136 research outputs found

    Nonlocal transistor based on pure crossed Andreev reflection in a EuO-graphene/superconductor hybrid structure

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    We study the interband transport in a superconducting device composed of graphene with EuO-induced exchange interaction. We show that pure crossed Andreev reflection can be generated exclusively without the parasitic local Andreev reflection and elastic cotunnelling over a wide range of bias and Fermi levels in an EuO-graphene/superconductor/EuO-graphene device. The pure non-local conductance exhibits rapid on/off switching and oscillatory behavior when the Fermi levels in the normal and the superconducting leads are varied. The oscillation reflects the quasiparticle propagation in the superconducting lead and can be used as a tool to probe the subgap quasiparticle mode in superconducting graphene, which is inaccessible from the current-voltage characteristics. Our results suggest that the device can be used as a highly tunable transistor that operates purely in the non-local and spin-polarized transport regime.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Klein tunneling and cone transport in AA-stacked bilayer graphene

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    We investigate the quantum tunneling of electrons in an AA-stacked bilayer graphene (BLG) nn-pp junction and nn-pp-nn junction. We show that Klein tunneling of an electron can occur in this system. The quasiparticles are not only chiral but are additionally described by a `cone index'. Due to the orthogonality of states with different cone indexes, electron transport across a potential barrier must strictly conserve the cone index and this leads to the protected cone transport which is unique in AA-stacked BLG. Together with the negative refraction of electrons, electrons residing in different cones can be spatially separated according to their cone index when transmitted across an nn-pp junction. This suggests the possibility of `cone-tronic' devices based on AA-stacked BLG. Finally, we calculate the junction conductance of the system.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures; corrected typo, final submitted versio

    Injection-Limited and Space-Charge-Limited Conduction in Wide Bandgap Semiconductors with Velocity Saturation Effect

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    Carrier conduction in wide bandgap semiconductors (WBS) often exhibits velocity saturation at the high-electric field regime. How such effect influences the transition between contact-limited and space-charge-limited current in a two-terminal device remains largely unexplored thus far. Here, we develop a generalized carrier transport model that includes contact-limited field-induced carrier injection, space charge, carrier scattering and velocity saturation effect. The model reveals various transitional behaviors in the current-voltage characteristics, encompassing Fowler-Nordheim emission, trap-free Mott-Gurney (MG) SCLC and \emph{velocity-saturated SCLC}. Using GaN, 6H-SiC and 4H-SiC WBS as examples, we show that the velocity-saturated SCLC completely dominates the high-voltage (102∼10410^2 \sim 10^4 V) transport for typical sub-μ\mum GaN and SiC diodes, thus unravelling velocity-saturated SCLC as a central transport mechanism in WBG electronics.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Universal Scaling and Signatures of Nodal Structures in Electron Tunneling from Two-Dimensional Semimetals

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    We present the theory of out-of-plane electron thermal-field emission from 2D semimetals. We show that the current(J\mathcal{J})-field(FF)-temperature(TT) characteristic is captured by a universal scaling law applicable for broad classes of 2D semimetals, including monolayer and few-layer graphene, nodal point semimetals, nodal line semimetals and Dirac semimetals at the verge of topological phase transition. The low-temperature scaling takes the universal form, log⁑(J/FΞ³)βˆβˆ’1/F\log\left( \mathcal{J}/F^\gamma \right) \propto -1/F with Ξ³=1\gamma = 1 for 2D semimetals, which is in stark contrast to the classic Fowler-Nordheim scaling of Ξ³=2\gamma = 2 for 3D metals. Importantly, the Fermi level dependence of the tunneling currents depends sensitively on the nodal structure through the electronic density of states, thus serving as a probe for detecting the various possible nodal structures of 2D semimetals. Our findings provide a theoretical basis for the understanding of tunneling charge transport phenomena in solid/vacuum and solid/solid interfaces, critical for the development of 2D-material-based vacuum and solid-state electronic devices.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Over-Barrier Photoelectron Emission with Rashba Spin-Orbit Coupling

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    We develop a theoretical model to calculate the quantum efficiency (QE) of photoelectron emission from materials with Rashba spin-orbit coupling (RSOC) effect. In the low temperature limit, an analytical scaling between QE and the RSOC strength is obtained as QE ∝(β„Ο‰βˆ’W)2+2ER(β„Ο‰βˆ’W)βˆ’ER2/3\propto (\hbar\omega-W)^2+2E_R(\hbar \omega-W) -E_R^2/3, where ℏω\hbar\omega, WW and ERE_R are the incident photon energy, work function and the RSOC parameter respectively. Intriguingly, the RSOC effect substantially improves the QE for strong RSOC materials. For example, the QE of Bi2_2Se3_3 and Bi/Si(111) increases, by 149\% and 122\%, respectively due to the presence of strong RSOC. By fitting to the photoelectron emission characteristics, the analytical scaling law can be employed to extract the RSOC strength, thus offering a useful tool to characterize the RSOC effect in materials. Importantly, when the traditional Fowler-Dubridge model is used, the extracted results may substantially deviate from the actual values by ∼90%\sim90\%, thus highlighting the importance of employing our model to analyse the photoelectron emission especially for materials with strong RSOC. These findings provide a theoretical foundation for the design of photoemitters using Rashba spintronic materials.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure
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