14 research outputs found

    Chromosome Comparisons of Australian Scaptodrosophila Species

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    The Scaptodrosophila represent a diverse group of Diptera closely related to Drosophila. Although they have radiated extensively in Australia, they have been the focus of few studies. Here, we characterized the karyotypes of 12 Scaptodrosophila species from several species groups and showed that they have undergone similar types of karyotypic change to those seen in Drosophila. This includes heterochromatin amplification involved in length changes of the sex and ‘dot’ chromosomes as well as the autosomes, particularly in the coracina group of species. Numerous weak points along the arms of the polytene chromosomes suggest the presence of internal repetitive sequence DNA, but these regions did not C-band in mitotic chromosomes, and their analysis will depend on DNA sequencing. The nucleolar organizing regions (NORs) are at the same chromosome positions in Scaptodrosophila as in Drosophila, and the various mechanisms responsible for changing arm configurations also appear to be the same. These chromosomal studies provide a complementary resource to other investigations of this group, with several species currently being sequenced

    Inversion frequencies in Drosophila serrata along an eastern Australian transect

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    Clinal patterns over broad geographic regions provide a way of identifying characteristics of species under selection and are increasingly being used in quantitative trait locus mapping of adaptive genetic variation in Drosophila. However, interpretations of clinal patterns can be complicated by inversions that also vary clinally and reduce recombination in some parts of the genome. Drosophila serrata (Malloch) is an Australian endemic species being used to investigate the genetic basis of geographic variation in climatic adaptation and mate recognition. Here we describe inversions in D. serrata populations from the east coast of Australia, covering tropical and temperate regions. Seven autosomal paracentric inversions and 1 apparently complex X chromosome arrangement were identified from these populations. All inverted arrangements were relatively more common in tropical populations; 2 common inversions showed clinal patterns over part of the range of D. serrata. Inversion polymorphism was relatively higher in tropical populations and almost absent in populations near the cooler southern border, in agreement with findings on other Drosophila species. While these patterns will complicate mapping of adaptive variation in D. serrata, they suggest that this species will be useful in investigatingthe dynamics of inversion-trait associations in natural populations

    Potential sites of triple-helical nucleic acid formation in chromosomes of Rhynchosciara (Diptera: Sciaridae) and Drosophila melanogaster

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    Antibodies to specific nucleic acid conformations are amongst the methods that have allowed the study of non-canonical (Watson-Crick) DNA structures in higher organisms. In this work, the structural limitations for the immunological detection of DNA.RNA hybrid duplexes were examined using specific RNA homopolymers as probes for homopolymer polydeoxyadenylic acid (poly(dA)).polydeoxythymidylic acid (poly(dT))-rich regions of Rhynchosciara americana (Diptera: Sciaridae) chromosomes. Anti-DNA.RNA duplexes did not react with the complex formed between chromosomal poly(dA) and exogenous polyuridylic acid (poly(rU)). Additionally, poly(rU) prevented the detection of polyadenylic acid.poly(dT) hybrid duplexes preformed in situ. These results raised the possibility that three-stranded structures rather than duplexes were formed in chromosomal sites. To test this hypothesis, the specificity of antibodies to triple-helical nucleic acids was reassessed employing distinct nucleic acid configurations. These antibodies were raised to the poly(dA).poly(rU).poly(rU) complex and have been used here for the first time in immunocytochemistry. Anti-triplex antibodies recognised the complex poly(dA).poly(rU).poly(rU) assembled with poly(rU) in poly(dA).poly(dT)-rich homopolymer regions of R. americana chromosomes. The antibodies could not detect short triplex stretches, suggesting the existence of constraints for triple-helix detection, probably related to triplex tract length. In addition, anti-poly(dA).poly(rU).poly(rU) antibodies reacted with the pericentric heterochromatin of RNase-treated polytene chromosomes of R. americana and Drosophila melanogaster. In apparent agreement with data obtained in cell types from other organisms, the results of this work suggest that significant triple-helix DNA extensions can be formed in pericentric regions of these species.Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Fluorescence in situ hybridization with rDNA probes on chromosomes of two nucleolus organizer region phenotypes of a species of Eigenmannia (Pisces, Gymnotoidei, Sternopygidae)

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    Nucleolus organizer regions (NORs) were analysed in two related and geographically close populations of Eigenmannia sp.1 (Pisces, Gymnotoidei, Sternopygidae) using silver staining and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). The two populations differed in their AS-NOR phenotypes, displaying fixed differences in the NOR-bearing chromosome pairs. FISH with rDNA probes showed that these differences were due to the location of rDNA cistrons. This finding, showing fixed NOR differences between two populations belonging to the same species in a connected river system, is highly significant in terms of evolutionary change, possibly indicating an initial step of genetic differentiation. This result also has important implications from the cytosystematic point of view, as NORs usually have a very constant karyotypic location in fish species and have been used as species-specific chromosome markers