7 research outputs found

    Saagikultuuride segukĂŒlvides kasvatamine

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    Segukultuuride kasvatamine monokultuuride asemel mahepĂ”llumajanduslikus kĂŒlvikorras vĂ”ib olla ĂŒks viis riskide hajutamiseks ning saagikuse ja saagi kvaliteedi tĂ”stmiseks. Kaunviljade ja eriti nisu segus kasvatamine vĂ”ib tĂ”sta terade proteiinisaldust ning vĂ€hendada ka haiguste ja kahjurite riski. MĂ”nede pĂ”llukultuuride, nĂ€iteks pĂ”ldherne ja viki puhul vĂ”imaldab segaviljelus kergemini saaki koristada. Segukultuur, kui seda oskuslikult kombineerida, vĂ”ib olla vahepealne vĂ”imalus pĂ”hikultuuride ja vahekultuuride vahepealne variant, parandades mitte ainult saagikust, vaid ka mulla viljakust. Projekti kĂ€igus katsetati mitmeid kombinatsioone kaunviljade ja teraviljadega

    Mineraalide ja biostimulaatorite kompleksi hÔlmav mahepÔllukultuuride kasvatustehnoloogia

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    Maheviljeluses on vĂ”imalik mahevĂ€etiste ja biostimulaatorite kasutamisega pĂ”llukultuuride saaki ja saagi kvaliteeti tĂ”sta, kuid tuleb arvestada, et see on keeruline ja vĂ”ib ka kergesti ebaĂ”nnestuda. Üldjuhul on mulda antavad mahevĂ€etised (peamiselt erinevad kivijahud) taimedele raskesti omastatavad ning vajavad taime jĂ”udmiseks mullamikroobide abi

    A transnational and holistic breeding approach is needed for sustainable wheat production in the Baltic Sea region

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    The Baltic Sea is one of the largest brackish water bodies in the world. Eutrophication is a major concern in the Baltic Sea due to the leakage of nutrients to the sea with agriculture being the primary source. Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is the most widely grown crop in the countries surrounding the Baltic Sea and thus promoting sustainable agriculture practices for wheat cultivation will have a major impact on reducing pollution in the Baltic Sea. This approach requires identifying and addressing key challenges for sustainable wheat production in the region. Implementing new technologies for climate-friendly breeding and digital farming across all surrounding countries should promote sustainable intensification of agriculture in the region. In this review, we highlight major challenges for wheat cultivation in the Baltic Sea region and discuss various solutions integrating transnational collaboration for pre-breeding and technology sharing to accelerate development of low input wheat cultivars with improved host plant resistance to pathogen and enhanced adaptability to the changing climate.Peer reviewe

    ViljelussĂŒsteemi, eelvilja ja ilmastiku mĂ”ju suvinisu saagile ja kvaliteedile

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    A Thesis for applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Agriculture.Present thesis studies the impact of farming system, pre-crop and weather conditions to yield and quality of spring wheat. The main objectives were: (i) to determine the effect of six leguminous pre-crop species (perennial red and alsike clover, biennial Washington lupine, white sweet clover and the less commonly used annual Alexandria and crimson clover) on grain yield and quality characteristics of subsequent spring wheat compared to other cereals and to select the optimal leguminous pre-crops for spring wheat cultivation in organic conditions; (ii) to compare grain yield and quality characteristics of spring wheat varieties in organic and conventional conditions; (iii) to investigate the impact of weather (precipitation, sum of effective temperatures, sun hours) on yield, length of growing period, and protein content of spring wheat cultivated in conventional conditions over a period of 29 years. The results showed that the yield of spring wheat increased significantly after all the leguminous pre-crops, even after the annual species crimson clover and Alexandria clover. Six leguminous pre-crops had different impact on quality. A significant increase of the protein content was measured only after perennial species (alsike clover, red clover and Washington lupine. All the pre-crops, except crimson clover, increased volume weight and all the legumes increased TKW. The reaction of spring wheat to different management systems was the most sensitive among the spring cereals. In organic conditions the average grain yield of wheat constituted only 64% compared of that of the conventional yield. Protein content was the most influenced by farming system and was lower in the organic trial for spring wheat. The other quality characteristics (TKW and volume weight) were less influenced by the management regime. The hypothesis that increased yearly fluctuations of weather conditions over a 29 year period negatively impact yield and protein content of spring wheat was partly correct. Both stress conditions, drought and excess precipitation, caused decrease of yield. Spring wheat yields differed more than twice during the years. The highest yields were obtained mainly in years when the amount of precipitation was not significantly above or below the mean and the sum of the effective temperatures did not significantly exceed the average. Negative correlation between yield and protein content was found. The protein content of spring wheat increased during the drier and warmer years, and the average content met the highest quality requirement in more than half of the years.Doktoritöö uurib viljelussĂŒsteemi, eelvilja ja ilmastikutingimuste mĂ”ju suvinisu saagile ja kvaliteedile. Tulenevalt pĂŒstitatud hĂŒpoteesidest olid uurimustöö eesmĂ€rkideks selgitada vĂ€lja kuue liblikĂ”ielise eelvilja (mitmeaastased punane ja roosa ristik ning hulgilehine lupiin, kaheaastane valge mesikas ja vĂ€hetuntud ĂŒheaastased aleksandria ja inkarnaatristik) mĂ”ju suvinisu saagikusele ja kvaliteedinĂ€itajatele vĂ”rreldes teiste teraviljadega mahekĂŒlvikorras ning soovitada kasvatamiseks parimad liblikĂ”ielised eelkultuurid suvinisule. Oluline oli kindlaks teha suvinisu sortide terasaagi ja kvaliteedinĂ€itajate erinevused tava- ja maheviljeluses kasvatamisel ning hinnata 29 aasta ilmastikutingimuste mĂ”ju ulatust tavaviljeluses kasvatatud suvinisu saagikusele, kasvuperioodi pikkusele ja proteiinisisaldusele. Tulemustest selgus, et suvinisu terasaak tĂ”usis usutavalt kĂ”igi liblikĂ”ieliste eelviljade, ka ĂŒheaastaste liikide jĂ€rel, proteiinisisaldus aga vaid peale mitmeaastaseid eelvilju. Mahumass tĂ”usis usutavalt kĂ”igi liblikĂ”ieliste eelviljade, v.a inkarnaatristiku jĂ€rel. KĂ”ik eelviljad suurendasid usutavalt ka 1000 tera massi. Suvinisu keskmine saak mahekatses jĂ€i vĂ€iksemaks ja moodustades tavaviljeluse saagitasemest 64%. Keskmised 1000 tera massid olid mahetingimustes usutavalt suuremad kui tavatootmises, aga mahumasside vahel usutavaid erinevusi ei olnud. Viljelusviis mĂ”jutas uuritud nĂ€itajatest kĂ”ige enam suvinisu proteiinisisaldust, mis jĂ€i mahetingimustes madalamaks. HĂŒpotees, et ilmastikuolude iga-aastased kĂ”ikumised 29-aastase perioodi jooksul mĂ”jutavad negatiivselt suvinisu saagikust ja proteiinisisaldust, oli osaliselt Ă”ige. MĂ”lemad stressitingimused, nii pĂ”ud kui ka liigsed sademed, vĂ€hendasid oluliselt suvinisu saagikust. Terasaagid erinesid aastati ĂŒle kahe korra. Suurem saak saadi enamasti aastatel, kus sademete kogused ei olnud oluliselt ĂŒle vĂ”i alla keskmise ja efektiivsete temperatuuride summa ei ĂŒletanud oluliselt keskmist taset. Nisul leiti saagi ja proteiinisisalduse vahel negatiivne korrelatsioon. Suvinisu proteiinisisaldus kuivematel ja soojematel aastatel tĂ”usis ja keskmine proteiinisisaldus vastas kĂ”ige kĂ”rgemale kvaliteedinĂ”udele enam kui pooltel uuritud aastatel.The English language was edited by prof. Illimar Altosaar (Univ. of Ottawa) and Hannah Joy Kennedy. The Estonian language was edited by Ülle Tamm. Publication of this thesis is supported by the Estonian University of Life Sciences

    The variability of yield and baking quality of wheat and suitability for export from Nordic–Baltic conditions

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    Nordic conditions necessitate varieties adapted to marginal environments (short vegetation period, winter damages etc.) to reduce environmental influence on yield and quality. This study evaluated yield and quality variability of five spring and six winter wheat varieties grown in six locations throughout Estonia during 2011–2014. The variation of quality parameters was larger in spring wheat, according to the coefficient of variation. Average protein content for spring wheat was 13.6%, for winter wheat 13.3%. Average gluten content was 29.1% for spring wheat, 29.4% for winter wheat. Spring wheat varieties ‘Manu’ and ‘Quarna’ and winter wheat varieties ‘Ada’, ‘Fredis’, and ‘Ramiro’ had the highest baking quality. Protein and gluten content variation for both types of wheat depended mostly on the year. Baking strength W was higher for spring wheat. Variation of W of spring wheat depended more on genotype while variation of winter wheat more on year. The ratio of tenacity and extensibility (P/L) was similar for both wheat types; variation depended most on genotype. Average yield of winter wheat was 6.8 and spring wheat 5.3 t ha−1. ‘Nemunas’, ‘Kallas’, and ‘Skagen’ were high yielding among winter wheat varieties and had the best stability according to cultivar superiority inde

    Organic Carrot (Daucus carota L.) Production Has an Advantage over Conventional in Quantity as Well as in Quality

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    Organic production is one of the fastest growing food sectors globally. However, average yield in organic vegetable production is up to 33% lower than in conventional production. This difference could be due to higher fertilization rates in conventional, compared to organic, farming. We aimed to compare yield and quality characteristics of carrots produced under equal nitrogen fertilization rates over four years in organic and conventional conditions. We found a 14.5% higher marketable, and 10.0% lower discarded, yield in the organic compared to the average conventional treatments. In addition, carrots managed organically had 14.1% lower nitrate and 10.0% higher vitamin C content than carrots managed conventionally. There were no convincing effects of cultivation system on the nitrogen, total sugar, or dry matter content of carrots. Organically managed carrots were free of pesticide residues, while several residues were found in carrots managed conventionally. Our study reveals that organic management of carrots may exceed that of conventional methods in yield and several quality characteristics, while being free of pesticide residues. Organic fertilizer gave an advantage over mineral fertilizer, when equal rates of nitrogen were used in both production systems