6 research outputs found

    Influence de l'évaporation de gouttes multicomposant sur la combustion et des effets diphasiques sur l'allumage d'un foyer aéronautique

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    La conception de nouveaux moteurs impose de respecter des normes de sécurité concernant les performances d'allumage et de ré-allumage en conditions critiques. Des campagnes d'essais étant onéreuses, les industriels cherchent donc à disposer d'outils numériques ables. Afin d'améliorer la simulation des écoulements, le caractère multicomposant du carburant doit être pris en compte. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier l'influence de l'évaporation d'un brouillard de gouttes sur un écoulement réactif. Pour cela, une étude de la propagation d'une flamme laminaire 1D est réalisée à l'aide d'un code de calcul multiphysique (CEDRE). Un train continu de gouttes monodisperse est injecté, les gouttes étant mono ou bicomposant. L'influence de la dynamique d'évaporation sur la combustion est étudiée. Deux cinétiques chimiques réduites multicomposant sont comparées. La composition, le diamètre et la richesse initiale des gouttes ont un impact sur la structure de flamme, la vitesse de flamme et la composition des gaz brûlés. Ensuite, l'effet de l'évaporation est étudié en phase d'allumage pour un brouillard de gouttes polydisperses monocomposant avec un modèle de noyau d'allumage local. L écoulement instationnaire non-réactif dans un secteur de chambre industriel (MERCATO) est calculé avec une approche LES. Le caractère instationnaire, voire périodique, de la phase dispersée est mis en évidence en certains points de l'écoulement. Les résultats, associés au modèle d'allumage et à des critères, sont utilisées pour réaliser une carte de probabilité d'allumage. Des essais de calcul d'allumage complet de la chambre sont réalisés. Les résultats indiquent une surestimation des termes sources liés à l'évaporation de la phase dispersée et à la combustion.The design of new aircraft engines needs in particular to comply with safety standards for the performance of stabilized combustion and ignition or re-ignition under critical conditions. Experimental campaigns are expensive, so numerical tools are needed. To improve the accuracy of the models used to simulate ow, the multicomponent nature of the fuel must be taken into account, whether it is kerosene or alternative fuel. The objective of this thesis is to study the in uence of a droplet mist vaporization on a reactive ow. For this, an academic study of the propagation of a 1D laminar ame is performed using a CFD code {CEDRE). A continuous stream of monodisperse droplets is injected, the droplets being mono or bicomponent. The influence of the dynamics of evaporation on combustion is particularly studied. Two reduced multicomponent chemical kinetics are compared. The composition, the diameter and the initial equivalent ratio of droplets have an impact on the structure of the ame, the flame speed and composition of the burnt gases. A local ignition kernel model is applied to study the in uence ofvaporization on ignition in the case of monocomponent, polydisperse droplets. Experimental data are available for a monosector combustion chamber (MERCATO) so the non-reactive unsteady flow is simulated with a LES approach. The unsteady, sometimes periodic, nature of the dispersed phase is highlighted in some points of the ow. A ignition model is applied to instantaneous ow elds and criteria are analysed to realise an ignition probability map which validates the approach. Finally, ignition of a combustion chamber is tested. The results point out an overestimation of source terms related to the evaporation of the dispersed phase and combustion.TOULOUSE-ISAE (315552318) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Influence of multicomponent droplets vaporization on combustion and multiphase flow effects on the ignition of a aircraft engine

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    La conception de nouveaux moteurs impose de respecter des normes de sécurité concernant les performances d'allumage et de ré-allumage en conditions critiques. Des campagnes d'essais étant onéreuses, les industriels cherchent donc à disposer d'outils numériques fiables. Afin d'améliorer la simulation des écoulements, le caractère multicomposant du carburant doit être pris en compte. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier l'influence de l'évaporation d'un brouillard de gouttes sur un écoulement réactif. Pour cela, une étude de la propagation d'une flamme laminaire 1D est réalisée à l'aide d'un code de calcul multiphysique (CEDRE). Un train continu de gouttes monodisperse est injecté, les gouttes étant mono ou bicomposant. L'influence de la dynamique d'évaporation sur la combustion est étudiée. Deux cinétiques chimiques réduites multicomposant sont comparées. La composition, le diamètre et la richesse initiale des gouttes ont un impact sur la structure de flamme, la vitesse de flamme et la composition des gaz brûlés. Ensuite, l'effet de l'évaporation est étudié en phase d'allumage pour un brouillard de gouttes polydisperses monocomposant avec un modèle de noyau d'allumage local. L’écoulement instationnaire non-réactif dans un secteur de chambre industriel (MERCATO) est calculé avec une approche LES. Le caractère instationnaire, voire périodique, de la phase dispersée est mis en évidence en certains points de l'écoulement. Les résultats, associés au modèle d'allumage et à des critères, sont utilisées pour réaliser une carte de probabilité d'allumage. Des essais de calcul d'allumage complet de la chambre sont réalisés. Les résultats indiquent une surestimation des termes sources liés à l'évaporation de la phase dispersée et à la combustion.The design of new aircraft engines needs in particular to comply with safety standards for the performance of stabilized combustion and ignition or re-ignition under critical conditions. Experimental campaigns are expensive, so numerical tools are needed. To improve the accuracy of the models used to simulate flow, the multicomponent nature of the fuel must be taken into account, whether it is kerosene or alternative fuel. The objective of this thesis is to study the influence of a droplet mist vaporization on a reactive flow. For this, an academic study of the propagation of a 1D laminar flame is performed using a CFD code {CEDRE). A continuous stream of monodisperse droplets is injected, the droplets being mono or bicomponent. The influence of the dynamics of evaporation on combustion is particularly studied. Two reduced multicomponent chemical kinetics are compared. The composition, the diameter and the initial equivalent ratio of droplets have an impact on the structure of the flame, the flame speed and composition of the burnt gases. A local ignition kernel model is applied to study the influence ofvaporization on ignition in the case of monocomponent, polydisperse droplets. Experimental data are available for a monosector combustion chamber (MERCATO) so the non-reactive unsteady flow is simulated with a LES approach. The unsteady, sometimes periodic, nature of the dispersed phase is highlighted in some points of the flow. A ignition model is applied to instantaneous flow fields and criteria are analysed to realise an ignition probability map which validates the approach. Finally, ignition of a combustion chamber is tested. The results point out an overestimation of source terms related to the evaporation of the dispersed phase and combustion

    Dysthyroidism during immune checkpoint inhibitors is associated with improved overall survival in adult cancers: data mining of 1385 electronic patient records

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    Background Dysthyroidism (DT) is a common toxicity of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) and prior work suggests that dysthyroidism (DT) might be associated with ICI efficacy.Patients and methods ConSoRe, a new generation data mining solution, was used in this retrospective study, to extract data from electronic patient records of adult cancer patients treated with ICI at Institut Paoli-Calmettes (Marseille, France). Every DT was verified and only ICI-induced DT was retained. Survival analyses were performed by Kaplan-Meier method (log-rank test) and Cox model. To account for immortal time bias, a conditional landmark analysis was performed (2 months and 6 months), together with a time-varying Cox model.Results Data extraction identified 1385 patients treated with ICI between 2011 and 2021. DT was associated with improved overall survival (OS) (HR 0.46, (95% CI 0.33 to 0.65), p<0.001), with a median OS of 35.3 months in DT group vs 15.4 months in non-DT group (NDT). Survival impact of DT was consistent using a 6-month landmark analysis with a median OS of 36.7 months (95% CI 29.4 to not reported) in the DT group vs 25.5 months (95% CI 22.8 to 27.8) in the NDT group. In multivariate analysis, DT was independently associated with improved OS (HR 0.49, 95% CI 0.35 to 0.69, p=0.001). After adjustment in time-varying Cox model, this association remained significant (adjusted HR 0.64, 95% CI 0.45 to 0.90, p=0.010). Moreover, patients with DT and additional immune-related adverse event had increased OS compared with patients with isolated DT, with median OS of 38.8 months vs 21.4 months, respectively.Conclusion Data mining identified a large number of patients with ICI-induced DT, which was associated with improved OS accounting for immortal time bias

    The Oldest African Eucryptodiran Turtle from the Cretaceous of Angola

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    A new Late Cretaceous turtle, Angolachelys mbaxi gen. et sp. nov., from the Turonian (90 Mya) of Angola, represents the oldest eucryptodire from Africa. Phylogenetic analysis recovers Angolachelys mbaxi as the sister taxon of Sandownia harrisi from the Aptian of Isle of Wight, England. An unnamed turtle from the Albian Glen Rose Formation of Texas (USA) and the Kimmeridgian turtle Solnhofia parsonsi (Germany), are successively more distant sister taxa. Bootstrap analysis suggests those four taxa together form a previously unrecognized monophyletic clade of marine turtles, herein named Angolachelonia clade nov., supported by the following synapomorphies: mandibular articulation of quadrate aligned with or posterior to the occiput, and basisphenoid not visible or visibility greatly reduced in ventral view. Basal eucryptodires and angolachelonians originated in the northern hemisphere, thus Angolachelys represents one of the first marine amniote lineages to have invaded the South Atlantic after separation of Africa and South America