144 research outputs found

    Insights into Pediatric Sleep Disordered Breathing: Exploring Risk Factors, Surgical Interventions, and Physical and Scholastic Performance at Follow-Up

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    : (1) Background: Sleep-disordered breathing represents a growing public health concern, especially among children and adolescents. The main risk factors for pediatric sleep-disordered breathing in school-age children are tonsillar and adenoid hypertrophy. Adenoidectomy, often in combination with tonsillectomy, is the primary treatment modality for pediatric sleep-disordered breathing. This study aims to comprehensively investigate various risk and protective factors in children with sleep-disordered breathing undergoing adenotonsillar or adenoidal surgeries. We also aim to explore the differences in neuropsychological profiles. (2) Methods: This is an observational, retrospective cohort study. We collected information on adenoidectomy or adenotonsillectomy in children referred to our center. We reviewed the clinical history and preoperative visits and collected data through a telephone questionnaire. The Pediatric Sleep Questionnaire (PSQ) and the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL) screen sleep-disordered breathing and quality of life, respectively. The data were statistically analyzed using SPSS version 22.0 for Windows (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). (3) Results: The study involved 138 patients, but only 100 children participated. A higher percentage of patients with sleep-disordered breathing were observed to have mothers who smoked during pregnancy. A smaller proportion of patients with sleep-disordered breathing habitually used a pacifier. A rise in physical score was associated with a reduced PSQ at follow-up (p = 0.051). An increase in the overall academic score was related to a decrease in the PSQ at follow-up (p < 0.001). A more significant proportion of patients undergoing adenotonsillectomy were observed to have a history of prematurity and cesarean birth. (4) This comprehensive study delves into the intricate interplay of risk and protective factors impacting children with sleep-disordered breathing undergoing adenotonsillectomy and adenoidectomy

    Integration between Primary Care and Mental Health Services in Italy: Determinants of Referral and Stepped Care

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    This study, carried out in the context of a collaborative care program for common mental disorders, is aimed at identifying the predictors of Primary Care Physician (PCP) referral to Community Mental Health Center (CMHC) and patterns of care. Patients with depression or anxiety disorders who had a first contact with CMHCs between January 1, 2007–December 31, 2009 were extracted from Bologna Local Health Authority database. A classification and regression tree procedure was used to determine which combination of demographic and diagnostic variables best distinguished patients referred by PCPs and to identify predictors of patterns of care (consultation, shared care, and treatment at the CMHC) for patients referred by PCPs. Of the 8570 patients, 57.4% were referred by PCPs. Those less likely to be referred by PCPs were living in the urban area, suffered from depressive disorder, and were young. As to the pattern of care, patients living in the urban area were more likely to receive shared care compared with those living in the nonurban area, while the reverse was true for consultation. Predictors of CMHC treatment were depression and young age. Prospective studies are needed to assess length, quantity, and quality of collaborative treatment for common mental disorder delivered at any step of care

    Worldwide Interest in Vitamin D, Negative Effects on Kidneys, and Bone Density: Analysis of Google Trends Data

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    Background: Besides its role in calcium homeostasis and bone mineralization, vitamin D may also reduce the risk of cancer, cardiovascular and autoimmune diseases. Excessive vitamin D intake can lead to life-threatening hypercalcemia and toxicity, however. Here, we wanted to determine the relative search volume (RSV) of interest in vitamin D and its adverse biological effects (hypercalcemia, renal failure, kidney stones, bone density).Methods: We used data from Google Trends to assess changes in RSV trends across the world's regions. Data were extracted via the search terms "cholecalciferol", "ergocalciferol, "hypercalcemia", "acute renal failure", "kidney stones", and "bone density" from queries in English from 1 January 2004 to 1 October 2018 in the tool's related query database. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS (R) 22.0 for Windows (IBM Inc., Armonk, NY, USA, 10504-1722).Results: There was a correlation between the RSV of cholecalciferol and ergocalciferol (Spearman's correlation) and the RSV of hypercalcemia, renal failure, kidney stones, and bone density. As measured by the change in RSV score, the trend for interest in kidney stones increased more rapidly than that for the other search terms. There was a positive correlation between the RSV score for cholecalciferol (or ergocalciferol) and renal failure and between the RSV score for cholecalciferol (or ergocalciferol) and kidney stones, whereas there was a negative correlation between cholecalciferol and hypercalcemia. The interest of ergocalciferol increased in parallel with the interest in bone density. The highest concentration of interest in cholecalciferol occurred in North America, Europe, India and Australia, whereas interest in ergocalciferol was greater in Central and South America, Spain, and Thailand. Interest in kidney stones was greater than cholecalciferol in North America, Brazil, India, and Australia, while interest in bone density was greater than cholecalciferol in North America, Brazil, Italy, Spain, South Africa, and Australia.Conclusions: In the pre-pandemic COVID-19 (COronaVIrus Disease 19) era, our preliminary results showed a positive correla-tion between global interest in cholecalciferol and kidney stones and renal failure, respectively. However, we found an unexpected negative correlation between global interest in cholecalciferol and hypercalcemia. Additionally, we found a positive correlation between global interest in ergocalciferol and bone density. These correlations can inform health interventions and education

    Sleep-Disordered Breathing in Children with Recurrent Wheeze/Asthma: A Single Centre Study

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    The relationship between asthma and sleep-disordered breathing is bidirectional due to common risk factors that promote airway inflammation. Obstructive sleep-disordered breathing and recurrent wheeze/asthma are conditions that involve the upper and the lower respiratory system, respectively. The aim of the present study was to investigate the sleep disordered breathing in children with recurrent wheeze/asthma. This was a retrospective study concerning children older than 2 years who underwentbetween January 2014 and November 2016an in-laboratory overnight polygraphic study. We match the children between those who do or do not have recurrent wheeze/asthma disease. We examined the clinical records of 137 children. We excluded eight patients because of neurological and genetic conditions. Children with recurrent wheeze/asthma (N = 28) were younger (p = 0.002) and leaner (p = 0.013) compared to non-affected children (N = 98). Children with wheeze/asthma and unaffected ones had a similar obstructive apnea-hypopnea index (p = 0.733) and oxygen desaturation index (p = 0.535). The logistic regression analysis, in which the condition of wheeze/asthma (yes/no) was a dependent variable, while demographic (age, sex, body mass index (BMI) Z-score) and polygraphic results during sleep (obstructive apnea-hypopnea index, central apnea index, peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO(2)), and snoring) were covariates, showed that children with wheeze/asthma had higher central apnea index (Exp(B) = 2.212; Wald 6.845; p = 0.009). In conclusion, children with recurrent wheeze/asthma showed an increased number of central sleep apneas than unaffected children. This finding may suggest a dysfunction of the breathing control in the central nervous system during sleep. Systemic or central inflammation could be the cause

    Echocardiographic Assessment after Surgical Repair of Tetralogy of Fallot

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    Surgical correction of Tetralogy of Fallot is still one of the most frequently performed intervention in pediatric cardiac surgery, and in many cases it is far from being a complete and definitive correction. It is rather an excellent palliation that solves the problem of cyanosis but predisposes the patients to medical and surgical complications during follow-up. The decision-making process regarding the treatment of late sequel are among the most discussed topics in adult congenital cardiology. In postoperative Fallot patients, echocardiography is used as the first method of diagnostic imaging and currently allows both a qualitative observation of the anatomical alterations and a detailed quantification of right ventricular volumes and function, of the right ventricular outflow tract, and of the pulmonary valve and pulmonary arteries. The literature introduced many quantitative echocardiographic criteria useful for the understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms involving the right ventricle and those have made much more objective any decision-making processes

    Thoracoabdominal asynchrony correlates with peripheral vascular resistance changes in a cohort of obese children

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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between the thoracoabdominal asynchrony (phase angle), as an index of inspiratory airflow resistance, pulse transit time arousal index (PTT Ar/I), as changes in peripheral vascular resistance and intrathoracic pressure, and obstructive apnea index (OA), Oxygen Desaturation Index (ODI), snoring (% estimated Total Sleep Time - eTST) and apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) in a cohort of exogenous obese children. Material and Methods: Body mass index (BMI) and BMI z-scores were calculated according to age and sex in 36 consecutive obese children. Nasal patency, tonsil size, Friedman palate position scoring were also recorded. An overnight sleep respiratory recording was performed using an polygraphic ambulatory device. Results: Subjects studies had normal to mild sleep respiratory involvement (assessed by respiratory polysomnographic scoring). Phase angle correlated significantly with PTT Ar/I, but not with AHI (n/hr), OA (n/hr), ODI (n/hr) and snoring (% eTST), even adjusting for nasal patency, tonsil hypertrophy, palate position and BMI (z-score). Conclusion: Thoracoabdominal asynchrony (phase angle) is correlated with peripheral vascular resistance changes (PTT Ar/I), suggesting a subclinical upper respiratory airflow anomaly with autonomic activation in obese subjects

    Revisional Surgery After One Anastomosis/Minigastric Bypass: an Italian Multi-institutional Survey

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    Background: Efficacy and safety of OAGB/MGB (one anastomosis/mini gastric bypass) have been well documented both as primary and as revisional procedures. However, even after OAGB/MGB, revisional surgery is unavoidable in patients with surgical complications or insufficient weight loss. Methods: A questionnaire asking for the total number and demographics of primary and revisional OAGB/MGBs performed between January 2006 and July 2020 was e-mailed to all S.I.C. OB centres of excellence (annual caseload > 100; 5-year follow-up > 50%). Each bariatric centre was asked to provide gender, age, preoperative body mass index (BMI) and obesity-related comorbidities, previous history of abdominal or bariatric surgery, indication for surgical revision of OAGB/MGB, type of revisional procedure, pre- and post-revisional BMI, peri- and post-operative complications, last follow-up (FU). Results: Twenty-three bariatric centres (54.8%) responded to our survey reporting a total number of 8676 primary OAGB/MGBS and a follow-up of 62.42 ± 52.22 months. A total of 181 (2.08%) patients underwent revisional surgery: 82 (0.94%) were suffering from intractable DGER (duodeno-gastric-esophageal reflux), 42 (0.48%) were reoperated for weight regain, 16 (0.18%) had excessive weight loss and malnutrition, 12 (0.13%) had a marginal ulcer perforation, 10 (0.11%) had a gastro-gastric fistula, 20 (0.23%) had other causes of revision. Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) was the most performed revisional procedure (109; 54%), followed by bilio-pancreatic limb elongation (19; 9.4%) and normal anatomy restoration (19; 9.4%). Conclusions: Our findings demonstrate that there is acceptable revisional rate after OAGB/MGB and conversion to RYGB represents the most frequent choice

    D3.2 - Stato dell'infrastruttura 3DLab-Sicilia alla fine del periodo di sperimentazione in ambito di laboratorio

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    Questo rapporto presenta lo stato dell’infrastruttura 3DLab-Sicilia con particolare attenzione sullo stato di avanzamento della realizzazione dei tre laboratori nei nodi del progetto che compongono il Centro di Realtà Virtuale geograficamente distribuito e sulle sequenze (pipeline) di esecuzione di software implementate internamente per la creazione di modelli tridimensionali e scenari immersivi e offerte dal progetto a tutti i possibili utilizzatori esterni. Il documento ù organizzato come segue: la Sezione 2 introduce lo stato dell’arte relativamente alle soluzioni di Cross Reality (XR, che comprende anche la Realtà Virtuale); la Sezione 3 presenta le caratteristiche e le potenzialità del Centro di Realtà Virtuale di 3DLab-Sicilia; la Sezione 4 presenta gli ulteriori elementi chiave dell’infrastruttura che il progetto mette a disposizione dell’utenza; infine, nelle sezioni 5 e 6 vengono forniti i dettagli delle pipeline software supportate, rispettivamente, per servizi di utilità generale e per servizi specifici per gli use case del progetto
