16 research outputs found

    European digital learning credentials at the University Department of Health Studies, University of Split

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    Nova platforma Europass-a (https://europa.eu/europass/hr) od srpnja 2020. godine dostupna je kao besplatni online instrument za prikazivanje postignutih ishoda učenja, planiranje ili pripremu karijere u Europi, te služi kao potpora građanima Europske unije kako bi lakše prolazili kroz svoj profesionalni razvoj. Kroz platformu Europass-a korisnici mogu izraditi svoj profil, jednostavno pretraživati različite mogućnosti za učenje ili zapošljavanje diljem Europe, primati individualne prijedloge obrazovnih programa ili poslova koji odgovaraju njihovom profilu i interesima, izrađivati, uređivati i pohranjivati životopise, motivacijska pisma i prijave za posao, pohranjivati digitalne vjerodajnice, dijeliti svoj profil s poslodavcima, obrazovnim ustanovama ili karijernim savjetnicima, te koristiti brojne druge usluge. Od navedenih mogućnosti korištenja platforme Europass-a posebno se ističu Europske digitalne vjerodajnice za učenje (Europass Digital Credentials for learning, EDC), odnosno digitalne datoteke koje pojedincima dodjeljuje odgovarajuće obrazovne ustanova, primjerice sveučilišta, kako bi se potvrdio i pružio dokaz o postignutim ishodima učenja. Europske digitalne vjerodajnice za učenje mogu se koristiti za postignuća kroz sve oblike učenja, formalna, neformalna i informalna. Digitalne vjerodajnice imaju jednaku pravnu vrijednost kao potvrde, diplome i druge vjerodajnice u papirnatom obliku, a visokoškolskim ustanovama omogućuju besplatno i sigurno izdavanje. Platforma Europass-a omogućuje sigurnu pohranu i dijeljenje digitalnih vjerodajnica. Besplatnim i sigurnim sustavom Europskih digitalnih vjerodajnica za učenje upravlja Europska komisija. Ideja o uključivanju Sveučilišta u Splitu u procese razvoja i provedbe platforme za Europske digitalne vjerodajnice za učenje javila se u vrijeme jasnog interesa rektora, prof. dr. sc. Dragana Ljutića, i njegovih suradnika za jačanje internacionalizacije, relevantnosti i kvalitete studijskih programa i znanstvenih istraživanja. U suradnji s partnerskim sveučilištima Europskog sveučilišta mora (European University of the Seas, SEA-EU), razvijene su projektne aktivnosti za testiranje i provedbu za neformalna i informalna učenja, kao i za dodjelu diploma stečenih kroz sveučilišne preddiplomske, diplomske i poslijediplomske studije. Kroz aktivnosti Europskog sveučilišta mora, Europske digitalne vjerodajnice za učenje povezuju se s drugim europskim inicijativama u visokom obrazovanju, kao što su osiguravanje kvalitete i automatsko priznavanje visokoškolskih kvalifikacija i dijela studiranja. Prednosti Europskih digitalnih vjerodajnica za učenje proizlaze iz brzog i pouzdanog izdavanja diploma i drugih vjerodajnica, njihovog pregleda, pohrane i dijeljenja s poslodavcima i drugim pojedincima i institucijama. Glavna prednost za sva sveučilišta, pa tako i za Sveučilište u Splitu, povezana je s potencijalnim povezivanjem s mjerljivim pokazateljima provedbe osiguravanja kvalitete u Europskom prostoru visokog obrazovanja, tj. povezivanjem s Bazom podataka rezultata vanjskog osiguravanja kvalitete (DEQAR). Visokoškolskim ustanovama, posebno sveučilištima u okviru Europskih sveučilišta mora, Europske digitalne vjerodajnice za učenje donose niz prednosti koje se mogu koristiti za olakšavanje mobilnosti studenata, izgradnji fleksibilnijeg učenja usmjerenog na studente, poticanju cjeloživotnog učenja, stvaranju snažnijih veza s poduzetnicima i izgradnji boljih veza između obrazovanja, istraživanja i inovacija. Tijekom 2021. godine, Sveučilište u Splitu uspješno je dodijelilo nekoliko stotina pojedinačnih Europskih digitalnih vjerodajnica za sudjelovanja u nekoliko neformalnih i informalnih aktivnosti, čime je postalo prvo visokoškolsko učilište koje je uspješno koristilo platformu Europass-a za dodjelu Europskih digitalnih vjerodajnica za učenje.The new Europass platform (https://europa.eu/europass/en) is available as a free online tool from July 2020 for documenting learning outcomes, planning and career preparation in Europe, and serves to support the citizens of the European Union in managing their professional development. Through the Europass platform, users can create their own profile, easily search for different learning or employment opportunities across Europe, receive proposals for educational programmes or jobs that match their profile and interests, create, edit, and store CVs, cover letters and job applications, store digital credentials, share their profile with employers, educational institutions, or career counsellors, and use many other services. Among the mentioned possibilities of using the Europass platform, European digital learning credentials stand out (Europass Digital Credentials for learning, EDC), i.e., digital files assigned to individuals by appropriate educational institutions, such as universities, to validate and provide evidence of learning outcomes. Europass digital learning credentials can be used for achievements in all forms of learning, formal, non-formal and informal. Digital credentials have the same legal value as certificates, diplomas and other credentials in paper form, and allow higher education institutions to issue them free and securely. The Europass platform enables secure storage and sharing of digital credentials. The free and secure Europass Digital Learning Credentials system is managed by the European Commission. The idea of involving the University of Split in the processes of development and implementation of the platform for Europass digital learning credentials arose at a time of a strong interest of the Rector, prof. Dragan Ljutić, PhD, and his associates in strengthening the internationalization, relevance and quality of study programmes and scientific research. In collaboration with the partner universities of the European University of the Sea (European University of the Seas, SEA-EU) the project activities for testing and implementation for non-formal and informal learning have been developed, as well as for the award of diplomas obtained in university undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate study programmes. Through the activities of the European University of the Sea, European digital learning credentials are linked to other European initiatives in higher education, such as quality assurance and automatic recognition of higher education qualifications and periods of study. The benefits of European digital learning credentials stem from the rapid and reliable issuing diplomas and other credentials, their review, storage and sharing with employers and other individuals and institutions. The main advantage for all universities, including the University of Split, is related to the potential association with measurable indicators of quality assurance implementation in the European Higher Education Area, i.e., connection with the External Quality Assurance Results Database (DEQAR). For higher education institutions, especially the European Maritime Universities, the Europass Digital Credentials for Learning bring many benefits that can be used to facilitate student mobility, build more flexible student-centred learning, foster lifelong learning, build stronger links with entrepreneurs, and build better links between education, research, and innovation. During 2021 the University of Split successfully issued several hundred Europass Digital Credentials to participants in several informal and informal activities, making it the first higher education institution to successfully use the Europass platform to issue Europass Digital Credentials for Learning

    Composition and quantity of medical waste and its impact on the environment before and during the Covid-19 pandemic

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    Medical waste is generated in healthcare institutions and can be of different types. According to its properties, it can be classified as hazardous medical waste or non-hazardous medical waste. Due to its potentially dangerous properties, it is necessary to manage medical waste in accordance with the provisions of the Waste Management Act and the Ordinance on Medical Waste Management (1, 2). In the period from 2015 to 2019, the amount of medical waste grew annually by an average of 8%. In 2020, 7.014 tons of medical waste were generated, of which 74% was hazardous and 26% was non-hazardous medical waste. Compared to 2019, this was an increase of 28%, which can be attributed to the increased consumption of medical products due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The amount of hazardous medical waste increased by 18%, and the amount of non-hazardous medical waste by 67% (3). The aim of this work was to investigate the differences in the amount,ncomposition, and treatment of medical waste in the pre-pandemic and pandemic period during the COVID-19 pandemic in health care institutions of the Split-Dalmatia County. The increased use of additional protective equipment in the work of healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic caused the generation of three times more infectious waste. The paper highlights the importance of proper handling, collection, processing, and disposal of infectious medical wasteo to prevent direct or indirect transmission of infection and harmful effects on human and/or animal health

    Influences on the Transformation of Christian Liturgical Architecture before the 20th Century

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    Radom se istražuje što je utjecalo na formiranje arhitekture kršćanskih liturgijskih građevina do 20. stoljeća. Iako raznovrsnost povijesnih primjera otežava egzaktno definiranje paradigmatičnih modela, svako povijesno razdoblje odražava određene misaone temelje iz kojih se iščitava princip nastajanja prostornih tvorbi. Analizira se način na koji su na kršćanski liturgijski prostor utjecale promjene teoloških i liturgijskih koncepata te što su liturgijske građevine značile u povijesnom urbanom tkivu u kojem su nastajale.The paper explores reasons for the formation of Christian liturgical architecture before the 20th century. Although a large variety of historical examples hinders the exact definition of paradigmatic models, each historical period reflects specific theoretical premises which show the guiding principle of spatial formation. The paper also analyzes ways in which Christian liturgical space was influenced by adoption of theological and liturgical concepts and the meaning of the liturgical buildings in their original historical urban context

    Influences on the Transformation of Christian Liturgical Architecture before the 20th Century

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    Radom se istražuje što je utjecalo na formiranje arhitekture kršćanskih liturgijskih građevina do 20. stoljeća. Iako raznovrsnost povijesnih primjera otežava egzaktno definiranje paradigmatičnih modela, svako povijesno razdoblje odražava određene misaone temelje iz kojih se iščitava princip nastajanja prostornih tvorbi. Analizira se način na koji su na kršćanski liturgijski prostor utjecale promjene teoloških i liturgijskih koncepata te što su liturgijske građevine značile u povijesnom urbanom tkivu u kojem su nastajale.The paper explores reasons for the formation of Christian liturgical architecture before the 20th century. Although a large variety of historical examples hinders the exact definition of paradigmatic models, each historical period reflects specific theoretical premises which show the guiding principle of spatial formation. The paper also analyzes ways in which Christian liturgical space was influenced by adoption of theological and liturgical concepts and the meaning of the liturgical buildings in their original historical urban context

    Influence of oxygen enriched gases during decompression on bubble formation and endothelial function in self-contained underwater breathing apparatus diving: a randomized controlled study

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    Aim To assess the effect of air, gas mixture composed of 50% nitrogen and 50% oxygen (nitrox 50), or gas mixture composed of 1% nitrogen and 99% oxygen (nitrox 99) on bubble formation and vascular/endothelial function during decompression after self-contained underwater breathing apparatus diving. Methods This randomized controlled study, conducted in 2014, involved ten divers. Each diver performed three dives in a randomized protocol using three gases: air, nitrox 50, or nitrox 99 during ascent. The dives were performed on three different days limited to 45 m sea water (msw) depth with 20 min bottom time. Nitrogen bubbles formation was assessed by ultrasound detection after dive. Arterial/ endothelial function was evaluated by brachial artery flow mediated dilatation (FMD) before and after dive. Results Nitrox 99 significantly reduced bubble formation after cough compared with air and nitrox 50 (grade 1 vs 3 and vs 3, respectively, P = 0.026). Nitrox 50 significantly decreased post-dive FMD compared with pre-dive FMD (3.62 ± 5.57% vs 12.11 ± 6.82% P = 0.010), while nitrox 99 did not cause any significant change. Conclusion Nitrox 99 reduced bubble formation, did not change post-dive FMD, and decreased total dive duration, indicating that it might better preserve endothelial function compared with air and nitrox 50 dive protocols

    Applying sprayers in permanent plantations

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    Radom su analizirani najvažniji čimbenici rada orošivača tijekom aplikacije pesticida u trajnim nasadima kako bi se postigla željena kvaliteta rada, minimalni gubici i onečišćenje okoline. Podešenost orošivača, izvedba i ispravnost mlaznica, količina i smjer zraka ventilatora, veličina kapljica škropiva, prisutnost vjetra i temperatura okolnog zraka, ali i znanjem, iskustvom i pravilnim rukovanjem može se ostvariti željeni efektivni učinak i pravovremena aplikacija pesticida u trajnim nasadima.This paper analyses the most important working factors of sprayers during application of pesticides in permanent plantations in order to achieve desired quality of work, and minimal losses and pollution of environment. With adjustment of sprayers, design and safety of nozzles, quantity and direction of air from ventilators, size of sprinkler drops, presence of wind and temperature of ambient air, but also with knowledge, experience and proper handling one can achieve the desired effective performance and timely application of pesticides in permanent plantations

    Utjecaj ronjenja na komprimirani zrak i primjene vitamina C i E na izabrane funkcije ljudskog srca i endotelnu funkciju nadlaktične arterije

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    After decompression from dives, bubbles are frequently observed in the right ventricular outflow tract and may lead to vascular damage, pulmonary arterial hypertension and right ventricular overload. No data exist on the effect of open sea diving on the pulmonary artery pressure (PAP). Eight professional divers performed an open sea air dive to 30 msw. Before and postdive a Doppler echocardiographic study was undertaken. Systolic pulmonary artery pressure (SPAP) was estimated from measurement of peak flow velocity of the tricuspid regurgitant jet; the ratio between pulmonary artery acceleration times (AccT) and right ventricular ejection time (RVET) was used as an estimate of the mean PAP. No evidence of either patent foramen ovale or intra-pulmonary shunt was found in any subject postdive after performing a Valsalva maneuver. SPAP increased from 2 ±3 to 33±2 mm Hg and AccT/ RVET ratio decreased from 0.44±0.04 to 0.3±0.02 20 min after the dive, respectively. Pulmonary vascular resistance increased from 1.2 ±0.1 to 1.4±0.1 Wood Units. Postdive right ventricle end-diastolic and endsystolic volumes were increased for about 19% (P = 0.001) and 33% (P = 0.001) and right ejection fraction decreased about for 6% (P = 0.001). Cardiac output decreased from 4.8±0.9 (l min1) to 4.0 ± 0.6 at 40 min postdive due to decreases in heart rate and stroke volume. This study shows that a single open sea dive may be associated with right heart overload due to increased pressure in the pulmonary artery. Diving-induced acute alterations in cardiovascular function such as arterial endothelial dysfunction, increased pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) and reduced heart function have been recently reported. We tested the effects of acute antioxidants on arterial endothelial function, PAP and heart function before and after fi eld dive.Vitamin C (2 grams) and E (400 IU) were given to subjects 2 hours before second dive (protocol 1) and in placebo-controlled crossover study design (protocol 2). Seven experienced divers performed open sea dives to 30 msw with standard decompression in non randomized protocol, and six of them participated in randomized trial. Before and after the dives ventricular volumes and function and pulmonary and brachial artery function were assessed by ultrasound. The control dive resulted in a significant reduction in fl ow mediated dilation (FMD) and heart function with increased mean PAP. 24 hours (h) after the control dive FMD was still reduced 37% (8.1 vs. 5.1%, p=0.005 below baseline, while right ventricle ejection fraction (RV-EF), left ventricle EF and endocardial fractional shortening were reduced much less (~2-3%). At the same time RV endsystolic volume was increased by 9% and mean PAP by 5%. Acute antioxidants significantly attenuated only the reduction in FMD postdive (p<0.001), while changes in pulmonary artery and heart function were unaffected by antioxidant ingestion. These findings were confirmed by repeating the experiments in a randomized study design. FMD returned to baseline values 72h after the dive with pre-dive placebo, whereas for most cardiovascular parameters this occurred earlier (24-48h). Right ventricular dysfunction and increased PAP lasted longer. Acute antioxidants attenuated arterial endothelial dysfunction after diving, while reduction in heart and pulmonary artery function were unchanged. Cardiovascular changes after diving are not fully reversed up to 3 days after a dive, suggesting longer lasting negative effects.We have recently shown that a single air dive leads to acute arterial vasodilatation and impairment of endothelium-dependent vasodilatation in humans. Additionally we have found that predive antioxidants at the upper recommended daily allowance partially prevented some of the negative effects of the dive. in this study we prospectively evaluated the effect of long-term antioxidants at a lower RDA dose on arterial endothelial function. Methods: Eight professional male divers performed an open sea air dive to 30 msw. Brachial artery fl ow-mediated dilation (FMD) was assessed before and after diving. Results: The first dive, without antioxidants, caused significant brachial arterial diameter increase from 3.85±0.55 to 4.04±0.5 mm and a significant reduction of FMD from 7.6±2.7 to 2.8±2.1%. The second dive, with antioxidants, showed unchanged arterial diameter and significant reduction of FMD from 8.11±2.4 to 6.8±1.4%. The FMD reduction was significantly less with antioxidants. Vascular smooth muscle function, assessed by nitroglycerine(endothelium-independent dilation), was unaffected by diving. ----- Discussion: This study shows that long-term antioxidant treatment at a lower RDA dose ending 3–4 h before a dive reduces the endothelial dysfunction in divers. Since the scuba dive was of a similar depth and duration to those practiced by numerous recreational divers, this study raises the possibility of routine predive supplementation with antioxidants. We report a case of a diver that developed in tra-pulmonary (I-P) shunting of venous gas bubbles at high level of exercise after diving. The diagnosis was made with a four chamber view of the heart by echocardiography during exercise. This case is the first time that we have observed an evidence for I-P shunts recruitment during exercise after diving and this bubble grade was the highest ever seen in our laboratory. Thus, the risk for venous bubbles crossing over through I-P shunts during exercise after diving is rather low

    European digital learning credentials at the University Department of Health Studies, University of Split

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    Nova platforma Europass-a (https://europa.eu/europass/hr) od srpnja 2020. godine dostupna je kao besplatni online instrument za prikazivanje postignutih ishoda učenja, planiranje ili pripremu karijere u Europi, te služi kao potpora građanima Europske unije kako bi lakše prolazili kroz svoj profesionalni razvoj. Kroz platformu Europass-a korisnici mogu izraditi svoj profil, jednostavno pretraživati različite mogućnosti za učenje ili zapošljavanje diljem Europe, primati individualne prijedloge obrazovnih programa ili poslova koji odgovaraju njihovom profilu i interesima, izrađivati, uređivati i pohranjivati životopise, motivacijska pisma i prijave za posao, pohranjivati digitalne vjerodajnice, dijeliti svoj profil s poslodavcima, obrazovnim ustanovama ili karijernim savjetnicima, te koristiti brojne druge usluge. Od navedenih mogućnosti korištenja platforme Europass-a posebno se ističu Europske digitalne vjerodajnice za učenje (Europass Digital Credentials for learning, EDC), odnosno digitalne datoteke koje pojedincima dodjeljuje odgovarajuće obrazovne ustanova, primjerice sveučilišta, kako bi se potvrdio i pružio dokaz o postignutim ishodima učenja. Europske digitalne vjerodajnice za učenje mogu se koristiti za postignuća kroz sve oblike učenja, formalna, neformalna i informalna. Digitalne vjerodajnice imaju jednaku pravnu vrijednost kao potvrde, diplome i druge vjerodajnice u papirnatom obliku, a visokoškolskim ustanovama omogućuju besplatno i sigurno izdavanje. Platforma Europass-a omogućuje sigurnu pohranu i dijeljenje digitalnih vjerodajnica. Besplatnim i sigurnim sustavom Europskih digitalnih vjerodajnica za učenje upravlja Europska komisija. Ideja o uključivanju Sveučilišta u Splitu u procese razvoja i provedbe platforme za Europske digitalne vjerodajnice za učenje javila se u vrijeme jasnog interesa rektora, prof. dr. sc. Dragana Ljutića, i njegovih suradnika za jačanje internacionalizacije, relevantnosti i kvalitete studijskih programa i znanstvenih istraživanja. U suradnji s partnerskim sveučilištima Europskog sveučilišta mora (European University of the Seas, SEA-EU), razvijene su projektne aktivnosti za testiranje i provedbu za neformalna i informalna učenja, kao i za dodjelu diploma stečenih kroz sveučilišne preddiplomske, diplomske i poslijediplomske studije. Kroz aktivnosti Europskog sveučilišta mora, Europske digitalne vjerodajnice za učenje povezuju se s drugim europskim inicijativama u visokom obrazovanju, kao što su osiguravanje kvalitete i automatsko priznavanje visokoškolskih kvalifikacija i dijela studiranja. Prednosti Europskih digitalnih vjerodajnica za učenje proizlaze iz brzog i pouzdanog izdavanja diploma i drugih vjerodajnica, njihovog pregleda, pohrane i dijeljenja s poslodavcima i drugim pojedincima i institucijama. Glavna prednost za sva sveučilišta, pa tako i za Sveučilište u Splitu, povezana je s potencijalnim povezivanjem s mjerljivim pokazateljima provedbe osiguravanja kvalitete u Europskom prostoru visokog obrazovanja, tj. povezivanjem s Bazom podataka rezultata vanjskog osiguravanja kvalitete (DEQAR). Visokoškolskim ustanovama, posebno sveučilištima u okviru Europskih sveučilišta mora, Europske digitalne vjerodajnice za učenje donose niz prednosti koje se mogu koristiti za olakšavanje mobilnosti studenata, izgradnji fleksibilnijeg učenja usmjerenog na studente, poticanju cjeloživotnog učenja, stvaranju snažnijih veza s poduzetnicima i izgradnji boljih veza između obrazovanja, istraživanja i inovacija. Tijekom 2021. godine, Sveučilište u Splitu uspješno je dodijelilo nekoliko stotina pojedinačnih Europskih digitalnih vjerodajnica za sudjelovanja u nekoliko neformalnih i informalnih aktivnosti, čime je postalo prvo visokoškolsko učilište koje je uspješno koristilo platformu Europass-a za dodjelu Europskih digitalnih vjerodajnica za učenje.The new Europass platform (https://europa.eu/europass/en) is available as a free online tool from July 2020 for documenting learning outcomes, planning and career preparation in Europe, and serves to support the citizens of the European Union in managing their professional development. Through the Europass platform, users can create their own profile, easily search for different learning or employment opportunities across Europe, receive proposals for educational programmes or jobs that match their profile and interests, create, edit, and store CVs, cover letters and job applications, store digital credentials, share their profile with employers, educational institutions, or career counsellors, and use many other services. Among the mentioned possibilities of using the Europass platform, European digital learning credentials stand out (Europass Digital Credentials for learning, EDC), i.e., digital files assigned to individuals by appropriate educational institutions, such as universities, to validate and provide evidence of learning outcomes. Europass digital learning credentials can be used for achievements in all forms of learning, formal, non-formal and informal. Digital credentials have the same legal value as certificates, diplomas and other credentials in paper form, and allow higher education institutions to issue them free and securely. The Europass platform enables secure storage and sharing of digital credentials. The free and secure Europass Digital Learning Credentials system is managed by the European Commission. The idea of involving the University of Split in the processes of development and implementation of the platform for Europass digital learning credentials arose at a time of a strong interest of the Rector, prof. Dragan Ljutić, PhD, and his associates in strengthening the internationalization, relevance and quality of study programmes and scientific research. In collaboration with the partner universities of the European University of the Sea (European University of the Seas, SEA-EU) the project activities for testing and implementation for non-formal and informal learning have been developed, as well as for the award of diplomas obtained in university undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate study programmes. Through the activities of the European University of the Sea, European digital learning credentials are linked to other European initiatives in higher education, such as quality assurance and automatic recognition of higher education qualifications and periods of study. The benefits of European digital learning credentials stem from the rapid and reliable issuing diplomas and other credentials, their review, storage and sharing with employers and other individuals and institutions. The main advantage for all universities, including the University of Split, is related to the potential association with measurable indicators of quality assurance implementation in the European Higher Education Area, i.e., connection with the External Quality Assurance Results Database (DEQAR). For higher education institutions, especially the European Maritime Universities, the Europass Digital Credentials for Learning bring many benefits that can be used to facilitate student mobility, build more flexible student-centred learning, foster lifelong learning, build stronger links with entrepreneurs, and build better links between education, research, and innovation. During 2021 the University of Split successfully issued several hundred Europass Digital Credentials to participants in several informal and informal activities, making it the first higher education institution to successfully use the Europass platform to issue Europass Digital Credentials for Learning

    Reply from Zeljko Dujic

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