3 research outputs found

    Developments in dairy cow fertility research.

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    Accurate mass and MS/MS fragmentation data for (a) kynurenine, (b) melatonin, and (c) tryptophan. (TIF 191 kb

    Additional file 2: Figure S2. of Differential methylation at the RELN gene promoter in temporal cortex from autistic and typically developing post-puberal subjects

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    Mean ΔCt value for RELN total expression for controls (green) and for ASD brains (red) for the six pairs. Standard errors of the mean are shown. (PPTX 81.5 kb

    Additional file 7: Figure S3. of Urinary metabolomics of young Italian autistic children supports abnormal tryptophan and purine metabolism

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    ROC curve for the top 25 most discriminating metabolites between ASD cases and controls, displayed in Fig. 2. (TIF 131 kb