17 research outputs found

    Optimising the management of vaginal discharge syndrome in Bulgaria: cost effectiveness of four clinical algorithms with risk assessment

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    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the performance and cost effectiveness of the WHO recommendations of incorporating risk-assessment scores and population prevalence of Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) and Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) into vaginal discharge syndrome (VDS) algorithms. METHODS: Non-pregnant women presenting with VDS were recruited at a non-governmental sexual health clinic in Sofia, Bulgaria. NG and CT were diagnosed by PCR and vaginal infections by microscopy. Risk factors for NG/CT were identified in multivariable analysis. Four algorithms based on different combinations of behavioural factors, clinical findings and vaginal microscopy were developed. Performance of each algorithm was evaluated for detecting vaginal and cervical infections separately. Cost effectiveness was based on cost per patient treated and cost per case correctly treated. Sensitivity analysis explored the influence of NG/CT prevalence on cost effectiveness. RESULTS: 60% (252/420) of women had genital infections, with 9.5% (40/423) having NG/CT. Factors associated with NG/CT included new and multiple sexual partners in the past 3 months, symptomatic partner, childlessness and >or=10 polymorphonuclear cells per field on vaginal microscopy. For NG/CT detection, the algorithm that relied solely on behavioural risk factors was less sensitive but more specific than those that included speculum examination or microscopy but had higher correct-treatment rate and lower over-treatment rates. The cost per true case treated using a combination of risk factors, speculum examination and microscopy was euro 24.08. A halving and tripling of NG/CT prevalence would have approximately the inverse impact on the cost-effectiveness estimates. CONCLUSIONS: Management of NG/CT in Bulgaria was improved by the use of a syndromic approach that included risk scores. Approaches that did not rely on microscopy lost sensitivity but were more cost effective

    Infusional ECarboF in patients with advanced breast cancer: A very active and well-tolerated out-patient regimen

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    We performed a trial using the combination of epirubicin 50 mg/m2/day 1, carboplatinum AUC 5/day 1 and continuous 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) 200 mg/m2/day (every 4 weeks for 6 months) to confirm the efficacy and low toxicity profile of this regimen in breast cancer. In 51 patients with metastatic (n = 33) or locally advanced (n=18) breast cancer the overall response rate was 86% (95% confidence interval (95% CI): 73%-94%): 94% in locally advanced and 81% metastatic disease. Grade 3-4 toxicity was low: 4% of patients presented with febrile neutropenia, 16% with severe palmar-plantar syndrome, 10% with Port-a-cath thrombosis. This study confirms the high efficacy of infusional 5-FU-based regimens and justifies further research into novel promising oral 5-FU derivative

    The potential of Pseudozyma yeastlike epiphytes for the production of heterologous recombinant proteins

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    Although Basidiomycetes represent the most evolved class of fungi, they have been neglected with regard to recombinant gene expression. In this work, basidiomycetous yeasts belonging to Pseudozyma spp. were studied with respect to their amenability to heterologous protein production. Single plasmid or cotransformation experiments routinely afforded 100 to 200 independent transformants for the two tested species of Pseudozyma. Green fluorescent protein (GFP) was expressed in the correctly folded conformation, as demonstrated by fluorescence microscopy, and hen egg white lysozyme (HEWL) was expressed in its active form, as revealed by its lytic activity on Micrococcus lysodeikticus cells. Protease analysis established that Pseudozyma spp. contained equivalent or less extracellular protease activity than yeasts and far less protease activity than ascomycetous filamentous fungi in similar culture conditions. This proteolytic activity was inhibited by over 97% with a combination of PMSF and Pepstatin A. N-glycosylation patterns of native Pseudozyma flocculosa secreted proteins were comprised of one or a few short glycan chains that possess a classic eukaryotic structure typical of higher fungi and animal cells. This is the first report of a Basidiomycete that possesses multiple intrinsic characteristics necessary for use as a heterologous gene expression system