350 research outputs found

    The heterogeneous effect of selection in secondary schools: understanding the changing role of ability

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    Ecological sustainability and urban form

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    One controversial idea present in the debate on urban sustainability is that urban sprawl is an ecological stressing problem. We have tested this popular assumption by measuring the ecological footprint of commuting and housing of the 163 municipalities of the Barcelona Metropolitan Region and by relating the estimated values with residential density and accessibility, the fundamental determinant of residential density according to the Monocentric City Model.Ecological footprint, Barcelona, transportation system, urban sprawl

    Descentralisation, Integration and polycentrism in Barcelona

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    In this study the employment subcentres of the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona are identified using different criteria. Once catalogued according to their nature,i.e. subcentres arising from integration and decentralisation, they are analysed to see whether their impact on population density depends on their origin. The results obtained confirm a greater impact of integrated subcentres in comparison with decentralised ones, amplified in turn by the fact that the former are further from the CBD and present a greater degree of self-containment in the labor market.Employment decentralisation, policentric city, metropolitan integration

    Cubic spline population density functions and subcentre delimitation. The case of Barcelona

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    The presence of subcentres cannot be captured by an exponential function. Cubic spline functions seem more appropriate to depict the polycentricity pattern of modern urban systems. Using data from Barcelona Metropolitan Region, two possible population subcentre delimitation procedures are discussed. One, taking an estimated derivative equal to zero, the other, a density gradient equal to zero. It is argued that, in using a cubic spline function, a delimitation strategy based on derivatives is more appropriate than one based on gradients because the estimated density can be negative in sections with very low densities and few observations, leading to sudden changes in estimated gradients. It is also argued that using as a criteria for subcentre delimitation a second derivative with value zero allow us to capture a more restricted subcentre area than using as a criteria a first derivative zero. This methodology can also be used for intermediate ring delimitation.polycentrism, cubic spline functions

    Estructura metropolitana y funciones de densidad residencial. El caso de la regiĂłn metropolitana de Barcelona

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    La relaciĂłn que se establece entre el nivel de densidad residencial y la accesibilidad al lugar de empleo en el interior de una ĂĄrea urbana parece ser mĂĄs compleja que la supuesta en el Modelo de Ciudad MonocĂ©ntrica. Las estimaciones de funciones de densidad residencial mĂĄs simples, sustentadas en un modelo teĂłrico que suponĂ­a una concentraciĂłn total del empleo en el distrito central y que utilizaban como Ășnica medida de accesibilidad la distancia al centro, han dado paso a estimaciones mĂĄs sofisticadas donde la distancia al centro no es la Ășnica medida de accesibilidad utilizada, la funciĂłn de densidad es mĂĄs flexible y la densidad no sĂłlo se explica en funciĂłn de la accesibilidad.Population density functions, Barcelona, polycentricity
