5 research outputs found

    Simulation and design of an electron beam ion source charge breeder for the californium rare isotope breeder upgrade

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    An electron beam ion source (EBIS) will be constructed and used to charge breed ions from the californium rare isotope breeder upgrade (CARIBU) for postacceleration into the Argonne tandem linear accelerator system (ATLAS). Simulations of the EBIS charge breeder performance and the related ion transport systems are reported. Propagation of the electron beam through the EBIS was verified, and the anticipated incident power density within the electron collector was identified. The full normalized acceptance of the charge breeder with a 2 A electron beam, 0.024π  mm mrad for nominal operating parameters, was determined by simulating ion injection into the EBIS. The optics of the ion transport lines were carefully optimized to achieve well-matched ion injection, to minimize emittance growth of the injected and extracted ion beams, and to enable adequate testing of the charge bred ions prior to installation in ATLAS

    First operation and mass separation with the CARIBU MR-TOF

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    The recent installation of a Multi-Reflection Time-of-Flight (MR-TOF) isobar separator at the CARIBU facility has the promising potential to significantly improve the mass separation and selection of short-lived neutron-rich beams. Ions cycled in the km-long isochronous trajectories between two electrostatic mirrors can be separated to high levels of mass-resolving power within a short time (tens of ms). The installation process is described and results from the first operation are discussed. Following an optimization of the mirror voltages a mass-resolving power of 6.8·104 was achieved and a separation of isobars was demonstrated. The higher purity beams provided by the MR-TOF and delivered to the Canadian Penning Trap (CPT) will provide access to further measurements of neutron-rich nuclei along the astrophysical r-process path