234 research outputs found

    À corps ouverts. Changement et échange d’identités dans la Capoeira et le contact improvisation

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    Cet article tente de montrer comment deux formes particulières de la danse contemporaine, la Capoeira et le contact improvisation peuvent fournir des modèles – et même des technologies physiques – à partir desquels théoriser une altérité incarnée. Il montre comment ces formes de danse proviennent de cultures et d’histoires spécifiques mais aussi comment, dans leurs manifestations contemporaines, elles possèdent leur propre logique qui nous force à repenser notre compréhension des corps et des cultures.This paper addresses how two different contemporary dance forms – Capoeira and Contact Improvisation – can provide models (even physical technologies) with which to theorize an embodied « altérité » or otherness. I will demonstrate how these forms came from specific cultural and historical locations, as well as how, in their contemporary manifestations, they embody their own inner logic, asking us to rethink our understanding of bodies and cultures

    The Tensions of Technē: On Heidegger and Screendance

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    No abstract availableThis article was originally published by Parallel Press, an imprint of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries, as part of The International Journal of Screendance, Volume 2 (2012), Parallel Press. It is made available here with the kind permission of Parallel Press


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    This article focuses on the notion of disability, questioning the ways in which professional dance has traditionally been structured by an exclusionary mindset that projects a vision of a dancer as white, female, thin, long-limbed, flexible and able-bodied. It also addresses the growing desire to radically revise this paradigm reenvisioning what kinds of movements can constitute a dance and, by extension, what kind of body can constitute a dancer. Although most of the discussion is centered in specific dances and in several critical responses to them, it is also proposed to reveal the complex ways in which the opposition of fit and frail bodies is implicated within many of the dominant cultural paradigms of health and self-determination.O artigo centra-se na noção de deficiência, questionando as maneiras como a dança profissional tem sido tradicionalmente estruturada por uma mentalidade exclusivista que projeta uma visão de um  bailarino como sendo branco, do sexo feminino, esbelto, de membros alongados, flexível e capaz (não deficiente). Aborda igualmente o crescente desejo de revisar radicalmente este paradigma reimaginando que tipos de movimentos podem constituir a dança e, por extensão, que tipo de corpo pode constituir um bailarino. Apesar da maior parte das discussões centralizar-se em danças específicas e nas várias respostas críticas a elas, propõe-se também a revelar as maneiras complexas pelas quais a oposição de corpos plenamente capazes e de corpos debilitados estão implicados em muitos dos paradigmas culturais dominantes de saúde e autodeterminação

    Implementasi Pembelajaran Rme ( Realistic Mathematic Education ) Terhadap Penalaran Dan Kemampuan Memecahkan Masalah Matematika Siswa Kelas V Sdn Karangayu 02 Semarang

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    This research is motivated by the lack of reasoning and problem-solving skills math class V students on the subject of the story about the multiplication and division of fractions. Students are less able to understand and decipher the core issues contained in the matter of the story. In addition, students difficulty changing story problems into mathematical form. This makes the learning achievements of students who achieved less than the maximum. Issues examined in this study were (1) Is the mathematical reasoning fifth grade students Karangayu SD N 02 Semarang can reach the learning criterion was after receiving RME? (2) Is there any difference in the ability to solve mathematical problems Karangayu fifth grade students of SDN 02 Semarang after receiving RME learning? This research is quantitative. By using the design / design study pre-experimental design types of one- group pre-test-post-test design. Based on the pre-test and post-test reasoning variables obtained average value of 51.38 in the pre-test criteria for low and average value of the post-test 65.06 on the criterion of moderate / normal. The research hypothesis has been mentioned that, H01 is rejected and thank Ha1 the mathematical reasoning fifth grade students Karangayu SD N 02 Semarang reach criterion medium / normal after getting learning RME (Realistic Mathematic Education). While the t-test on the variable math problem-solving skills obtained t count> t table = 5.971> 2.021. The research hypothesis has been mentioned that, H01 and thank Ha1 denied that there are differences in the ability to solve mathematical problems graders V SD N Karangayu 02 Semarang after getting learning RME

    High quality and quantity Genome-wide germline genotypes from FFPE normal tissue

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although collections of formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) samples exist, sometimes representing decades of stored samples, they have not typically been utilized to their full potential. Normal tissue from such samples would be extremely valuable for generation of genotype data for individuals who cannot otherwise provide a DNA sample.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>We extracted DNA from normal tissue identified in FFPE tissue blocks from prostate surgery and obtained complete genome wide genotype data for over 500,000 SNP markers for these samples, and for DNA extracted from whole blood for 2 of the cases, for comparison.</p> <p>Four of the five FFPE samples of varying age and amount of tissue had identifiable normal tissue. We obtained good quality genotype data for between 89 and 99% of all SNP markers for the 4 samples from FFPE. Concordance rates of over 99% were observed for the 2 samples with DNA from both FFPE and from whole blood.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>DNA extracted from normal FFPE tissue provides excellent quality and quantity genome-wide genotyping data representing germline DNA, sufficient for both linkage and association analyses. This allows genetic analysis of informative individuals who are no longer available for sampling in genetic studies.</p

    Regulation of Choline Deficiency Apoptosis by Epidermal Growth Factor in CWSV-1 Rat Hepatocytes

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    Previous studies show that acute choline deficiency (CD) triggers apoptosis in cultured rat hepatocytes (CWSV-1 cells). We demonstrate that prolonged EGF stimulation (10 ng/mL x 48 hrs) restores cell proliferation, as assessed by BrdU labeling, and protects cells from CD-induced apoptosis, as assessed by TUNEL labeling and cleavage of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase. However, EGF rescue was not accompanied by restoration of depleted intracellular concentrations of choline, glycerphosphocholine, phosphocholine, or phosphatidylcholine. In contrast, we show that EGF stimulation blocks apoptosis by restoring mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm), as determined using the potential-sensitive dye chloromethyl-X-rosamine, and by preventing the release and nuclear localization of cytochrome c. We investigated whether EGF rescue involves EGF receptor phosphorylation and activation of the down-stream cell survival factor Akt. Compared to cells in control medium (CT, 70 μmol choline x 48hrs), cells in CD medium (5 μmol choline) were less sensitive to EGF-induced (0–300 ng/mL x 5 min) receptor tyrosine phosphorylation. Compared to cells in CT medium, cells in CD medium treated with EGF (10 ng/mL x 5 min) exhibited higher levels of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)-dependent phosphorylation of AktSer473. Inactivation of PI3K was sufficient to block EGF-stimulated activation of Akt, restoration of mitochondrial ΔΨm, and prevention of cytochrome c release. These studies indicate that stimulation with EGF activates a cell survival response against CD-apoptosis by restoring mitochondrial membrane potential and preventing cytochrome c release and nuclear translocation which are mediated by activation of Akt in hepatocytes
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