2 research outputs found

    Symmetrical Peripheral Gangrene Post Snake-Bite: An Unusual Presentation

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    Snake bite in India is a common yet neglected public health issue, with an estimated death rate of 50,000 per year. Symmetrical peripheral gangrene (SPG) has varied aetiology, but it is an unusual complication after snake bites. SPG is important as it causes significant morbidity and mortality, and early intervention may improve the outcome. Hereby, we report a case of SPG in young female with history of snake bite. The patient developed gangrene of bilateral foot and distal part of legs with necrotising fasciitis of right leg. In the literature, there are only few reported cases of SPG as a complication of snake bite

    Case Report Section: Surgery Rectal Cancer a Rare Presentation in 18-Year-Old Male Patient: A Case Report

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    ABSTRACT Colorectal cancer [CRC] generally presents in adults > 50 years of age, it is relatively uncommon for these cancers to present in adolescents. Moreover, the presentation is of advanced stage, with poor outcome in younger age groups. Due to non-specific symptoms and relative rarity in children and adolescents high degree of suspicion is required in managing these patients. As the majority of these cases are sporadic in origin and due to limited knowledge of molecular pathogenesis, screening guidelines are yet to be defined. We here report a case of 18-year male that presented with per rectal bleed and mass felt on digital rectal examination with no genetic predisposition. Biopsy confirmed it to be a mucinous adenocarcinoma. The patient was managed by Abdomino-perineal resection and post-operative chemotherapy