66 research outputs found

    Oktatási egyenlőtlenségek, iskolai mobilitás és az oktatási rendszer átalakulása Magyarországon az 1980-as évektől napjainkig

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    A legfrissebb OECD (2018) adatok szerint Magyarországon alacsony a társadalmi mobilitás jövedelmi, oktatási és foglalkozási dimenzióban egyaránt. Erre magyarázatul szolgál többek között a társadalom legfelső és legalsó kvintiliseinek erős megtartó ereje, azaz az ún. ’ragadós padló’ és ’ragadós plafon’ jelensége. A társadalmi mobilitás egyik legjelentősebb vertikális csatornája az iskola (Sorokin 1964), hiszen az itt megszerzett kulturális és társadalmi tőke később a gazdasági tőkéhez jutást is elősegíti (Bourdieu 1978). Az általános tankötelezettség bevezetése óta elméletileg minden gyermek azonos hozzáféréssel rendelkezik az oktatáshoz, a gyakorlat azonban azt mutatja, hogy a rendszer képes újratermelni, sőt növelni a családi háttérből fakadó egyenlőtlenségeket. Ez jellemző a nemzetközi viszonylatban is kiemelkedően szelektív és egyenlőtlen hazai oktatási rendszerre is (Csapó et al. 2015). A nagyrészt az alacsony szocioökonómiai státuszú tanulókat érintő rosszabb minőségű oktatás, lemorzsolódás, illetve az ebből következően végül elért alacsony iskolai végzettség megnehezíti, hogy ezek a gyerekek később sikeresen integrálódjanak a munkaerőpiacra és a társadalomba. Annak, hogy a magyar oktatási rendszer nem képes hatékony vertikális mobilitási csatornaként működni – sőt inkább növeli a társadalmi egyenlőtlenségeket –, több strukturális oka is van. Egyrészt az erőforrások eloszlását magas fokú területi egyenlőtlenség jellemzi. Egyes régiókban, valamint bizonyos típusú településeken élő családok nem, vagy csak korlátozottan, rosszabb minőségben jutnak hozzá egyes szolgáltatásokhoz (pl. bölcsőde, óvoda, gyógypedagógiai, logopédiai ellátás) (Hajdu et al. 2022; Keller 2018). Másrészt számos kutató rámutatott, hogy az oktatási rendszer extrém szelektivitása, a korán és rugalmatlanul, átjárhatatlanul elváló iskolai utak és az egyes intézménytípusokban elérhető szolgáltatások minőségének különbsége is jelentős mértékben hozzájárul az egyenlőtlenségek növekedéséhez. Jellemzően éppen azok a gyerekek férnek hozzá a magasabb színvonalú oktatáshoz, akiknek családja is magasabb társadalmi státuszú (Horn et al. 2016; Lannert 2018)

    Spectral Engineering via Complex Patterns of Circular Nano-object Miniarrays: I. Convex Patterns Tunable by Integrated Lithography Realized by Circularly Polarized Light

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    Illumination of colloid sphere monolayers by circularly polarized beams enables the fabrication of concave patterns composed of circular nanohole miniarrays that can be transferred into convex metal nano-object patterns via a lift-off procedure. Unique spectral and near-field properties are achievable by controlling the geometry of the central nanoring and quadrumer of slightly rotated satellite nanocrescents and by selecting those azimuthal orientations that promote localized plasmon resonances. The spectral and near-field effects of hexagonal patterns composed of uniform gold nanorings and nanocrescents, which can be prepared by transferring masks fabricated by a perpendicularly and obliquely incident single homogeneous circularly polarized beam, were studied to uncover the supported localized plasmonic modes. Artificial rectangular patterns composed of a singlet nanoring and singlet nanocrescent as well as quadrumer of four nanocrescents were investigated to analyze the effect of nano-object interactions and lattice type. It was proven that all nanophotonical phenomena are governed by the azimuthal orientation independent localized resonance on the nanorings and by the C2, C1, and U resonances on the nanocrescents in case of (E) over bar -field direction perpendicular and parallel to their symmetry axes. The interaction between localized surface plasmon resonances on individual nano-objects is weak, whereas scattered photonic modes have a perturbative role at the Rayleigh anomaly only on the larger periodic rectangular pattern of miniarrays. Considerable fluorescence enhancement of dipolar emitters is achievable at spectral locations promoting the C and U resonances on the constituent nano-object

    Spectral Engineering Via Complex Patterns of Circular Nano-Object Miniarrays: II. Concave Patterns Tunable by Integrated Lithography Realized by Circularly Polarized Light

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    The use of circularly polarized beams in interferometric illumination of colloid sphere monolayers enables the direct fabrication of rectangular patterns composed of circular nanohole miniarrays in metal films. This paper presents a study on the spectral and near-field effects of complex rectangular patterns consisted of a central nanoring and slightly rotated satellite nanocrescents in azimuthal orientations, which promote coupling between localized and propagating plasmons. To inspect the localized modes separately, we investigate the spectral responses and near-field phenomena of hexagonal patterns composed of uniform nanorings and nanocrescents, which can be fabricated by a single, homogeneous, circularly polarized beam incident perpendicularly and obliquely, respectively. To understand the interaction of localized and propagating modes, we analyze artificial rectangular patterns composed of a singlet nanoring, a singlet horizontal nanocrescent, and a quadrumer of four slightly rotated nanocrescents. The results demonstrate that on the rectangular pattern of a singlet horizontal nanocrescent the interacting C2 and C1 localized resonances in the C orientation (0 degrees azimuthal angle) and the U localized resonance coupled with propagating surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) in the U orientation (90 degrees azimuthal angle) manifest themselves in similar split spectra. Moreover, split spectra appear due to the coupling of the azimuthal orientation independent localized resonance on the nanorings and the SPPs propagating on their rectangular pattern in the U orientation. The spectral response of the complex miniarray pattern can be precisely tuned by varying the geometrical parameters of the moderately interacting nanoholes and the pattern period. In appropriate configurations, the fluorescence of the dipolar emitters is enhanced, which has potential applications in bio-object detection

    Study on Optimization of Wet Milling Process for the Development of Albendazole Containing Nanosuspension with Improved Dissolution

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    The main objective of this work was to show the potential of the optimization of top-down wet planetary bead milling process parameters (milling speed, process time and size of the milling medium) by Design Of Experiments (DOE) approach for the development of albendazole (ABZ) containing nanosuspension with improved dissolution. In addition, the influence of process parameters (capacity of milling container, applied volume of milling beads, size of the milling medium, milling speed, milling time) on ABZ polymorphic transition has also been investigated. The optimized, milled formula yielded ~ 145.39 times reduction in mean particle size (182.200 ± 1.3130 nm) compared to unmilled dispersion, which demonstrated 13.50 times gain in mean dissolution rate value compared to the unmilled dispersion in medium at pH = 1.2. No lag time values were observed in the dissolution kinetics of the nanosuspension in comparison with the unmilled samples. Moreover, maximal mean solubility value was also improved by 1.45 times compared to the unmilled suspension, in medium at pH = 6.8, supporting the significance of the Ostwald-Freundlich equation. Diffraction pattern comparisons have indicated a polymorphic transition of albendazole to Form II, which was more pronounced in smaller container at high milling speed values and prolonged operation

    Optimization of Quality Attributes and Atomic Force Microscopy Imaging of Reconstituted Nanodroplets in Baicalin Loaded Self-Nanoemulsifying Formulations

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    The objective of the study was to develop baicalin loaded liquid self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery systems (BSNEDDS) and to characterize them by physicochemical methods in order to optimize the composition and quality attributes. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) was utilized to evaluate the morphological characteristics and size distribution of reconstituted nanoemulsion droplets with a new sample preparation method for the elucidation of individual nanodroplets without any signs of coalescence. Response surface methodology and desirability approach was used to select the optimized composition related to droplet size, zeta-potential, polydispersity index (PDI), and turbidity characteristics. Droplet size distribution measured by dynamic light scattering method was highly desirable with 52.87 ± 0.5322 nm, which was confirmed by AFM imaging. The optimized formula contains Peceol® (14.29%, w/w), Kolliphor® EL (57.14%, w/w), and Transcutol® P (28.57%, w/w). Long-term stability analysis did not show any significant change in droplet size or PDI over the investigated period. More than 40.5-times solubility improvement was achieved with the optimized BSNEDDS correlated to solubility of baicalin in distilled water. In vitro dissolution studies at pH 1.2 and pH 6.8 were performed and revealed that the optimized BSNEDDS formula showed pH independent drug dissolution, and 100% of incorporated baicalin dissolved within five minutes in rapidly dispersing nanodroplets

    Hasüregi daganatáttétek stereotaxiás sugárkezelése egy ülésben. Beszámoló az első hazai, koponyán kívüli sugársebészeti beavatkozásról

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    Absztrakt Az elmúlt évtizedekben a daganatgyógyítás fejlődésének és eredményességének jeleként a lokális terápiás modalitások szerepe az áttétes betegségek ellátása során felértékelődött. A szerzők tudomása szerint a hazánkban első eredményes, koponyán kívüli sugársebészeti beavatkozást ismertetik. Az 58 éves férfi gyomoradenocarcinoma miatt műtéten, kemoterápián és mellékveseáttétek miatt metastatectomián esett át. Az első műtét után 4 évvel a követési komputertomográfiás vizsgálat kétgócú és inoperábilisnak véleményezett peritonealis áttétképződést mutatott, a májszél, illetve a bal vese alatt, 2 cm-es átmérőkkel. Definitív ellátásként, egy ülésben 12 Gy dózisú stereotaxiás hasi sugársebészeti beavatkozást végeztek, cone-beam komputertomográfiás ellenőrzés mellett, dinamikus ívbesugárzást, illetve 2-2 ívet alkalmazva. A kezelés 25 percig tartott, sem akut, sem késői mellékhatást nem észleltek. A kezelés után 3, illetve 7 hónappal elvégzett kontroll-komputertomográfia teljes tumorregressziót igazolt. A szerzők megállapítják, hogy megfelelő technológia és gyakorlottság birtokában, nem gyorsan növekvő oligometasztázisok esetében a koponyán kívüli stereotaxiás sugársebészeti ellátás biztonságos és hatékony alternatívája lehet a műtéti beavatkozásnak. Orv. Hetil., 2015, 156(39), 1593–1599

    Socio-demographic characteristics and body weight perceptions of study participants benefitting most from the Feel4Diabetes program based on their anthropometric and glycaemic profile changes

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    The Feel4Diabetes program was comprised of a community-based screening and a two-year intervention phase aiming to prevent type 2 diabetes (T2D) in families at risk for diabetes across Europe. The current work aimed to identify the socio-demographic characteristics and body weight perceptions of participants who benefitted the most, achieving at least a 5% reduction in body weight, waist circumference and glycaemic indices (fasting plasma glucose, insulin, glycosylated haemoglobin levels), over two-year period. Following a two-stage screening procedure, 2294 high-risk parents were randomly allocated to standard care or more intensive intervention. The participants who benefitted most were living in Southern (OR 2.39–3.67, p < 0.001) and Eastern Europe (OR 1.55–2.47, p < 0.05), received more intensive intervention (OR 1.53–1.90, p = 0.002) and were younger (<40 years old) adults (OR 1.48–1.51, p < 0.05). Furthermore, individuals with tertiary education (OR 2.06, p < 0.001), who were unemployed (OR 1.62–1.68, p < 0.05) and perceived their body weight to be higher than normal (OR 1.58–3.00, p < 0.05) were more likely to benefit from the program. Lastly, males were more likely to show improvements in their glycaemic profiles compared to females (OR 1.40, p = 0.024).These findings point out the regions in Europe and the sociodemographic profile of individuals that benefitted the most in the current study, highlighting the need to prioritise regions in greater need for such interventions and also tailor future interventions to the characteristics and perceptions of the target populations

    Longitudinal Associations between Food Parenting Practices and Dietary Intake in Children: The Feel4Diabetes Study

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    Food parenting practices (FPPs) have an important role in shaping children’s dietary behaviors. This study aimed to investigate cross-sectional and longitudinal associations over a twoyear follow-up between FPP and dietary intake and compliance with current recommendations in 6- to 11-year-old European children. A total of 2967 parent-child dyads from the Feel4Diabetes study, a randomized controlled trial of a school and community-based intervention, (50.4% girls and 93.5% mothers) were included. FPPs assessed were: (1) home food availability; (2) parental role modeling of fruit intake; (3) permissiveness; (4) using food as a reward. Children’s dietary intake was assessed through a parent-reported food frequency questionnaire. In regression analyses, the strongest cross-sectional associations were observed between home availability of 100% fruit juice and corresponding intake (β = 0.492 in girls and β = 0.506 in boys, p < 0.001), and between parental role modeling of fruit intake and children’s fruit intake (β = 0.431 in girls and β = 0.448 in boys, p < 0.001). In multilevel logistic regression models, results indicated that improvements in positive FPPs over time were mainly associated with higher odds of compliance with healthy food recommendations, whereas a decrease in negative FPP over time was associated with higher odds of complying with energy-dense/nutrient-poor food recommendations. Improving FPPs could be an effective way to improve children’s dietary intake.European Union’s Horizon 2020Aragón’s Regional Government (Diputación General de Aragón, DGA