29 research outputs found

    Formate overflow drives toxic folate trapping in MTHFD1 inhibited cancer cells

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    Cancer cells fuel their increased need for nucleotide supply by upregulating one-carbon (1C) metabolism, including the enzymes methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase-cyclohydrolase 1 and 2 (MTHFD1 and MTHFD2). TH9619 is a potent inhibitor of dehydrogenase and cyclohydrolase activities in both MTHFD1 and MTHFD2, and selectively kills cancer cells. Here, we reveal that, in cells, TH9619 targets nuclear MTHFD2 but does not inhibit mitochondrial MTHFD2. Hence, overflow of formate from mitochondria continues in the presence of TH9619. TH9619 inhibits the activity of MTHFD1 occurring downstream of mitochondrial formate release, leading to the accumulation of 10-formyl-tetrahydrofolate, which we term a 'folate trap'. This results in thymidylate depletion and death of MTHFD2-expressing cancer cells. This previously uncharacterized folate trapping mechanism is exacerbated by physiological hypoxanthine levels that block the de novo purine synthesis pathway, and additionally prevent 10-formyl-tetrahydrofolate consumption for purine synthesis. The folate trapping mechanism described here for TH9619 differs from other MTHFD1/2 inhibitors and antifolates. Thus, our findings uncover an approach to attack cancer and reveal a regulatory mechanism in 1C metabolism.In this study, Green, Marttila, Kiweler et al. characterize one-carbon metabolism rewiring in response to a dual MTHFD1 and MTHFD2 inhibitor. This work provides insight into one-carbon fluxes, and reveals a previously uncharacterized vulnerability in cancer cells created by folate trapping

    Targeting OGG1 arrests cancer cell proliferation by inducing replication stress

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    Altered oncogene expression in cancer cells causes loss of redox homeostasis resulting in oxidative DNA damage, e.g. 8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG), repaired by base excision repair (BER). PARP1 coordinates BER and relies on the upstream 8-oxoguanine-DNA glycosylase (OGG1) to recognise and excise 8-oxoG. Here we hypothesize that OGG1 may represent an attractive target to exploit reactive oxygen species (ROS) elevation in cancer. Although OGG1 depletion is well tolerated in non-transformed cells, we report here that OGG1 depletion obstructs A3 T-cell lymphoblastic acute leukemia growth in vitro and in vivo, validating OGG1 as a potential anti-cancer target. In line with this hypothesis, we show that OGG1 inhibitors (OGG1i) target a wide range of cancer cells, with a favourable therapeutic index compared to non-transformed cells. Mechanistically, OGG1i and shRNA depletion cause S-phase DNA damage, replication stress and proliferation arrest or cell death, representing a novel mechanistic approach to target cancer. This study adds OGG1 to the list of BER factors, e.g. PARP1, as potential targets for cancer treatment

    The first structure of an active mammalian dCTPase and its complexes with substrate analogues and products

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    Precise regulation of dNTPs within the cellular nucleotide pool is essential for high accuracy of DNA replication and is critical for retaining the genomic integrity. Recently, human dCTPase (deoxycytidine triphosphatase), also known as DCTPP1 (human all-alpha dCTP pyrophosphatase 1) has been revealed to be a key player in the balance of pyrimidine nucleotide concentrations within cells, with DCTPP1 deficiency causing DNA damage and genetic instability in both chromosomal and mitochondrial DNA. DCTPP1 also exhibits an additional 'house cleaning' function as it has been shown to be highly active against modified cytidine trinucleotides such as 5-methyl-dCTP, which if incorrectly incorporated into DNA can introduce undesirable epigenetic marking. To date, structural studies of mammalian dCTPase have been limited to inactive constructs, which do not provide information regarding the catalytic mechanism of this important enzyme. We here present the first structures of an active mammalian dCTPase from M. musculus in complex with the non-hydrolysable substrate analogue dCMPNPP and the products 5-Me-dCMP and dCMP. These structures provide clear insights into substrate binding and catalysis, and clearly elucidate why previous structures of mammalian dCTPase were catalytically inactive. The overall structure of M. musculus dCTPase is highly similar to enzymes from the all-alpha NTP phosphohydrolase superfamily. Comparison of M. musculus dCTPase with homologues from a diverse range of mammals including humans, show that the residues which contribute to substrate recognition are entirely conserved, further supporting the importance of this enzyme in the protection of genomic integrity in mammalian cells

    Crystal structure of human MTH1 and the 8-oxo-dGMP product complex

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    MTH1 hydrolyzes oxidized nucleotide triphosphates, thereby preventing them from being incorporated into DNA. We here present the structures of human MTH1 (1.9 angstrom) and its complex with the product 8-oxo-dGMP (1.8 angstrom). Unexpectedly MTH1 binds the nucleotide in the anti conformation with no direct interaction between the 8-oxo group and the protein. We suggest that the specificity depends on the stabilization of an enol tautomer of the 8-oxo form of dGTP. The binding of the product induces no major structural changes. The structures reveal the mode of nucleotide binding in MTH1 and provide the structural basis for inhibitor design.authorCount :7</p

    Crystal structures of human PAICS reveal substrate and product binding of an emerging cancer target

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    The bifunctional human enzyme phosphoribosylaminoimidazole carboxylase and phosphoribosylaminoimidazolesuccinocarboxamide synthetase (PAICS) catalyzes two essential steps in the de novo purine biosynthesis pathway. PAICS is overexpressed in many cancers and could be a promising target for the development of cancer therapeutics. Here, using gene knockdowns and clonogenic survival and cell viability assays, we demonstrate that PAICS is required for growth and survival of prostate cancer cells. PAICS catalyzes the carboxylation of aminoimidazole ribonucleotide (AIR) and the subsequent conversion of carboxyaminoimidazole ribonucleotide (CAIR) and L-aspartate to N-succinylcarboxamide-5-aminoimidazole ribonucleotide (SAICAR). Of note, we present the first structures of human octameric PAICS in complexes with native ligands. In particular, we report the structure of PAICS with CAIR bound in the active sites of both domains and SAICAR bound in one of the SAICAR synthetase domains. Moreover, we report the PAICS structure with SAICAR and an ATP analog occupying the SAICAR synthetase active site. These structures provide insight into substrate and product binding and the architecture of the active sites, disclosing important structural information for rational design of PAICS inhibitors as potential anticancer drugs

    PARP is activated at stalled forks to mediate Mre11-dependent replication restart and recombination

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    If replication forks are perturbed, a multifaceted response including several DNA repair and cell cycle checkpoint pathways is activated to ensure faithful DNA replication. Here, we show that poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 (PARP1) binds to and is activated by stalled replication forks that contain small gaps. PARP1 collaborates with Mre11 to promote replication fork restart after release from replication blocks, most likely by recruiting Mre11 to the replication fork to promote resection of DNA. Both PARP1 and PARP2 are required for hydroxyurea-induced homologous recombination to promote cell survival after replication blocks. Together, our data suggest that PARP1 and PARP2 detect disrupted replication forks and attract Mre11 for end processing that is required for subsequent recombination repair and restart of replication forks

    NUDT15-mediated hydrolysis limits the efficacy of anti-HCMV drug ganciclovir

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    Ganciclovir (GCV) is the first-line therapy against human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), a widespread infection that is particularly dangerous for immunodeficient individuals. Closely resembling deoxyguanosine triphosphate, the tri-phosphorylated metabolite of GCV (GCV-TP) is preferentially incorporated by the viral DNA polymerase, thereby terminating chain extension and, eventually, viral replication. However, the treatment outcome of GCV varies greatly among individuals, therefore warranting better understanding of its metabolism. Here we show that NUDT15, a Nudix hydrolase known to metabolize thiopurine triphosphates, can similarly hydrolyze GCV-TP through biochemical studies and co-crystallization of the NUDT15/GCV-TP complex. More critically, GCV efficacy was potentiated in HCMV-infected cells following NUDT15 depletion by RNAi or inhibition by an in-house-developed, nanomolar NUDT15 inhibitor, TH8321, suggesting that pharmacological targeting of NUDT15 is a possible avenue to improve existing anti-HCMV regimens. Collectively, the data further implicate NUDT15 as a broad-spectrum metabolic regulator of nucleoside analog therapeutics, such as thiopurines and GCV