51 research outputs found

    Caratterizzazione nutrizionale di tre birre artigianali ottenute tramite differenti processi tecnologici.

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    Negli ultimi dieci anni si è assistito ad una esplosione del mercato della birra artigianale con realtà produttive comparse su tutto il territorio nazionale. Scarsi invece sono gli studi scientifici condotti su questo prodotto, tanto semplice quanto complesso; i lavori condotti in Italia sulla birra risultano essere estremamente rari mentre sono praticamente assenti in relazione al settore artigianale. Ad oggi quindi, molti aspetti del prodotto “birra artigianale” sono poco conosciuti; con questo lavoro di tesi si è cercato di far luce su determinate caratteristiche di tale prodotto, in modo che si possa cominciare a comprendere se sia possibile considerare, o meno, la birra artigianale un vero e proprio alimento nutraceutico – funzionale. Il seguente lavoro di tesi magistrale è articolato essenzialmente in tre fasi: in primo luogo la produzione di tre ricette brassicole differenti, sfruttando l’impianto geotermico del birrificio "Vapori di Birra" ottenendo così dei prodotti sostenibili nel pieno rispetto dell’ambiente. In secondo luogo si è proceduto con il dosaggio delle molecole ad attività antiossidante presenti nei campioni in esame, valutando come queste varino in funzione dello stile e della strategia tecnologica adottata e paragonando, allo stesso tempo, i risultati ottenuti con dati sperimentali relativi a studi condotti su birre industriali e sul vino, in particolar modo quello bianco. Infine, sono stati effettuati dei test volti a determinare l’effettiva quantità di glutine presente nelle tre ricette valutandone, come nel caso delle molecole ad attività antiossidante, il grado di variazione in funzione dei differenti approcci tecnologici impiegati, nell’ottica futura di comprensione dei metodi più idonei da adottare per l’ottenimento di un prodotto a basso contenuto o privo di glutine partendo tuttavia dalle materie prime classiche. I risultati ottenuti hanno dimostrato come, da un lato, la birra artigianale contenga un quantitativo di molecole ad attività antiossidante superiore, mediamente, alle birre industriali con valori paragonabili a quelli registrati nei vini bianchi e dall’altro, si è riusciti ad ottenere un prodotto a basso contenuto di glutine gettando così le basi per la futura produzione di una birra artigianale di malto d’orzo adatta anche a persone affette da patologie relative alla presenza di glutine negli alimenti

    Neuroendocrine Mediators, Food Intake and Obesity: A Narrative Review

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    Obesity is a chronic multifactorial disease caused by imbalance between caloric intake and energy expenditure. The Neuroendocrine system is one of the main factors regulating energy intake in humans. The Neuroendocrine system is made up of cells able to synthesize and secrete amines, peptides, growth factors and biological mediators, known as neurohormones, which modulate various biological functions by interacting with the nervous and immune system. In the central nervous system, neurosecretory elements are mainly located in the hypothalamus which is the anatomical site of the hunger (lateral nucleus) and satiety (ventromedial nucleus) centers; thus it plays a key role in chemical coding of food intake. Dopamine, Noradrenaline and Serotonin are historically considered key points in the regulation of feeding behavior. However, other neurohormones have been identified; these substances, also synthesized in peripheral tissues (especially adipose tissue and digestive tract), influence food intake. Some of these hormones have orexigenic activity; conversely, other substances have anorexigenic activity. A constant balance between orexigenic and anorexigenic neurohormones is essential to ensure a smooth feeding behavior, whereas a subtle and progressive disruption of neurochemical transmission is sufficient to induce hyperphagia or anorexia. Several factors affect the synthesis and release of neuropeptides: genetic, hormonal, psychological, environmental, receptorial, type of feeding and meal frequency. In the recent past some drugs, as Sibutramine and Rimonabant, modulating the activity of several neuroendocrine mediators (Serotonin, Noradrenaline, Endocannabinoids), have proven to be effective in reducing weight excess, even if they were withdrawn because of serious side effects. Recently, promising results in this way have been obtained with Glucagon like Peptide-1 analogs, showing significant efficacy in counteracting weight excess without side effects. Further knowledge developments on these complex neuroendocrine circuits and their hypothalamic interactions in food intake regulation could open new frontiers for effective pharmacological therapeutic approach to Obesity and other nutritional disorders

    Metabolic Disorders in Elderly Patients with Hematologic Malignancies. A Review

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    Over recent decades, due to the gradual rise in life expectancy and the consequent aging of the population, the incidence of some hematological malignancies most common in the elderly is expected to increase. In elderly cancer patients, the older age is an adverse prognostic factor because of specific age-related conditions, such as changes in cellular biology and reduced functional reserve in multiple organ systems, as well as in consequence of comorbidities. Some age-related pathological conditions, such as diabetes mellitus, renal failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cardiovascular dysfunction, liver disease and other disorders may predispose the elderlies to develop metabolic abnormalities. In the elderly, the occurrence of hematological malignancies can cause some metabolic disorders or worsen pre-existing dysmetabolic conditions that increase the outcomes of these patients. Hyperuricemia is the most common metabolic abnormality; hyperuricemia less commonly may be associated with hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia and hypocalcemia, in the framework of oncologic emergency that is the Tumor lysis syndrome. Hypercalcemia is relatively common in patients with multiple myeloma and adult T-cell Lymphoma. Cases of Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) in patients with hematological malignancies have also been reported. Idiopathic hyperammonemia may occur in oncohematological patients after receiving intensive chemotherapy or following bone marrow transplantation. Moreover, there is evidence that patients with lymphoma, leukemia and multiple myeloma can develop Type B lactic acidosis. Non–islet cell tumor hypoglycemia and Hyperglycemia are other potential metabolic abnormalities occurring in patients with hematological malignancies. The pathogenesis of these metabolic disorders is often unclear and several theories have been postulated; possible mechanisms include: increase in neoplastic cell turnover and apoptosis, blast crisis, cytotoxic effects of chemotherapy, tumor secretion of hormones, peptides or cytokines, immune cross-reactivity between malignant and normal tissues, malignancy-induced enzyme dysfunction. Parenteral nutrition, sarcopenia, cachexia, stress, immune deficiency and infections could contribute. Although successful treatment of the underlying tumor often improves metabolic disorders, these conditions often worse prognosis and are associated with poor survival; thus it is important to consider early detection and effective treatment

    Focus on Pitavastatin

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    Currently, different statins are available for the treatment of dyslipidemia: Atorvastatin, Simvastatin, Rosuvastatin, Lovastatin, Pravastatin, and Fluvastatin; the newest entry in this class of drugs is Pitavastatin.The purpose of the present study was to examine the latest evidences on Pitavastatin, more than 10 years after its first marketing and focuses on the most recent evidence regarding its differences with other available statins. A literature review of the last 3 years (January 2013 - January 2016) has been carried out via Pub Med. 193 obtained items were analysed.Pitavastatin has been studied against other drugs in its class and has demonstrated high potency in reducing LDL-Cholesterol levels and increasing HDL-Cholesterol. Pitavastatin has demonstrated a significant reduction in atherosclerotic plaque volumes and several pleiotropic effects, which suggest its potential benefits in reducing cardiovascular risk.At present, Pitavastatin don’t seem to have adverse effects on glucose metabolism; it has no adverse effects on renal function and currently there is no clinical evidence of Pitavastatin-induced hepatotoxicity. Pitavastatin has favorable pharmacokinetic and safety profiles and its characteristic structure provides significant efficacy at low doses

    The ability of lumbar spine DXA and phalanx QUS to detect previous fractures in young thalassemic patients with hypogonadism, hypothyroidism, diabetes, and hepatitis-B: A 2-year subgroup analysis from the Taranto Area of Apulia Region.

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    BACKGROUND: Osteoporosis is a leading cause of morbidity in patients affected by β-thalassemia major or intermediate; we aimed to assess the association between demineralization observed in young thalassemic patients. METHODS: A total of 88 patients with β-thalassemia were recruited at Microcitemia Center of Taranto Hospital under the Prevention Osteoporosis and Fractures research project from 2008 to 2010. All the patients were screened with both dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and quantitative ultrasound (QUS). T score and Z score values were obtained for each subject. RESULTS: The overall prevalence of demineralization was 84% with DXA and 70% with QUS, whereas normality was found in 16% of patients screened with DXA and in 30% of cases with QUS. Hypogonadism, hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, hepatitis-B, and the presence of previous fragility fractures were significantly associated with the demineralization status (lower T scores values) both with DXA and QUS. CONCLUSION: Our data confirm that DXA and QUS examinations are both useful for detecting bone demineralization in thalassemic patients

    CD99 Expression and Prognostic Impact in Glioblastoma: A Single-Center Cohort Study

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    Glioblastoma is the most frequent and aggressive brain tumor in adults. This study aims to evaluate the expression and prognostic impact of CD99, a membrane glycoprotein involved in cellular migration and invasion. In a cohort of patients with glioblastoma treated with surgery, radiotherapy and temozolomide, we retrospectively analyzed tumor expression of CD99 by immunohistochemistry (IHC) and by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) for both the wild type (CD99wt) and the truncated (CD99sh) isoforms. The impact on overall survival (OS) was assessed with the Kaplan-Meier method and log-rank test and by multivariable Cox regression. Forty-six patients with glioblastoma entered this study. Immunohistochemical expression of CD99 was present in 83%. Only the CD99wt isoform was detected by qRT-PCR and was significantly correlated with CD99 expression evaluated by IHC (rho = 0.309, p = 0.037). CD99 expression was not associated with OS, regardless of the assessment methodology used (p = 0.61 for qRT-PCR and p = 0.73 for IHC). In an exploratory analysis of The Cancer Genome Atlas, casuistry of glioblastomas CD99 expression was not associated with OS nor with progression-free survival. This study confirms a high expression of CD99 in glioblastoma but does not show any significant impact on survival. Further preclinical studies are needed to define its role as a therapeutic target in glioblastoma

    Design and analysis of cross vaults along history

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    The history of cross vaults began almost 2,000 years ago with a widespread use during the Middle Ages and Renaissance, becoming nowadays one of the most diffused and fascinating structural typologies of the European building cultural heritage. However, conversely to the undeniable excellence achieved by the ancient masons, the structural behavior of these elements is still at the center of the scientific debate. In this regard, with the aim of reviewing the knowledge on this subject as a concise and valuable support for researchers involved in conservation of historical buildings, with a focus on design rules and structural analysis, the present study firstly introduces the cross vaults from a historical perspective, by describing the evolution of the main geometrical shapes together with basic practical rules used to size them. Then, the article deals with the subsequent advancements in structural analysis methods of vaults, until the development of modern limit analysis.This work was partially carried out under the program "Dipartimento di Protezione Civile - Consorzio RELUIS", signed on 2013-12-27.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Profesionales de Informatica en Empresas de la VIII Region-Chile.

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    Dos cambios han alterado el entorno de las empresas, el primero es la transformacion de las sociedades y economias industriales, en economias de servicio, basadas en el conocimiento y la informacion. El segundo, es el surgimiento y reforzamiento de la globalizacion de las economias. En ambos, las tecnologias de informacion y comunicaciones han asumido un rol protagonico en el desarrollo empresarial. El objetivo de este articulo es dar cuenta de los resultados de un estudio que tuvo por objetivo determinar la presencia de profesionales en computacion e informatica en las empresas de la octava Region de Chile

    Los delitos informáticos (Ley 19.223-Chile) y la función de auditoría informática

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