185 research outputs found

    Non-Homologous end joining induced alterations in DNA methylation: A source of permanent epigenetic change

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    In addition to genetic mutations, epigenetic revision plays a major role in the development and progression of cancer; specifically, inappropriate DNA methylation or demethylation of CpG residues may alter the expression of genes that promote tumorigenesis. We hypothesize that DNA repair, specifically the repair of DNA double strand breaks (DSB) by Non-Homologous End Joining (NHEJ) may play a role in this process. Using a GFP reporter system inserted into the genome of HeLa cells, we are able to induce targeted DNA damage that enables the cells, after successfully undergoing NHEJ repair, to express WT GFP. These GFP+ cells were segregated into two expression classes, one with robust expression (Bright) and the other with reduced expression (Dim). Using a DNA hypomethylating drug (AzadC) we demonstrated that the different GFP expression levels was due to differential methylation statuses of CpGs in regions on either side of the break site. Deep sequencing analysis of this area in sorted Bright and Dim populations revealed a collection of different epi-alleles that display patterns of DNA methylation following repair by NHEJ. These patterns differ between Bright and Dim cells which are hypo- and hypermethylated, respectively, and between the post-repair populations and the original, uncut cells. These data suggest that NHEJ repair facilitates a rewrite of the methylation landscape in repaired genes, elucidating a potential source for the altered methylation patterns seen in cancer cells, and understanding the mechanism by which this occurs could provide new therapeutic targets for preventing this process from contributing to tumorigenesis

    Redox-sensitive small GTPase H-Ras in murine astrocytes, an in vitro study

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    Although the protooncogenes small GTPases Ras are redox-sensitive proteins, how they are regulated by redox signaling in the central nervous system (CNS) is still poorly understood. Alteration in redox-sensitive targets by redox signaling may have myriad effects on Ras stability, activity and localization. Redox-mediated changes in astrocytic RAS may contribute to the control of redox homeostasis in the CNS that is connected to the pathogenesis of many diseases

    Clinical and radiographic mid-term outcomes after total shoulder replacement: a retrospective study protocol including 400 anatomical and reverse prosthetic implants

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    Objectives: To obtain outcomes data on anatomical and reverse total shoulder arthroplasty by analysis of clinical scores and standard radiographs. Subject selection and enrollment: 400 consecutive series of patients replaced with anatomical and reverse total shoulder arthroplasty (minimum 3 years follow-up). Study Design: retrospective monocenter. Preoperative assessment: Demographics, clinical scores (Constant-Murley) as available, shoulder X-ray (AP, outlet and axillary views) . Last follow-up: Postoperative radiographhs and clinical scores. Adverse events and complications to be reported as occurred since implantation. Statistical analysis: Data collected will be summarized and analyzed for statistical significance

    The expression of the thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) receptor and the cAMP-dependent protein kinase RII beta regulatory subunit confers TSH-cAMP-dependent growth to mouse fibroblasts.

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    TSH activates its specific receptor in thyroid cells and induces cAMP, a robust stimulator of thyroid cell proliferation. Conversely, cAMP is a potent inhibitor of growth in mouse fibroblasts. To dissect the signals mediating cAMP-dependent growth, we have expressed in mouse fibroblasts the human thyrotropin receptor (TSHR) or a constitutively active mutant, under the control of the tetracyclin promoter. Both TSHR and cAMP levels were modulated by tetracyclin. In the presence of serum, activation of TSHR by TSH induced growth arrest. In the absence of serum, cells expressing TSHR stimulated with TSH, replicated their DNA, but underwent apoptosis. Co-expression of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) regulatory subunit type II (RIIbeta) inhibited apoptosis and stimulated the growth of cells only in the presence of TSH. Expression of RIIbeta-PKA, in the absence of TSHR, induced apoptosis, which was reversed by cAMP. Growth, stimulated by TSHR-RIIbeta-PKA in mouse fibroblasts, was also dependent on Rap1 activity, indicating cAMP-dependent growth in thyroid cells. As for the molecular mechanism underlying these effects, we found that in normal fibroblasts, TSH induced AKT and ERK1/2 only in cells expressing TSHR and RII. Similarly, activation of TSHR increased cAMP levels greatly, but was unable to stimulate CREB phosphorylation and transcription of cAMP-induced genes in the absence of RII. These data provide a simple explanation for the anti-proliferative and proliferative effects of cAMP in different cell types and indicate that RII-PKAII complements TSHR action by stably propagating robust cAMP signals in cell compartments

    Tracing and tracking epiallele families in complex DNA populations

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    DNA methylation is a stable epigenetic modification, extremely polymorphic and driven by stochastic and deterministic events. Most of the current techniques used to analyse methylated sequences identify methylated cytosines (mCpGs) at a single-nucleotide level and compute the average methylation of CpGs in the population of molecules. Stable epialleles, i.e. CpG strings with the same DNA sequence containing a discrete linear succession of phased methylated/non-methylated CpGs in the same DNA molecule, cannot be identified due to the heterogeneity of the 5′–3′ ends of the molecules. Moreover, these are diluted by random unstable methylated CpGs and escape detection. We present here MethCoresProfiler, an R-based tool that provides a simple method to extract and identify combinations of methylated phased CpGs shared by all components of epiallele families in complex DNA populations. The methylated cores are stable over time, evolve by acquiring or losing new methyl sites and, ultimately, display high information content and low stochasticity. We have validated this method by identifying and tracing rare epialleles and their families in synthetic or in vivo complex cell populations derived from mouse brain areas and cells during postnatal differentiation

    Sensitivity to cisplatin in primary cell lines derived from human glioma correlates with levels of EGR-1 expression

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Less than 30% of malignant gliomas respond to adjuvant chemotherapy. Here, we have asked whether variations in the constitutive expression of early-growth response factor 1 (EGR-1) predicted acute cytotoxicity and clonogenic cell death <it>in vitro</it>, induced by six different chemotherapics.</p> <p>Materials and methods</p> <p>Cytotoxicity assays were performed on cells derived from fresh tumor explants of 18 human cases of malignant glioma. In addition to EGR-1, tumor cultures were investigated for genetic alterations and the expression of cancer regulating factors, related to the p53 pathway.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that sensitivity to cisplatin correlates significantly with levels of EGR-1 expression in tumors with wild-type <it>p53/INK4a/p16 </it>status.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Increased knowledge of the mechanisms regulating EGR-1 expression in wild-type <it>p53/INK4a/p16 </it>cases of glioma may help in the design of new chemotherapeutic strategies for these tumors.</p

    A functional connection between dyskerin and energy metabolism

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    The human DKC1 gene encodes dyskerin, an evolutionarily conserved nuclear protein whose overexpression represents a common trait of many types of aggressive sporadic cancers. As a crucial component of the nuclear H/ACA snoRNP complexes, dyskerin is involved in a variety of essential processes, including telomere maintenance, splicing efficiency, ribosome biogenesis, snoRNAs stabilization and stress response. Although multiple minor dyskerin splicing isoforms have been identified, their functions remain to be defined. Considering that low-abundance splice variants could contribute to the wide functional repertoire attributed to dyskerin, possibly having more specialized tasks or playing significant roles in changing cell status, we investigated in more detail the biological roles of a truncated dyskerin isoform that lacks the C-terminal nuclear localization signal and shows a prevalent cytoplasmic localization. Here we show that this dyskerin variant can boost energy metabolism and improve respiration, ultimately conferring a ROS adaptive response and a growth advantage to cells. These results reveal an unexpected involvement of DKC1 in energy metabolism, highlighting a previously underscored role in the regulation of metabolic cell homeostasis