179 research outputs found

    La promozione dello sviluppo della cultura dopo la riforma del titolo V° della Costituzione

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    La tesi intende esaminare il significato del primo comma dell'art. 9 Cost. "La repubblica ptomuove lo sviluppo della cultura" alla luce delle nuove declinazioni del termine cultura. Sono esaminati a questo proposito gli statuti regionali che in linea generale hanno introdotto terminologie e concetti quali "multiculturalismo", "identità culturale", o anche "culture"; tali nuovi concetti sono confrontati con i principi costituzional

    Tracing out the Northern Tidal Stream of the Sagittarius Dwarf Spheoridal Galaxy

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    The main aim of this paper is to report two new detections of tidal debris in the northern stream of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy located at 45 arcdeg and 55 arcdeg from the center of galaxy. Our observational approach is based on deep color-magnitude diagrams, that provides accurate distances, surface brightness and the properties of stellar population of the studied region of this tidal stream. The derived distances for these tidal debris wraps are 45 kpc and 54 kpc respectively.We also confirm these detections with numerical simulations of the Sagittarius dwarf plus the Milky Way. The model reproduces the present position and velocity of the Sagittarius main body and presents a long tidal stream formed by tidal interaction with the Milky Way potential. This model is also in good agreement with the available observations of the Sagittarius tidal stream. We also present a method for estimating the shape of the Milky Way halo potential using numerical simulations. From our simulations we obtain an oblateness of the Milky Way dark halo potential of 0.85, using the current database of distances and radial velocities of the Sagittarius tidal stream. The color-magnitude diagram of the apocenter of Sagittarius shows that this region of the stream shares the complex star formation history observed in the main body of the galaxy. We present the first evidence for a gradient in the stellar population along the stream, possibly correlated with its different pericenter passages. (abridged)Comment: 43 pages (including 15 figures; for high resolution color figures, please contact [email protected]). Submitted to Ap

    HST observations of the Local Group dwarf galaxy Leo I

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    We present deep HST F555W (V) and F814W (I) observations of a central field in the Local Group dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxy Leo I. The resulting color-magnitude diagram (CMD) reaches I \simeq 26 and reveals the oldest ~10-15 Gyr old turnoffs. Nevertheless, a horizontal branch is not obvious in the CMD. Given the low metallicity of the galaxy, this likely indicates that the first substantial star formation in the galaxy may have been somehow delayed in Leo I in comparison with the other dSph satellites of the Milky Way. The subgiant region is well and uniformly populated from the oldest turnoffs up to the 1 Gyr old turnoff, indicating that star formation has proceeded in a continuous way, with possible variations in intensity but no big gaps between successive bursts, over the galaxy's lifetime. The structure of the red-clump of core He-burning stars is consistent with the large amount of intermediate-age population inferred from the main sequence and the subgiant region. In spite of the lack of gas in Leo I, the CMD clearly shows star formation continuing until 1 Gyr ago and possibly until a few hundred Myrs ago in the central part of the galaxy.Comment: 26 pages with 8 figures (fig 2 not available electronically). To be published in ApJ, April 1 1999 (vol.514, #2

    Stellar Populations and the Local Group Membership of the Dwarf Galaxy DDO 210

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    We present deep BVI CCD photometry of the stars in the dwarf galaxy DDO 210. The color-magnitude diagrams of DDO 210 show a well-defined red giant branch (RGB) and a blue plume. The tip of the RGB is found to be at I_TRGB = 20.95 +/- 0.10 mag. From this the distance to DDO 210 is estimated to be d = 950 +/- 50 kpc. The corresponding distance of DDO 210 to the center of the Local Group is 870 kpc, showing that it is a member of the Local Group. The mean metallicity of the red giant branch stars is estimated to be [Fe/H] = -1.9 +/- 0.1 dex. Integrated magnitudes of DDO 210 within the Holmberg radius (r_H=110 arcsec = 505 pc) are derived to be M_B=-10.6 +/- 0.1 mag and M_V=-10.9 +/- 0.1 mag. B and V surface brightness profiles of DDO 210 are approximately consistent with an exponential law with scale lengths r_s(B) = 161 pc and r_s(V) = 175 pc. The brightest blue and red stars in DDO 210 (BSG and RSG) are found to be among the faintest in the nearby galaxies with young stellar populations: _{BSG} = -3.41 +/- 0.11 mag and _{RSG} = -4.69 +/- 0.13 mag. An enhancement of the star formation rate in the recent past (several hundred Myrs) is observed in the central region of DDO 210. The opposite trend is observed in the outer region of the galaxy, suggesting a possible two-component structure of the kind disk/halo found in spiral galaxies. The real nature of this two-component structure must, however, be confirmed with more detailed observations.Comment: Latex file, 17 pages with 9 figures, uses emulateapj.sty To appear in the AJ (in August 1999

    Thyroid gland primary leiomyosarcoma

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    Aproximadamente 15% a 20% dos sarcomas ocorrem na região da cabeça e pescoço, 80% em adultos, sendo apenas 0,014% leiomiossarcomas primários de tireoide. Existem apenas 16 casos relatados no mundo, dos quais não há nenhum em nosso meio. São tumores com diagnóstico citológico pré-operatório difícil e podem ser confundidos com outras lesões mais comuns da tireoide, como carcinomas anaplásicos e medulares. O tratamento ideal ainda não está bem definido, visto que o prognóstico é ruim e a cirurgia radical associada à quimioterapia e à radioterapia adjuvantes não demonstra melhora nas taxas de recorrência e sobrevida. Relatou-se um caso de leiomiossarcoma primário da glândula tireoide em um paciente jovem, submetido a tireoidectomia total e esvaziamento cervical, associado à radioterapia adjuvante e realizou-se uma extensa revisão da literatura existente sobre o tema. Houve boa evolução pós-operatória, sem sinais de recidiva após quatro anos de seguimento.Despite the fact that 15% to 20% of sarcomas occur in the head and neck and 80% in adults, only 0.014% are primary thyroid leiomyosarcomas. To the best of our knowledge, only 16 cases have been reported around the world, none in South America. Cytologic diagnosis is challenging and these tumors may be mistaken by more common ones such as anaplastic or medullary carcinomas. The treatment of choice for thyroid leiomyosarcomas is not well established yet because of its poor prognosis. Radical surgery associated with chemoradiotherapy has not been effective and did not improve survival rates. The authors report a case of primary thyroid leiomyosarcoma in a young male, who has been submitted to total thyroidectomy and selective neck dissection. Extensive literature review was performed by the authors. The patient received adjuvant radiotherapy, presenting good postoperative course. After four years evolution, there was no local recurrence or distant metastasis

    IAC-Star: a Code for Synthetic Color-Magnitude Diagram Computation

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    The code IAC-star is presented. It generates synthetic HR and color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) and is mainly aimed to star formation history studies in nearby galaxies. Composite stellar populations are calculated on a star by star basis, by computing the luminosity, effective temperature and gravity of each star by direct bi-logarithmic interpolation in the metallicity and age grid of a library of stellar evolution tracks. Visual (broad band and HST) and infrared magnitudes are also provided for each star after applying bolometric corrections. The Padua (Bertelli et al. 1994, Girardi et al. 2000) and Teramo (Pietrinferni et al. 2004) stellar evolution libraries and various bolometric corrections libraries are used in the current version. A variety of star formation rate functions, initial mass functions and chemical enrichment laws are allowed and binary stars can be computed. Although the main motivation of the code is the computation of synthetic CMDs, it also provides integrated masses, luminosities and magnitudes as well as surface brightness fluctuation luminosities and magnitudes for the total synthetic stellar population, and therefore it can also be used for population synthesis research. The code is offered for free use and can be executed at the site {\tt http://iac-star.iac.es}, with the only requirement of referencing this paper and crediting as indicated in the site.Comment: Astronomical Journal, in pres

    The Star Formation History of the Local Group dwarf galaxy Leo I

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    We present a quantitative analysis of the star formation history (SFH) of the Local Group dSph galaxy Leo I, from the information in its HST [(V-I),I] color-magnitude diagram (CMD). The method we use is based in comparing, via synthetic CMDs, the expected distribution of stars in the CMD for different evolutionary scenarios, with the observed distribution. We consider the SFH to be composed by the SFR(t), the Z(t), the IMF, and a function β(f,q)\beta(f,q), controlling the fraction ff and mass ratio distribution qq of binary stars. The comparison between the observed CMD and the model CMDs is done through chi-square minimization of the differences in the number of stars in a set of regions of the CMD. Our solution for the SFH of Leo I defines a minimum of chi-square in a well defined position of the parameter space, and the derived SFR(t) is robust, in the sense that its main characteristics are unchanged for different combinations of the remaining parameters. However, only a narrow range of assumptions for Z(t), IMF and β(f,q)\beta(f,q) result in a good agreement between the data and the models, namely: Z=0.0004, a Kroupa et al. (1993) IMF or slightly steeper, and a relatively large fraction of binary stars. Most star formation activity (70% to 80%) occurred between 7 and 1 Gyr ago. At 1 Gyr ago, it abruptly dropped to a negligible value, but seems to have been active until at least ~ 300 Myr ago. Our results don't unambiguously answer the question of whether Leo I began forming stars around 15 Gyr ago, but it appears that the amount of this star formation, if existing at all, would be small.Comment: 25 pages + 14 figures. Accepted by The Astronomical Journa

    Cross-evaluation of the therapeutical methods for idiopathic congenital clubfoot (talipes equinovarus): controversies regarding the tendocalcaneous tenotomy

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    OBJECTIVE: There has been a lot of discussion regarding the treatment of congenital clubfoot (talipes equinovarus,) and Posenti's methodology currently seems to be the most rational, offering high rates of satisfactory results when compared to Kite's approach that prevailed in orthopedics until the end of the 90s. With the recent change of concepts, this study purports to analyze the profile of orthopedists treating this infirmity in Brazil, through a questionnaire used at the 39th Brazilian Congress of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, since such data is unknown in the Brazilian literature. METHODS: An investigative questionnaire was prepared to ascertain the treatment method used, the characteristics of the population studied, the results acquired with treatment and, particularly, how they approached the Achilles tendon. RESULTS: Of the 5,329 registered orthopedists, we acquired 539 spontaneous participations. Of these, only 88 (16.30%) orthopedists perform the treatment for congenital clubfoot; 78 (88.60%) use the Ponseti method and 9 (10.20%) use Kite's; for 47.70%, conservative treatment is performed between 4 and 6 months and for 35.30%, between 1 and 3 months; 58 (66.00%) interviewees perform the Achilles tendon tenotomy in 80% to 100% of their patients and 59 (67.05%) perform it at a surgical center due to safety conditions, sterilized environment, anesthesia, ease of access, and patient monitoring; 32 (36.36%) orthopedists present 80% of good results or more, 54 (61.36%) present 50% to 80% good results and 46 (52.27%) present a 10% relapse rate. CONCLUSIONS: Although the Ponseti Method defines that the Achilles tendon tenotomy should be performed in an outpatient setting, most of the orthopedists (59 - 67.05%) perform it in the operating room.OBJETIVO: Há muita discussão em relação ao tratamento do pé torto congênito equino-cavo-varo e atualmente a sistemática proposta por Ponseti parece ser a mais racional oferecendo altas taxas de resultados satisfatórios em detrimento à metodologia de Kite que predominou no meio ortopédico até o final da década de 90. Com a recente mudança de conceitos, este trabalho tem o intuito de analisar, por meio de questionário aplicado no 39° Congresso Brasileiro de Ortopedia e Traumatologia, o perfil dos ortopedistas no Brasil frente a esta afecção, fato este desconhecido considerando a literatura nacional. MÉTODO: Um questionário para investigação foi elaborado para verificar o método de tratamento utilizado, as características da população estudada, os resultados obtidos com o tratamento e particularmente como abordam cirurgicamente o tendão calcâneo. RESULTADOS: Do total de 5.329 ortopedistas inscritos, obtivemos 539 participações espontâneas; destes, somente 88 (16,30%) indivíduos executam o tratamento para o pé torto congênito; 78 (88,60%) aplicam o método de Ponseti; e nove (10,20%) o de Kite. Para 47,70%, o tratamento conservador é realizado entre quatro e seis meses e para 35,20% entre um e três meses; 58 (66,00%) entrevistados efetuam a tenotomia do tendão calcâneo em 80% a 100% de seus pacientes e 59 (67,05%) a realizam no centro cirúrgico devido às condições de segurança, assepsia, anestesia, facilidade de acesso e monitorização do paciente; 32 (36,36%) ortopedistas apresentam 80% ou mais de bons resultados, 54 (61,36%) apresentam 50% a 80% de bons resultados e 46 (52,27%) apresentam taxa de recidiva de 10%. CONCLUSÃO: Embora o método de Ponseti defina que a tenotomia do tendão calcâneo seja realizada ambulatorialmente com anestesia local, a maioria 59 (67,05%) dos ortopedistas a realiza no centro cirúrgico.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Ortopedia e TraumatologiaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Ortopedia e Traumatologia Ortopedia PediátricaUNIFESP, Depto. de Ortopedia e TraumatologiaUNIFESP, Depto. de Ortopedia e Traumatologia Ortopedia PediátricaSciEL