34 research outputs found

    Trends In The Development Of The Techologies For Fabrication Of Complete Dentures For Patients With Total Tooth Loss

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    Total tooth loss leads to significant changes in the maxillofacial region, which affects the masticatory function, speech, esthetic outlook, reflexes and the human psyche. The facial frame obtains the so-called “ageing look”. The extraoral changes, especially after a quick complete tooth loss, are shocking both for the patients and for those around them. The treatment plan for these patients requires the fabrication of complete dentures. The technologies for the production of this type of construction have undergone their own evolution. From the classic cuvette technique with acrylic plastic to the digital fabrication with the help of CAD-CAM milling and 3D printing. The aim of the current article is to trace the development of the technologies for fabrication of complete dentures in patients after total tooth loss highlighting the main trends. Today, 50 million dentures are produced globally every year, but only 1% are fabricated with the help of digital instruments. The traditional denture fabrication is a time- and labor-consuming process. The production process for the construction of a digital denture is different from the traditional one. The digital denture production is the future of dental technology. It has the potential to provide a lower price and higher quality care for the patients. Digital technologies do not deprive complete dentures of the possibility of customization. Digital denture designs can be used multiple times but, when needed, can be altered. The endurance and mechanical properties and bio-compatibility of the constructions are much better compared to those fabricated using conventional technologies. Digitization and 3D printing are a means to a reliable, predictable and highly esthetic treatment

    The training of Dental Technician students for work with certain types of systems for manufacturing of working models

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    The training of students enrolled in the Dental Technician program aims at mastering a certain volume of theoretical knowledge, practical skills and professional competencies. In order for this knowledge to be long-lasting the focus is set on increasing the intellectual activity and motivation of the students. The elective course Types of Working Model Systems in Dental Technology intends to introduce the students to the variety of working model systems, available on the dentistry market and to help them understand their advantages and disadvantages. The topics included in the curriculum are based on the most widely used methods in contemporary dental technology practice. The format of the course consists of lectures and practice sessions. The lecture part of the course is composed of 10 classes during which the students are acquainted in detail with the three basic types of systems and learn about their advantages and disadvantages. There are 20 practice sessions, which include the manufacturing of models using each of the three types of systems. The introduction to the clinical and laboratory protocol for work with a facial arch and an articulator is also included in the theoretical and practical education, having a positive impact on the future training in the specialized discipline - Technology of Dental Prostheses. The aim of the current article is to review students’ training in the Types of Working Model Systems in Dental Technology elective course during the second semester, which started in the 2017/2018 academic year. The interest it garners is high and increasing with time. Suitable equipment and materials needed for the discipline were bought with the kind assistance of the Management of the Medical University of Varna. During the training process the students are able to produce one working model using each system, as well as to include these models in the Denar Mark 310 articulator with mean values with the help of a registrate and a facial arch by the same company

    Prevention of Hypotrophy in Children with Disabilities in `Faith, Hope And Love` Home for Medical and Social Care for Children of the Town of Bourgas

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    A child with disability is a severe problem for both parents and physicians. There are different degrees of disability leading to delay of physical and mental development. There is no perspective for a considerable improvement of the health status in a small group of children. Thus they need a specialized social support system because of their predisposition to hypotrophy. In this study, an inquiry investigation of medical staff engaged with specialized care for disabled children with hypotrophy was carried out. Some opportunities for hypotrophy prevention in the children with disabilities in ‘Faith, Hope and Love` Home for Medical and Social Care for Children of the town of Bourgas, one of the few institutions in this field in Bulgaria, were revealed and discussed

    Experience of Parents and Specialized Daily Centers in Satisfying the Specific Needs of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders

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    Autism and autistic disorders are a heterogeneous group of disorders of the neuropsychological development which are of complex genetic etiology. They are characterized to a different extent by difficulties in social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communication and behaviour problems. Recently, the incidence of autism as well as the interest in it increases and the establishment of more centres to work with these children testifies to that. An inquiry investigation among the relatives and parents of children with autistic disorders concerning their awareness about autism status, opportunities to meet the specific needs of their children and support of their development and social interaction as well as concerning the effectiveness of the applied treatments, programs, and interventions in ‘Faith, Hope and Love` Daily Care Centre of Bourgas for working with the children with autism was carried out

    Advantages and Disadvantages of the Thermoplastic Materials Used for the Production of Partial Prostheses

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    Unlike traditional PMMA plastics, thermoplastic materials are not a product of a chemical reaction during the laboratory process. They are subjected to physical changes when heated, liquefied, and injected under pressure into a preheated cuvette, where they solidify before cooling. They are used for making aesthetic hooks and elastic skeletons for partial dentures. They can be combined with classic acrylic and model-cast prostheses. The purpose of this report is to trace the technology of placing an aesthetic hook made of thermoplastic material on a partial prosthesis made of acrylic plastic, indicating the main advantages and disadvantages of flexible prostheses. Biocetal constructions are an alternative to the traditional model of cast braces. It is an acetate thermoplastic polymer. In terms of construction features, Biocetal prostheses resemble model-cast clamps in the Ney system. The most significant advantages of flexible partial dentures are due to the properties of thermoplastic materials. Their strength and flexibility make inserting and removing the prosthesis easier. The fact that they are not the product of a chemical reaction increases their biological tolerance. Hooks are almost indistinguishable from abutment teeth. In addition to the above advantages, flexible dentures also have their drawbacks. A large percentage of masticatory pressure is absorbed by the soft tissues of the prosthetic field, which causes increased atrophy of bone tissue. Plastic hooks on the abutment teeth press on the mucosa, the gingival margin separates from the tooth, and gradually over time a pocket can form, leading to an inflammatory process. Despite the listed disadvantages of flexible prostheses, knowing and following the clinical and laboratory protocol significantly minimizes the possibility of their manifestation

    Imaging methods and techniques in dental practice

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    The purpose of this study is to provide a brief overview of commonly applied imaging methods and techniques used in dental practice. Knowing the different types of X-ray techniques is closely related not only to obtaining good results but also to achieving radiation safety for patients and X-ray technicians.X-rays have great diagnostic value in daily dental practice. They are not only a supplement to the clinical examination but also a valuable diagnostic tool for visualization of the maxillofacial structures. Imaging methods play a pivotal role in determining treatment planning and assessing follow-up results for various clinical issues concerning the oral cavity and adjacent tissues. As imaging technology continues to advance, there is an increasing demand for more precise imaging methods and diagnostic tools. In modern dental practice, both conventional intraoral radiographs and advanced three-dimensional imaging methods, such as cone beam computed tomography, have found their rightful place. The transition from analog to digital radiography has not only simplified and expedited the process but also improved image retrieval, storage, contrast, and brightness. Moreover, three-dimensional imaging has revolutionized the examination of complex craniofacial structures, making them more accessible for analysis and expediting the process of early and accurate diagnosis.This article specifically focuses on the current advances in imaging technologies and their distinct characteristics. It does not address the issues related to their application in various dental areas, which may serve as subjects for future discussions.

    Orthopedic treatment for microstomia

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    The orthopedic treatment of microstomia patients is performed with the help of special prosthetic constructions. The choice of prosthesis design depends on the degree of pathology and the elasticity of the soft tissues. In severe defects, it is possible to use articulated or foldable dentures. The purpose of this report is to consider the possibilities for orthopedic treatment of patients with microstomia. To achieve this goal, our and foreign literature on the subject was studied. An overview of the classical and modern methods, materials and technologies for orthopedic treatment was made. The advantages of intraoral scanning over conventional fingerprinting techniques were indicated.

    The use of a combined impression method for the manufacture of a fixed denture construction

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    Дигиталните отпечатъци елиминират много от грешките, присъстващи при традиционните методи за снемане на отпечатък и отливането на конвенционални работни модели. С появата на интраоралните камери за първи път лекарите по дентална медицина имат възможност да покажат на своите пациенти върху монитор това, което виждат в устната кухина. Така полученият въз основа на отпечатъка модел се използва в зъботехническата лаборатория за изработване на зъбопротезна конструкция в зависимост от анатомичните особености на пациента. Комбинирането на конвенционален и цифров отпечатъчен метод се изразява в съчетаването на някои от специфичните им етапи. Целта на настоящата статия е да бъдат съпоставени конвенционалните с дигиталните лабораторни етапи, необходими за създаване на работен модел. За постигането на целта беше отчетено времето, необходимото за изработване на конвенционален гипсов модел от еластомерен отпечатъчен материал, като впоследствие то беше съпоставено с времето, необходимо за сканиране на същия конвенционален отпечатък с екстраорален лабораторен скенер. След това с помощта на специализиран софтуер беше създаден 3D виртуален модел на сканирания гипсов модел, като отново беше отчетено времето за неговото създаване. Технологиите за снемане на цифров отпечатък са изключително перспективни. Новите прототипиращи технологии за производство на 3D обекти директно от източника на данни (чрез добавяне на материала слой по слой) елиминират голяма част от операциите, изисквани от класическите технологии. Благодарение на предимствата в стандартизирането, гарантираното качество и комфорта за пациента, дигиталните системи за интраорално снемане на отпечатъци имат голям потенциал за развитие. Занапред те ще намират все по-голямо приложение в ежедневната дентална практика.Digital impressions eliminate a large number of the errors present in the traditional methods of taking dental impressions and casting conventional working models. With the emergence of intraoral cameras, the doctors of dental medicine had, for the first time, the opportunity to show their patients, on a screen, what they saw in the oral cavity. The model obtained through an impression is used in the dental laboratory to manufacture a denture construction based on the specific anatomical features of the patient. The combination of conventional and digital impression methods is the combination of some of their specific stages. The aim of this paper is to compare the conventional to the digital laboratory stages needed for the manufacture of a working model. To achieve this goal, we recorded the time needed to produce a conventional plaster model from elastomeric impression materials. After that, this time was compared to the time needed to scan the same conventional impression with an extraoral laboratory scanner. Then, with the help of a specialized software, a 3D virtual model of the scanned plaster model was created and the time for its manufacture was recorded. The technologies for digital impressions have very good prospects. The new prototyp ing technologies for production of 3D objects directly from the data source (adding the material layer by layer) eliminate a large part of the operations needed by the classical technologies. The advantages of standardizing, guaranteed quality, and patient`s comfort give the digital systems for intraoral impression taking high potential for development. In the future, they will have higher and higher application in the everyday dental practice

    The use of the conventional impression methods for the manufacture of a fixed denture construction

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    Отпечатъкът е негативното копие не само на зъбите, подлежащи на протезиране, но и на прилежащите меки и твърди тъкани. Неговото основно предназначение е да пренесе клиничната информация върху позитивния работен модел. В зависимост от това дали участва цифрова техника по време на снемане на отпечатък от протезното поле и/или при създаването на зъбопротезната конструкция, отпечатъчните методи се определят като конвенционални или цифрови. Всеки клиничен случай е индивидуален и затова е необходим и индивидуален подход при разрешаването на конкретната клинична ситуация. Лекарят по дентална медицина е медицинският специалист, определящ клиничното решение, a останалите членове на екипа - зъботехникът, денталният асистент и пациентът, съдействат за реализирането на това решение. Целта на настоящата статия е да бъдат проследени конвенционалните клинични и лабораторни етапи по време на изработването на неподвижна зъбопротезна конструкция и да бъде предложен алгоритъм за тяхното оптимално осъществяване. За постигането на целта бяха реализирани всички етапи, като тези, които се отнасят до лабораторната част, бяха фотографирани и беше отчетено необходимото време за тяхното извършване. Може да бъде обобщено, че при спазването на клиничния и лабораторния протокол и съобразяването с индивидуалните особености на конкретния клиничен случай могат да бъдат постигнати оптимални резултати. Удобството зъбопротезната конструкция да се изработва върху работен модел, a не директно в устата на пациента, има и своите недостатъци: голям разход на време, разход на материали (отпечатъчни, моделажни, отливни), разнопосочни обемни изменения, водещи до нежелани отклонения от точността. Тези и още редица други фактори водят до използването на оптични сканиращи методи в протетичната дентална медицина и зъботехниката.An impression is a negative copy not only of the teeth which are undergoing prosthetic procedures, but also of the adjoining soft and hard tissues. Its main function is to transfer the clinical information to the positive working model. Depending on whether digital equipment is used when taking an impression of the prosthetic field and/or when creating the denture construction, the impression methods are classified as conventional or digital. Each clinical case is different, therefore an individual approach is needed when deciding on a solution to each specific clinical situation. The doctor of dental medicine is the medical specialist who makes the clinical decision and the rest of the team - the dental technician, the dental assistant, and the patient cooperate in the process of achieving the desired results. The aim of the current paper is to observe the conventional and laboratory stages in the manufacture of a fixed denture construction, and to offer an algorithm for their optimal function. In order to do this, all stages were carried out. The ones related to the laboratory part were photographed and the time needed for their completion was recorded. We can summarize that, when following the clinical and laboratory protocol and taking into consideration the specificity of the clinical case, optimal results can be achieved. The convenience of manufacturing a denture construction on a working model and not directly into the mouth of the patient has its disadvantages: much longer time, higher amount of materials (impression, modelling, casting), and various volume changes leading to undesired accuracy deviations. These and a number of other factors lead to the use of optical scanning methods in the prosthetic dental medicine and in the field of dental technology

    Phytosanitary Status of Wheat Crops in Northeastern Bulgaria

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    In the present work, the results of a survey of wheat crops in the area of the IASS quot%253BObraztsov chiflikquot%253B ndash%253B Ruse are presented. The study was carried out during the period 2018-2021, at the experimental field of the institute, according to accepted methods for weed infestation, species composition of the entomofauna and economically important wheat diseases. The aim of the study is to determine the species composition of weeds, diseases and insect pest in wheat crops under the relevant agro-climatic conditions. Weed species composition differed by year, with a total of 15 weed species from 10 families recorded. Veronica agrestis L., Lamium purpureum L., Anthemis arvensis L., Convolvulus arvensis L. and Cirsium arvense L. are ubiquitous in surveyed crop. Insects belonging to the orders Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, Homoptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Neuroptera and Orthoptera were identified. The proportion of the orders to which the species belonged in the three years of the study differed in culture. The total number of insects detected during the three years of the test varied on average (CV%253D15.63%25) ndash%253B 373 pcs. in 2019, 280 pcs. in 2020 and 372 pcs. in 2021. During the period, 3 fungal pathogens of the genera Puccinia, Erysiphe and Septoria were identified. The development of Puccinia and Erysiphe pathogens during the study period was within acceptable limits according to the SEV scale (from 10%25 to 25%25). Massive development of the pathogen Septoria sp. was observed, with the affected plant area reaching up to 65%25, according to the SEV scale