24 research outputs found

    N=4, d=1 Supersymmetric Hyper-Kaehler Sigma Models and Non-Abelian Monopole Background

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    We construct a Lagrangian formulation of \Nf supersymmetric mechanics with hyper-K\"{a}hler sigma models in a bosonic sector in the non-Abelian background gauge field. The resulting action includes a wide class of \Nf supersymmetric mechanics describing the motion of an isospin-carrying particle over spaces with non-trivial geometry. In two examples we discuss in details, the background fields are identified with the field of BPST instantons in the flat and Taub-NUT spaces.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX, no figures, PACS: 12.60.Jv, 03.65.-w, 11.30.Pb, 14.80.Hv; Talk, it will be published in the proceedings of the XIX International Colloquium "Integrable Systems and Quantum Symmetries", Prague, 17-19 June 2010; reference added, minor correction

    New N = 2 superspace Calogero models

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    Starting from the Hamiltonian formulation of N = 2 supersymmetric Calogero models associated with the classical An, Bn, Cn and Dn series and their hyperbolic/trigonometric cousins, we provide their superspace description. The key ingredients include n bosonic and 2n(n−1) fermionic N = 2 superfields, the latter being subject to a nonlinear chirality constraint. This constraint has a universal form valid for all Calogero models. With its help we find more general supercharges (and a superspace Lagrangian), which provide the N = 2 supersymmetrization for bosonic potentials with arbitrary repulsive two-body interactions

    Integrability of supersymmetric Calogero-Moser models

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    We analyze the integrability of the N{\cal N}-extended supersymmetric Calogero-Moser model. We explicitly construct the Lax pair {L,A}\{L,A\} for this system, which properly reproduces all equations of motion. After adding a supersymmetric oscillator potential we reduce the latter to solving U˙=AU\dot{U}\,{=}\,A\,U for the time evolution operator U(t)U(t). The bosonic variables, however, evolve independently of UU on closed trajectories, as is required for superintegrability. To visualize the structure of the conserved currents we derive the complete set of Liouville charges up to the fifth power in the momenta, for the N=2{\cal N}{=}\,2 supersymmetric model. The additional, non-involutive, conserved charges needed for a maximal superintegrability of this model are also found.Comment: 1+7 pages, no figure

    CP(n) supersymmetric mechanics in U(n) background gauge fields

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    We construct a new N=4 supersymmetric mechanics describing the motion of a particle over a CPnCP^n manifold in U(n) background gauge fields.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX file, PACS number: 11.30.Pb; footnote added on page 1, comments concerning brackets in (2.11) added, formula (3.4) is rewritten, and two new formulas (3.8) and (3.9) have been adde

    N=4 supersymmetry and the Belavin-Polyakov-Shvarts-Tyupkin instanton

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    In this paper we construct the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations of N=4 supersymmetric systems describing the motion of an isospin particle on a conformally flat four-manifold with SO(4) isometry carrying the non-Abelian field of a Belavin-Polyakov-Shvarts-Tyupkin instanton. The conformal factor can be specified to yield various particular systems, such as superconformally invariant mechanics as well as a particle on the four-sphere, the pseudosphere, or on R×S3. The isospin degrees of freedom arise as bosonic components of an additional fermionic N=4 supermultiplet, whose other components are rendered auxiliary by a nonlocal redefinition. Our on-shell component action coincides with the one recently proposed in [arXiv:0912.3289]

    Research and Design of Low-power High-speed CMOS Pipelined ADC

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    随着无线通信系统和消费类电子产品的不断发展,设计和制造出低功耗高转换速度的模数转换器(ADC)成为迫切要求。流水线模数转换器(PipelinedADC),由于其在功耗、速度和精度方面表现出的优越性,从而在集成电路中得到广泛应用。 本文以实现低功耗、高速的10位流水线ADC为目标。首先介绍了每级1.5位的流水线的基本原理和系统结构,然后分析了各种非理想因素对流水线模数转换器的影响,以此作为重要参考依据来设计系统的模块电路。设计中,省去了流水线模数转换器前端的采样保持电路以降低系统功耗,同时还采用了采样电容逐级缩减技术以进一步降低功耗。运算放大器是各级模块的关键电路之一,设计中采用低功耗高性能的...With the development of wireless communication systems and consumer electronic products, design and manufacture of low-power high-speed analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is an urgent requirement. Because of its configuration advantages of low power consumption, high speed and high accuracy, a pipelined ADC has been widely used in integrated circuits. Implementation of a low-power high-speed pipel...学位:工学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院物理学系_微电子学与固体电子学学号:1982007115232