91 research outputs found

    Kinetic and inhibition studies on human Jumonji-C (JmjC) domain-containing protein 5

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    Jumonji-C (JmjC) domain-containing protein 5 (JMJD5) is a human 2-oxoglutarate (2OG) and Fe(II)-dependent oxygenase which catalyses the post-translational C3 hydroxylation of arginyl-residues and which is linked to the circadian rhythm and to cancer biology through as yet unidentified mechanisms. We report robust solid phase extraction coupled to mass spectrometry (SPE-MS)-based JMJD5 assays which enable kinetic and high-throughput inhibition studies. The kinetic studies reveal that some synthetic 2OG derivatives, notably including a 2OG derivative with a cyclic carbon backbone (i.e. (1R)-3-(carboxycarbonyl)cyclopentane-1-carboxylic acid), are efficient alternative cosubstrates of JMJD5 and of factor inhibiting hypoxia-inducible transcription factor HIF-α (FIH), but not of the Jumonji-C (JmjC) histone Nε-methyl lysine demethylase KDM4E, apparently reflecting the closer structural similarity of JMJD5 and FIH. The JMJD5 inhibition assays were validated by investigating the effect of reported 2OG oxygenase inhibitors on JMJD5 catalysis; the results reveal that broad-spectrum 2OG oxygenase inhibitors are also efficient JMJD5 inhibitors (e.g. N-oxalylglycine, pyridine-2,4-dicarboxylic acid, ebselen) whereas most 2OG oxygenase inhibitors that are in clinical use (e.g. roxadustat) do not inhibit JMJD5. The SPE-MS assays will help enable the development of efficient and selective JMJD5 inhibitors for investigating the biochemical functions of JMJD5 in cellular studies

    Biochemical and structural insights into FIH-catalysed hydroxylation of transient receptor potential ankyrin repeat domains

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    Transient Receptor Potential (TRP) channels have important roles in environmental sensing in animals. Human TRP subfamily A member 1 (TRPA1) is responsible for sensing allyl isothiocyanate (AITC) and other electrophilic sensory irritants. TRP subfamily vanilloid member 3 (TRPV3) is involved in skin maintenance. TRPV3 is a reported substrate of the 2-oxoglutarate oxygenase factor inhibiting hypoxia inducible factor (FIH). We report biochemical and structural studies concerning asparaginyl hydroxylation of the ankyrin repeat domains (ARDs) of TRPA1 and TRPV3 catalysed by FIH. The results with ARD peptides support a previous report on FIH-catalysed TRPV3 hydroxylation and show that, of the 12 potential TRPA1 sequences investigated, one sequence (TRPA1 residues 322-348) undergoes hydroxylation at Asn-336. Structural studies reveal that the TRPA1 and TRPV3 ARDs bind to FIH with a similar overall geometry to most other reported FIH substrates. However, the binding mode of TRPV3 to FIH is distinct from that of other substrates

    Conservation of the unusual dimeric JmjC fold of JMJD7 from Drosophila melanogaster to humans

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    The JmjC family of 2-oxoglutarate dependent oxygenases catalyse a range of hydroxylation and demethylation reactions in humans and other animals. Jumonji domain-containing 7 (JMJD7) is a JmjC (3S)-lysyl-hydroxylase that catalyses the modification of Developmentally Regulated GTP Binding Proteins 1 and 2 (DRG1 and 2); JMJD7 has also been reported to have histone endopeptidase activity. Here we report biophysical and biochemical studies on JMJD7 from Drosophila melanogaster (dmJMJD7). Notably, crystallographic analyses reveal that the unusual dimerization mode of JMJD7, which involves interactions between both the N- and C-terminal regions of both dmJMJD7 monomers and disulfide formation, is conserved in human JMJD7 (hsJMJD7). The results further support the assignment of JMJD7 as a lysyl hydroxylase and will help enable the development of selective inhibitors for it and other JmjC oxygenases

    Structural basis for binding of the renal carcinoma target hypoxia-inducible factor 2α to prolyl hydroxylase domain 2

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    The hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) prolyl-hydroxylases (human PHD1-3) catalyze prolyl hydroxylation in oxygen-dependent degradation (ODD) domains of HIFα isoforms, modifications that signal for HIFα proteasomal degradation in an oxygen-dependent manner. PHD inhibitors are used for treatment of anemia in kidney disease. Increased erythropoietin (EPO) in patients with familial/idiopathic erythrocytosis and pulmonary hypertension is associated with mutations in EGLN1 (PHD2) and EPAS1 (HIF2α); a drug inhibiting HIF2α activity is used for clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) treatment. We report crystal structures of PHD2 complexed with the C-terminal HIF2α-ODD in the presence of its 2-oxoglutarate cosubstrate or N-oxalylglycine inhibitor. Combined with the reported PHD2.HIFα-ODD structures and biochemical studies, the results inform on the different PHD.HIFα-ODD binding modes and the potential effects of clinically observed mutations in HIFα and PHD2 genes. They may help enable new therapeutic avenues, including PHD isoform-selective inhibitors and sequestration of HIF2α by the PHDs for ccRCC treatment

    Plant cysteine oxidase oxygen-sensing function is conserved in early land plants and algae

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    All aerobic organisms require O2 for survival. When their O2 is limited (hypoxia), a response is required to reduce demand and/or improve supply. A hypoxic response mechanism has been identified in flowering plants: stability of proteins with N-terminal cysteine residues is regulated in an O2-dependent manner by the Cys/Arg branch of the N-degron pathway. Oxidation of these cysteine residues is catalysed by plant cysteine oxidases (PCOs) which destabilises proteins in normoxia; PCO inactivity in hypoxia results in protein stabilisation. Biochemically, the PCOs are sensitive to O2 availability and can therefore act as plant O2 sensors and regulation of the stability of proteins such as Group VII ethylene response factors (ERF-VIIs) can initiate adaptive responses to hypoxia. It is not known whether oxygen-sensing mechanisms exist in other phyla from the plant kingdom. Known PCO targets are only conserved in flowering plants, however PCO-like sequences are conserved in all planta. We sought to determine whether PCO-like enzymes from the liverwort, Marchantia polymorpha (MpPCO) and the freshwater algae, Klebsormidium nitens (KnPCO) have a similar function to PCO enzymes from Arabidopsis thaliana . We report that MpPCO and KnPCO show O2-sensitive N-terminal cysteine dioxygenase activity towards known AtPCO ERF-VII substrates as well as a putative endogenous substrate, MpERF-like, which was identified by homology to the Arabidopsis ERF-VIIs transcription factors. This work confirms functional and O2-dependent PCOs from Bryophyta and Charophyta, indicating the potential for PCO-mediated O2-sensing pathways in these organisms and suggesting PCO O2-sensing function could be important throughout the plant kingdom

    Substrate selectivity and inhibition of histidine JmjC hydroxylases MINA53 and NO66.

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    Non-haem Fe(II) and 2-oxoglutarate (2OG) dependent oxygenases catalyse oxidation of multiple proteins in organisms ranging from bacteria to humans. We describe studies on the substrate selectivity and inhibition of the human ribosomal oxygenases (ROX) MINA53 and NO66, members of the JmjC 2OG oxygenase subfamily, which catalyse C-3 hydroxylation of histidine residues in Rpl27a and Rpl8, respectively. Assays with natural and unnatural histidine analogues incorporated into Rpl peptides provide evidence that MINA53 and NO66 have narrow substrate selectivities compared to some other human JmjC hydroxylases, including factor inhibiting HIF and JMJD6. Notably, the results of inhibition assays with Rpl peptides containing histidine analogues with acyclic side chains, including Asn, Gln and homoGln, suggest the activities of MINA53/NO66, and by implication related 2OG dependent protein hydroxylases/demethylases, might be regulated in vivo by competition with non-oxidised proteins/peptides. The inhibition results also provide avenues for development of inhibitors selective for MINA53 and NO66

    Virtual Screening of Histone Lysine Demethylase(JMJD2) identifies new inhibitors

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    The JmjC domain-containing proteins are hydroxylases that confer posttranslational modifications on histone tails, by removing methylation marks on methylated lysine residues. This serves to either promote or repress gene transcription. The JMJD2A-D family members include the enzyme Jumonji domain 2C (JMJD2C), which specifically demethylates di- and trimethylated histone H3 at Lys 9 or Lys 36.[1] Dysregulation of JMJD2C has been implicated in prostate, colonic, and breast cancer as the demethylase can modify the expression levels of oncogenes.[2] The goal of the present study was to identify potent and selective small-molecule inhibitors of JMJD2C, to be used as chemical biology tools to further investigate the role of JMJD2C in cell proliferation and survival. Using high-resolution crystal structures of the JMJD2 subfamily members as templates, we have performed a small molecule virtual docking screen. From the ~3 million molecules that were docked, this experiment identified 21 compounds as possible leads. These compounds were tested against JMJD2C in enzymatic assays and here we report an overall hit rate of 76%, with 8 compounds demonstrating an IC50 of 176μM to 1.18μM. A molecule containing a salicylate core was selected as a candidate for optimization and thus far we have completed several rounds of iterative target-specific compound docking, hybrid molecule design, compound synthesis and in vitro characterization. Notably, our method demonstrated a substantial increase in potency when we linked two docked fragments together and further derivatized this new scaffold, through which we have successfully derived a 65nM inhibitor of JMJD2C. A compound representing the inhibitor scaffold has been co-crystallized with JMJD2A to a resolution of 2.4 Å. In the crystal structure each asymmetric unit contains two JMJD2A monomers, each bound to a single inhibitor molecule. This complex-structure superposes well with the docked pose for the hybrid series of compounds. We are now focusing our efforts on identifying an inhibitor that is selective for the JMJD2 family over other JmjC domain-containing proteins

    Focused screening identifies different sensitivities of human TET oxygenases to the oncometabolite 2-hydroxyglutarate

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    Ten-eleven translocation enzymes (TETs) are Fe(II)/2-oxoglutarate (2OG) oxygenases that catalyze the sequential oxidation of 5-methylcytosine to 5-hydroxymethylcytosine, 5-formylcytosine, and 5-carboxylcytosine in eukaryotic DNA. Despite their roles in epigenetic regulation, there is a lack of reported TET inhibitors. The extent to which 2OG oxygenase inhibitors, including clinically used inhibitors and oncometabolites, modulate DNA modifications via TETs has been unclear. Here, we report studies on human TET1–3 inhibition by a set of 2OG oxygenase-focused inhibitors, employing both enzyme-based and cellular assays. Most inhibitors manifested similar potencies for TET1–3 and caused increases in cellular 5hmC levels. (R)-2-Hydroxyglutarate, an oncometabolite elevated in isocitrate dehydrogenase mutant cancer cells, showed different degrees of inhibition, with TET1 being less potently inhibited than TET3 and TET2, potentially reflecting the proposed role of TET2 mutations in tumorigenesis. The results highlight the tractability of TETs as drug targets and provide starting points for selective inhibitor design

    Spectroscopic studies reveal details of substrate-induced conformational changes distant from the active site in isopenicillin N synthase

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    Isopenicillin N synthase (IPNS) catalyzes formation of the β-lactam and thiazolidine rings of isopenicillin N from its linear tripeptide l-δ-(α-aminoadipoyl)-l-cysteinyl-d-valine (ACV) substrate in an iron- and dioxygen (O2)-dependent four-electron oxidation without precedent in current synthetic chemistry. Recent X-ray free-electron laser studies including time-resolved serial femtosecond crystallography show that binding of O2 to the IPNS–Fe(II)–ACV complex induces unexpected conformational changes in α-helices on the surface of IPNS, in particular in α3 and α10. However, how substrate binding leads to conformational changes away from the active site is unknown. Here, using detailed 19F NMR and electron paramagnetic resonance experiments with labeled IPNS variants, we investigated motions in α3 and α10 induced by binding of ferrous iron, ACV, and the O2 analog nitric oxide, using the less mobile α6 for comparison. 19F NMR studies were carried out on singly and doubly labeled α3, α6, and α10 variants at different temperatures. In addition, double electron–electron resonance electron paramagnetic resonance analysis was carried out on doubly spin-labeled variants. The combined spectroscopic and crystallographic results reveal that substantial conformational changes in regions of IPNS including α3 and α10 are induced by binding of ACV and nitric oxide. Since IPNS is a member of the structural superfamily of 2-oxoglutarate-dependent oxygenases and related enzymes, related conformational changes may be of general importance in nonheme oxygenase catalysis

    Structure-guided optimisation of N-hydroxythiazole-derived inhibitors of factor inhibiting hypoxia-inducible factor-α

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    The human 2-oxoglutarate (2OG)- and Fe(II)-dependent oxygenases factor inhibiting hypoxia-inducible factor-α (FIH) and HIF-α prolyl residue hydroxylases 1–3 (PHD1–3) regulate the response to hypoxia in humans via catalysing hydroxylation of the α-subunits of the hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs). Small-molecule PHD inhibitors are used for anaemia treatment; by contrast, few selective inhibitors of FIH have been reported, despite their potential to regulate the hypoxic response, either alone or in combination with PHD inhibition. We report molecular, biophysical, and cellular evidence that the N-hydroxythiazole scaffold, reported to inhibit PHD2, is a useful broad spectrum 2OG oxygenase inhibitor scaffold, the inhibition potential of which can be tuned to achieve selective FIH inhibition. Structure-guided optimisation resulted in the discovery of N-hydroxythiazole derivatives that manifest substantially improved selectivity for FIH inhibition over PHD2 and other 2OG oxygenases, including Jumonji-C domain-containing protein 5 (∼25-fold), aspartate/asparagine-β-hydroxylase (>100-fold) and histone Nε-lysine demethylase 4A (>300-fold). The optimised N-hydroxythiazole-based FIH inhibitors modulate the expression of FIH-dependent HIF target genes and, consistent with reports that FIH regulates cellular metabolism, suppressed lipid accumulation in adipocytes. Crystallographic studies reveal that the N-hydroxythiazole derivatives compete with both 2OG and the substrate for binding to the FIH active site. Derivatisation of the N-hydroxythiazole scaffold has the potential to afford selective inhibitors for 2OG oxygenases other than FIH