15 research outputs found

    Vitrification of human embryos subjected to blastomere biopsy for preimplantation genetic screening produces higher survival and pregnancy rates than slow freezing. J Assist Reprod Genet,

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    Abstract Purpose Cryopreservation of blastocysts, especially those subjected to the trauma due to blastomere biopsy for the purposes of pre-implantation genetic screening (PGS), requires significant optimization. Laboratory and clinical outcomes were compared to determine the effect of two different cryopreservation techniques on the development of human pre-implantation embryos that underwent blastomere biopsy and blastocoel drainage prior to cryopreservation. Design Retrospective clinical study. Patient(s) Women who requested cryotransfer of supernumerary blastocysts were analyzed by FISH. Results The main outcome measures were post-thaw survival (SR), pregnancy (PR), and implantation (IR). The SR of slowly frozen blastocysts was 83% compared to 97% for vitrified blastocysts. In 160 cases where biopsied embryos were cryotransferred, the results for slowly frozen versus vitrified blastocysts were: SR (71% vs. 95%), PR (23% vs. 37%), and IR (26% vs. 36%, P<0.05), respectively. Conclusion The results revealed that vitrified blastocysts provided higher SR, PR and IR as compared to slowly frozen counterparts

    Combined effect of obesity and diabetes on early breast cancer outcome: A prospective observational study

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    Background: Previous studies suggested that obesity and diabetes were correlated with breast cancer outcome. The aim of the present study was to investigate the prognostic effect of obesity and diabetes on the outcome of early breast cancer patients. Materials and Methods: Overall, 841 early breast cancer patients were prospectively enrolled between January 2009 and December 2013. Study population was divided into four groups: (1) patients without obesity or diabetes; (2) patients with only diabetes; (3) patients with only obesity; and (4) patients with both diabetes and obesity. Categorical variables were analyzed by the chi-square test and survival data by the log-rank test. Results: At diagnosis, obese and diabetic patients were more likely to be older (p < 0.0001) and post-menopausal (p < 0.0001) and to have a tumor larger than 2 cm (p < 0.0001) than patients in groups 1–3. At univariate analyses, obese and diabetic patients had a worse disease-free survival (p = 0.01) and overall survival (p = 0.001) than did patients without obesity and diabetes. At multivariate analyses, the co-presence of obesity and diabetes was an independent prognostic factor for diseasefree survival (hazard ratio=2.62, 95% CI 1.23–5.60) but not for overall survival. Conclusions: At diagnosis, patients with obesity and diabetes were older, had larger tumors and a worse outcome compared to patients without obesity or diabetes. These data suggest that metabolic health influences the prognosis of patients affected by early breast cance

    Longitudinal effect of emotional processing on psychological symptoms in women under 50 with breast cancer

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    Breast cancer is a potential traumatic event associated with psychological symptoms, but few studies have analysed its impact in under-50 women. Emotional processing is a successful function in integrating traumatic experiences. This work analysed the relationship between emotional processing and psychological symptoms during three phases of treatment (before hospitalization, counselling after surgery and adjuvant therapy) in 50 women under the age of 50 with breast cancer. Mixed-effects models tested statistical differences among phases. There were significant differences in symptoms during the treatments: the levels of anxiety decrease from T1 to T3 (0.046), while those of hostility increase (<0.001). Emotional processing is a strong predictor of all symptoms. Clinical implications are discussed

    Secretagogin is expressed in sensory CGRP neurons and in spinal cord of mouse and complements other calcium-binding proteins, with a note on rat and human

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    Abstract Background Secretagogin (Scgn), a member of the EF-hand calcium-binding protein (CaBP) superfamily, has recently been found in subsets of developing and adult neurons. Here, we have analyzed the expression of Scgn in dorsal root ganglia (DRGs) and trigeminal ganglia (TGs), and in spinal cord of mouse at the mRNA and protein levels, and in comparison to the well-known CaBPs, calbindin D-28k, parvalbumin and calretinin. Rat DRGs, TGs and spinal cord, as well as human DRGs and spinal cord were used to reveal phylogenetic variations. Results We found Scgn mRNA expressed in mouse and human DRGs and in mouse ventral spinal cord. Our immunohistochemical data showed a complementary distribution of Scgn and the three CaBPs in mouse DRG neurons and spinal cord. Scgn was expressed in ~7% of all mouse DRG neuron profiles, mainly small ones and almost exclusively co-localized with calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP). This co-localization was also seen in human, but not in rat DRGs. Scgn could be detected in the mouse sciatic nerve and accumulated proximal to its constriction. In mouse spinal cord, Scgn-positive neuronal cell bodies and fibers were found in gray matter, especially in the dorsal horn, with particularly high concentrations of fibers in the superficial laminae, as well as in cell bodies in inner lamina II and in some other laminae. A dense Scgn-positive fiber network and some small cell bodies were also found in the superficial dorsal horn of humans. In the ventral horn, a small number of neurons were Scgn-positive in mouse but not rat, confirming mRNA distribution. Both in mouse and rat, a subset of TG neurons contained Scgn. Dorsal rhizotomy strongly reduced Scgn fiber staining in the dorsal horn. Peripheral axotomy did not clearly affect Scgn expression in DRGs, dorsal horn or ventral horn neurons in mouse. Conclusions Scgn is a CaBP expressed in a subpopulation of nociceptive DRG neurons and their processes in the dorsal horn of mouse, human and rat, the former two co-expressing CGRP, as well as in dorsal horn neurons in all three species. Functional implications of these findings include the cellular refinement of sensory information, in particular during the processing of pain.</p

    Esigenze Strategiche nella Città Metropolitana di Roma

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    Il 2016 è un anno cruciale ed ideale per discutere, valutare e ripensare strumenti e metodi orientati al raggiungimento di uno sviluppo sostenibile, coerente, integrato ed equo per il territorio europeo. La nuova Agenda Urbana per la UE (Patto di Amsterdam, 2016), e la Nuova Agenda Urbana (Habitat III, Quito 2016) sono due riferimenti essenziali per la pianificazione urbana e territoriale. Questi documenti, frutto di percorsi partecipativi multi-stakeholder e inter-istituzionali, sintetizzano principi e problemi della pianificazione contemporanea per le città e per le aree metropolitane, e ispirano il disegno di modelli e strumenti che aiutano i pianificatori a gestire ed indirizzare le sfide e cambiamenti dei giorni nostri. Interpretare il cambiamento riuscendo a massimizzarne i risultati sembra uno slogan, ma mai come oggi è il momento di guardare e promuovere lo sviluppo territoriale tenendo conto degli impatti delle politiche europee e globali sulle problematiche urbane e le conseguenti trasformazioni. Le aree urbane e il loro sviluppo in forma inclusiva, responsabile e partecipata sono al centro delle politiche, dei programmi e dei progetti dell’Unione Europea per il corrente periodo di programmazione 2014-20. Aree urbane come potenziale motore trainante la competitività dei territori europei, inseguendo, come ci ricorda la strategia EU 2020, il bisogno di perseguire una crescita sostenibile, inclusiva e smart. Gli obiettivi di coesione, espressi come coesione urbana sociale ed economica, sono orientati ad azioni di coordinamento e integrazione alla base delle quali non può che esserci una visione di lungo termine, fatta di progetti materiali e immateriali, che si fa carico di declinare e assumere gli obiettivi necessari per uno sviluppo sostenibile. In questo ambito, si staglia la pianificazione strategica quale strumento di Governance Urbana Metropolitana necessario e indispensabile, posto a monte della pianificazione di area vasta e urbanistica dei territori. È dai territori, dai soggetti che li reggono e li attraversano, dalle realtà ambientali, economiche, sociali e culturali che li caratterizzano, dalle comunità locali, che prendono forma i piani strategici quali strumenti di indirizzo e progettualità. Grazie a questi strumenti si può arrivare a siglare un patto per lo sviluppo delle stesse comunità. La pianificazione strategica è un processo partecipativo e di coordinamento inter-istituzionale allargato che, nelle sue linee di principio, deve essere in grado di accogliere e ascoltare gli abitanti dei territori e di promuovere e decidere una visione condivisa del futuro, in particolare nelle aree metropolitane, dove strumenti operativi adatti a creare e gestire la governance territoriale, complessa, inter-settoriale e multi-level, specialmente nel contesto italiano, sono ancora da sperimentare. La proposta per una giornata di studi prende avvio da queste sintetiche premesse per conoscere e approfondire esperienze nazionali e internazionali già avviate e in alcuni casi consolidate attorno alle quali avviare un confronto e un percorso di formazione seppure non esaustivo, alla pianificazione strategica, possibile premessa per avviare una nuova stagione di pianificazione territorial

    Poorly Differentiated Neuroendocrine Larynx Carcinoma: Clinical Features and miRNAs Signature—A New Goal for Early Diagnosis and Therapy?

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    Laryngeal neuroendocrine carcinomas (LNECs) are rare and highly heterogeneous malignancies presenting a wide range of pathological and clinical manifestations. Herein, we retrospectively characterize ten patients diagnosticated with LNEC, five of which were defined as well-moderately differentiated neuroendocrine carcinomas, and five that were defined as poorly differentiated neuroendocrine carcinomas, according to the latest WHO classification. Clinical features were analyzed and compared between the two subgroups together with a microRNA study which evidenced a peculiar signature likely related to poorly differentiated larynx neuroendocrine carcinomas. These findings may offer new useful insights for clinicians to improve diagnosis efficiency, therapy response, and patients’ outcome for this aggressive neoplasm