6 research outputs found

    Efektivitas Sasaran Bantuan Langsung Tunai di Desa Pakuluruan, Kecamatan Koroncong, Kabupaten Pandeglang

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    This research focuses on how well the effectiveness of Direct Cash Transfer (BLT) Program from Village Fund (DD) in Pakuluran Village, Koroncong Sub-district, Pandeglang Regency. The purpose of this research is to describe and analyze how the implementation of the BLT Program originating from DD for Beneficiary Families (KPM) in Pakuluran Village, Koroncong District, This research method uses descriptive qualitative methods. The data obtained in this study through data analysis techniques in the field, which include data collection activities, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that : (Particularly in the context of handling the impact of Covid-19, the economic impact, the Pakuluran Village Government provides BLT sourced from DD and then distributed to the community through a timing mechanism. (2) The effectiveness of the BLT plan in terms of the timeliness of the BLT distribution was on time and followed the existing mechanism. At the same time, looking from the side to make an accurate selection, the village government followed the procedure. The targeting accuracy aspect showed that the BLT distribution from DD was right on target. Based on the results of the research and discussion presented by the researcher regarding the targeted Effectiveness of Village Fund Cash Assistance (BLT) for the community of Pakuluran Village, Koroncong Sub-district, Pandeglang Regency, it can be concluded that the distribution of BLT DD for the community of Pakuluran Village, Koroncong Sub-district, Pandeglang Regency, is considered effective

    Cerita di Tanah Benteng Sawitto

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    KULIAH KERJA NYATA (KKN) tentu diharapkan mampu mendekatkan teori-teori ilmu pengetahuan yang diperoleh di bangku kuliah dengan berbagai problematika yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat. Dalam menjalankan tugas-tugas pengabdian ini, pihak universitas memberikan tugas pokok kepada Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP2M)

    Binge eating behavior and the preference for carbohydrate among the staff of the Malaysian Ministry of Health, Putrajaya

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    This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of binge eating (BE) behavior and the constituents of food that are associated with the binging behavior among the staff of the Ministry of Health (MOH), Putrajaya, Malaysia. Methods: Although 738 subjects completed the Binge Eating Scale (BES) questionnaire only 401 subjects (Male= 22%) participated in the nutritional survey by completing the Food Frequency Questionnaire. For the purpose of statistical analysis, only the subjects who completed both the questionnaires were analysed and classified into two groups either BE (>18) or non-BE (<18) according to their BES score. Nutritional status of the subjects which included anthropometric measurements, body composition and dietary intake were also analysed. Results: The prevalence of BE behavior in the studied cohort was 20.2% (this is higher than most of the population studied in the past whose prevalence ranges between 1-4% while weight reducing trials yielded a prevalence of 19% among the obese). No significant difference was detected between BE and non-BE subjects in demographic terms. Subjects with BE behavior had higher BMI (BE= 28.7+0.6kgm-2 vs. Non-BE= 25.1+0.3kgm-2), body weight (BE=70.11+1.7kg vs. Non-BE= 61.5+0.9kg), waist circumference (BE= 85.9+1.6cm vs. Non-BE= 80.0+0.7cm) and percentage body fat (BE= 34.4+0.7% vs. 31.1+0.4%) than those without BE behavior (p< 0.001). For dietary intake assessment, subjects with BE behavior had greater intake of energy (BE= 1537+68kcal/day vs. 1394+31kcal/day) and dietary carbohydrate (BE= 193.9+8 g/day vs. Non-BE= 175.9+3.9 g/day) than the non-BE (p< 0.05). Conclusions: There is surprisingly high prevalence of BE behavior (20.2%) among the staff of the MOH, Putrajaya. This BE behavior is associated with obesity, high caloric intake and a preference for carbohydrate over other food components

    Radio-ablative iodine therapy for Thyrotoxicosis: The Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC) experience

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    Background: Radio-ablative iodine (RAI) is one of the treatment of choice for thyrotoxicosis. This study was done to determine the remission rate of thyrotoxicosis after radio-active iodine-131 (RAI) therapy and the factors associated with repeat RAI therapy at our centre. Methods: This was a retrospective analysis of 69 thyrotoxic patients who received RAI therapy from January 2011 until December 2011 in UKM Medical Centre. They were followed up for a period of two years. Data was analyzed using SPSS v.20. Results: Sixty-nine patients received RAI therapy in 2011. The mean age of the patients was 42.1 ± 12.4 years. Mean thyroxine level prior to RAI was 28.9 ± 12.8 pmol/L, and majority (80.3%) had suppressed TSH (<0.01 mIU/L) while 19.7% had low but detectable TSH (0.01-0.3 mIU/L). Ten percent of patient received second RAI within the 2 years follow-up period. Fifty-five percent of patients received 12 mCi of RAI, 24.6% and 20.3% received 10 and 15 mCi respectively. Fifty-two percent of patient remained hyperthyroid at 6 months post RAI (62% have suppressed TSH, 38% had detectable low TSH). Eighteen percent (17.9%) of patients became euthyroid and one third (30.4%) became hypothyroid at 6 months. At 12 months 62.7% of patient went into remission where 37.5% of them were euthyroid and 62.5% were hypothyroid. We did not find any difference between those who received single RAI compared to second RAI in terms of age, ethnicity, gender, anti-thyroglobulin and anti-thyroid peroxidase titre, or free thyroxine (T4) and TSH level prior to the RAI. Conclusions: The percentage of remission after RAI therapy at our centre is 48% at 6 months and 62.7% at 12 months. The requirement for second RAI was not associated with age, ethnicity, gender, anti-thyroglobulin and anti-thyroid peroxidase titre, free T4 and TSH level

    No differences between RAI of less than 15 mCi or 15 mCi for Thyrotoxicosis: A Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC) experience

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    Background: Radio-ablative iodine (RAI) is one of the treatment of choice for thyrotoxicosis. This study was done to compare the rate of remission in thyrotoxic patients who received either low dose radio-active iodine-131 (RAI) (10 or 12 mCi) and higher dose RAI (15 mCi). Methods: This was a retrospective analysis of 69 thyrotoxic patients who received RAI therapy from January 2011 until December 2011 in UKM Medical Centre. They were followed up for a period of two years. Data was analyzed using SPSS v.20. Results: Sixty-nine patients underwent RAI in the year 2011. Fifty-five patients received either 10 or 12 mCi and 14 patients received 15 mCui radio-iodine. There were no difference between the characteristics of patients in both groups in terms of age, gender, ethnicity, and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) level prior to the RAI, and thyroid antibodies (anti-thyroglobulin and anti-thyroid peroxidase). Those who received higher dose RAI have higher median thyroxine level prior to RAI [(34.7(24.4-52.8) vs. 26.1(16.6-34.6) pmol/L). Using lower RAI dose (<15 mCui) was not associated with the need for a second RAI. The rate of remission was the same between the 2 groups at 6 months. Although there was higher remission rate in the lower RAI dose group (65.1% vs. 50.0%) at 12 months, it was statistically not significant (p=0.634). At 24 months, there was no difference in remission rate between the two groups, with more than 80% of the patients had undergone remission. Conclusions: There was no difference in terms of rate of remission at 6 months, 12 months and 24 months between those who received low and higher dose RAI therapy