78 research outputs found

    Factors influencing the sexuality education among students in Poland – a survey study

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    Introduction: Sex education is commonly associated with preventing consequences of lack of knowledge in field of sexuality such as unintended pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). However, when well designed and introduced it enables children to better understand sexuality as an integral part of human nature, allows defining one’s own sexuality, teaches about relationship building and raises awareness of consequences of irresponsible sexual behaviour. The aim of the study: The presented study was aimed at assessing of sexuality education quality among students in Poland and factors influencing this process. Material and methods: The analysed material was obtained on the basis of a survey conducted on group of young adults, especially medical students. Standardized questionnaire consisting of 35 questions divided into three parts (first part – general information about participants, second part – sexual activity, contraception and sources of knowledge about them, third part – simple questions verifying the knowledge of participants) has been shared in social media via Google Forms. Results: 200 participants filled the entire questionnaire (149 female and 51 male). The survey indicates that: 75% of respondents were under 25 years old; the vast majority (96%) of participants were medical students; 37,5% of participants described themselves as practicing believers which correlated with sexual initiation at the age of 20 or later; 41,5% of respondents uses physical barrier contraceptives combined with natural methods although they consider hormone-based methods combined with barrier methods as the most appropriate for them (40,5%); level of parent education and employment in medical professions were not associated with the presence and the quality of family sex education; majority of participants indicated the Internet, school or university as main information sources about topics related to sexuality; the most participants (47,5%) expressed the opinion that parents should be the most appropriate source of knowledge about human sexuality. No one chose the Internet as an appropriate source of sex education. Conclusion: The conducted survey suggests that many young people lack basic knowledge about sexuality and contraception

    The current knowledge on ASXL1-mutated acute myeloid leukemia

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    Acute myeloid leukemia is a malignant hematopoietic cancer, in the pathogenesis of which the central role is played by the mutations of genes controlling maturation and apoptosis of bone marrow progenitor cells. A mutation in the ASXL1 gene, whose protein product takes part in the regulation of gene expression, is of prognostic importance, being a negative prognostic and predictive factor. It is estimated that the ASXL1 gene mutation occurs in 14.4-19.1% of patients with AML and is more frequent in men over 60 years of age. Aberrations of chromosomes 8 and 11 often co-occur with ASXL1 gene mutation in AML and may provide additional prognostically relevant information. Treatment of patients with AML is tailored to the patient depending on the risk group, karyotype aberrations and coexisting mutations. Many patients are not eligible for allo-HSCT, although this method significantly improves the survival of AML patients with ASXL1 gene mutations. Gilteritinib may also be used to treat these patients, but the multitude of associated mutations forces to rely on chemotherapy based on non-specific cytotoxic drugs. This review summarizes the most crucial information concerning the pathogenesis, peculiarities, diagnosis and therapy of AML with coexisting ASXL1 mutation.Ostra białaczka szpikowa jest nowotworem złośliwym układu krwiotwórczego, w patogenezie której centralną rolę pełnią mutacje genów kontrolujących dojrzewanie i apoptozę komórek progenitorowych szpiku. Istotna rokowniczo jest mutacja w genie ASXL1, którego produkt białkowy bierze udział w regulacji ekspresji genów. Jest ona negatywnym czynnikiem prognostycznym i predykcyjnym.  Szacuje się, że mutacja genu ASXL1 występuje u 14,4-19,1% pacjentów z AML i jest częstsza u mężczyzn powyżej 60 roku życia. Aberracje chromosomów 8 i 11 często współwystępują z mutacją genu ASXL1 w AML i mogą stanowić dodatkową, istotną prognostycznie informację. Leczenie chorych z AML dopasowywane jest do pacjenta w zależności od grupy ryzyka, zmian kariotypu oraz współistniejących mutacji. Duża liczba chorych nie kwalifikuje się do allo-HSCT, choć ta metoda znacznie poprawia przeżywalność pacjentów z AML z mutacją genu ASXL1. Zastosowanie w terapii tych pacjentów może mieć również gilterytynib, jednak mnogość towarzyszących mutacji zmusza do bazowania na chemioterapii opartej na niespecyficznych lekach cytotoksycznych. Celem pracy jest podsumowanie najważniejszych informacji dotyczących patogenezy, cech szczególnych, diagnostyki i terapii AML z współistniejącą mutacją ASXL1

    Atypical course of type 1 diabetes mellitus in a patient with Ollier's disease - a case report

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    Background Nowadays, we can distinguish more than two types of diabetes mellitus. Due to blood glucose measurement and genetic tests, different types of diabetes (such as autoimmune, monogenetic, atypical) can be detected. Despite the constantly updated recommendations and the progress of diagnostic tests, making a diagnosis may be difficult. Case report A 23-year old patient was admitted to the Department of Endocrinology due to diagnosed diabetes mellitus to determine its primary cause. Elevated blood glucose level was identified during periodic medical test and was confirmed by OGTT test. In the patient’s medical history: Ollier’s disease with multiple enchondromas, treated surgically in childhood, no typical symptoms and risk factors of hyperglycaemia.  During hospitalization the laboratory tests showed decreased level of C-peptide, nevertheless the patient represented acceptable levels of glycaemia following only by diet restriction. MODY, LADA and diabetes due to Ollier’s disease was speculated. Due to suspicion of autoimmunological cause the diagnostic was extended by testing antibodies: IAA, IA2, GAD, IC, which confirmation allowed to recognise untypical diabetes mellitus type 1. The patient objected to insulin treatment, limited it only to a diet and maintained normoglycemia for 15months. However, after an increase in glycaemia and in HbA1c, insulin therapy was introduced. Disscussion with conclusion Atypical course of diabetes should be considered in patients with a known disorder or with comorbidities associated with diabetes and without typical symptoms of hyperglycaemia. Atypical forms of diabetes are uncommon and require etiology-specific therapies

    Branched polyurethanes based on synthetic polyhydroxybutyrate with tunable structure and properties

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    Branched, aliphatic polyurethanes (PURs) were synthesized and compared to linear analogues. The influence of polycaprolactonetriol and synthetic poly([R,S]-3-hydroxybutyrate) (R,S-PHB) in soft segments on structure, thermal and sorptive properties of PURs was determined. Using FTIR and Raman spectroscopies it was found that increasing the R,S-PHB amount in the structure of branched PURs reduced a tendency of urethane groups to hydrogen bonding. Melting enthalpies (on DSC thermograms) of both soft and hard segments of linear PURs were higher than branched PURs, suggesting that linear PURs were more crystalline. Oil sorption by samples of linear and branched PURs, containing only polycaprolactone chains in soft segments, was higher than in the case of samples with R,S-PHB in their structure. Branched PUR without R,S-PHB absorbed the highest amount of oil. Introducing R,S-PHB into the PUR structure increased water sorption. Thus, by operating the number of branching and the amount of poly([R,S]-3-hydroxybutyrate) in soft segments thermal and sorptive properties of aliphatic PURs could be controlled

    Pressure-assisted solvent- and catalyst-free production of well-defined poly(1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone) for biomedical applications

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    In this work, we developed a fast, highly efficient, and environmentally friendly catalytic systemfor classical freeradical polymerization (FRP) utilizing a high-pressure (HP) approach. The application of HP for thermallyinduced, bulk FRP of 1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone (VP) allowed to eliminate the current limitation of ambientpressure polymerization of ‘less-activated’ monomer (LAM), characterized by the lack of temporal control yielding polymers of unacceptably large disperisites and poor result reproducibility. By a simple manipulation of thermodynamic conditions (p ¼ 125–500 MPa, T ¼ 323–333 K) and reaction composition (twocomponent system: monomer and low content of thermoinitiator) well-defined poly(1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone)s (PVP) in a wide range of molecular weights and low/moderate dispersities (Mn ¼ 16.2–280.5 kg mol 1, Đ ¼ 1.27–1.45) have been produced. We have found that HP can act as an ‘external’ controlling factor that warrants the first-order polymerization kinetics for classical FRP, something that was possible so far only for reversible deactivation radical polymerization (RDRP) systems. Importantly, our synthetic strategy adopted for VP FRP enabled us to obtain polymers of very high Mn in a very short time-frame (0.5 h). It has also been confirmed that VP bulk polymerization yields polymers with significantly lower glass transition temperatures (Tg) and different solubility properties in comparison to macromolecules obtained during the solvent-assisted reaction

    Biological properties of low-toxicity PLGA and PLGA/PHB fibrous nanocomposite implants for osseous tissue regeneration. Part I: evaluation of potential biotoxicity

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    In response to the demand for new implant materials characterized by high biocompatibility and bioresorption, two prototypes of fibrous nanocomposite implants for osseous tissue regeneration made of a newly developed blend of poly(L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) and syntheticpoly([R,S]-3-hydroxybutyrate), PLGA/PHB, have been developed and fabricated. Afibre-forming copolymer of glycolide and L-lactide (PLGA) was obtained by a unique method of synthesis carried out in blocksusing Zr(AcAc)4 as an initiator. The prototypes of the implants are composed of three layers of PLGA or PLGA/PHB, nonwoven fabrics with a pore structure designed to provide the best conditions for the cell proliferation. The bioactivity of the proposed implants has been imparted by introducing a hydroxyapatite material and IGF1, a growth factor. The developed prototypes of implants have been subjected to a set of in vitro and in vivobiocompatibility tests: in vitro cytotoxic effect, in vitro genotoxicity and systemic toxicity. Rabbitsshowed no signs of negative reactionafter implantation of the experimental implant prototypes

    Polymorphism of the FTO

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    The objective was to compare the impact of clinical and genetic factors on body mass index (BMI) in children with type 1 diabetes (T1DM) without severe obesity. A total of 1,119 children with T1DM (aged 4–18 years) were qualified to take part in the study. All children were genotyped for variants of FTO, MC4R, INSIG2, FASN, NPC1, PTER, SIRT1, MAF, IRT1, and CD36. Results. Variants of FTO showed significant association with BMI-SDS in the T1DM group. The main factors influencing BMI-SDS in children with T1DM included female gender (P=0.0003), poor metabolic control (P=0.0001), and carriage of the A allele of the FTO rs9939609 gene (P=0.02). Conclusion. Our research indicates, when assessing, the risk of overweight and obesity carriage of the A allele in the rs9939609 site of the FTO gene adds to that of female gender and poor metabolic control. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT01279161)