24 research outputs found

    An international clinical study of ability and disability in ADHD using the WHO-ICF framework

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    This is the fourth and final study designed to develop International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, and children and youth version, ICF-CY) core sets for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). To investigate aspects of functioning and environment of individuals with ADHD as documented by the ICF-CY in clinical practice settings. An international cross-sectional multi-centre study was applied, involving nine units from eight countries: Denmark, Germany, India, Italy, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Sweden and Taiwan. Clinicians and clinical researchers rated the functioning level of 112 children, adolescents and adults with ADHD using the extended ICF-CY checklist version 2.1a. The ratings were based on a variety of information sources, such as medical records, medical history, clinical observations, clinical questionnaires, psychometric tests and structured interviews with participants and family members. In total, 113 ICF-CY categories were identified, of which 50 were related to the activities and participation, 33 to environmental factors and 30 to body functions. The clinical study also yielded strengths related to ADHD, which included temperament and personality functions and recreation and leisure. The study findings endorse the complex nature of ADHD, as evidenced by the many functional and contextual domains impacted in ADHD. ICF-CY based tools can serve as foundation for capturing various functional profiles and environmental facilitators and barriers. The international nature of the ICF-CY makes it possible to develop user-friendly tools that can be applied globally and in multiple settings, ranging from clinical services and policy-making to education and research

    Intact Stimulus–Response Conflict Processing in ADHD—Multilevel Evidence and Theoretical Implications

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    Attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is closely associated with deficits in cognitive control. It seems, however, that the degree of deficits strongly depends on the examined subprocess, with the resolution of stimulus–stimulus conflicts being particularly difficult for patients with ADHD. The picture is far less clear regarding stimulus–response conflicts. The current study provides multi-level behavioural and neurophysiological data on this type of conflict monitoring in children with ADHD compared to healthy controls. To account for the potentially strong effects of intra-individual variability, electroencephalogram (EEG) signal decomposition methods were used to analyze the data. Crucially, none of the analyses (behavioural, event-related potentials, or decomposed EEG data) show any differences between the ADHD group and the control group. Bayes statistical analysis confirmed the high likelihood of the null hypothesis being true in all cases. Thus, the data provide multi-level evidence showing that conflict monitoring processes are indeed partly intact in ADHD, even when eliminating possible biasing factors such as intra-individual variability. While stimulus–stimulus conflict processing has been shown to be consistently dysfunctional in ADHD, the resolution of stimulus–response conflicts is not deficient in this patient group. In comparison to other studies, the results provide novel theoretical insights into the nature of conflict control deficits in childhood ADHD

    Neurophysiological mechanisms of interval timing dissociate inattentive and combined ADHD subtypes

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    It is far from conclusive what distinguishes the inattentive (ADD) and the combined (ADHD-C) subtype of ADHD on the neuronal level. Theoretical considerations suggest that especially interval timing processes may dissociate these subtypes from each other. Combining high-density EEG recordings with source localization analyses, we examine whether there are ADHD-subtype specific modulations of neurophysiological processes subserving interval timing in matched groups of ADD (n = 16), ADHD-C (n = 16) and controls (n = 16). Patients with ADD and ADHD-C show deficits in interval timing, which was correlated with the degree of inattention in ADD patients. Compared to healthy controls, patients with ADHD-C display a somewhat weaker, yet consistent response preparation process (contingent negative variation, CNV). In patients with ADD, the early CNV is interrupted, indicating an oscillatory disruption of the interval timing process. This is associated with activations in the supplemental motor areas and the middle frontal gyrus. Patients with ADD display adequate feedback learning mechanisms (feedback-related negativity, FRN), which is not the case in patients with ADHD-C. The results suggest that altered pacemaker-accumulation processes in medial frontal structures distinguish the ADD from the ADHD-C subtype. Particularly in patients with ADD phasic interruptions of preparatory neurophysiological processes are evident, making this a possible diagnostic feature

    Intact Context-Dependent Modulation of Conflict Monitoring in Childhood ADHD

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    Objective: Conflict monitoring is well known to be modulated by context. This is known as the Gratton effect, meaning that the degree of interference is smaller when a stimulus–response conflict had been encountered previously. It is unclear to what extent these processes are changed in ADHD. Method: Children with ADHD (combined subtype) and healthy controls performed a modified version of the sequence flanker task. Results: Patients with ADHD made significantly more errors than healthy controls, indicating general performance deficits. However, there were no differences regarding reaction times, indicating an intact Gratton effect in ADHD. These results were supported by Bayesian statistics. Conclusion: The results suggest that the ability to take contextual information into account during conflict monitoring is preserved in patients with ADHD despite this disorder being associated with changes in executive control functions overall. These findings are discussed in light of different theoretical accounts on contextual modulations of conflict monitoring. (J. of Att. Dis. 2020; 24(11) 1503-1510

    A novel approach to intra-individual performance variability in ADHD

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    Patients with attention deficit/(hyperactivity) disorder (AD(H)D) show increased intra-individual variability (IIV) in behavioral performance. This likely reflects dopaminergic deficiencies. However, the precise performance profile across time and the pattern of fluctuations within it have not yet been considered, partly due to insufficient methods. Yet, such an analysis may yield important theory-based implications for clinical practice. Thus, in a case-control cross-sectional study, we introduce a new method to investigate performance fluctuations in patients with ADD (n = 76) and ADHD (n = 67) compared to healthy controls (n = 45) in a time estimation task. In addition, we also evaluate the effects of methylphenidate (MPH) treatment on this performance pattern in 29 patients with AD(H)D. Trial-by-trial differences in performance between healthy controls and patients with AD(H)D do not persist continuously over longer time periods. Periods during which no differences in performance between healthy controls and patients occur alternate with periods in which such differences are present. AD(H)D subtype and surprisingly also medication status does not affect this pattern. The presented findings likely reflect (phasic) deficiencies of the dopaminergic system in patients with AD(H)D which are not sufficiently ameliorated by first-line pharmacological treatment. The presented findings carry important clinical and scientific implications

    Changes in emotions and worries during the Covid-19 pandemic: an online-survey with children and adults with and without mental health conditions

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    Background: The novel coronavirus disease (Covid-19) has spread quickly worldwide with dramatic consequences on our daily lives. Adverse psychosocial consequences of Covid-19 might be particularly severe for children and adolescents, parents of young children and people with mental health conditions (mhc), who are more prone to the experience of psychosocial stress and who are more dependent on the access to professional psychosocial support. The present survey therefore aimed to explore perceived stress and the emotional responses of children and adolescents as well as adults with and without mhc during the social restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Methods: The survey gathered information about 284 children and adolescent (parent-on-child-reports) and 456 adults (including 284 parents, self-reports). The participants were allocated to four groups: children and adolescents with mhc, children and adolescent without mhc, adults with mhc and adults without mhc. The survey included general questions about socio-demographic characteristics and mental health status, the CoRonavIruSHealth Impact Survey and the Perceived Stress Scale (only data on adults). Wilcoxon signed-rank tests were used for comparing the emotional responses during the Covid-19 pandemic with emotions before the Covid-19 pandemic. Independent sample t-test were used to compare the level of perceived stress between the adult groups, linear regression analyses were conducted to examine which variables predicted perceived stress during the Covid-19 restrictions. Results: An increase to the worse during the Covid-19 restrictions was observed for most emotions and worries in all four groups (children and adolescents with mhc, children and adolescents without mhc, adults with mhc, adults without mhc). Contrary to our expectations, a greater number of emotions worsened significantly for children and adolescents as well as adults without mhc as compared to those with mhc. We found higher perceived stress in parents as compared to adults without children in the same household and in adults with mhc as compared to those without mhc. Discussion: Covid-19-related social restrictions and potential health risks seem to affect emotions and perceived stress in children, adolescents and adults. Especially, Covid-19 seems to be have worsened the mental well-being of children and adolescent and their families, who were mentally healthy before the Covid-19 pandemic

    Neural mechanisms underlying successful and deficient multi-component behavior in early adolescent ADHD

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    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a disorder affecting cognitive control. These functions are important to achieve goals when different actions need to be executed in close succession. This type of multi-component behavior, which often further requires the processing of information from different modalities, is important for everyday activities. Yet, possible changes in neurophysiological mechanisms have not been investigated in adolescent ADHD. We examined N = 31 adolescent ADHD patients and N = 35 healthy controls (HC) in two Stop-Change experiments using either uni-modal or bi-modal stimuli to trigger stop and change processes. These stimuli were either presented together (SCD0) or in close succession of 300 milliseconds (SCD300). Using event-related potentials (ERP), EEG data decomposition and source localization we analyzed neural processes and functional neuroanatomical correlates of multicomponent behavior. Compared to HCs, ADHD patients had longer reaction times and higher error rates when Stop and Change stimuli were presented in close succession (SCD300), but not when presented together (SCD0). This effect was evident in the uni-modal and bi-modal experiment and is reflected by neurophysiological processes reflecting response selection mechanisms in the inferior parietal cortex (BA40). These processes were only detectable after accounting for intra-individual variability in neurophysiological data; i.e. there were no effects in standard ERPs. Multi-component behavior is not always deficient in ADHD. Rather, modulations in multi-component behavior depend on a critical temporal integration window during response selection which is associated with functioning of the inferior parietal cortex. This window is smaller than in HCs and independent of the complexity of sensory input

    A comparative study on the neurophysiological mechanisms underlying effects of methylphenidate and neurofeedback on inhibitory control in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

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    In Attention DeïŹcit Hyperactivity Disorder (AD(H)D), treatments using methylphenidate (MPH) and behavioralinterventions like neurofeedback (NF) reïŹ‚ect major therapeutic options. These treatments also ameliorate ex-ecutive dysfunctions in AD(H)D. However, the mechanisms underlying eïŹ€ects of MPH and NF on executivefunctions in AD(H)D (e.g. the ability to inhibit prepotent responses) are far from understood. It is particularlyunclear whether these interventions aïŹ€ect similar or dissociable neural mechanisms and associated functionalneuroanatomical structures. This, however, is important when aiming to further improve these treatments. Wecompared the neurophysiological mechanisms of MPH and theta/beta NF treatments on inhibitory control on the basis of EEG recordings and source localization analyses. The data show that MPH and theta/beta NF bothincrease the ability to inhibit pre-potent responses to a similar extent. However, the data suggest that MPH andNF target diïŹ€erent neurophysiological mechanisms, especially when it comes to functional neuroanatomicalstructures associated with these eïŹ€ects. Both treatments seem to aïŹ€ect neurophysiological correlates of a‘braking function’ in medial frontal areas. However, in case of the NF intervention, inferior parietal areas are alsoinvolved. This likely reïŹ‚ects the updating and stabilisation of eïŹƒcient internal representations in order to in-itiate appropriate actions. No eïŹ€ects were seen in correlates of perceptual and attentional selection processes.Notably, reliable eïŹ€ects were only obtained after accounting for intra-individual variability in the neurophy-siological data, which may also explain the diversity of ïŹndings in studies on treatment eïŹ€ects in AD(H)D,especially concerning neurofeedback

    Conflict processing in juvenile patients with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) and healthy controls – Two pathways to success

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    Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1) is a monogenetic autosomal-dominant disorder with a broad spectrum of clinical symptoms and is commonly associated with cognitive deficits. Patients with NF1 frequently exhibit cognitive impairments like attention problems, working memory deficits and dysfunctional inhibitory control. The latter is also relevant for the resolution of cognitive conflicts. However, it is unclear how conflict monitoring processes are modulated in NF1. To examine this question in more detail, we used a system neurophysiological approach combining high-density ERP recordings with source localisation analyses in juvenile patients with NF1 and controls during a flanker task. Behaviourally, patients with NF1 perform significantly slower than controls. Specifically on trials with incompatible flanker-target pairings, however, the patients with NF1 made significantly fewer errors than healthy controls. Yet, importantly, this overall successful conflict resolution was reached via two different routes in the two groups. The healthy controls seem to arrive at a successful conflict monitoring performance through a developing conflict recognition via the N2 accompanied by a selectively enhanced N450 activation in the case of perceived flanker-target conflicts. The presumed dopamine deficiency in the patients with NF1 seems to result in a reduced ability to process conflicts via the N2. However, NF1 patients show an increased N450 irrespective of cognitive conflict. Activation differences in the orbitofrontal cortex (BA11) and anterior cingulate cortex (BA24) underlie these modulations. Taken together, juvenile patients with NF1 and juvenile healthy controls seem to accomplish conflict monitoring via two different cognitive neurophysiological pathways

    Evidence for an altered architecture and a hierarchical modulation of inhibitory control processes in ADHD

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    Inhibitory control deficits are a hallmark in ADHD. Yet, inhibitory control includes a multitude of entities (e.g. ‘inhibition of interferences’ and ‘action inhibition’). Examining the interplay between these kinds of inhibitory control provides insights into the architecture of inhibitory control in ADHD. Combining a Simon task and a Go/Nogo task, we assessed the interplay of ‘inhibition of interferences’ and ‘action inhibition’. This was combined with EEG recordings, EEG data decomposition and source localization. Simon interference effects in Go trials were larger in ADHD. At the neurophysiological level, this insufficient inhibition of interferences in ADHD related to the superior parietal cortex. Simon interference effects were absent in action inhibition (Nogo) trials in ADHD, compared to controls. This was supported by bayesian statistics. The power of effects was higher than 95%. The differential effects between the groups were associated with modulations of neurophysiological response selection processes in the superior frontal gyrus. ADHD is not only associated with deficits in inhibitory control. Rather, the organization and architecture of the inhibitory control system is different in ADHD. Distinguishable inhibitory control processes operate on a hierarchical ‘first come, first serve’ basis and are not integrated in ADHD. This is a new facet of ADHD. Keywords: ADHD, Inhibitory control, EEG, Parietal corte