272 research outputs found
Introduction: Among people with Diabetes Mellitus, type 2 is the most common sufferer among others. Jeruju leaves which contain flavonoids are considered to have a beneficial effect against Diabetes Mellitus through the ability to reduce glucose and increase glucose tolerance.
Objectives: This iresearch iaims ito idetermine ithe ieffect iof iJeruju i(Acanthus iilicifolius) ileaf iextract on ielevated ilevels iof iHDL iblood iof iwhite irats i(Rattus inorvegicus) imale iwistar-induced ialloxan
Methods: The study used a laboratory experimental method with a post test only control group design, using 24 male white rats of the Wistar strain, which were divided into 3 groups: 1) a group of rats fed standard diet; 2) groups of rats fed standard feed and alloxan induction; 3) a group of rats fed standard feed and alloxan induction and given jeruju (Acanthus ilicifolius) leaf extract.
Results: The study stated that there was no significant difference (p = 0.120) in HDL levels in the experimental group fed the standard diet and the experimental group fed the standard feed and alloxan induction.
Conclusion: There was a significant difference (p=0.005) in HDL levels between groups of experimental animals given alloxan induction and experimental animals given alloxan induction and jeruju leaf extract (Acanthus ilicifolius). HDL levels of male white rats of wistar strain that were given standard feed, alloxan induction, and jeruju leaf extract increased.
Keywords: aloksan, high-density lipoprotein, Acanthus ilicifoliu
Introduction: Among people with Diabetes Mellitus, type 2 is the most common sufferer among others. Jeruju leaves which contain flavonoids are considered to have a beneficial effect against Diabetes Mellitus through the ability to reduce glucose and increase glucose tolerance.
Objectives: This iresearch iaims ito idetermine ithe ieffect iof iJeruju i(Acanthus iilicifolius) ileaf iextract on ielevated ilevels iof iHDL iblood iof iwhite irats i(Rattus inorvegicus) imale iwistar-induced ialloxan
Methods: The study used a laboratory experimental method with a post test only control group design, using 24 male white rats of the Wistar strain, which were divided into 3 groups: 1) a group of rats fed standard diet; 2) groups of rats fed standard feed and alloxan induction; 3) a group of rats fed standard feed and alloxan induction and given jeruju (Acanthus ilicifolius) leaf extract.
Results: The study stated that there was no significant difference (p = 0.120) in HDL levels in the experimental group fed the standard diet and the experimental group fed the standard feed and alloxan induction.
Conclusion: There was a significant difference (p=0.005) in HDL levels between groups of experimental animals given alloxan induction and experimental animals given alloxan induction and jeruju leaf extract (Acanthus ilicifolius). HDL levels of male white rats of wistar strain that were given standard feed, alloxan induction, and jeruju leaf extract increased.
Keywords: aloksan, high-density lipoprotein, Acanthus ilicifoliu
Mekanisme pengembalian aset (Asset Recovery Mekanism)Â hasil kejahatan Tipikor yang dilarikan ke luar negeri berdasarkan Konvensi Internasional Pemberantasan Korupsi (UNCAC), yaitu: pelacakan, aset yang sudah dilacak dan diketahui kemudian dibekukan, aset yang dibekukan lalu disita dan dirampas oleh badan berwenang dari negara di mana aset tersebut berada, dan kemudian dikembalikan kepada negara tempat aset tersebut diambil melalui mekanisme-mekanisme tertentu. Mutual Legal Assistance merupakan salah satu bentuk perjanjian yang dibentuk di antara negara-negara dalam upaya mengatasi maraknya kejahatan transnasional terorganisasi, seperti kejahatan narkotika dan psikotropika, kejahatan pencucian uang (money laundering), dan termasuk didalamnya adal tindak pidana korupsi. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak setiap kejahatan memerlukan penanganan melalui Mutual Legal Assistance, hanya kejahatan yang berdimensi internasional serta kejahatan yang memenuhi asas kejahatan ganda (double criminality) saja yang memerlukan penanganan melalui Mutual Legal Assistance.Kendala Dan Penghambat Utama Dalam Pengembalian Aset (Asset Recovery)Â hasil kejahatan tipikor yang dilarikan ke luar negeri antara lain yaitu: Perbedaan sistem hukum; Perbedaan terminologi dan definisi; Sistem kerahasiaan perbankan; Perjanjian antarnegara; UNCAC Tahun 2003 belum secara memadai berkontemplasi dalam peraturan perundangundangan di Indonesia; Mekanisme dan prosedur panjang, biaya besar, dan sumber daya manusia yang tidak limitatif; Memerlukan putusan pengadilan yang dapat menghubungkan antara aset yang bersangkutan dengan tindak pidana; Penyalahgunaan kekuasaan; Ketidak bersediaan negara maju untuk membantu upaya pengembalian asset; Lemahnya kerja sama antarinstitusi terkait pengembalian aset; Lemahnya kemauan politik dan komitmen pemerintah.Kata Kunci : Kejahatan Ganda, Pengembalian Aset, Kejahata
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk upaya meningkatkan pemahaman belajar dengan layanan informasi menggunakan sosiodrama pada kelas VIII A SMPN 1 Sentolo Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Bimbingan konseling. Subyek penelitian berjumlah 26 siswa kelas VIII A SMPN 1 Sentolo Tahun 2015/2016. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan observasi, praktik sosiodrama dan dokumentasi, sedangkan analisis data menggunakan deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian pada prasiklus terdapat 10 siswa (38,46%) yang memiliki pemahaman belajar. Setelah dilakukan layanan informasi, pada siklus pertama yaitu menjadi 13 siswa (50.00%) yang pemahaman belajarnya meningkat.Kemudian setelah diberi layanan informasi pada siklus kedua menjadi 18 siswa (69,23%) yang meningkat pemahaman belajarnya.Maka dari itu penggunaan layanan informasi melalui sosiodrama mempengaruhi peningkatan pemahaman belajar siswa
Using the local ensemble transform Kalman filter for upper atmospheric modelling
The Advanced Ensemble electron density (Ne) Assimilation System (AENeAS) is a new data assimilation model of the ionosphere/thermosphere. The background model is provided by the Thermosphere Ionosphere Electrodynamics General Circulation Model (TIE-GCM) and the assimilation uses the local ensemble transform Kalman filter (LETKF). An outline derivation of the LETKF is provided and the equations are presented in a form analogous to the classic Kalman filter. An enhancement to the efficient LETKF implementation to reduce computational cost is also described. In a 3Â day test in June 2017, AENeAS exhibits a total electron content (TEC) RMS error of 2.1 TECU compared with 5.5 TECU for NeQuick and 6.8 for TIE-GCM (with an NeQuick topside)
The Relation Between Cardiovascular Load With Dehydration And Fatigue In Forging Iron Workers In The Village Center Industrial Iron Pande Padas Karanganom District Klaten
Severity of work is strongly influenced by the type of physical activity and the
work environment. The pulse is one of the body's physiological variables that can
be used to determine the severity of the workload. The work environment can
affect the body's system that could lead to an increase in pulse rate, spend a lot of
perspiration, loss of balance and fatigue. This research aims to determine the
relationship between the burden of cardiovascular dehydration and knowing the
relationship between the burden of cardiovascular fatigue. This research was an
observational study with cross sectional design with using total sampling methods
as the sampling technique. Based on %cvl measurement as much as 75% were in
the middle category and as much as 25% were in the heavy category. The
measurement reserach of dehydration as much as 3,1% in the category of mild
dehydration, 84,4% medium category, and 12,5% category of severe dehydration
and exhaustion obtained for as much as 15,6% had mild fatigue, tired of being
50%, 31,3% tired weight, and 3,1% heavy tired. Bivariate analisys used the
Pearson Product Moment, with significance 0.05, got result (P = 0.016) or (P
<0.05) which meaned had the relations between %CVL with dehydration in a low
score r = 0,423 wich meaned the relations between 2 variables weremoderate and
the obtained reserach (p = 0,018) or (p < 0,05), which meaned had the releations
between %CVL with fatigue in a low score r = 0,415 wich meaned the relations
between 2 variables were moderate.
Key Words: %CVL, Dehydration, Fatigu
Using extreme value theory for determining the probability of carringtonâlike solar flares
By their very nature, extreme space weather events occur rarely and, therefore, statistical methods are required to determine the probability of their occurrence. Space weather events can be characterised by a number of natural phenomena such as Xâray (solar) flares, solar energetic particle (SEP) fluxes, coronal mass ejections and various geophysical indices (Dst, Kp, F10.7). In this paper extreme value theory (EVT) is used to investigate the probability of extreme solar flares. Previous work has assumed that the distribution of solar flares follows a power law. However such an approach can lead to a poor estimation of the return times of such events due to uncertainties in the tails of the probability distribution function. Using EVT and GOES Xâray flux data it is shown that the expected 150âyear return level is approximately an X60 flare whilst a Carringtonâlike flare is a one in a 100âyear event. In the worst case the 150âyear return level is an X90 flare whist a Carrington flare is a one in 30âyear event. It is also shown that the EVT results are consistent with flare data from the Kepler space telescope mission
Adoption of Innovation of Go-Car Driver Application in Conventional Taxi Driver in Semarang City
The use of a manual system for conventional taxis causes companies to lose money because they cannot compete with private cars using the Go-Car online application. A new breakthrough made by conventional taxi companies is to work with the Go-Car applicator. Conventional taxi drivers are pleased with the presence of the Go-Car Application in the company. The purpose of this study is to determine the adoption of innovations that occur in GO-CAR partners in the city of Semarang, the role of communication in the process of innovation diffusion so that it becomes a GO-CAR partner in the city of Semarang, and the factors that influence the adoption of innovations, namely individual factors and social factors. Method. The method used is a qualitative research method. The subjects used in the study are GO-CAR partners from GO-JEK Indonesia who are still active as partners. Sources of data used in this study include primary data, that is data obtained directly when researchers are in the field or research location. It can be in the form of GO-CAR partners' daily activities while working, and the results of interviews with predetermined informants and secondary data are supporting data from data obtained from research sites or primary data, literature studies, such as journals, theses, books and documents. Secondary data in this study can also be obtained through the official website of GO-JEK. This research data collection technique uses in-depth interviews using open-ended questions and documents as past data from the research object in order to obtain information about the state of the object before the GO-CAR from GO-JEK Indonesia in Semarang City. Technical analysis using the Miles and Huberman (2014) model, namely condensing, presenting, and concluding or verifying data from the data obtained. The results showed that there was diffusion of innovation in conventional taxi drivers using the Go-Car Driver application in Semarang in the form of acceptance of a new culture of innovation in the conventional taxi company and innovation diffusion occurred in conventional taxi drivers using the Go-Car Driver application in the City Semarang and the acceptance of a new culture of innovation in this conventional taxi company. There is a difference in the concept of the innovation adoption decision process from several informants of this research, namely the reversal of the persuasion process with the decision process of several informants due to the role of the authoritarian figure in the adoption decision process. In this study, interpersonal communication channels proved to be more effective than mass media channels in the diffusion process of the Go-Car Driver Application in conventional taxi drivers in the city of Semarang
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