6 research outputs found


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    The article presents different types and scope of soil monitoring, based on ecological relationships in Parks of Nature in Croatia, to be a firm in support sustainable management of terrestrial ecosystems in Croatia. Taking into account very different and contrasting ecological, processes in our terrestrial ecosystems, this studyng presents those of the most significant economie and scientific importance. More than one type of monitoring is suggested including in some cases geochemical characteristics of vegetation

    Indications for Synergetic and Antagonistic Effects between Trace Elements in The Environment to Human Health

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    The objective of this work was to investigate the interactions between the level of concentrations of Ca, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, As and Pb in potable water, soil, vegetation and school children hair and disease incidences of neoplasms, diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism, endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases, mental and behavioral disorders and diseases of the circulatory system on the population groups which are homogeneously exposed to the environmental conditions. It was found that potable water among the other investigated aspects of the physical environment has the greatest impact on the public health. The environment- disease incidence interactions have been found for all investigated diseases groups. The results reported here emphasize the importance of the observation of the mutual effects of the environmental variables on the human health for the identification of their synergetic as well as antagonistic effects


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    Polazeći od već povijesnih i nepogovornih spoznaja da se: “metodološki klasifikaciju i vrednovanje šumskih ekosustava može najbolje postići, ako se oni definiraju kao pedološko-vegetacijski slijed i to: taksonomskom jedinicom vegetacije u smislu Braun-Blanquet-ove fitocenološke škole i pedosistematskom jedinicom tla u smislu Srednje europske pedološke škole (Gračanin 1950)” autori razmatraju stanje o tome na hrvatskom krškom području. Utvrđeno je, da su ranije izrađene klasifikacije šuma i šumskih staništa (Ekološko-gospodarski tipovi Šumarskog instituta Jastrebasko, Corine Land Cover 2000 Hrvatska Ministarstva za zaštitu okoliša i Nacionalna klasifikacija staništa Ministarstva kulture) najčešće jednoulazni deskripcijski sustavi, koji nisu mogli polučiti očekivane rezultate i nedovoljne su valjanom gospodarenju (uzgoju i iskorištavanju) šuma. Glavni kriterij naše klasifikacije šumskih ekosustava na kršu su klima i tlo iskazani u zakonitostima pedološko-vegetacijskog slijeda. Pokazalo se (Bertović 1987), da Horvatove klimatogene biljne zajednice mogu biti istoznačnice za klimatska područja, odnosno tipove klime. Prema tome pedološko rasčlanjenje Horvatovih biljnih zajednica na pedosistematske jedinice dolazimo do kombnacija taksonomskih jedinica tla i vegetacijskog pokrivača i identifikacije tipova šumskih ekosustava. Autori su iskazali (tab. 2 i 3) 66 glavnih tipova i 139 podtipova šumskih ekosustava na Hrvatskom krškom području, koje se može razvrstati u 3 (tri) klasifikacijske kategorije i to: a) klasa (područje ekosustava): Obuhvaća sve tipove ekosustava u jednom bioklimatskom području; b) tip ekosustava: Osnovna je jedinica klasifikacije i određena je bioklimatskim područjem ili podpodručjem, Horvatovom biljnom zajednicom i u njoj dominantno zastupljenim taksonoskim jedinicama (tipovima i podtipovima) tla. Iskustvo pokazuje, da se Horvatove klimazonalne zajednice rasčlanjuju na 2 do 4 tipa šumskih ekosustava; c) podtip ekosustava. Izdvaja se bioklimatom, biljnom zajednicom i u toj zajednici zastupljenih edafski kontrastnih pedohora. Tako definirani podtipovi šumskih ekosustava najprikladniji su za gospodarenje šumama i izradu detaljnih karata šumskih ekosustava. Predmetni sustav klasifikacije primjenjivan je i provjeravan u dugom razdoblju, a nalazi su iskazani u opširnom djelu o Gospodarenju šumskim tlima u Hrvatskoj (Martinović 2003). Najvažniji rezultati primjene klasifikacije postignuti su u proučavanju rasta i prirasta šumskog drveća, procesa tehnogeneze šumskih ekosustava, te utjecaja turizma i rekreacije na potrajnost šumskih ekosustava. Nadalje, naša je klasifikacija našla primjenu i u prostornom planiranju, obnovi opožarenih šuma i u konzervaciji kopnenih ekosustavaStarting from the historic and unquestioning knowledge that "methodologically classification and evaluation of forest ecosystems can best be achieved if they are defined as a pedological and vegetational sequence by taxonomic unit of vegetation after Braun-Blanquest phytocenological school and by pedosystematic soil unit after Mid.European pedological school (Gračanin,1950)" the authors analyse the situation in Croatian karst areas. It is determined that earlier classifications of forests and forest habitats (ecological and economic types of the Forest Institute Jastrebarsko, Corine Land Cover 2000 Croatia of Ministry for Environment Protection and National habitats classification by Ministry of Culture) are mostly oneway descriptive systems which cannot achieve expected results and are not adequate for valid management.(growing and utilization) of forests. The main criterion for our classification of forest ecosystems in karst areas were climate and soil expressed in the pattern of pedological and vegetation sequence. It turned out that Horvats climatogenic plant communities could be synonims for climatic areas i.e. types of climate. Thus, pedological classification of Horvats plant communities into pedosystematic units leads to combinations of taxonomic soil units and vegetation cover as well as identification of forest ecosystem types. The authors present (Tables 2 & 3) 66 main types and 139 subtypes of forest ecosystems in Croatian karst areas which can be classified into three categories: a) (ecosystem area) includes all types of ecosystem in one bioclimate area; b) ecosystem type is the basic classification unit and is defined by bioclimatic area or subarea, by Horvat\u27s plant community and its dominantly represented taxonomic units (types and subtypes) of soil. Experience shows that Horvat\u27s climatic units are split into 2 to 4 types of forest ecosystems ;c) ecosystem subtype is separated by bioclimate, plant community and in this community represented edafic contrast pedohora. Thus defined subtypes of forest ecosystems are most suitable for forest management and formation of detailed maps of forest ecosystems. This classification system was used and checked over a long period of time and the results are presented in a detailed work on Management of Forest Soils in Croatia (Martinović, 2003). Most important results of classification application have been obtained by studying growth and increase of forest trees, process of technogenesis of forest ecosystems and the influence of tourism and recreation on duration of forest ecosystems. Our classidication can also be applied in space planning, reconstruction of forests damaged by fire and in conservation of land ecosystems


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    Autore zanima kako gospodarenje sa šumama utječe na prirodno stečenu proizvodnu snagu tla i njegovu konzervacijsku ulogu u zaštiti okoliša. S tim u svezi u radu je obavljena periodička karakterizacija stanja humizacije tla (razdoblje 1965 - 2008. god.) u šumi bukve i jele, gospodarski najpro-duktivnijem šumskom ekosustavu zapadne Hrvatske. Istraživani ekosustav određen je pedološko-vegetacijskim slijedom i to: Tip tla je srednje duboko smeđe tlo na vapnencu i dolomitu (kalcikambisol), a vegetacijsku jedinicu čini klimatogena biljna zajednica Calamintho - Abieti - Fagetum (Ht.1938 ). Na 22 primjerna objekta (Gorski kotar, Velika i Mala Kapela i Velebit) u humusno - akumulativnom horizontu tla analizirano je (2008. god.) stanje pH vrijednosti, koncentracija humusa i dušika i C / N odnosa, a na osnovi prosječnih uzoraka Jenny - evih tessera i uspoređenih u odnosu na podatke iz ranijih istraživanja. Uspoređeno je i zatečeno stanje sastojina sa šumsko-sastojinskim normalama za tu biljnu zajednicu s posebnim naglaskom na omjer vrsta drveća. U razdoblju od 44 godine (1965 - 2008.) kao najznačajniji nalazi utvrđen je trend pada humizacije, smanjila se koncentracija humusa za oko 25 %. Odnos ugljika prema dušiku (C / N) u tlu nalazi se u rasponu od 15,2 (1965 - 1970) do 13,1 (2008.) god. Usporedba stanja reakcije tla (pH-vrijednosti) iz 1965 i 2008. god pokazuje, da je isto tlo (kalcikambisol) u istoj biljnoj zajednici prešlo iz slabo-kisele reakcije u kategoriju osrednje kiselosti tj. pH-vrijednost se u prosjeku snizila od 6,4 na 5,8. Na primjeru 22 šumska odjela utvrđeno je, da sadašnje prosječno stanje sastojina jako odstupa od projektirane normale. Ukupna proizvodnost jele i bukve iznosi prosječno 6,4 m3/ha godišnje, odnosno 57-62 % od po normalama moguće proizvodnje. Proizvodnost same jele (2,85 m3/ha) još je nepovoljnija s obzirom, da iznosi tek 30 - 40 % mogućnosti staništa (klime i tla).In the scope of authors interest is influence of forest economy on naturaly acqired production-wise power of the soil and its preservation role in environmental protection. In connection to this, periodical characterization of humisation state of soil has been done in the study (period 1965.-2008.) in beech and fir forest - economywise most productive forest ecosystem in western Croatia. Researched ecosystem has been defined pedologicaly and vegetativly by: soil which is medium deep brown soil on lime-stone and dolomite (calcicambisol), and vegetative unit which is climatogenic community Calamintho-Abiety-Fagetum (Ht. 1938). At 22 egzemplary objects (Gorski kotar, Velika i Mala Kapela i Velebit) in humus-acumulative layer of soil pH-rate has been analysed (year 2008.), concentration of humus and nitrogen, as well as C/N relation, based on average Jenny\u27s samples and compaired with earlier research data. It was also compaired recent state of components with forest-component standards for appropriate vegetative community emphasizing the proportion of tree sorts (Table 1 and 2). Most important research results are as follows: 1. Composition of components and proportion of tree species in beech and fir forest has been determined by historical, biological and economical factors. Proportion of tree species vary from case to case with possible extremes. Complexity of ecological conditions has been substantialy changed due to vast felling of the trees after the second world war which caused opening the crowns of the trees and altered the component\u27s climate (increased input of light and temperature, diminished soil humidity) according to Šafar and others. That reflects on phisiological decline, weak green shoot development, poor off-spring and green shoot of fir as well as insufficient resistance to technogenetic influence of atmosphere. 2. In our example (22 forest department) was found that state of components (recent average) substantialy aberrate from standards, respectivly projected optimal composition of components. Total annual average productivity of beech and fir is 6,4 m³/ha, respectivly 57-62% as per standards possible production. Sole productivity of fir is more unfavourable. Small quantity of trees in structure of components has consequence in low production, only 2,85 m³/ha average per annum which is 30-40% of standard production i.e. 9,3 respectivly 7,2 m³/ha annualy. Unfavourable is also distribution of timber according to thickness grades (Table 6b). In our components mutual proportion of beech and fir is 16:43:41 (Table 6b), and 20:30:50 is recomanded. All displayed data on structure and production of components show that they have been unsufficiently used, at least 35% below production possibility of habitat (climate and soil) and that it would remain for longer period of time. 3. In such forest-component conditions, the alterating of states of soil humisation in humus-accumulated layer of calcicambisol has been researched. By certain prevail of data decline trend of humisation has been established. In period of 44 years (1965.-2008.) according to humisation index (Ih) decline is 30 and according to humus concetration in A-horizon about 25% (Table 6). In spite of that researched soils are in group of very rich in humus. 4. Quality of humus exspressed by C/N relation in A-horizon of calcicambisol does not show significant trend of changes. Average C/N values in time periods are in range 15,2-13,1 (Table 6, 2b, 3 and 4). From the point of view of euthrophicity soils remain in same, very favourable category, although relation C/N has been narrowed. 5. In period which has been researched, proces of acidification of soil was established. Comparison of soil reaction in 1965. and 2008. shows that same type of soil (in same floral community) turn reaction from low acid to medium acid i.e. pH value has decreased from 6,4 to 5,8 (difference pH=0,6) (Table 6). It shows that concentration of H-ions in humus-accumulative A-horison of soil has increased 6 (six) times. No doubt, established proces of acidification can be explained by character and influence of perhumid climate, which causes permanent flushing of soil by precipitation as well as by input of atmospheric oxidants (S02 and NOx). Last mentioned influence has it\u27s strongest expression in Croatia particulary in bioclimate of beech and fir. 6. Discussion on correspondence of state of humisation and human\u27s influence on state of components is difficult due to lack of data on altering of states of components in observed period. In that regard the best picture of relations gives the comparison of condition in years 1970. and 2008. In that period the total mass of timber has diminished from 406,5 m3/ha to 366 m³/ha (Table 3, 4 and 5). Contribution of fir in timber mass has diminished from 55,5% to 51%, since the content of humus in humus-accumulative horison diminished for 25%


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    Geokemijski okoliš može utjecati na zdravlje ljudi izazivajući kronične zdravstvene probleme vezane za dugotrajnu izloženost malim dozama toksičnih tvari kao što su primjerice neki elementi u tragovima s kojima dolazimo u dodir direktno inhalacijom prašine iz zraka ili indirektno kroz prehrambeni lanac te koristeći vodu iz lokalnih izvora za piće, kuhanje, osobnu higijenu i rekreaciju. Kronični zdravstveni problemi povezani s karakteristikama geokemijskog okoliša mogu nastati i zbog trajne izloženosti deficitu za ljude esencijalnih elementa. U ovom radu ćemo na nekoliko primjera prikazati na koji se način mogu neke geografske distribucije pobola dovesti u vezu s karakteristikama geokemijskog okoliša uz primjenu GIS-a i statističkih metoda. Također ćemo prikazati kako u geokemijskom okolišu možemo razlikovati prirodnu distribuciju elemenata od antropogenog doprinosa što je važno u primjeni potrebnih mjera za smanjivanje rizika po ljudsko zdravlje.Geochemical environment can influence human health causing chronic medical problems related to long-term, low-level exposures to toxic agents such are trace elements. Humans can be directly exposed to toxic substances by inhalation of air dust or indirectly through food chain or by consumption of local water for drinking, cooking, personal hygiene and recreational purposes. Chronic medical problems related to geochemical characteristics of the environment can also be caused by chronic deficit of chemical elements essential for humans. In this paper we will present several applications of the GIS and statistical methods for relating the geographical distribution of diseases with geochemical characteristics of the environment. In addition, we are presenting methods applied for distinguishing natural distribution of elements from anthropogenic contribution, which is important information for establishing protective measures necessary for decreasing the health risk