40 research outputs found
Variation of cross section with special points for 16O(5/2+) and 16O(1/2+) states in Alt Grassberger Sandhas version of Faddeev approach
Gauss Legendre special points and weights play a prime role in calculating the cross sections of nuclei in the excited states upto some extent. The inputs taken in these calculations are the separable form of T-matrix and the coupled angular momentum basis. The deuteron is considered to be a mixture of singlet as well as triplet states. The form of the potential is Wood–Saxon type and the parameters are fitted by Reid Soft Core potential. The main objective of our work is to show how the cross section varies with respect to the Gauss Legendre’s special points in terms of fermi
Specific parameters for some isotopes of copernicium and flerovium
Super heavy elements (SHE) in the periodic table are generally transuranic and transactinide elements having Z > 92. Here, some of the properties of two super heavy elements viz. Copernicium (Cn) and Flerovium (Fl) are discussed. The half life time, transition probability, Gamow’s factor, disintegration constant are calculated for these super heavy elements and compared with other values
Separation energies of light nuclei with atomic number from 1 to 20
The 1n and 1p halo nuclei from atomic number 1 to 20 are discussed here to calculate the variation of separation energy with mass defect and binding energy. Semi-empirical mass formula and shell model are the methods applied here. The appearances of p- and r-branches satisfying the selection rules for different isotopes of nuclides are discussed
Acute Kidney Injury among Patients Visiting the Nephrology Unit in a Tertiary Care Centre: A Descriptive Cross-sectional Study
Introduction: Acute kidney injury is an abrupt decline in renal function often associated with a decrease in urine output. It is the leading cause of in-hospital mortality worldwide with prolonged hospital stays, the requirement of mechanical ventilation and short-term dialysis. The aim of the study was to find out the prevalence of acute kidney injury among patients visiting the Nephrology unit in a tertiary care centre.
Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was done among patients presented to the Nephrology Unit of the Department of Internal Medicine in a tertiary centre from 9 February 2022 to 21 October 2022. Ethical approval was taken from Institutional Review Committee (Reference number: UCMS/IRC/047/22). Data was collected from hospital records and the outcome was recorded in terms of in-hospital mortality and the requirement for renal replacement therapy. Convenience sampling was done. Point estimate and 95% Confidence Interval were calculated.
Results: Among 1848 patients, 113 (6.12%) (5.03-7.21, 95% Confidence Interval) had acute kidney injury. About 38 (32.75%) required inotropes whereas 10 (8.85%) required mechanical ventilation. In-hospital all-cause mortality was seen in 14 (12.39%) of the study population and 20 (17.70%) of the study population required renal replacement therapy. The most common cause of acute kidney injury was infection pneumonia followed by acute gastrointestinal infections were the most common infective aetiology.
Conclusions: The prevalence of acute kidney injury was found to be lower than the studies done in similar settings. It is common in patients admitted with infection. It is responsible for in-hospital mortality
Assessing the protection function of natural and community managed forest against landslides in the mid-hills of Nepal
In Nepal ist die Schutzfunktionalit\ue4t von Waldvegetation in bezug auf Hangrutschungen und Erosion von besonderer Bedeutung. Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt die Stabilisierung von H\ue4ngen durch Waldvegetation bzw. dessen Management, insbesondere die Frage, ob die Schutzwirkung von Wald in den Midhills von Nepal zur Verhinderung von Hangrutschungen signifikant ist. Drei Regionen wurden in den Analysen behandelt: (a) (a) Shivapuri National Park, (b) Nilbarahi Community Forest, (c) der Privatwald Badikhel. U.a. wurden in diesen Gebieten eine Waldinventur durchgef\ufchrt, in deren rahmen Rutschgebiete und vergleichbare nicht betroffene H\ue4nge erfasst wurden. Zus\ue4tzlich wurden Interviews mit lokaler Bev\uf6lkerung sowie mit nepalesischen Experten zu geeigneten Baumarten f\ufcr die Verhinderung von Rutschungen gef\ufchrt. Die Analyse der Interviews ergab, dass das vorhandene Wissen zur Schutzwirkung von Baumarten unzureichend f\ufcr eine zielgerichtete Bewirtschaftung ist. Im Vergleich von Rutschgebieten mit nicht betroffenen H\ue4ngen konnten keine signifikanten Unterschiede f\ufcr eine Reihe von Waldstrukturparametern gefunden werden (ANOVA, KS-Tests). Die vorhandene Verj\ufcngung wurde als unzureichend f\ufcr die dauernde Aufrechterhaltung von schutzg\ufcnstigen Waldstrukturen beurteilt. Desweiteren wurde die NaiS-Richtlinie auf die analysierten Waldfl\ue4chen angewendet. In allen F\ue4llen w\ufcrden damit ideale Waldzust\ue4nde diagnostiziert werden. Als ein wesentlicher Schwachpunkt des Ansatzes wurde die fehlende Sensitivit\ue4t in bezug auf die Baumartenzusammensetzung beurteilt. Zusammenfassend wurde gefolgert, dass die NaiS-Richtlinie in der aktuellen Version in Nepal nicht sinnvoll anwendbar ist, um die Schutzfunktionalit\ue4t von Waldvegetation in bezug auf Rutschungen und Erosion zu beurteilen. Neben dem Beitrag, den Vegetation leisten kann, m\ufcssten weitere Faktoren ber\ufccksichtigt werden. Weiterer Forschungsbedarf wurde diagnostiziert.In Nepal, people suffer from landslides and erosion more than from any other natural disaster. The current study is focussing on the stabilization of slopes through forest vegetation and its management. It addresses the research question whether the protection efficiency of the forests in the hill slopes of Nepal is strong enough to contribute to the landslide prevention. For the study three sites were selected (a) Shivapuri National Park, (b) Nilbarahi Community Forest, (c) Private Forest Badikhel. For the assessment, a forest inventory was conducted representing slopes affected and not affected by landslides. In addition semi structured interviews were made with local people and experts on available knowledge about tree species and their characteristics in relation to landslide prevention. Analysing the responses of local people and experts, the knowledge on the use of the species based on scientific information was found to be insufficient. Based on ANOVA tests there were no significant differences among the landslide and non landslide areas of the sample plots regarding the calculated vegetation indicators. The regeneration of the tree species was found to be insufficient for the sustained stability of the slopes in all the assessed forest types. The NaiS guideline which is taken as a supportive tool for defining the ideal forest with regard to the protection function of the forest reflects for most plots that both the slide and non slide areas in natural and managed forest the conditions of ideal forest considering the stand parameters are met. However, it is important to consider the species composition but NaiS does not consider this. It can be concluded that NaiS is not suitable to assess the landslide protection functionality in Nepal and secondly, beyond the efficiency of the forest there are several factors triggering the landslide conditions.submitted by Anjana AcharyaWien, Univ. f\ufcr Bodenkultur, Masterarb., 2012Zsfassung in dt. Sprach
The transition probability for different states are found out for the isotopes of z=110.The half-life are also calculated and it is seen that the stable form of isotope is A=281 ,z=11
An The strong reactions having certain properties obeying the conservation laws of isospin, baryon number, lepton number, strangeness, hypercharge etc are considered. The clebsch Gordon coefficients for SU(3) symmetry group satisfying orthogonal properties are expressed. The cross sections are found out in terms of these co-efficients
By applying AGS equation the cross section values for 40Ca are plotted .Here 15 point Gaussian quadrature methods are applied to convert the multidimensional equation into one dimensional form.The singularities are overcome by Sasakawa and Kowalski