98 research outputs found

    Fermi equation of state with finite temperature corrections in quantum space-times approach: Snyder model vs GUP case

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    We investigate the impact of the deformed phase space associated with the quantum Snyder space on microphysical systems. The general Fermi-Dirac equation of state and specific corrections to it are derived. We put emphasis on non-relativistic degenerate Fermi gas as well as on the temperature-finite corrections to it. Considering the most general one-parameter family of deformed phase spaces associated with the Snyder model allows us to study whether the modifications arising in physical effects depend on the choice of realization. It turns out that we can distinguish three different cases with radically different physical consequences.Comment: 15 pages; version accepted for publication in CQ

    Constraining Snyder and GUP models with low-mass stars

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    We investigate the application of an equation of state that incorporates corrections derived from the Snyder model (and the Generalized Uncertainty Principle) to describe the behavior of matter in a low-mass star. Remarkably, the resulting equations exhibit striking similarities to those arising from modified Einstein gravity theories. By modeling matter with realistic considerations, we are able to more effectively constrain the theory parameters, surpassing the limitations of existing astrophysical bounds. The bound we obtain is β01.36×1048\beta_0 \leq 1.36 \times 10^{48}. We underline the significance of realistic matter modeling in order to enhance our understanding of effects arising in quantum gravity phenomenology and implications of quantum gravitational corrections in astrophysical systems.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl

    The use of Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences based curricula in integrated teaching

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    Autorka krótko charakteryzuje założenia teorii inteligencji wielorakich Howarda Gardnera, a następnie analizuje wykorzystanie tej teorii w dostępnych programach nauczania w nauczaniu zintegrowanym. Odwołuje się do przeprowadzonych badań dotyczących wykorzystania takich programów, ich dostępności, wiedzy nauczycieli praktyków w zakresie diagnozowania uzdolnień kierunkowych, związku wybranego programu nauczania z teorią inteligencji wielorakich Howarda Gardnera. Porusza problem uzdolnień kierunkowych, ich diagnozy, programów nauczania kształcenia zintegrowanego oraz samej indywidualizacji procesu nauczania. Artykuł zamyka podsumowanie i prezentacja wniosków z analizy badań własnych.The author briefly describes the assumptions of Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, and then analyses the use of this theory in available curricula in integrated teaching. She refers to conducted research on the use of such programs, their availability, knowledge of practicing teachers in the field of diagnosing directional abilities, the relationship between the chosen curriculum and theory of multiple intelligences by Howard Gardner, directional abilities, diagnosis of directional abilities, curricula, integrated education individualization of the teaching process. The article closes with a summary and presentation of conclusions from the analysis of own research

    Clinical and pharmacological factors influencing serum clozapine and norclozapine levels

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    Background:Clozapine (CLO) is a very effective antipsychotic, whose use is associated with dose-dependent risk of complications. Due to high interindividual variability in CLO metabolism, there is a need to identify factors affecting the blood concentrations of CLO and its active metabolite, norclozapine (NCLO).Methods:A total of 446 blood samples (collected from 233 women and 213 men, aged from 18 to 77 years) were included in this study and analyzed for CLO and NCLO concentrations. The patients were treated at a psychiatric hospital in Warsaw in the years 2016–2021. Serum CLO and NCLO concentrations were determined with high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to UV.Results:The following factors were shown to increase serum CLO and NCLO levels: higher CLO dose (p < 0.001), female sex (p < 0.001), nonsmoker status (p < 0.001), the use of more than two additional psychotropic drugs (only in the case of CLO; p = 0.046), concomitant use of beta-blockers (for CLO p = 0.049; for NCLO p < 0.001), and older age (for CLO p < 0.001; for NCLO p = 0.011). Despite the use of CLO at daily doses within the recommended range (200–450 mg), the evaluated serum CLO and NCLO levels were within the therapeutic ranges in only 37% and 75% of cases, respectively, with 5.6% of cases exceeding the CLO toxicity threshold.Discussion:The use of CLO at recommended doses does not guarantee achieving therapeutic concentrations of CLO or NCLO. Women and nonsmokers were at the highest risk of having toxic CLO levels

    Risk factors of suicidal behavior in alcohol-dependent individuals

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    Problem zachowań samobójczych związanych z zaburzeniami psychicznymi jest od lat przedmiotem wielu badań. Jako grupy najwyższego ryzyka najczęściej są wymieniani pacjenci z zaburzeniami afektywnymi. Istnieją jednak wyniki badań sugerujące, że osoby uzależnione od alkoholu mogą być bardziej obciążone ryzykiem samobójstwa niż chorzy na depresję. Poszukiwanie czynników sprzyjających decyzjom samobójczym w tej grupie pacjentów jest zatem niezwykle ważne. Istotny wpływ na prawdopodobieństwo podjęcia zachowań samobójczych mają czynniki demograficzne, psychopatologiczne, psychologiczne, społeczne, rodzinne, biologiczne i genetyczne, a także związane ze stanem somatycznym pacjentów oraz przebiegiem uzależnienia od alkoholu i jego leczenia. W pracy dokonano przeglądu aktualnych badań oceniających poszczególne grupy czynników ryzyka zachowań samobójczych u osób uzależnionych od alkoholu. Psychiatria 2011; 8, 1: 7–17The problem of suicidal behavior related to psychiatric disorders has been investigated in numerous studies. As well known, patients with affective disorders are the group with the highest risk of suicide. Nevertheless, there is some research studies suggesting that alcohol dependence may increase risk of suicide, even larger than depression. Thus, investigating risk factors of suicide among alcoholics has become very important. There are several areas, which have been indicated as essential for risk of suicide in alcohol dependence, including demographic, psychopathological, psychological, social, family, biological, and genetic factors as well as health- -related, or history of abuse and its treatment. In the paper, current research studies on risk factors of suicide behavior in alcohol dependence are reviewed. Psychiatry 2011; 8, 1: 7–1

    An association between genetic variation in the glutamatergic system and suicide attempts in alcoholâ dependent individuals

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/138265/1/ajad12571_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/138265/2/ajad12571.pd

    Correlation of Ki-67 and MCM-2 proliferative marker expression with grade of histological malignancy (G) in ductal breast cancers.

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    The study aimed at examining a relationship between expression of Ki-67 antigen and minichromosome maintenance 2 protein (MCM-2) and a grade of histological malignancy G in ductal breast cancers. The function of widely used marker of proliferation Ki-67 is still not clear. In contrast, the MCM-2 protein is well known to play an important role in controlling the cell cycle. Both proteins represent small protein molecules, which manifest nuclear expression only during cell division of normal and neoplastic cells. Their expression is noted in several malignant tumours. These studies were conducted on 56 archival paraffin blocks of ductal breast cancers. Immunohistochemical reactions were performed using monoclonal Ki-67- and MCM-2-specific antibodies. Statistical analysis demonstrated a positive correlation between expressions of two proteins (r=0.6;

    Melatonin – the New Multipotential Drug of the Future?

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    Introduction: Melatonin is a well-known drug and dietary supplement that is steadily growing in popularity on the pharmaceutical market. This indolamine, which has been known for more than 50 years, is produced by the pineal gland depending on the circadian rhythm. Also referred to as the "darkness hormone" and secreted mainly during nighttime hours, it is primarily associated with the treatment of sleep-wake rhythm disorders or disorders associated with sudden shifting time zones (jet lag). However, many scientific studies have shown that melatonin has multidirectional effects. It is used both as a chronobiotic, i.e., a drug that regulates circadian rhythms, as well as having anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative, and anti-carcinogenic properties, regulating mitochondrial function, and affecting many systems and organs, keeping the organism in a state of homeostasis. Purpose: This review article aims to provide an overview of the mechanism of action of melatonin, its current indications in clinical practice, and potential future directions for therapy use.   Materials and methods: A summary of reports available in publications and scientific studies posted in medical information databases: Pubmed, CrossRef, Google Scholar, and book positions. Results: The pleiotropic effect of melatonin can be used as an supportive drug in the treatment of sleep disorders, disorders of the central nervous system, the cardiovascular system, the gastrointestinal system, and many oncological diseases. Conclusions: Despite a number of important reports on the positive effects of melatonin in the treatment of disorders in many areas of medicine, it is necessary to deepen research with its participation and the emergence of recommendations for its use in order to safely introduce the drug into common clinical practice