33 research outputs found

    Intelligent Vehicle Lighting Control System

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    Aplikace nových technologií a elektronických řídicích systémů, zaměřených na bezpečnost, které jsou používány v moderním automobilovém průmyslu, také u důlních strojů případně u starších vozidel. Tomuto tématu je věnována předkládaná bakalářská práce, ve které je řešena konkrétně problematika inteligentního řízení osvětlení vozidla a systému pro dodržování bezpečné vzdálenosti, jejich historie, implantace do praxe a praktické využití. Pro účely této bakalářské práce jsem zkonstruoval funkční experimentální model vozítka a vybavil jsem jej právě elektronickými systémy řízení osvětlení a systémem dodržování bezpečné vzdálenosti. Použité součástky a komponenty včetně technologického a programovacího postupu jsou podrobně v práci popsány. Na tomto funkčním modelu demonstruji, že elektronické řídící bezpečnostní systémy lze zabudovat do různých zařízení bez nadměrné technologické a finanční náročnosti.Application of new technologies and electronic leading systems, considered on safety, which are used in modern car industry are also used in mining machines or older vehicles. This bachelor thesis deals with this topic, in which the issue of inteligent lighting control of the vehicle and the systém for keeping the safedistance, their history, implantation into practice and practical use are dealt with specifically. For the purpose of this bachelor thesis, I created a functional experimental model of the vehicle and equipped it with electronic lighting control systems and systems for maintasming a safe distance. Used parts and components, including the technological and programing procedures, are detaily described in the work. On this functional model, I demonstrate , that electronic security control systems can be bulit into diferent devices without excessive technological and financial demands.545 - Katedra ekonomiky a systémů řízenívelmi dobř

    Long-distance migrations of hover flies (Diptera: Syrphidae)

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    Long-distance migration of insects is well-known phenomenon, studied especially in butterflies and locusts. Until now, the migration of hover flies (Diptera: Syrphidae) was considered a rather marginal issue and not much attention has been given to it. However, billions of hoverflies take part in the spring and autumn migration every year, transferring hundreds of tonnes of biomass and nutrients. The aim of this thesis is to review an existing knowledge on the migration of hoverflies in context of their ecology and evolution. In the first part, I discuss the biogeography and diversity of migratory hover flies, methods for studying migration and the application of such methods in hover flies migration. In the following chapters, I focus on the migration of particular species in context of their ecology and evolution, especially on population dynamics, phenology, orientation, and dimorphism in the migratory generation.Dálková migrace hmyzu je dobře známý fenomén, studovaný zejména u motýlů (Lepidoptera) nebo sarančat (Caelifera). Až donedávna byla migrace pestřenek (Diptera: Syrphidae) považována spíše za okrajovou záležitost a nebyla ji věnována větší pozornost. Miliardy pestřenek se však každoročně účastní jarní a podzimní migrace, čímž dochází k přenosu stovek tun biomasy a živin. Cílem této práce je shrnout dosavadní poznatky o migraci pestřenek v kontextu jejich ekologie a evoluce. V první části se věnuji biogeografii a diverzitě migrujících pestřenek a metodám studia migrace a jejich aplikaci ve výzkumu migrace pestřenek. V následujících kapitolách rozebírám migraci jednotlivých druhů v kontextu ekologie a evoluce. Zejména pak detailně pojednávám o populační dynamice, fenologii, orientaci a dimorfismu u migratorní generace.Katedra zoologieDepartment of ZoologyPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Multi-fractional analysis of molecular diffusion in polymer multilayers by FRAP: a new simulation-based approach

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    Comprehensive analysis of the multifractional molecular diffusion provides a deeper understanding of the diffusion phenomenon in the fields of material science, molecular and cell biology, advanced biomaterials, etc. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) is commonly employed to probe the molecular diffusion. Despite FRAP being a very popular method, it is not easy to assess multifractional molecular diffusion due to limited possibilities of approaches for analysis. Here we present a novel simulation-optimization-based approach (S-approach) that significantly broadens possibilities of the analysis. In the S-approach, possible fluorescence recovery scenarios are primarily simulated and afterward compared with a real measurement while optimizing parameters of a model until a sufficient match is achieved. This makes it possible to reveal multifractional molecular diffusion. Fluorescent latex particles of different size and fluorescein isothiocyanate in an aqueous medium were utilized as test systems. Finally, the S-approach has been used to evaluate diffusion of cytochrome c loaded into multilayers made of hyaluronan and polylysine. Software for evaluation of multifractional molecular diffusion by S-approach has been developed aiming to offer maximal versatility and user-friendly way for analysis

    Effect of Particle Size and Surface Chemistry of Photon-Upconversion Nanoparticles on Analog and Digital Immunoassays for Cardiac Troponin

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    Sensitive immunoassays are required for troponin, a low-abundance cardiac biomarker in blood. In contrast to conventional (analog) assays that measure the integrated signal of thousands of molecules, digital assays are based on counting individual biomarker molecules. Photon-upconversion nanoparticles (UCNP) are an excellent nanomaterial for labeling and detecting single biomarker molecules because their unique anti-Stokes emission avoids optical interference, and single nanoparticles can be reliably distinguished from the background signal. Here, the effect of the surface architecture and size of UCNP labels on the performance of upconversion-linked immunosorbent assays (ULISA) is critically assessed. The size, brightness, and surface architecture of UCNP labels are more important for measuring low troponin concentrations in human plasma than changing from an analog to a digital detection mode. Both detection modes result approximately in the same assay sensitivity, reaching a limit of detection (LOD) of 10 pg mL(-1) in plasma, which is in the range of troponin concentrations found in the blood of healthy individuals

    Effect of Particle Size and Surface Chemistry of Photon Upconversion Nanoparticles on Analog and Digital Immunoassays for Cardiac Troponin

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    Sensitive immunoassays are required for troponin, a low-abundance cardiac biomarker in blood. In contrast to conventional (analog) assays that measure the integrated signal of thousands of molecules, digital assays are based on counting individual biomarker molecules. Photon-upconversion nanoparticles (UCNP) are an excellent nanomaterial for labeling and detecting single biomarker molecules because their unique anti-Stokes emission avoids optical interference, and single nanoparticles can be reliably distinguished from the background signal. Here, the effect of the surface architecture and size of UCNP labels on the performance of upconversion-linked immunosorbent assays (ULISA) is critically assessed. The size, brightness, and surface architecture of UCNP labels are more important for measuring low troponin concentrations in human plasma than changing from an analog to a digital detection mode. Both detection modes result approximately in the same assay sensitivity, reaching a limit of detection (LOD) of 10 pg mL−1 in plasma, which is in the range of troponin concentrations found in the blood of healthy individuals

    Preparation and Characterisation of Highly Stable Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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    Magnetic nanoparticles produced using aqueous coprecipitation usually exhibit wide particle size distribution. Synthesis of small and uniform magnetic nanoparticles has been the subject of extensive research over recent years. Sufficiently small superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles easily permeate tissues and may enhance the contrast in magnetic resonance imaging. Furthermore, their unique small size also allows them to migrate into cells and other body compartments. To better control their synthesis, a chemical coprecipitation protocol was carefully optimised regarding the influence of the injection rate of base and incubation times. The citrate-stabilised particles were produced with a narrow average size range below 2nm and excellent stability. The stability of nanoparticles was monitored by long-term measurement of zeta potentials and relaxivity. Biocompatibility was tested on the Caki-2 cells with good tolerance. The application of nanoparticles for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was then evaluated. The relaxivities and ratio calculated from MR images of prepared phantoms indicate the nanoparticles as a promising -contrast probe

    Photon-upconversion scanner for multiplexed imaging

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    In analytical chemistry, multiplexed assays facilitate parallel detection of analytes. The multiplexing reduces the consumption of sample, reagents, and other resources and can be applied for medical diagnostics, the studies of biomolecule interactions, single-cell and singlemolecule assays, environmental monitoring, pathogen detection, multiparameter chemical and biological assays and screening of chemical libraries