5 research outputs found

    Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the proautophagic activity of Citrus flavonoids from Bergamot Polyphenol Fraction

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    Bergamot Polyphenol Fraction (BPF®) is a natural mixture of Citrus flavonoids extracted from processed bergamot fruits. It has been shown to counteract cardiovascular risk factors and to prevent liver steatosis in rats and patients. Hepatic effects of BPF correlate with its ability to stimulate liver autophagy. Six aglyconic flavonoids have been identified in the proautophagic fraction of the hydrolysis product of BPF (A-BPF): naringenin, hesperetin, eridictyol, diosmetin, apigenin and luteolin. We report here the output parameters of high resolution mass spectrometry analysis of these flavonoids and chemical structures of their parent compounds. The second set of data shows the proautophagic activity of BPF flavonoids in a hepatic cell line HepG2 analyzed by a flow cytometry approach. The method is based on the red to green fluorescence intensity ratio analysis of DsRed -LC3- GFP, which is stably expressed in HepG2 cells. Proportional analysis of ATG indexes allowed us to address a relative contribution of individual compounds to the proautophagic activity of the A-BPF mixture and evaluate if the effect was additive. Qualitative analysis of ATG indexes compared the effects of flavonoids at equal concentrations in the presence and absence of palmitic acid and chloroquine. The Excel files reporting the analysis of flow cytometry data are available in the public repository

    Apigenin and Luteolin Regulate Autophagy by Targeting NRH-Quinone Oxidoreductase 2 in Liver Cells

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    International audienceDietary flavonoids stimulate autophagy and prevent liver dysfunction, but the upstream signaling pathways triggered by these compounds are not well understood. Certain polyphenols bind directly to NRH-quinone oxidoreductase 2 (NQO2) and inhibit its activity. NQO2 is highly expressed in the liver, where it participates in quinone metabolism, but recent evidence indicates that it may also play a role in the regulation of oxidative stress and autophagy. Here, we addressed a potential role of NQO2 in autophagy induction by flavonoids. The pro-autophagic activity of seven flavonoid aglycons correlated perfectly with their ability to inhibit NQO2 activity, and flavones such as apigenin and luteolin showed the strongest activity in all assays. The silencing of NQO2 strongly reduced flavone-induced autophagic flux, although it increased basal LC3-II levels in HepG2 cells. Both flavones induced AMP kinase (AMPK) activation, while its reduction by AMPK beta (PRKAB1) silencing inhibited flavone-induced autophagy. Interestingly, the depletion of NQO2 levels by siRNA increased the basal AMPK phosphorylation but abrogated its further increase by apigenin. Thus, NQO2 contributes to the negative regulation of AMPK activity and autophagy, while its targeting by flavones releases pro-autophagic signals. These findings imply that NQO2 works as a flavone receptor mediating autophagy and may contribute to other hepatic effects of flavonoids

    Parkinsonian toxin-induced oxidative stress inhibits basal autophagy in astrocytes via NQO2/quinone oxidoreductase 2: Implications for neuroprotection

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    Oxidative stress (OS) stimulates autophagy in different cellular systems, but it remains controversial if this rule can be generalized. We have analyzed the effect of chronic OS induced by the parkinsonian toxin paraquat (PQ) on autophagy in astrocytoma cells and primary astrocytes, which represent the first cellular target of neurotoxins in the brain. PQ decreased the basal levels of LC3-II and LC3-positive vesicles, and its colocalization with lysosomal markers, both in the absence and presence of chloroquine. This was paralleled by increased number and size of SQSTM1/p62 aggregates. Downregulation of autophagy was also observed in cells chronically exposed to hydrogen peroxide or nonlethal concentrations of PQ, and it was associated with a reduced astrocyte capability to protect dopaminergic cells from OS in co-cultures. Surprisingly, PQ treatment led to inhibition of MTOR, activation of MAPK8/JNK1 and MAPK1/ERK2-MAPK3/ERK1 and upregulation of BECN1/Beclin 1 expression, all signals typically correlating with induction of autophagy. Reduction of OS by NMDPEF, a specific NQO2 inhibitor, but not by N-acetylcysteine, abrogated the inhibitory effect of PQ and restored autophagic flux. Activation of NQO2 by PQ or menadione and genetic manipulation of its expression confirmed the role of this enzyme in the inhibitory action of PQ on autophagy. PQ did not induce NFE2L2/NRF2, but when it was co-administered with NMDPEF NFE2L2 activity was enhanced in a SQSTM1-independent fashion. Thus, a prolonged OS in astrocytes inhibits LC3 lipidation and impairs autophagosome formation and autophagic flux, in spite of concomitant activation of several pro-autophagic signals. These findings outline an unanticipated neuroprotective role of astrocyte autophagy and identify in NQO2 a novel pharmacological target for its positive modulation

    Bergamot Polyphenols Boost Therapeutic Effects of the Diet on Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH) Induced by “Junk Food”: Evidence for Anti-Inflammatory Activity

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    Wrong alimentary behaviors and so-called “junk food„ are a driving force for the rising incidence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) among children and adults. The “junk food„ toxicity can be studied in “cafeteria„ (CAF) diet animal model. Young rats exposed to CAF diet become obese and rapidly develop NAFLD. We have previously showed that bergamot (Citrus bergamia Risso et Poiteau) flavonoids, in the form of bergamot polyphenol fraction (BPF), effectively prevent CAF diet-induced NAFLD in rats. Here, we addressed if BPF can accelerate therapeutic effects of weight loss induced by a normocaloric standard chow (SC) diet. 21 rats fed with CAF diet for 16 weeks to induce NAFLD with inflammatory features (NASH) were divided into three groups. Two groups were switched to SC diet supplemented or not with BPF (CAF/SC±BPF), while one group continued with CAF diet (CAF/CAF) for 10 weeks. BPF had no effect on SC diet-induced weight loss, but it accelerated hepatic lipid droplets clearance and reduced blood triglycerides. Accordingly, BPF improved insulin sensitivity, but had little effect on leptin levels. Interestingly, the inflammatory parameters were still elevated in CAF/SC livers compared to CAF/CAF group after 10 weeks of dietary intervention, despite over 90% hepatic fat reduction. In contrast, BPF supplementation decreased hepatic inflammation by reducing interleukin 6 (Il6) mRNA expression and increasing anti-inflammatory Il10, which correlated with fewer Kupffer cells and lower inflammatory foci score in CAF/SC+BPF livers compared to CAF/SC group. These data indicate that BPF mediates a specific anti-inflammatory activity in livers recovering from NASH, while it boosts lipid-lowering and anti-diabetic effects of the dietary intervention

    Bergamot polyphenol fraction prevents nonalcoholic fatty liver disease via stimulation of lipophagy in cafeteria diet-induced rat model of metabolic syndrome

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    Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common liver disease in industrialized countries. Defective autophagy of lipid droplets (LDs) in hepatocytes, also known as lipophagy, has recently been identified as a possible pathophysiological mechanism of NAFLD. Experimental and epidemiological evidence suggests that dietary polyphenols may prevent NAFLD. To address this hypothesis and analyze the underlying mechanisms, we supplemented bergamot polyphenol fraction (BPF) to cafeteria (CAF) diet-fed rats, a good model for pediatric metabolic syndrome and NAFLD. BPF treatment (50 mg/kg/day supplemented with drinking water, 3 months) potently counteracted the pathogenic increase of serum triglycerides and had moderate effects on blood glucose and obesity in this animal model. Importantly, BPF strongly reduced hepatic steatosis as documented by a significant decrease in total lipid content (-41.3% \ub1 12% S.E.M.), ultrasound examination and histological analysis of liver sections. The morphometric analysis of oil-red stained sections confirmed a dramatic reduction in LDs parameters such as total LD area (48.5% \ub1 15% S.E.M.) in hepatocytes from CAF+BPF rats. BPF-treated livers showed increased levels of LC3 and Beclin 1 and reduction of SQSTM1/p62, suggesting autophagy stimulation. Consistent with BPF stimulation of lipophagy, higher levels of LC3II were found in the LD subcellular fractions of BPF-expose livers. This study demonstrates that the liver and its lipid metabolism are the main targets of bergamot flavonoids, supporting the concept that supplementation of BPF is an effective strategy to prevent NAFLD