17 research outputs found

    Przestrzenno-czasowa ocena rynku nieruchomości mieszkaniowych w ujęciu lokalnym

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    Nieruchomości mieszkaniowe jako dobro podstawowe zaspokajają potrzeby wyższego rzędu, co przesądza o ich roli w każdej sferze funkcjonowania społeczeństwa i państwa. Celem badania jest porównanie potencjału rynku nieruchomości mieszkaniowych w powiatach ziemskich województwa zachodniopomorskiego w latach 2006, 2010 i 2014. Wykorzystano do tego celu metodę liniowego porządkowania obiektów, a w przypadku doboru cech — metodę głównych składowych. Na podstawie pięciu cech diagnostycznych przyjętych w badaniu wykazano, że potencjał rynku nieruchomości mieszkaniowych w powiatach ziemskich województwa zachodniopomorskiego jest silnie zróżnicowany. Odzwierciedlają to rankingi zaprezentowane w artykule. Umiarkowaną zgodność stwierdzono w przypadku lat 2006 i 2010.Residential real estate as basic goods, satisfy higher needs, which determines their role in every sphere of the society and state functioning. The purpose of the research is to compare a potential of the residential real estate market in the powiats of the West Pomeranian voivodship in years 2006, 2010 and 2014. A linear ordering method was used for this purpose, and the principal component analysis was applied for the characteristics selection. Based on the five diagnostic characteristics adopted in the research, it has been was shown that the potential of the residential real estate market in the powiats of the West Pomeranian voivodship is strongly diversified. It is reflected in the rankings presented in the article. Moderate compliance was found for 2006 and 2010

    The spatial diversification of turnoverof land properties intended for dwelling-houses building in the context of voivodeships

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    In the article a quantitative and valuable structure of transactions of land properties has been analyzed, especially taking into consideration lands intended for a dwelling-houses building, in Poland, in the years 2009-2011. Using one of the multivariate analysis methods the analysis and the evaluation of the spatial diversification of the voivodeships with regard to the analyzed properties turnover were done. Statistical data came from the Central Statistical Office publication titled ”Properties turnover”. After the reduction of the initial set of diagnostic features with parametric method, the final set, which was a basis for the voivodeships’ classification, was obtained. Finally five classes of voivodeships similar with respect to the turnover of lands intended for a dwelling-houses building were obtained

    Changes of levels of rent and risk in the activity of rural farms in Poland

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    Lease of agricultural land is a form of the land use. It enables to create or increase a farm, without having to pay capital-expenditure related to the purchase of land. In exchange for the land lease, the tenant agrees to pay a rent, which is a constant burden on its budget and can affect the economic situation of the farm. Changes in the value of rent result in, to a large extent, deficit of land in some areas of Poland, increase of prices and demand for agricultural land. The aim of the study was to analyse the determinants and dynamics of changes in the rates of agricultural rents. The source material for the study were data on the agricultural land market in Poland in 2000-2011 published by the IERiGŻ and GUS

    Land use plans as an instrument for green infrastructure management

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    The aim of the article is to present the results of a study on the challenges and barriers related to the role of land use plans in the management of green infrastructure in small and medium-sized cities. This research forms part of a larger project dedicated to analysing the importance of green infrastructure as a natural and social resource of small and medium-sized cities in Poland. The subject of the study are 814 spatial development plans in force in 20 Polish cities (12 medium-sized and 8 small). The selection of these cities was dictated by the assumptions of the research project and related to two basic criteria: the model of the layout of areas covered with vegetation or water and the projected development trajectory. What was analysed in the plans were the patterns of provisions that could be linked to green infrastructure. Provisions concerning green spaces, woodland areas and other specific provisions (which could be linked to green infrastructure) were identified

    Spatial Conflicts concerning Wind Power Plants—A Case Study of Spatial Plans in Poland

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    This article aims to determine the specificity of spatial conflicts related to spatial plans concerning wind power plants. To achieve the aim of the article, all spatial plans in force in Poland were analysed, distinguishing those which determine the possibility of realisation of wind power plants. The research concerns the whole country. The literature review carried out for this article verifies approaches to spatial conflicts and identifies how planning barriers to the implementation of wind power investments are defined. The results identified Polish municipalities where spatial plans containing provisions for implementing wind power plants have been enacted. Then, through survey research, an attempt was made to identify critical spatial conflicts occurring in these municipalities. The last part of the research involved identifying and analysing Polish court decisions concerning spatial plans permitting wind power plants. These were recognised as a particular stage of spatial conflicts. The article’s novelty is the attempt to isolate regional spatial conflicts concerning wind power plants comprehensively. This applies to a broader scientific discussion (also applicable to other countries). In addition, the treatment of court cases as the final stage of spatial conflicts related to the location of wind power plants should be considered innovative. An important contribution to the international discussion is the proposal for broader (quantitative) research on the role of courts in spatial planning. Possible classifications in court settlements of parties to spatial conflicts, reasons for spatial conflicts, and ways of ending conflicts have been proposed

    Telomerase Inhibitor TMPyP4 Alters Adhesion and Migration of Breast-Cancer Cells MCF7 and MDA-MB-231

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    Human telomeres were one of the first discovered and characterized sequences forming quadruplex structures. Association of these structures with oncogenic and tumor suppressor proteins suggests their important role in cancer development and therapy efficacy. Since cationic porphyrin TMPyP4 is known as G-quadruplex stabilizer and telomerase inhibitor, the aim of the study was to analyze the anticancer properties of this compound in two different human breast-cancer MCF7 and MDA-MB-231 cell lines. The cytotoxicity of TMPyP4 alone or in combination with doxorubicin was measured by MTT (3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromid) and clonogenic assays, and the cell-cycle alterations were analyzed by flow cytometry. Telomerase expression and activity were evaluated using qPCR and telomeric repeat amplification protocol (TRAP) assays, respectively. The contribution of G-quadruplex inhibitor to protein pathways engaged in cell survival, DNA repair, adhesion, and migration was performed using immunodetection. Scratch assay and functional assessment of migration and cell adhesion were also performed. Consequently, it was revealed that in the short term, TMPyP4 neither revealed cytotoxic effect nor sensitized MCF7 and MDA-MB-231 to doxorubicin, but altered breast-cancer cell adhesion and migration. It suggests that TMPyP4 might substantially contribute to a significant decrease in cancer cell dissemination and, consequently, cancer cell survival reduction. Importantly, this effect might not be associated with telomeres or telomerase