321 research outputs found

    Sobre la instrumentalización de la familia en Max Horkheimer

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    Max Horkheimer sostiene que el uso excesivo de la razón instrumental no sólo afecta a los individuos, sino también a las instituciones. En este trabajo se defenderá que una institución resulta más afectada por el uso instrumental de la razón cuando los individuos están mayormente implicados. Para ello, primero se describirá lo que Horkheimer entiende por razón instrumental, con el fin de fijar los términos y diferenciar el propósito de Horkheimer de otros autores o tradiciones que también estudiaron este fenómeno, como Max Weber, por ejemplo. Después se explorará la instrumentalización de la familia según Horkheimer y se establecerá si ésta es comparable con el proceso de racionalización que ocurre en otros contextos. Por último, se concluirá que la razón instrumental afecta a la familia en un mayor grado que a las otras esferas sociales, debido al hecho de que la familia es donde los individuos se forman.Max Horkheimer claims that the excessive use of instrumental reason not only affects the individuals, but also the institutions themselves. In this paper I will argue that an institution is more affected by the use of instrumental reason when the individuals are more involved with it. To do so, first, I will describe Horkheimer’s account on instrumental reason for it is important to fix the concepts and distinguish Horkheimer’s purposes from other authors or traditions that have studied the same phenomenon, such as Max Weber. Then I will explore the instrumentalization of the family according to Horkheimer and I will figure out if it can be compared to the process of rationalizations that happens in other contexts. Finally I will conclude that instrumental reason affects family in a greater degree that other social spheres due to the fact that family is where individuals are formed

    Fácies e superfícies de descontinuidade da barreira regressiva holocênica paranaense

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    The Holocene regressive barrier of Paraná was formed when the relative sea level was higher than present and is one of the depositional systems that form the coastal plain of Paraná. This work aims to demonstrate the correlation between the barrier bounding surfaces with their sedimentary facies and facies associations. The outcrops were exposed by excavations next Praia de Leste, coast of the state of Paraná. The characterization and interpretation of facies, facies associations and bounding surfaces were performed from the description of 5 geological sections. The barrier is composed of very fine to fine quartz sand which may contain hight concentrate of heavy minerals and plant debris in the form of swaley and hummocky cross stratification. There were identified 13 facies corresponding to the facies associations foreshore, upper shoreface and middle shoreface. Surfaces of 1st, 2nd and 3rd order were identified. The 3rd order surfaces were identified in the three facies associations and were related to architectural elements of the barrier, called: beach face, bars and ebb-tidal delta deposits.A barreira regressiva holocênica paranaense foi formada quando o nível relativo do mar era superior ao atual e é um dos sistemas deposicionais que formam a planície costeira paranaense. O objetivo deste artigo é demonstrar a correlação entre as superfícies de descontinuidade existentes na barreira com as suas fácies sedimentares e associações de fácies. Os afloramentos foram expostos em uma cava de extração de areia nas proximidades de Praia de Leste, litoral do estado do Paraná. Foram realizadas a caracterização e interpretação das fácies, associações de fácies e superfícies de descontinuidade a partir do levantamento e descrição de 5 seções geológicas. A barreira é constituída principalmente por areia quartzosa predominantemente muito fina a fina que pode conter alta concentração de minerais pesados e detritos vegetais na forma de estratificações cruzadas tipo swaley e hummocky. Foram identificadas 13 fácies correspondentes às associações de fácies praia subaérea-intermaré, face litorânea superior e face litorânea média. Superfícies de 1ª, 2ª e 3ª ordem foram identificadas. As superfícies de 3ª ordem foram identificadas nas três associações de fácies e foram relacionadas a elementos arquitetônicos da barreira, denominados: depósitos de face praial, de barras submersas e de delta de maré vazante

    Arquitetura deposicional da barreira holocênica na porção meridional da Ilha de São Francisco do Sul, SC, Brasil

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    The geophysical method GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) together with subsurface sampling with a vibrocore allowed to characterize the sedimentary facies and depositional architecture of the Holocenic portion of the Ilha de São Francisco do Sul coastal plain, located in the northern region of Santa Catarina State. The study area was divided into two distinct blocks, north and south, according to the sedimentary architecture defined by radar stratigraphy. The collected data allowed the characterization of beach, eolic, lagoon and estuarine depositional environments in the radargram profiles. The north block has reflectors consistent with barrier progradation during the sea level fall of 2.5 m in the last 5,000 years. At south block the reflectors show clear influence of paleochannels systems and spits in the barrier development, where the progradation occurred under the influence of the Babitonga paleoestuary dynamics.O método geofísico do radar de penetração no solo (GPR) juntamente com sondagens utilizando um vibrotestemunhador permitiram caracterizar as fácies sedimentares e a arquitetura deposicional da porção holocênica da planície costeira da Ilha de São Francisco do Sul, litoral norte de Santa Catarina. A área de estudo foi dividida em dois blocos, norte e sul, segundo a arquitetura deposicional definida através da estratigrafia de radar. Os dados obtidos permitiram a caracteriza- ção dos ambientes de sedimentação praial, eólico, lagunar e estuarino nos radargramas. No bloco norte são interpretados refletores condizentes com a progradação da barreira, relacionada com a queda de nível do mar de 2,5 m nos últimos 5.000 anos. No bloco sul, os refletores mostram clara influência de sistemas de paleocanais e esporões arenosos no desenvolvimento da barreira, onde a progradação se desenvolveu sob a influência da dinâmica do paleoestuário da Babitonga

    In vivo Optogenetic Approach to Study Neuron-Oligodendroglia Interactions in Mouse Pups

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    Optogenetic and pharmacogenetic techniques have been effective to analyze the role of neuronal activity in controlling oligodendroglia lineage cells in behaving juvenile and adult mice. This kind of studies is also of high interest during early postnatal (PN) development since important changes in oligodendroglia dynamics occur during the first two PN weeks. Yet, neuronal manipulation is difficult to implement at an early age because high-level, specific protein expression is less reliable in neonatal mice. Here, we describe a protocol allowing for an optogenetic stimulation of neurons in awake mouse pups with the purpose of investigating the effect of neuronal activity on oligodendroglia dynamics during early PN stages. Since GABAergic interneurons contact oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs) through bona fide synapses and maintain a close relationship with these progenitors during cortical development, we used this relevant example of neuron-oligodendroglia interaction to implement a proof-of-principle optogenetic approach. First, we tested Nkx2.1-Cre and Parvalbumin (PV)-Cre lines to drive the expression of the photosensitive ion channel channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) in subpopulations of interneurons at different developmental stages. By using patch-clamp recordings and photostimulation of ChR2-positive interneurons in acute somatosensory cortical slices, we analyzed the level of functional expression of ChR2 in these neurons. We found that ChR2 expression was insufficient in PV-Cre mouse at PN day 10 (PN10) and that this channel needs to be expressed from embryonic stages (as in the Nkx2.1-Cre line) to allow for a reliable photoactivation in mouse pups. Then, we implemented a stereotaxic surgery to place a mini-optic fiber at the cortical surface in order to photostimulate ChR2-positive interneurons at PN10. In vivo field potentials were recorded in Layer V to verify that photostimulation reaches deep cortical layers. Finally, we analyzed the effect of the photostimulation on the layer V oligodendroglia population by conventional immunostainings. Neither the total density nor a proliferative fraction of OPCs were affected by increasing interneuron activity in vivo, complementing previous findings showing the lack of effect of GABAergic synaptic activity on OPC proliferation. The methodology described here should provide a framework for future investigation of the role of early cellular interactions during PN brain maturation

    Tree Sapling Responses to 10 Years of Experimental Manipulation of Temperature, Nutrient Availability, and Shrub Cover at the Pyrenean Treeline

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    Treelines are sensitive to environmental changes, but few studies provide a mechanistic approach to understand treeline dynamics based on field experiments. The aim of this study was to determine how changes in the abiotic and/or biotic conditions associated with global change affect the performance of tree seedlings (later saplings) at the treeline in a 10-year experiment. A fully factorial experiment in the Central Pyrenees was initiated in autumn 2006; 192 Pinus uncinata seedlings were transplanted into microplots with contrasting environmental conditions of (1) increased vs. ambient temperature, (2) increased nutrient availability vs. no increase, and (3) presence vs. absence of the dominant shrub Rhododendron ferrugineum. We assessed the performance of young pines on several occasions over 10 years. The pines were removed at the end of the experiment in autumn 2016 to characterize their morphology and to conduct chemical and isotopic analyses on their needles. Both the warming and the fertilization treatments increased seedling growth soon after the start of the experiment. R. ferrugineum facilitated the survival and development of pine seedlings during the early years and affected the chemical composition of the needles. Toward the end of the experiment, the transplanted P. uncinata individuals, by then saplings, competed with R. ferrugineum for light and nutrients; the presence of the shrub probably altered the strategy of P. uncinata for acquiring nutrients and buffered the effects of warming and fertilization. The pines were highly sensitive to all factors and their interactions throughout the entire experimental period. These findings indicated that the interactive effects of several key abiotic and biotic drivers associated with global change should be investigated simultaneously for understanding the contribution of young trees to treeline dynamics

    Tree sapling responses to 10 years of experimental manipulation of temperature, nutrient availability, and shrub cover at the Pyrenean treeline

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    Treelines are sensitive to environmental changes, but few studies provide a mechanistic approach to understand treeline dynamics based on field experiments. The aim of this study was to determine how changes in the abiotic and/or biotic conditions associated with global change affect the performance of tree seedlings (later saplings) at the treeline in a 10-year experiment. A fully factorial experiment in the Central Pyrenees was initiated in autumn 2006; 192 Pinus uncinata seedlings were transplanted into microplots with contrasting environmental conditions of (1) increased vs. ambient temperature, (2) increased nutrient availability vs. no increase, and (3) presence vs. absence of the dominant shrub Rhododendron ferrugineum. We assessed the performance of young pines on several occasions over 10 years. The pines were removed at the end of the experiment in autumn 2016 to characterize their morphology and to conduct chemical and isotopic analyses on their needles. Both the warming and the fertilization treatments increased seedling growth soon after the start of the experiment. R. ferrugineum facilitated the survival and development of pine seedlings during the early years and affected the chemical composition of the needles. Toward the end of the experiment, the transplanted P. uncinata individuals, by then saplings, competed with R. ferrugineum for light and nutrients; the presence of the shrub probably altered the strategy of P. uncinata for acquiring nutrients and buffered the effects of warming and fertilization. The pines were highly sensitive to all factors and their interactions throughout the entire experimental period. These findings indicated that the interactive effects of several key abiotic and biotic drivers associated with global change should be investigated simultaneously for understanding the contribution of young trees to treeline dynamics

    Effect of LHRH analogs on lower urinary tract symptoms associated with advanced prostate cancer in real clinical practice : ANALUTS study

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    To estimate the prevalence of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) in patients with prostate cancer scheduled to receive LHRH analogs, and to assess the effectiveness of LHRH analogs on LUTS in patients presenting moderate/severe symptoms. Prospective, noninterventional, multicenter study conducted at 28 centers in Spain and Portugal. LUTS were evaluated using the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) at baseline, 24 and 48 weeks after initiation of treatment. Subanalyses were performed according to age and concomitant treatment (radiotherapy, alpha-blockers, and antiandrogens). A total of 354 patients were treated with LHRH analogs for 48 weeks. The percentage of patients with moderate/severe LUTS (IPSS > 7) decreased from 60.2% (n = 213/354) at baseline to 52.8% (n = 187/354) at Week 48. Among patients with moderate/severe LUTS at baseline: 73.7% (n = 157/213) still had moderate/severe LUTS at Week 48; percentage reductions of patients with LUTS at Week 48 were statistically significant (p < 0.05) overall and by age or concomitant treatment, except for alpha-blockers (84.2% patients receiving them still had moderate/severe LUTS at Week 48). All IPSS items, including quality of life for urinary symptoms, improved throughout the study. The only predictor of response to treatment with LHRH analogs that improved IPSS by 3 points after 48 weeks was baseline testosterone levels. Lower baseline testosterone levels were associated with greater improvement in IPSS after treatment with LHRH analogs (odds ratio 0.998, 95% confidence interval 0.996-1.000, p = 0.0277). LHRH analogs have a positive effect in patients with locally advanced or metastatic prostate cancer presenting moderate/severe LUTS regardless of age or concomitant treatment received (radiotherapy, antiandrogens, or alpha-blockers)

    Detrimental impacts of mixed-ion radiation on nervous system function

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    Galactic cosmic radiation (GCR), composed of highly energetic and fully ionized atomic nuclei, produces diverse deleterious effects on the body. In researching the neurological risks of GCR exposures, including during human spaceflight, various ground-based single-ion GCR irradiation paradigms induce differential disruptions of cellular activity and overall behavior. However, it remains less clear how irradiation comprising a mix of multiple ions, more accurately recapitulating the space GCR environment, impacts the central nervous system. We therefore examined how mixed-ion GCR irradiation (two similar 5-6 beam combinations of protons, helium, oxygen, silicon and iron ions) influenced neuronal connectivity, functional generation of activity within neural circuits and cognitive behavior in mice. In electrophysiological recordings we find that space-relevant doses of mixed-ion GCR preferentially alter hippocampal inhibitory neurotransmission and produce related disruptions in the local field potentials of hippocampal oscillations. Such underlying perturbation in hippocampal network activity correspond with perturbed learning, memory and anxiety behavior