9 research outputs found

    Process of posthospital care involving telemedicine solutions for patients after total hip arthroplasty

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    The importance of telemedicine technologies around the world has been growing for many years, and it turned out to be a particularly important issue for conducting some medical procedures during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. It is necessary to create interdisciplinary teams to design and implement improved procedures using telemedicine tools. The aim of the article is to develop original, improved posthospital patient care process after total hip arthroplasty (THA) with the use of telemedicine technologies. In the study, a literature review and empirical research were used. The conducted research resulted in the designing an original posthospital patient care process after THA that uses telematics technologies. Due to the use of analyzed telemedicine technologies, the designed patient care process brings a possibility to increase the patient′s safety by monitoring life parameters, allowing for regular, remote contact with specialists and to be supervised remotely. All this may contribute to shortening the convalescence time, reducing the risk of complications, as well as reducing treatment costs. The designed model is ready for further clinical research with the participation of medical staff, patients after THA and patient caregivers

    Outline of the family Newelski in Wodynie

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    Ród Newelskich herbu Korczak osiedlił się w Wodyniach pod koniec XIX wieku. Toteż od tego czasu aż do reformy rolnej, dane było im tam żyć, współtworząc historię trzem pokoleniom. Historiografię rodu przypomina przedstawicielka familii - Pani Katarzyna Markiewicz z domu Newelska. Zgromadziła ona bogate archiwum rodzinne, składające się z różnorakich dokumentów. Wśród archiwaliów na szczególną uwagę zasługują akta osobowe, urzędowe, sądowe, gospodarcze. Wreszcie listy i mnóstwo zdjęć. Warto również wspomnieć o zachowanych renomowanych meblach oraz przedmiotach użytkowanych niegdyś przez pradziadów Pani Katarzyny. W skład majątku Newelskich wchodził drewniany dworek, gorzelnia, staw rybny oraz kompleks leśny. Ród ten szczególny nacisk kładł na rozwój przemysłu gorzelnianego oraz uprawę roli. Niestety reforma rolna, w 1944 roku odebrała im wszystko co kochali. Zabrano im 271, 75 gruntów ornych oraz 488, 03 ha całkowitej powierzchni. Rodzina została pozbawiona dachu nad głową oraz egzystencji. Zaraz po wojnie wygnano ją z dworu. Od tego czasu towarzyszyły jej nieustanne uwięzienia, procesy sądowe i tym podobnym szykany. Do Wodyń nigdy nie wróciła, bo nie było do czego wracać. Dworek związany z dziejami rodu Newelskich, nie przetrwał burzliwych powojennych czasów. Jak do tej pory nie pojawiły się żadne fakty, które w jakikolwiek sposób pomogłyby ustalić, co rzeczywiście wydarzyło się we dworze, podczas okupacji. Jego minione dzieje wciąż pozostają owiane mgłą tajemnicy.The dynasty of Newelsky ,of Korczak crest, settled in Wodynie at the end of the XIX century. Up until the agricultural reform, the Newelsky family lived there, creating the history of three generations.The historiography of the dynasty is being told by the main representative of the family-Mrs Katarzyna Markiewicz, nee Newelska. She has acquired a very impressive number of family archives, consisting of various documents. Among those archives, the special attention should be paid to personal, offcial, juridical and agricultural files. Also, worth mentioning is the furniture and everyday objects used by the ancestors of Mrs Katarzyna.The fortune of the Newelsky family consisted of the wooden manor house, distillery, fish pond and the woodland. The dynasty paid special attention to the growth of the distillery industry and farming. Sadly, the agricultural reform in 1944 took everything, what they loved, away from them: 271,75 of the arable land was taken away, as well as 488,03 hectares of the land. The family had lost the roof over their heads and was left with no means of living. Just after the war, they were thrown out of the manor. From that time on, various members of the family experienced imprisonment, court proceedings, and all the other misfortunes. Mrs Katarzyna has never returned to Wodynie, there was nothing to go back to. The manor house connected with the Newelsky family had not withstood the difficult postwar times. Up until now, there is no evidence that could have helped to establish what had really happened in the house, under the occupation. It’s history still remains a mistery

    Telemedicine Technologies Selection for the Posthospital Patient Care Process after Total Hip Arthroplasty

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    For many years, the importance of using telematic technologies in medicine has been growing, especially in the period of the coronavirus pandemic, when direct contact and supervision of medical personnel over the patient is difficult. The existing possibilities of modern information and communication technologies (ICTs) are not fully used. The aim of the study is to identify the telemedicine technologies that can be used in future implementation projects of the posthospital patient care process after total hip arthroplasty (THA). The literature search is reported according to PRISMA 2020. The search strategy included databases and gray literature. In total, 28 articles (EMBASE, PubMed, PEDro) and 24 records from gray literature (Google Search and Technology presentations) were included in the research. This multi-source study analyzes the possibilities of using different technologies useful in the patient care process. The conducted research resulted in defining visual and wearable types of telemedicine technologies for the original posthospital patient care process after THA. As the needs of stakeholders in the posthospital patient care process after THA differ, the awareness of appropriate technologies selection, information flow, and its management importance are prerequisites for effective posthospital patient care with the use of telemedicine technologies. Protocol Registration PROSPERO 2022 #CRD4202232049