographic and clinical variables, circadian rhythms were registered through a sleep–wake data structured interview, a circadian typology questionnaire, and distal skin temperature (DST) using the Thermochron iButton every 2 min during 48 h. Analyses showed that SZ + and SZ patients presented a longer sleep (delay in wake-up time) and mostly an intermediate circadian typology, while SUD patients slept less hours, displaying a morning typology. The DST showed the highest daily activation and stability for the SUD group, even when compared with the HC group. The presence of schizophrenia (SZ + and SZ) was related to a DST pattern with a reduced amplitude determined by a wakefulness impairment, which was more pronounced for SZ patients whose sleep period was adequate. The assessment of circadian rhythms in under treatment male patients with SZ should be focused on the diurnal period as a possible marker of either treatment adherence or patient's recovery, irrespective of the presence of a comorbid SUD. Further research with additional objective measures may provide knowledge transferable to therapeutic strategies and could be useful to establish possible endophenotypes in the future.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033; grant: PID2020-117767 GB-I00)

    Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella Typhimurium inactivation by the effect of mandarin, lemon, and orange by-products in reference medium and in oat-fruit juice mixed beverage

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    The antimicrobial capability of three water extracts of citrus peels was evaluated against Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium and Escherichia coli O157:H7 at various concentrations (0.5, 1, 5, 10%) and temperatures (5, 10, 22 °C) in a reference medium. The best of them was mandarin by-product, achieving a maximum inactivation level against S. Typhimurium (8 log10 cycles) with 5% at 5 °C. Also, this by-product had the highest total polyphenol content. Mandarin by-product showed a bactericidal effect in a food matrix also at 5 °C (≈2 log10 cycles). All results were adjusted to the Weibull model and the b values indicated that the higher concentration of mandarin, the greater the inactivation rate in reference medium, without significant differences between 5 and 10%. Similarly, in the food matrix, the inactivation rate of S. Typhimurium was higher when the mandarin by-product was added. Therefore, the mandarin by-product could be used as a control measure of S. Typhimurium in pasteurized products, which are stored under refrigeration.M. Sanz-Puig is grateful to the CSIC for providing a contract as a researcher working actively on the projects with reference IPT-2011-1724-060000 and AGL 2013–48993-C2-2-R, funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and with FEDER funds. M.C. Pina-Pérez is grateful to the CSIC for providing a doctoral contract.Peer reviewe

    Hábitos de salud en escolares en ámbito urbano y rural

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    Introducción. En los primeros años de vida se produce la asimilación e interiorización de los hábitos de salud que van a condicionar la vida adulta, siendo fundamentales las características socioambientales para la adquisición de los mismos. Objetivos Nos planteamos conocer los hábitos de salud que presentan los escolares de dos zonas geográficas contrapuestas: la urbana y la rural. Metodología Se ha realizado un estudio descriptivo con alumnos de 10 y 11 años de una zona urbana y de una rural, llevándose a cabo una prueba de comparación de dos proporciones de muestras independientes. Resultados. Se han recogido 104 encuestas (21.2% de ámbito rural) en las cuales se observa la existencia de un porcentaje importante en cuanto a la falta de hábito de lavado de manos e higiene dental se refiere. Respecto a la alimentación, existe un pequeño número de niños que acuden al colegio sin desayunar y, en caso de hacerlo, es considerable el porcentaje obtenido en el consumo de bollería y zumos envasados, apreciándose un déficit en el de verduras y pescados. Aunque mayoritariamente realizan actividad física, el 10% no la hacen nunca. Asimismo se aprecia un excesivo uso del televisor preferido frente a otros hábitos. En lo relacionado con el tabaquismo, cabe destacar que un 30% conviven con fumadores, y un 6% han probado el tabaco. En lo referente al alcohol un porcentaje importante (4.8%-19.5%) ya lo ha probado mayoritariamente en el ámbito familiar. Conclusiones La finalidad del estudio es el de servir como punto de partida para la planificación de futuras actuaciones, ya que indica la existencia de situaciones de riesgo: alteraciones en la salud bucodental por déficit de cuidados e higiene, hábitos alimenticios incorrectos, hábitos sedentarios e inicio temprano de consumo o contacto con sustancias tóxicas

    Simulations of Policy Responses During the COVID-19 Crisis in Argentina: Effects on Socioeconomic Indicators

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    This paper simulates the effects of policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic on household income and employment in Argentina, using household survey data and administrative data on employment and wages by economic sectors. The paper also includes a gender and age group analysis. The results indicate that during the COVID-19 crisis, household income decreased. This welfare loss was nonlinear along the income distribution, with the lowest income earners suffering the most due to relatively higher informality at the bottom of the income distribution. The policy responses seem to ameliorate by around one-third what the average drop in household income, and prevented major increases in poverty and inequality.Fil: Martínez Correa, Julián Gabriel. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Departamento de Ciencias Económicas. Centro de Estudios Distributivos Laborales y Sociales; ArgentinaFil: Cruces, Guillermo Antonio. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Departamento de Ciencias Económicas. Centro de Estudios Distributivos Laborales y Sociales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Menduiña, Juan Ignacio. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Departamento de Ciencias Económicas. Centro de Estudios Distributivos Laborales y Sociales; ArgentinaFil: Puig, Jorge Pablo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Departamento de Ciencias Económicas. Centro de Estudios Distributivos Laborales y Sociales; Argentin

    Hábitos de sueño de la población infantil del Grau de Gandia. Un estudio descriptivo 

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    El insomnio es es trastorno de sueño infantil más frecuente y puede aparecer en la edad lactante o en la etapa preescolar, siendo de utilidad para la detección precoz el uso de cuestionarios de sueño, como la versión española del Pediatric Sleep Questionnaire (PSQ). Nos planteamos conocer la prevalencia de los trastornos de sueño en una población de 3 a 6 años del Grau de Gandía, utilizando para ello la versión española del PSQ mediante una encuesta autocumplimentada por los padres de los alumnos de los diferentes colegios. Se ha realizado un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, recogiéndose 144 encuestas válidas, realizándose la entrada de los datos en una base de datos EXCEL para su posterior descripción. Un 23,4% de los niños presentan insomnio en función de las respuestas dadas, siendo importante la presencia de otras parasomnias como somniloquias (70%), ronquidos (7.2%), bruxismo (22.3%), trastornos por movimientos rítmicos (7.1%) y un 4.1% de los niños presentan síntomas desatencionales independientemente de que se presente o no síntomas de hiperactividad, un 2.08% de las encuestas respondían a un TDHA combinado y un 6.25% sintomatología de hiperactividad-impulsividad. Nuestro estudio proporcióna datos similares a otros estudios poblacionales realizados en el medio escolar, tanto en este rango de edad como en superiores, respecto al insomnio, parasomnias, hábitos de sueño y los TDHA, siendo la etiología más frecuente la falta de educación del hábito de sueño, por lo que el papel de la enfermera es fundamental en la orientación y formación a los padres. ABSTRACT Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder in chilhood and it may occur to unweaned babies or during the infant period. In order to be able to detect as early as possible this disease, it is useful to make sleep questionnaires, such as the Spanish Version of the Pediatric Sleep Questionnaire (PSQ). We considered to know the prevalence of sleep disorders in a population from 3 to 6 years old from the"Grau de Gandia", using de Spanish Version of PSQ by means of an autofilled survey answered by the parents of the students from the different schools. We performed a cross sectional study, collecting 144 valid surveys, performing data entry in a EXCEL database for further description. A 23.4% of the children have insomnia based on the responses and it is significant the presence of other parasomnias such as somniloquy (70%), snoring (7.2%), bruxism (22.3%), rhythmic movement disorders (7.1% ) and a 4.1% of the children have symptoms of attention deficit regardless of havingr or not symptoms of hyperactivity. A 2.08% of the survey responded to a combined ADHD and a 6.25% of the children had symptoms of hyperactivity-impulsivity. Our study provides similar data to other population studies carried out at schools at this age range and also in higher, with regard to insomnia, parasomnias, sleep habits and ADHD, being the lack of education of the habit of sleep the most common etiology, so the role of the nurse is fundamental in the orientation and training for parent

    Combined effect of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) and antimicrobial from agro-industrial by-products against S. typhimurium

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    The inactivation potential of HHP treatment (200 MPa-2 min) was evaluated against Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium in cauliflower and mandarin by-product infusions at 37 and 10 °C. By-product infusions exerted a strong antimicrobial effect used alone, achieving 5 log cycles of bacterial reduction for cauliflower by-product infusion after 10 h and for mandarin by-product infusion after 80 h, at 37 °C. The HHP treatment caused only one log cycle of cellular damage, but when inoculated cauliflower or mandarin by-product infusions were subjected to HHP treatment the antimicrobial effect against S. Typhimurium was enhanced, achieving 5 log cycles of inactivation in 6 h at 37 °C in both cases. Inactivation curves were adjusted to the Weibull equation and the kinetic parameters (b and n) were obtained. When HHP treatment was combined with by-product infusions, the inactivation rates were greater than when either of the by-product infusions was added separately. In conclusion, a synergistic antimicrobial effect against S. Typhimurium appeared to take place when HHP treatment was combined with cauliflower or mandarin by-product infusion. These infusions could be considered as an additional microbial control measure to guarantee the food safety and food quality of pasteurized food products that are stored under refrigeration.M. Sanz-Puig is grateful to the CSIC for providing a contract as a researcher working actively on project AGL 2013–48993-C2-2-R. The present research work was funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and with FEDER funds (AGL 2013-48993-C2-2-R).Peer reviewe

    Use of Antimicrobials from Plants in Feed as a Control Measure for Pathogenic Microorganisms

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    Animal Feed has become an increasing critical component of the integrated food chain, in 2010 about 1000 mt of animal feed was produced globally and 150 mt in the EU27. The animal feed has an important impact in the human health. The farm or feedlot is the origin of microorganisms introduced onto carcasses during slaughter and dressing. It appears that changes in diet and management practices could precipitate increased shedding of pathogens. Additionally, antibiotics are used in animals, not only for treatment or prevent diseases, but also to promote growth. As a result of the use of antibiotics, food can contain antibiotic-resistant bacteria and resistance genes with important public health consequences. Although antibiotics are banned as growth promoters in the European Union and some other countries, this is not the case throughout the WHO European Region. Travel and the globalization of trade further increase the risk of spreading antibiotic-resistant bacteria.Peer reviewe

    Hábitos de sueño de la población infantil del Grau de Gandía. Un estudio descriptivo.

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    Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder in chilhood and it may occur to unweaned babies  or during the infant period. In order to be able to detect as early as possible this disease, it is useful to make sleep questionnaires, such as the Spanish Version of the Pediatric Sleep Questionnaire (PSQ). We considered to know the prevalence of sleep disorders in a population from 3 to 6 years old from the “Grau de Gandia”, using de Spanish Version of PSQ by means of an autofilled survey answered by the parents of the students from the different schools. We performed a cross sectional study, collecting 144 valid surveys, performing  data entry in a EXCEL database for further description. A 23.4% of the children have insomnia based on the responses and it is significant the presence of other parasomnias such as somniloquy (70%), snoring (7.2%), bruxism (22.3%), rhythmic movement disorders (7.1% ) and a 4.1% of the children have symptoms of attention deficit regardless of havingr or not symptoms of hyperactivity. A 2.08% of the survey responded to a combined ADHD and a 6.25% of the children had symptoms of hyperactivity-impulsivity. Our study provides similar data to other population studies carried out at schools at this age range and also in higher, with regard to insomnia, parasomnias, sleep habits and ADHD, being the lack of education of the habit of sleep the most common etiology, so the role of the nurse is fundamental in the orientation and training for parentsEl insomnio es es trastorno de sueño infantil más frecuente y puede aparecer en la edad lactante o en la etapa preescolar, siendo de utilidad para la detección precoz el uso de cuestionarios de sueño, como la versión española del Pediatric Sleep Questionnaire (PSQ). Nos planteamos conocer la prevalencia de los trastornos de sueño en una población de 3 a 6 años del Grau de Gandia, utilizando para ello la versión española del PSQ mediante una encuesta autocumplimentada por los padres de los alumnos de los diferentes colegios. Se ha realizado un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, recogiéndose 144 encuestas válidas, realizándose la entrada de los datos en una base de datos EXCEL para su posterior descripción. Un 23,4% de los niños presentan insomnio en función de las respuestas dadas, siendo importante la presencia de otras parasomnias como somniloquias (70%), ronquidos (7.2%), bruxismo (22.3%), trastornos por movimientos rítmicos (7.1%) y un 4.1% de los niños presentan síntomas desatencionales independientemente de que se presente o no síntomas de hiperactividad, un 2.08% de las encuestas respondían a un TDHA combinado y un 6.25% sintomatología de hiperactividad-impulsividad. Nuestro estudio proporcióna datos similares a otros estudios poblacionales realizados en el medio escolar, tanto en este rango de edad como en superiores, respecto al insomnio, parasomnias, hábitos de sueño y los TDHA, siendo la etiología más frecuente la falta de educación del hábito de sueño, por lo que el papel de la enfermera es fundamental en la orientación y formación a los padre