24 research outputs found

    Protein kinase A type I activates a CRE-element more efficiently than protein kinase A type II regardless of C subunit isoform

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Protein kinase A type I (PKAI) and PKAII are expressed in most of the eukaryotic cells examined. PKA is a major receptor for cAMP and specificity is achieved partly through tissue-dependent expression and subcellular localization of subunits with different biochemical properties. In addition posttranslational modifications help fine tune PKA activity, distribution and interaction in the cell. In spite of this the functional significance of two forms of PKA in one cell has not been fully determined. Here we have tested the ability of PKAI and PKAII formed by expression of the regulatory (R) subunits RIα or RIIα in conjunction with Cα1 or Cβ2 to activate a co-transfected luciferace reporter gene, controlled by the cyclic AMP responsive element-binding protein (CREB) <it>in vivo</it>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We show that PKAI when expressed at equal levels as PKAII was significantly (p < 0.01) more efficient in inducing Cre-luciferace activity at saturating concentrations of cAMP. This result was obtained regardless of catalytic subunit identity.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We suggest that differential effects of PKAI and PKAII in inducing Cre-luciferace activity depend on R and not C subunit identity.</p

    Epidermal growth factor receptor levels are reduced in mice with targeted disruption of the protein kinase A catalytic subunit

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) is a key target molecule in current treatment of several neoplastic diseases. Hence, in order to develop and improve current drugs targeting EGFR signalling, an accurate understanding of how this signalling pathway is regulated is required. It has recently been demonstrated that inhibition of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) induces a ligand-independent internalization of EGFR. Cyclic-AMP-dependent protein kinase consists of a regulatory dimer bound to two catalytic subunits.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have investigated the effect on EGFR levels after ablating the two catalytic subunits, Cα and Cβ in two different models. The first model used targeted disruption of either Cα or Cβ in mice whereas the second model used Cα and Cβ RNA interference in HeLa cells. In both models we observed a significant reduction of EGFR expression at the protein but not mRNA level.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results suggest that PKA may represent a target that when manipulated can maintain EGFR protein levels at the single cell level as well as in intact animals.</p

    Praksisstudienes omfang og organisering i bioingeniørutdanningen

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    Since 2005, scope and content of the biomedical laboratory scientist education have been defined by national guidelines to ensure equal final competence for all candidates. From 2019, a new regulation on national guidelines was approved. Both new and old guidelines have regulated the learning outcomes and scope of practice in education. In this study, the scope and organization of the practical studies at the various study programs are characterized, in order to investigate differences and similarities and to facilitate that the study programs can learn from each other. Data has been obtained from each study program for the scope and organization of supervised internal practice, external practice and the bachelor thesis are reported for all study programs before and after the introduction of new guidelines. This study shows differences in the scope and organization of the practice and the bachelor thesis between the study programs in Norway and especially in the organization of internal practice. At the same time, the new guidelines open up for a further interpretation of the concept of practice and of requirements for the scope and organization of practice. In order to ensure equal final competence for the graduates, regardless of place of study, there is a need to agree to a greater extent on what provides sufficient scope and good quality of clinical practice in the study programs of biomedical laboratory scientists. This descriptive study shows the need for further research collaboration between the educational institutions, in order to develop a biomedical laboratory scientist education of the best possible quality for the future.publishedVersio

    Praksisstudienes omfang og organisering i bioingeniørutdanningen

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    Siden 2005 har omfang og innhold i bioingeniørutdanningen vært definert av en nasjonal rammeplan for å sikre likeverdig sluttkompetanse for alle kandidater. Fra 2019 ble en ny forskrift om nasjonale retningslinjer fastsatt. Både tidligere rammeplan og nye retningslinjer har regulert læringsutbyttene og omfang av praksis i utdanningen. I denne studien kartlegges omfang og organisering av praksisstudiene ved de ulike studieprogrammene, dette for å undersøke forskjeller og likheter og tilrettelegge for at studiestedene kan lære av hverandre. Det er innhentet data fra hvert studieprogram for omfang og organisering av veiledet intern praksis, ekstern praksis samt bacheloroppgaven. Dette ble kartlagt for alle studiestedene før og etter innføring av nye retningslinjer. Resultatene viser ulikheter i omfang og organisering av praksisstudiene og bacheloroppgaven mellom studieprogrammene i Norge og da særlig i organisering av intern praksis. De nye retningslinjene åpner samtidig opp for en videre fortolkning av praksisbegrepet og av krav til omfang og organisering av praksis. For å sikre likeverdig sluttkompetanse for ferdigutdannede, uavhengig av studiested, er det behov for i større grad enes om hva som gir tilstrekkelig omfang og god kvalitet i praksis i bioingeniørutdanningen. Denne deskriptive studien viser behov for videre forskningssamarbeid mellom studiestedene, for å utvikle en bioingeniørutdanning av best mulig kvalitet for fremtiden.publishedVersio

    Praksisstudienes omfang og organisering i bioingeniørutdanningen

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    Source at https://www.bioingenioren.no/arkiv/.Siden 2005 har omfang og innhold i bioingeniørutdanningen vært definert av en nasjonal rammeplan for å sikre likeverdig sluttkompetanse for alle kandidater. Fra 2019 ble en ny forskrift om nasjonale retningslinjer fastsatt. Både tidligere rammeplan og nye retningslinjer har regulert læringsutbyttene og omfang av praksis i utdanningen. I denne studien kartlegges omfang og organisering av praksisstudiene ved de ulike studieprogrammene, dette for å undersøke forskjeller og likheter og tilrettelegge for at studiestedene kan lære av hverandre. Det er innhentet data fra hvert studieprogram for omfang og organisering av veiledet intern praksis, ekstern praksis samt bacheloroppgaven. Dette ble kartlagt for alle studiestedene før og etter innføring av nye retningslinjer. Resultatene viser ulikheter i omfang og organisering av praksisstudiene og bacheloroppgaven mellom studieprogrammene i Norge og da særlig i organisering av intern praksis. De nye retningslinjene åpner samtidig opp for en videre fortolkning av praksisbegrepet og av krav til omfang og organisering av praksis. For å sikre likeverdig sluttkompetanse for ferdigutdannede, uavhengig av studiested, er det behov for i større grad enes om hva som gir tilstrekkelig omfang og god kvalitet i praksis i bioingeniørutdanningen. Denne deskriptive studien viser behov for videre forskningssamarbeid mellom studiestedene, for å utvikle en bioingeniørutdanning av best mulig kvalitet for fremtiden

    Praksisstudienes omfang og organisering i bioingeniørutdanningen

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    Siden 2005 har omfang og innhold i bioingeniørutdanningen vært definert av en nasjonal rammeplan for å sikre likeverdig sluttkompetanse for alle kandidater. Fra 2019 ble en ny forskrift om nasjonale retningslinjer fastsatt. Både tidligere rammeplan og nye retningslinjer har regulert læringsutbyttene og omfang av praksis i utdanningen. I denne studien kartlegges omfang og organisering av praksisstudiene ved de ulike studieprogrammene, dette for å undersøke forskjeller og likheter og tilrettelegge for at studiestedene kan lære av hverandre. Det er innhentet data fra hvert studieprogram for omfang og organisering av veiledet intern praksis, ekstern praksis samt bacheloroppgaven. Dette ble kartlagt for alle studiestedene før og etter innføring av nye retningslinjer. Resultatene viser ulikheter i omfang og organisering av praksisstudiene og bacheloroppgaven mellom studieprogrammene i Norge og da særlig i organisering av intern praksis. De nye retningslinjene åpner samtidig opp for en videre fortolkning av praksisbegrepet og av krav til omfang og organisering av praksis. For å sikre likeverdig sluttkompetanse for ferdigutdannede, uavhengig av studiested, er det behov for i større grad enes om hva som gir tilstrekkelig omfang og god kvalitet i praksis i bioingeniørutdanningen. Denne deskriptive studien viser behov for videre forskningssamarbeid mellom studiestedene, for å utvikle en bioingeniørutdanning av best mulig kvalitet for fremtiden.publishedVersio

    Two Cellular Protein Kinases, DNA-PK and PKA, Phosphorylate the Adenoviral L4-33K Protein and Have Opposite Effects on L1 Alternative RNA Splicing

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    Accumulation of the complex set of alternatively processed mRNA from the adenovirus major late transcription unit (MLTU) is subjected to a temporal regulation involving both changes in poly (A) site choice and alternative 3′ splice site usage. We have previously shown that the adenovirus L4-33K protein functions as an alternative splicing factor involved in activating the shift from L1-52,55K to L1-IIIa mRNA. Here we show that L4-33K specifically associates with the catalytic subunit of the DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) in uninfected and adenovirus-infected nuclear extracts. Further, we show that L4-33K is highly phosphorylated by DNA-PK in vitro in a double stranded DNA-independent manner. Importantly, DNA-PK deficient cells show an enhanced production of the L1-IIIa mRNA suggesting an inhibitory role of DNA-PK on the temporal switch in L1 alternative RNA splicing. Moreover, we show that L4-33K also is phosphorylated by protein kinase A (PKA), and that PKA has an enhancer effect on L4-33K-stimulated L1-IIIa splicing. Hence, we demonstrate that these kinases have opposite effects on L4-33K function; DNA-PK as an inhibitor and PKA as an activator of L1-IIIa mRNA splicing. Taken together, this is the first report identifying protein kinases that phosphorylate L4-33K and to suggest novel regulatory roles for DNA-PK and PKA in adenovirus alternative RNA splicing

    Protein Kinase A–Dependent Phosphorylation of Serine 119 in the Proto-Oncogenic Serine/Arginine-Rich Splicing Factor 1 Modulates Its Activity as a Splicing Enhancer Protein

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    Serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 1 (SRSF1), previously designated SF2/ASF, belongs to a family of SR proteins that regulate constitutive and alternative splicing. SRSF1 expression is increased in tumors from several tissues and elicits changes in key target genes involved in tumor genesis. Several protein kinases phosphorylate SRSF1, which regulates its localization and function. It is previously reported that protein kinase A (PKA) phosphorylates SRSF1, but the importance of this modification is not well characterized. Here, we show that PKA phosphorylates SRSF1 on serine 119 in vitro. Phosphorylation of SRSF1 on this site enhanced the RNA binding capacity of SRSF1 in vivo and reduced the protein’s capacity to activate splicing of the Minx transcript in vitro. We also confirm an interaction between SRSF1 and PKA Cα1 and demonstrate that this interaction is not dependent on serine 119 phosphorylation but requires active PKA Cα1. We conclude that PKA phosphorylation of SRSF1 at serine 119 regulates SFRS1-dependent RNA binding and processing but not its interaction with PKA