321 research outputs found

    Midnight in America: Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse and the 21st Century Threat to the United States

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    The electromagnetic pulse (EMP) effects produced by the detonation of a nuclear weapon at high altitude are capable of causing widespread destruction in the U.S. homeland with few to no immediate casualties. The threat of nuclear EMP attack against the United States was recognized as probable during the Cold War but as time passed, the threat lost consciousness among U.S. policy makers as other issues and threats rose to the forefront. Simultaneously, the United States military and civilian society grew increasingly reliant upon emerging electronic systems and capabilities while adversary nations and rogue states rapidly pursued nuclear weapons capabilities. Today, the United States, as one of the most highly developed nations on the globe, is reliant upon electronic systems for almost every aspect of life, from communications to economics and security. As such, the United States is highly vulnerable to attacks that affect these cornerstones of U.S. society and global presence. The threat of a nuclear EMP attack against the United States today and in the future is not only an effective option for both states and non-state actors, it is an attractive one. Adversaries could derive great value from an attack that cripples the U.S. ability to function at even the most basic levels. The threat of EMP attack is more prescient in today’s modern warfare environment than ever before. As such, the United States’ approach to nuclear deterrence and escalation control must evolve to fully encompass the threat of nuclear EMP by both state and non-state actors

    Investigating the Role of God Attachment, Adult Attachment and Emotion Regulation in Binge Eating

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    Using a cross-sectional, self-report research design, this study examined a non-clinical population of 175 college women between the ages of 18-28 at a private, Christian university. A Pearson correlation matrix confirmed significant linear relationships between binge eating symptoms, emotion regulation, adult attachment insecurity and God attachment insecurity. A hierarchical multiple regression model determined that God attachment insecurity does not contribute unique variance toward binge eating symptoms after controlling for emotion regulation and adult attachment insecurity. Because God attachment insecurity was correlated to emotion regulation and adult attachment insecurity, and weakly correlated to binge eating symptoms without contributing unique variance, this study suggests that God attachment insecurity plays an indirect role in the perpetuation of binge eating symptoms

    Exploring the Pursuit of Doctoral Education by Nurses Seeking or Intending to Stay in Faculty Roles

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the factors influencing the pursuit and completion of doctoral education by nurses intending to seek or retain faculty roles. Traditionally, doctoral education evolved to focus on the preparation of nurses to conduct scientific research, primarily through the doctor of philosophy programs. Most recently, the doctor of nursing practice degree emerged and was designed for advanced practice nurses to be clinical leaders who translate research into practice and policy. Nurses who pursue doctoral education in order to assume or maintain faculty roles must choose between these degrees if they desire a doctorate within the discipline; however, factors influencing their decisions and the intended outcomes of their choice are not clear. During this study, 548 nurses (current students or recent graduates of doctoral programs) completed a comprehensive survey to generate critical evidence about the factors influencing the choices made. Principal findings are related to the issues of time, money, and program selection. These findings can be used to develop strategies to increase enrollment and, therefore, the number of doctorally prepared faculty who are specifically prepared to excel as nursing faculty

    What is news? News values revisited (again)

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    The deceptively simple question “What is news?” remains pertinent even as we ponder the future of journalism in the digital age. This article examines news values within mainstream journalism and considers the extent to which news values may be changing since earlier landmark studies were undertaken. Its starting point is Harcup and O’Neill’s widely-cited 2001 updating of Galtung and Ruge’s influential 1965 taxonomy of news values. Just as that study put Galtung and Ruge’s criteria to the test with an empirical content analysis of published news, this new study explores the extent to which Harcup and O’Neill’s revised list of news values remain relevant given the challenges (and opportunities) faced by journalism today, including the emergence of social media. A review of recent literature contextualises the findings of a fresh content analysis of news values within a range of UK media 15 years on from the last study. The article concludes by suggesting a revised and updated set of contemporary news values, whilst acknowledging that no taxonomy can ever explain everything

    A modified human ELISPOT assay to detect specific responses to primary tumor cell targets

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    BACKGROUND: The desired outcome of cancer vaccination is to induce a potent T cell response which can specifically recognize and eliminate autologous tumor cells in vivo. Accordingly, immunological assays that demonstrate recognition of native tumor cells (tumor-specific) may be more clinically relevant than assays that demonstrate recognition of tumor protein or peptide (antigen-specific). METHODS: Towards this goal, we adapted the IFN-γ ELISPOT assay to measure immune responses against autologous primary tumor cells in vaccinated cancer patients. As a model system to develop the assay, we utilized peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) directly isolated from follicular lymphoma patients vaccinated with tumor-derived idiotype protein. RESULTS: After optimizing several variables, we demonstrated that the modified IFN-γ ELISPOT assay could be used to reliably and reproducibly determine the tumor-reactive T cell frequency in the PBMC of these patients. The precursor frequency of tumor-reactive T cells was significantly higher in the postvaccine PBMC, compared with prevaccine samples in all patients tested. Furthermore, the specificity of these T cells was established by the lack of reactivity against autologous normal B cells. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate the feasibility of quantitating tumor-specific T cell responses when autologous, primary tumor cells are available as targets

    The clustering of Galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey : including covariance matrix errors

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    JP acknowledges support from the UK Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC) through the consolidated grant ST/K0090X/1 and from the European Research Council through the ‘Starting Independent Research’ grant 202686, MDEPUGS. AGS acknowledges support from the Trans-regional Collaborative Research Centre TR33 ‘The Dark Universe’ of the German Research Foundation (DFG).We present improved methodology for including covariance matrices in the error budget of Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) galaxy clustering measurements, revisiting Data Release 9 (DR9) analyses, and describing a method that is used in DR10/11 analyses presented in companion papers. The precise analysis method adopted is becoming increasingly important, due to the precision that BOSS can now reach: even using as many as 600 mock catalogues to estimate covariance of two-point clustering measurements can still lead to an increase in the errors of ∼20 per cent, depending on how the cosmological parameters of interest are measured. In this paper, we extend previous work on this contribution to the error budget, deriving formulae for errors measured by integrating over the likelihood, and to the distribution of recovered best-fitting parameters fitting the simulations also used to estimate the covariance matrix. Both are situations that previous analyses of BOSS have considered. We apply the formulae derived to baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) and redshift-space distortion (RSD) measurements from BOSS in our companion papers. To further aid these analyses, we consider the optimum number of bins to use for two-point measurements using the monopole power spectrum or correlation function for BAO, and the monopole and quadrupole moments of the correlation function for anisotropic-BAO and RSD measurements.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Trajectories of Depressive Symptoms Among a Population of HIV-Infected Men and Women in Routine HIV Care in the United States

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    Depressive symptoms vary in severity and chronicity. We used group-based trajectory models to describe trajectories of depressive symptoms (measured using the Patient Health Questionnaire-9) and predictors of trajectory group membership among 1493 HIV-infected men (84%) and 292 HIV-infected women (16%). At baseline, 29% of women and 26% of men had depressive symptoms. Over a median of 30 months of follow-up, we identified four depressive symptom trajectories for women (labeled “low” [experienced by 56% of women], “mild/moderate” [24%], “improving” [14%], and “severe” [6%]) and five for men (“low” [61%], “mild/moderate” [14%], “rebounding” [5%], “improving” [13%], and “severe” [7%]). Baseline antidepressant prescription, panic symptoms, and prior mental health diagnoses were associated with more severe or dynamic depressive symptom trajectories. Nearly a quarter of participants experienced some depressive symptoms, highlighting the need for improved depression management. Addressing more severe or dynamic depressive symptom trajectories may require interventions that additionally address mental health comorbidities