11 research outputs found

    Mapping of the immunodominant regions of the NAD-dependent formate dehydrogenase

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    AbstractA panel of 4 monoclonal antibodies and 7 polyclonal antisera against NAD-dependent formate dehydrogenase from methylotrophic bacterium Pseudomonas sp. 101 has been obtained. The reactivity of the 37 overlapping proteolytic peptides with the monoclonal antibodies and polyclonal antisera has been studied with ELISA test. The data obtained were interpreted residing on the structural model of the formate dehydrogenase at 3 Å resolution. The immunodominant regions in the formate dehydrogenase molecule and the epitopes for the monoclonal antibodies were elucidated

    Digital totalitarianism - from Homo sapiens to “one-button man”

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    The article is devoted to the process of digitalization taking place in Russia in the context of the industrial revolution 4.0. The purpose of the article is to consider the process of introducing digital technologies as drivers of the reorganization of the entire way of life of Russian society, the disclosure of the concept of “digital totalitarianism". The process of digitalization affected not only all spheres of the economy, but also significantly affected the development of social institutions and the individual as a participant in this process. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to perform the following tasks: to determine the process of digitalization, to study state projects for digitalization in Russia – “Digital Economy of Russia until 2024”, “Education 2030”, to study the degree of involvement of Russian consumer and business communities in the use of digital platforms; to determine the consequences of the inevitable digital revolution, and what is the role of the state in them. The object of the study is the process of digitalization of the economy and its impact on human activity. The subject of the research is the specific features of the digitalization process that determine the future prospects of interaction between humans and artificial intelligence (neural networks and cybersystems). The hypothesis of the study: total digital transformation in Russia is the only possible scenario for the development and formation of a completely ” new “state based on the” digital economy”, ensuring competitiveness in the global market and improving all spheres of Russian life. The article examines the data on the current level of development of digital technologies in Russia and in the world, identifies the main trends and the most important problems of the development and impact of digital technologies on people

    Assessment of tourism development in Arctic entities

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    The article reflects the main aspects of the development of the tourist industry of the Arctic regions. The characteristics of the tourist environment of each of the eight states forming the Arctic are presented. Dynamics of tourist flows of regions is considered. Trends in the further development of Arctic tourism are reflected. The analysis of statistical data on the subject under study is presented, conclusions on the topic are drawn

    Digital totalitarianism - from Homo sapiens to “one-button man”

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    The article is devoted to the process of digitalization taking place in Russia in the context of the industrial revolution 4.0. The purpose of the article is to consider the process of introducing digital technologies as drivers of the reorganization of the entire way of life of Russian society, the disclosure of the concept of “digital totalitarianism". The process of digitalization affected not only all spheres of the economy, but also significantly affected the development of social institutions and the individual as a participant in this process. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to perform the following tasks: to determine the process of digitalization, to study state projects for digitalization in Russia – “Digital Economy of Russia until 2024”, “Education 2030”, to study the degree of involvement of Russian consumer and business communities in the use of digital platforms; to determine the consequences of the inevitable digital revolution, and what is the role of the state in them. The object of the study is the process of digitalization of the economy and its impact on human activity. The subject of the research is the specific features of the digitalization process that determine the future prospects of interaction between humans and artificial intelligence (neural networks and cybersystems). The hypothesis of the study: total digital transformation in Russia is the only possible scenario for the development and formation of a completely ” new “state based on the” digital economy”, ensuring competitiveness in the global market and improving all spheres of Russian life. The article examines the data on the current level of development of digital technologies in Russia and in the world, identifies the main trends and the most important problems of the development and impact of digital technologies on people

    Pracovní zdroje obchodních společností v kontextu digitalizace: komparativní analýza Ruské federace a České republiky

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    Changes in the demographic situation in the world lead to a change in the enterprises staff. These changes are associated with a life expectancy increase and, as a consequence, an increase in the economically active population over 65 years old. However, the significant increase in the number of active older generation people is directed opposite to the level of the information technology use by them. For example, the older generation is not keen on making online purchases. Thus, in the trade, the working places for older employees are retained. The paper presents a comparative analysis of the trade enterprises labor resources in Russia and the Czech Republic. We have used methods of statistical data analysis and formalized survey. The study results have showed the similar trends in the trade sector labor markets in Russia and the Czech Republic. In addition, the results of the study have revealed the directions of the older labor force use. The older people can be involved in activities with a large communication load and high value of professional experience. Older workers often act as mentors, transferring their experience to the young colleagues. Thus, the interactions between workers of different generations can accelerate the development of trade enterprises.Změny demografické situace ve světě vedou ke změně struktury zaměstnanců podniků. Tyto změny jsou spojeny s prodloužením střední délky života, a v důsledku toho se zvýšením ekonomicky aktivního obyvatelstva nad 65 let. Významný nárůst počtu aktivních starších generací je však namířen proti úrovni jejich využívání informačních technologií. Například starší generace nemá zájem nakupovat online. V oboru jsou tedy zachována pracovní místa pro starší zaměstnance. Tento příspěvek představuje srovnávací analýzu pracovních zdrojů obchodních podniků v Rusku a České republice. Použili jsme metody statistické analýzy dat a formalizovaného průzkumu. Výsledky studie ukázaly podobné trendy na trzích práce v obchodním sektoru v Rusku a České republice. Výsledky studie navíc odhalily směry využití starších pracovních sil. Starší lidé mohou být zapojeni do činností s velkou komunikační zátěží a vysokou hodnotou odborných zkušeností. Starší pracovníci často působí jako mentoři a své zkušenosti předávají mladým kolegům. Interakce mezi pracovníky různých generací tak mohou urychlit rozvoj obchodních podniků

    Pseudomonas Phage PaBG—A Jumbo Member of an Old Parasite Family

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    Bacteriophage PaBG is a jumbo Myoviridae phage isolated from water of Lake Baikal. This phage has limited diffusion ability and thermal stability and infects a narrow range of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains. Therefore, it is hardly suitable for phage therapy applications. However, the analysis of the genome of PaBG presents a number of insights into the evolutionary history of this phage and jumbo phages in general. We suggest that PaBG represents an ancient group distantly related to all known classified families of phages

    Express Diagnostics of Proteolytic Activity of Periodontopathogens—Methodological Approach

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    The species spectrum of the oral microbiome is considered to be the key factor in the development and progression of periodontal inflammatory disorders. The “red complex” including Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia and Treponema denticola has the highest pathogenic potential. These bacteria have several biochemical mechanisms that allow them to colonize and destroy periodontal tissues. Proteolytic enzymes play a crucial role in this process. Early diagnosis of pathological conditions induced by microbial contamination allows for the timely treatment of periodontitis. Otherwise, the development of the disease may lead to tooth loss. A total of 48 patients aged 18 to 65 years old who required professional oral hygiene were recruited for this clinical study. Microbial content analysis of dental plaque from the interdental space and the back of the tongue was performed using real-time PCR. To determine the proteolytic activity of oral bacteria, the new express diagnostic method was applied (diagnostic sensitivity, 0.875; specificity, 0.928). The results demonstrate a strong and significant correlation between the new method and the PCR analysis (r = 0.785, p < 0.001). These results show that the new express method can be valuable as an early diagnostic method for periodontal inflammatory disorders caused by the “red complex” bacteria