80 research outputs found

    Svenska livsmedel inom kommunal sektor

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    Befolkningstätheten ökar och det blir allt fler människor att försörja med mat. Svensk livsmedelsproduktion skapar en levande landsbygd och ett stabilt näringsliv. Livsmedelsstrategin som beslutades 2017, är ett hjälpmedel med riktlinjer för Sveriges kommuner för att underlätta upphandlingen av svenska råvaror. Det finns många lagar som skall följas i den offentliga upphandlingen och det juridiska språket anses vara komplicerat och ibland svårtolkat. Denna studie går ut på att öka förståelsen och kunskapen om självförsörjningsgraden av svenska råvaror inom kommunal sektor. För att undersöka detta har vi i vår studie använt oss av en kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade interjuver över zoom och telefon. Studien har undersökt hur kommunerna bland annat påverkas av den offentliga upphandlingen och vilka hjälpmedel det finns för kommunerna att upphandla svenskt. För att begränsa studien har fem semistrukturerade interjuver genomförts med forskningsfrågor. I studien framgick det att kommunerna upplever att det finns svårigheter att upphandla vissa kategorier av livsmedel. Kommunerna försöker köpa in svenska råvaror efter säsong och hitta lokala producenter. De intervjuade kommunerna har hittat möjligheter för att kringgå den offentliga upphandlingen för att öka andelen svenska råvaror inom den kommunala sektorn.The population density is increasing and there are more people to provide with food. Swedish food production creates a living countryside, more jobs and a stable business life. The majority of Sweden's municipalities tries to purchase Swedish food for the municipal kitchens. The food strategy, which was decided by the Swedish government in 2017, is a tool with guidelines for Sweden's municipalities to purchase food produced in Sweden. There are many laws that must be followed in public procurement and the legal language is considered complicated. Sweden's municipalities find different possibilities to achieve their goals and to increase Swedish food in the municipal sector. This study aims to increase understanding and knowledge about the degree of self-sufficiency. To investigate this, we have used a qualitative method with semi-structured interviews over zoom and telephone. The study has investigated how the municipalities are affected by public procurement and which tools there are for the municipalities to purchase food produced in Sweden. To limit the study, five semi-structured interviews were conducted with research questions

    'Now she prefers jeans, like everyone else…' - Parents' experiences of group- and web-based treatment of children's obesity

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    Aim Web-based interventions have shown promising results in paediatric obesity treatment with the potential to increase coverage of care. This study aimed to explore parental experiences about participating in an intervention to improve healthy behaviours and lower BMI-SDS in children with obesity. Methods This was an interview study with an inductive qualitative approach. Data were collected from individual interviews with 14 parents of 5- to 13-year-old children with obesity. The respondents had participated in a family-based treatment intervention consisting of four group sessions followed by 12-week web-based support. The interviews were analysed using qualitative manifest and latent content. Results The overarching theme 'A transformative journey of lifestyle changes for the whole family' described how the participation impacted the lifestyle of the whole family. Four categories: parental awareness, introducing new routines, negotiating family battles and a feeling of support, represented various experiences made by respondents. The parents shared predominantly positive experiences of the intervention but also expressed feelings of guilt and struggled to address their child's obesity. Conclusion Parents who participated in a study for children with obesity with a web-based component found the programme helpful for achieving healthier lifestyles for the whole family

    Enteric Species F Human Adenoviruses use Laminin-Binding Integrins as Co-Receptors for Infection of Ht-29 Cells

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    The enteric species F human adenovirus types 40 and 41 (HAdV-40 and -41) are the third most common cause of infantile gastroenteritis in the world. Knowledge about HAdV-40 and -41 cellular infection is assumed to be fundamentally different from that of other HAdVs since HAdV-40 and -41 penton bases lack the aV-integrin-interacting RGD motif. This motif is used by other HAdVs mainly for internalization and endosomal escape. We hypothesised that the penton bases of HAdV-40 and -41 interact with integrins independently of the RGD motif. HAdV-41 transduction of a library of rodent cells expressing specific human integrin subunits pointed to the use of laminin-binding alpha 2-, alpha 3- and alpha 6- containing integrins as well as other integrins as candidate co-receptors. Specific laminins prevented internalisation and infection, and recombinant, soluble HAdV-41 penton base proteins prevented infection of human intestinal HT-29 cells. Surface plasmon resonance analysis demonstrated that HAdV-40 and -41 penton base proteins bind to alpha 6-containing integrins with an affinity similar to that of previously characterised penton base:integrin interactions. With these results, we propose that laminin-binding integrins are co-receptors for HAdV-40 and -41

    Podbat: A Novel Genomic Tool Reveals Swr1-Independent H2A.Z Incorporation at Gene Coding Sequences through Epigenetic Meta-Analysis

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    Epigenetic regulation consists of a multitude of different modifications that determine active and inactive states of chromatin. Conditions such as cell differentiation or exposure to environmental stress require concerted changes in gene expression. To interpret epigenomics data, a spectrum of different interconnected datasets is needed, ranging from the genome sequence and positions of histones, together with their modifications and variants, to the transcriptional output of genomic regions. Here we present a tool, Podbat (Positioning database and analysis tool), that incorporates data from various sources and allows detailed dissection of the entire range of chromatin modifications simultaneously. Podbat can be used to analyze, visualize, store and share epigenomics data. Among other functions, Podbat allows data-driven determination of genome regions of differential protein occupancy or RNA expression using Hidden Markov Models. Comparisons between datasets are facilitated to enable the study of the comprehensive chromatin modification system simultaneously, irrespective of data-generating technique. Any organism with a sequenced genome can be accommodated. We exemplify the power of Podbat by reanalyzing all to-date published genome-wide data for the histone variant H2A.Z in fission yeast together with other histone marks and also phenotypic response data from several sources. This meta-analysis led to the unexpected finding of H2A.Z incorporation in the coding regions of genes encoding proteins involved in the regulation of meiosis and genotoxic stress responses. This incorporation was partly independent of the H2A.Z-incorporating remodeller Swr1. We verified an Swr1-independent role for H2A.Z following genotoxic stress in vivo. Podbat is open source software freely downloadable from www.podbat.org, distributed under the GNU LGPL license. User manuals, test data and instructions are available at the website, as well as a repository for third party–developed plug-in modules. Podbat requires Java version 1.6 or higher

    Characterization of the Viral Microbiome in Patients with Severe Lower Respiratory Tract Infections, Using Metagenomic Sequencing

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    The human respiratory tract is heavily exposed to microorganisms. Viral respiratory tract pathogens, like RSV, influenza and rhinoviruses cause major morbidity and mortality from respiratory tract disease. Furthermore, as viruses have limited means of transmission, viruses that cause pathogenicity in other tissues may be transmitted through the respiratory tract. It is therefore important to chart the human virome in this compartment. We have studied nasopharyngeal aspirate samples submitted to the Karolinska University Laboratory, Stockholm, Sweden from March 2004 to May 2005 for diagnosis of respiratory tract infections. We have used a metagenomic sequencing strategy to characterize viruses, as this provides the most unbiased view of the samples. Virus enrichment followed by 454 sequencing resulted in totally 703,790 reads and 110,931 of these were found to be of viral origin by using an automated classification pipeline. The snapshot of the respiratory tract virome of these 210 patients revealed 39 species and many more strains of viruses. Most of the viral sequences were classified into one of three major families; Paramyxoviridae, Picornaviridae or Orthomyxoviridae. The study also identified one novel type of Rhinovirus C, and identified a number of previously undescribed viral genetic fragments of unknown origin

    Hyperoxia avoidance and aggregation behavior in C. elegans

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    Living in the soil, C. elegans can move in three dimensions in search for food. To navigate, it partly uses oxygen levels as a description of its habitat. Oxygen tension may indicate presence of microbial food and location with respect to the surface, where oxygen is 21%. The N2 groups of C. elegans strains differ in their oxygen responses from other strains of this species collected in the wild. This difference is due to a polymorphism in the NPY receptor homologe, NPR-1. The result is two distinct feeding strategies; solitary feeding and feeding in groups (aggregation). NPR-1 antagonizes hyperoxia avoidance on food and N2-like strains, carrying a gain of function mutation in the receptor, feed alone and do not respond strongly to changes in ambient oxygen. In contrast, strains carrying the ancestral form of the receptor, NPR-1 215F, exhibit robust hyperoxia avoidance. These animals aggregate on food, at least in part because animals create a low oxygen environment as they form groups. In paper I we examined how hyperoxia avoidance can trigger aggregation. We showed that when animals encounter a rise in oxygen they initiate a reversal and turn. We showed that similar behaviors direct the animal to stay in an aggregate, and that aggregated animals create a sharp oxygen gradient. We further showed that soluble guanylate cyclases, expressed in the body cavity neurons, and TRPV channels expressed in the nociceptive neurons ASH and ADL, regulate these behaviors. ---text removed from public version--- In paper III we showed that a polymorphic locus, encoding the neuroglobin glb-5, regulates hyperoxia avoidance. The ancestral allele, glb-5(Haw), acts in the body cavity neurons and tunes the dynamic range of these neurons to a narrow range close 21% oxygen. ---text removed from public version--- The data presented in this thesis thus provide novel insights into oxygen sensing in a metazoan, and highlight how oxygen responses promote aggregation behavior of a nematode

    Stannar pedagogiken vid tröskeln? : En intervjustudie gällande lärares uppfattningar, erfarenheter och åsikter om utomhuspedagogik

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    Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur lärare i årskurs 1-3 uppfattar och definierar begreppet utomhuspedagogik. Därtill undersöktes hur och i vilken utsträckning denna pedagogik används i lärarnas undervisning samt vilka faktorer som kan påverka användningen. Studien baserades på en kvalitativ forskningsansats där semistrukturerade intervjuer utgjorde metoden och emiprin baserades på lärarnas olika uppfattningar, erfarenheter och åsikter om utomhuspedagogik. Resultatet visar att lärarna definierar begreppet utomhuspedagogik på fem olika sätt. Lärarna upplever att utomhuspedagogiken bidrar till ökad förståelse och djupare kunskapsinlärning hos eleverna eftersom kunskapen sätts in i ett verkligt och konkret sammanhang. Den tillåtande atmosfären som utomhuspedagogiken skapar gör att fler elever blir delaktiga i undervisningen. Utomhuspedagogiken används i varierande omfattning vilket bl.a. beror på lärarnas egna prioriteringar samt bristande kunskaper inom utomhuspedagogik och bristande erfarenheter av utomhusundervisning. Studiens slutsatser är bl.a. att lärarna som har mer utbildning inom utomhuspedagogiken definierar begreppet mer komplext och använder den oftare jämfört med de lärare som inte har någon utbildning inom området. Därför måste lärarna ges möjligheter att utvidga sin kompetens inom det utomhuspedagogiska området eftersom bristande kunskap och erfarenhet gällande att praktisera utomhuspedagogik skapar en osäkerhet och rädsla. 

    Didactic Aspects of Transferred Social Values in Children´s Literature : A Character Analysis Focusing on Adult-Child Power Structures Found in Lois Lowry´s Novel Number the Stars

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    The aim of this essay was to examine adult-child power structures connected to the main character in Lois Lowry´s novel Number the Stars, to see if they could be found in different levels, and layers of the text. With the focus to see if the novel´s content might correlate to any educational purposes if used when teaching English as a second language in the Swedish upper secondary school. The analysis showed that the novel displayed a didactic intent from the author to introduce ideological social values belonging to the Danish society and the resistance movement in Denmark during the German occupation, between the years of 1940-1945. Furthermore, presumed transference of American values from the author were found in the narrative. The portrayals of these social values in the narrative are done with a display of adult power over children in the narrative, both in the story and towards the novel´s intended readers. The content of the novel could then be used for educational purposes to uncover and discuss aspects of social power through ideology, human values, and human rights, correlating to the English syllabus in Lgr11 regarding "relations and ethical questions", as well as the curricula’s aim to develop the students ability´s to "reflect over living conditions, social and cultural phenomena in different contexts and parts of the world where English is used" (Skolverket 32, 34)

    Förutsättningar till delaktighet : En intervjustudie om idrottslärares syn på grundsärskolelevers förutsättningar till delaktighet i grundskolans idrott och hälsa

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    Syftet med denna uppsats är att öka kunskapen om idrottslärares arbetssätt med fokus på delaktighet för inkluderade grundsärskolelever i den kommunala grundskolan. En kvalitativ halvstrukturerad intervjuform har används med ett systematiskt urval av informanter baserat på grundsärskolelevers deltagande i undervisningen samt en spridning över flera kommuner. Resultatet visar att resurser i form av elevassistenter och specialgymnastik saknas i högstadiets idrott och hälsa, enligt lärarna, vilket leder till att en lyckad inkludering för alla grundsärskoleelever i undervisningen inte kan genomföras. Idrottslärarnas arbetssätt för att möjliggöra delaktighet uppgavs bestå av nivåanpassning av aktiviteter, olika aktiviteter att välja bland, fokus på struktur i undervisningen samt konkreta och upprepade instruktioner. Slutsatser är att förutsättningarna till delaktighet för grundsärskolelever i högstadiets idrottsundervisning är begränsad. Kommunens resurstilldelning till den enskilda skolan, anses enligt lärarna, avgöra om rätt förutsättningar kan ges till enskilda grundsärskoleelever och till de aktiva idrottslärarna. I och med detta läggs ett stort ansvar på idrottslärarna och deras kunskaper för att utföra inkluderande undervisning och möjliggöra delaktighet
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