321 research outputs found

    Dialectical Topoi

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    a) Topics and Objectives: Dialectical topoi constitute an essential component of Aristotelian logic and theory of argumentation (dialectics). These can be characterized as essential patterns of argumentation which allow us to found premises which are suited to the establishment of specific theses. Our research group concentrates on two themes: the first working focus consists of a precise investigation of the topos-based dialectical logic found in Aristotle. We are concerned in particular with the dialectical texts contained in the Organon (Topics, Rhetoric, Sophistical Refutations), and we are considering their relationship to the formal logic developed in the Prior Analytics. The second focus of our work is an investigation of the reception of Aristotelian dialectics in the Renaissance. Occurring in the 16th century was in intensive reception of the Aristotelian Topics, as suggested by numerous new translations and commentaries. We are concentrating on the relationship between veritas/scientia and opinio/probabilitas in the epistemology of the Renaissance. In particular, we are interested in the question of how the dialectics and rhetoric of the Renaissance were influenced by the form and genre of the dialogue, and in the role played in the Renaissance by the spatial dimension, which is contained both in Aristotle’s definition of the topos as the »place from which the attack comes«, as well as in Cicero’s definition of the locus as the »seat of the argument« (sedes argumentorum). b) Methods: Relevant passages from the texts of the Aristotelian Organon are analyzed and set into relationship with one another. Consulted in particular in interpreting these texts is the inventory of 20th century theories dealing with logic and argumentation; modern mereological and topological systems, for example, are used in reconstructing Aristotelian logic, albeit without overlooking the historical specificity of the problems that are bound up with these antique texts. c) State of the Discussion: The group has concluded that Aristotelian formal logic is dependent upon and was shaped in various ways by topos-based dialectical logic. Aristotelian predication theory, for example, plays a decisive role for various aspects of the Aristotelian syllogistic which is contained in the Prior Analytics. Beyond this, the group has demonstrated that interpretations of the Aristotelian Topics made an essential contribution to the emergence of a relativistic epistemology in the Renaissance. The status of opinio/probabilitas in the Renaissance, for example, was influenced by interpretations of the Aristotelian concept of endoxon

    Synthesizing Attitudes in German

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    Hönemann A, Wagner P. Synthesizing Attitudes in German. Presented at the SST2016, Sydney

    Adaptive Speech Synthesis in a Cognitive Robotic Service Apartment: An Overview and First Steps Towards Voice Selection

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    Hönemann A, Wagner P. Adaptive Speech Synthesis in a Cognitive Robotic Service Apartment: An Overview and First Steps Towards Voice Selection. In: Tagungsband Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung ESSV 2015. 2015: 135-142

    Improving weld quality with optimized bobbin tools: an innovative approach to friction stir welding of aluminium

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    Friction stir welding (FSW) has gained significant attention as a viable method for joining aluminum alloys due to its ability to produce high-quality welds. In recent years, bobbin tools have emerged as an innovative tool geometry for FSW of aluminum. Because of their unique tool design and weld setup, there is no backing plate needed and weak points such as root defects cannot form. The creation of strong and high-quality joints in similar aluminum structures is a challenging task for welding processes. In this regard, the current study aims at investigating the effect of shape-optimized bobbin tools on the welding quality of the joints. For this purpose, a simulation of the critical run-in process was performed in an initial step. Thus, the contact conditions between the tool and the work-piece could be analyzed, and a qualitative impression was gained of the welding behavior of this welding set-up. Subsequently, the tool was shape-optimized by imposing ideal contact conditions. The optimized and non-optimized tools were then used to perform FSW on similar aluminum joints made of AA5754. The resulting joints were analyzed for their mechanical and microstructural properties, and it was found that the optimized tool led to a different microstructure and tensile strength than the non-optimized tool. Therefore, this study provides a new and effective approach to improve the weld quality of similar aluminum joints by optimizing the geometry of bobbin tools through simulation

    Evaluation rechnergestĂŒtzter Pflegedokumentation auf vier Pilotstationen - Abschlussbericht, Teil QualitĂ€tsmessungen. (PIK Studie 2000/2001)

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    Die Umstellung der konventionellen Pflegeprozessdokumentation auf ein rechnerbasiertes Pflegedokumentationssystem ist ein wichtiges Thema am UniversitĂ€tsklinikum Heidelberg. Daher werden seit 1998 Erfahrungen mit dem Pflegedokumentationssystem PIKÂź auf inzwischen vier Pilotstationen gesammelt und systematisch evaluiert. Neben Fragen zur Akzeptanz von Computern in der Pflege und des Pflegeprozesses wurden auch Fragen der QualitĂ€t von Pflegedokumentationen untersucht. Die Pflegedokumentation, als wichtiger Teil der klinischen Dokumentation, stellt eine TeilqualitĂ€t einer gesamten PflegequalitĂ€t dar. Der Pflegeprozess und seine Dokumentation werden in der Regel jedoch nur unzureichend auf den Stationen angewandt. Die GrĂŒnde, die hierfĂŒr in der Literatur angegeben werden, sind vielfĂ€ltig. U.a. werden Formulierungsschwierigkeiten und die mangelnde Akzeptanz des Pflegeprozesses angegeben. Der Einzug von rechnergestĂŒtzten Dokumentationssystemen in der Krankenpflege fĂŒhrt unweigerlich zu dem Vergleich von rechnergestĂŒtzten und konventionellen Pflegedokumentationssystemen. Die wissenschaftliche Begleitung der EinfĂŒhrung rechnergestĂŒtzter Pflegedokumentation ermöglichte es quantitative und qualitative Zahlen zur QualitĂ€t von Pflegedokumentationen zu erheben. Dies geschah anhand einer QualitĂ€tscheckliste, die aufgrund einer intensiven Literatursichtung erstellt wurde. Um die VerĂ€nderung in der QualitĂ€t der Pflegedokumentationen zu ermitteln, wurde von den vier Pilotstationen, auf denen PIKÂź in Routine lĂ€uft, je 20 Dokumentationen zu drei verschiedenen Zeitpunkten, von zwei externen Pflegeexperten, begutachtet - 3 Monate vor der EinfĂŒhrung von PIKÂź sowie 3 und 9 Monate nachher (insgesamt 240 Dokumentationen). Die PflegekrĂ€fte sehen in der Benutzung der rechnergestĂŒtzten Pflegedokumentation eine QualitĂ€tsverbesserung sowie eine Verbesserung der Lesbarkeit und der VollstĂ€ndigkeit der Pflegedokumentation. Diese subjektiven Aussagen der PflegekrĂ€fte wurden den objektiven Ergebnissen der QualitĂ€tsmessungen gegenĂŒbergestellt. Dabei wurde nachgeprĂŒft ob neben formalen Aspekten (wie Umfang und VollstĂ€ndigkeit) sich auch die inhaltliche QualitĂ€t verbessert hat. Die Gutachter konnten eine signifikante Verbesserung in der QualitĂ€t der Dokumentationen feststellen, vor allem bedingt durch die Erhöhung der formalen VollstĂ€ndigkeit. Die inhaltliche Ausgestaltung der Pflegedokumentationen und die Individualisierung der Pflegeplanung sind noch verbesserungsfĂ€hig. Die EinfĂŒhrung rechnergestĂŒtzter Pflegedokumentation stellt eine Möglichkeit dar nicht nur den Pflegeprozess erfolgreich einzufĂŒhren sondern auch eine qualitative Verbesserung der Pflegedokumentationen zu erreichen. Wichtiger Erfolgsfaktor fĂŒr eine qualitative Verbesserung der Dokumentation ist die Reflexion der Mitarbeiter ĂŒber ihre Dokumentationspraxis und die Betreuung bei der EinfĂŒhrung eines neuen Dokumentationsystems durch eine qualifizierte Pflegekraft

    Oligonucleotide microarray for identification of Enterococcus species

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    For detection of most members of the Enterococcaceae, the specificity of a novel oligonucleotide microarray (ECC-PhyloChip) consisting of 41 hierarchically nested 16S or 23S rRNA gene-targeted probes was evaluated with 23 pure cultures (including 19 Enterococcus species). Target nucleic acids were prepared by PCR amplification of a 4.5-kb DNA fragment containing large parts of the 16S and 23S rRNA genes and were subsequently labeled fluorescently by random priming. Each tested member of the Enterococcaceae was correctly identified on the basis of its unique microarray hybridization pattern. The evaluated ECC-PhyloChip was successfully applied for identification of Enterococcus faecium and Enterococcus faecalis in artificially contaminated milk samples demonstrating the utility of the ECC-PhyloChip for parallel identification and differentiation of Enterococcus species in food sample

    Sieben Sprachen im Sachfachunterricht – AnsĂ€tze zum Einbezug nicht-geteilter mehrsprachiger Ressourcen zum Aufbau von KonzeptverstĂ€ndnis

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    Der Einbezug mehrsprachiger Ressourcen im Sachfachunterricht ist in Kontexten geteilter Zweisprachigkeit gut realisierbar und empirisch nachweislich fachlich lernwirksam. Viele Schulklassen haben jedoch Jugendliche mit unterschiedlichen, nicht-geteilten Familiensprachen. FĂŒr diesen Sprachenkontext nicht-geteilter Mehrsprachigkeit sind mehrsprachendidaktische AnsĂ€tze erforderlich, bei denen nicht-geteilte mehrsprachige Ressourcen fĂŒr fachbezogene Verstehensprozesse fruchtbar gemacht werden. Der Artikel prĂ€sentiert mehrsprachendidaktische AnsĂ€tze, die in einem Design-Research-Projekt am Beispiel des Mathematikunterrichts in Klasse 7 in drei Designexperimentzyklen iterativ entwickelt und hinsichtlich der initiierten Kommunikations- und Verstehensprozesse qualitativ beforscht wurden

    Using multilingual resources in the classroom – what are the "resources"?

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    Nach mehrjĂ€hriger interdisziplinĂ€rer Forschung zur Aktivierung von Mehrsprachigkeit im Mathematikunterricht diskutieren wir den vielzitierten Ressourcen-Begriff kritisch und konkretisieren darauf aufbauend die Besonderheit von mehrsprachig „vernetztem“ Wissen, Denken und Lernen. Im Vordergrund steht die epistemische Funktion von mehrsprachigem Handeln, d. h. sein erkenntnisstiftender Beitrag im Unterrichtsdiskurs. (DIPF/Orig.)Based on several years of interdisciplinary research on the activation of multilingualism in mathematics classrooms, we discuss the concept of resources and, building on this, elaborate on the specificity of multilingual “networked” knowledge, thinking and learning. Thus, we focus on the epistemic role of multilingual communication, i. e., its function in processes of knowledge attainment. (DIPF/Orig.

    The Actin Targeting Compound Chondramide Inhibits Breast Cancer Metastasis via Reduction of Cellular Contractility

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    Background: A major player in the process of metastasis is the actin cytoskeleton as it forms key structures in both invasion mechanisms, mesenchymal and amoeboid migration. We tested the actin binding compound Chondramide as potential anti-metastatic agent. Methods: In vivo, the effect of Chondramide on metastasis was tested employing a 4T1-Luc BALB/c mouse model. In vitro, Chondramide was tested using the highly invasive cancer cell line MDA-MB-231 in Boyden-chamber assays, fluorescent stainings, Western blot and Pull down assays. Finally, the contractility of MDA-MB-231 cells was monitored in 3D environment and analyzed via PIV analysis. Results: In vivo, Chondramide treatment inhibits metastasis to the lung and the migration and invasion of MDA-MB-231 cells is reduced by Chondramide in vitro. On the signaling level, RhoA activity is decreased by Chondramide accompanied by reduced MLC-2 and the stretch induced guanine nucleotide exchange factor Vav2 activation. At same conditions, EGF-receptor autophosphorylation, Akt and Erk as well as Rac1 are not affected. Finally, Chondramide treatment disrupted the actin cytoskeleton and decreased the ability of cells for contraction. Conclusions: Chondramide inhibits cellular contractility and thus represents a potential inhibitor of tumor cell invasion
