62 research outputs found

    Exploratory Research

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    The exploratory research examined the reliability of the research instrument and suitability for further research. When organizing the testing of the instrument, 159 employees of one organization were interviewed, when the necessary sample size is 155 employees with 95% probability and 5% variance. The obtained high values of Cronbach’s alpha and Spearman-Brown coefficient indicate that the items of the scales of the management culture and social responsibility included in the instrument are closely interrelated. In addition, it was found that most correlation relationships of criteria of the management culture and social responsibility are also closely related, which shows the reliability of the instrument. On the one hand, the exploratory research revealed the specific problems of management culture and corporate social responsibility, and on the other hand, it showed that there is a reliable, direct, and strong relationship between the management culture and corporate social responsibility, and the designed instrument can be used for further research

    Determining the Level of Management Culture Development

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    This part presents the detailed results obtained while determining the level of development of the management culture and presenting the respondents’ evaluations not only in respect of subscales but also in relation to individual items. It has highlighted significant limitations in managerial competence, as well as the differences in declaration of values and the application of the values in practice, especially in relationships with subordinates, with the emphasis on leadership, interpersonal relationships, communication, sharing of knowledge and responsibility. Competition of managerial staff could be positive while striving for the goals of the organization, but when it is focused on the subjective aspirations, it reduces cooperation and confidence of the employees and disturbs the functionality of the management processes. In addition, uncertainty in regulation of processes due to which the opportunities provided by information technology are underused has been revealed

    Establishment of Expression of Management Culture as a Formal Part of the Organizational Culture, Aiming to Implement Corporate Social Responsibility

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    In order to establish the factors of occurrence of the management culture as a part of formal organizational culture, which have an influence on the implementation of corporate social responsibility, the survey of managerial staff of the companies was carried out. Corporate policy of formulation of strategic goals, visions, organizational structures, etc. as well as how corporate social responsibility is realised in practice was evaluated. Attention is drawn to the inconsistencies because of which corporate social responsibility, as a concept, is not fully realised in the corporate strategy, but only focused on individual goals. Therefore, there remains a wide untapped field of the managerial potential and the development of structure of the organization

    Management Solutions to Determine the Level of Management Culture Aiming to Implement Corporate Social Responsibility

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    Based on the results of the research, this part describes the possible management solutions, divided into five conditional steps, each of which consists of solutions of the individual tasks. Three conditions are emphasized as the starting condition. First, it is the shareholders’ decisions, which turn into organization of goal-oriented processes on the following stages, by providing the necessary resources. Second, resulting from the first there is the evaluation (analysis) of the management culture of the organization, the results of which are enacted by organizing the changes. Third, the processes must be described in internal documents, and their control is associated with a continuous monitoring

    Determination of Corporate Social Responsibility

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    This part describes the evaluation of corporate social responsibility according to such structural elements as behavior of a socially responsible organization and behavior of a socially responsible employee, splitting into smaller components in accordance with the criteria corporate social responsibility consists of. The chosen approach to the analysis of reactions of the employees of companies allows distinguishing the approach to corporate social responsibility in accordance with opinions of external stakeholders which are influenced by the communication strategies, often applied in the studies. This method of approach enables a more sensitive evaluation of the internal processes of the companies when carrying out the internal cuts in order to understand why the staff contributes or does not contribute to corporate social responsibility. This provides valuable knowledge on how to correct the strategy of the company

    Regional Tendencies of Corporate Social Responsibility

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    Based on the theoretical and empirical studies carried out in eight countries (Estonia, Latvia, Finland, Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, the Ukraine, and Denmark), tendencies of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the region are presented. Similarities and differences in training of managerial personnel, ethics of activities of organizations, fostering of corporate social responsibility in the government policy, corporate involvement and expectations, communication with stakeholders, and in other aspects are highlighted. In spite of the different tendencies of political and social development, corporate social responsibility formed in the countries of the region and some common problematic tendencies are highlighted

    Integrating Role of the Values in the Context of Management Culture and Corporate Social Responsibility

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    This chapter defines an integrating role of values in the context of the management culture and corporate social responsibility (CSR). Although similar types of organizational culture predominate in the countries with similar historical, cultural, social and economic characteristics, three levels of values are highlighted, the significance of their integration and management standards oriented towards values congruence is substantiated. The developed axiological prerequisites of corporate social responsibility for managerial changes and the conditions of the formation of the value basis based on the idea of congruence are presented

    Statistical Verification of Management Culture and Corporate Social Responsibility Correlation

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    The links of management culture and corporate social responsibility in this part are verified and substantiated by statistical calculations. The connections were verified according to such categories as the culture of managerial staff, the culture of organisation of the management processes, the management culture of working conditions, the culture of documentation system, the behaviour of a socially responsible organisation and the behaviour of a socially responsible employee. The results of the research showed the different strength of the relationships of the management culture and corporate social responsibility, which may be significant when organising the changes in the management culture, oriented to the implementation of corporate social responsibility

    Methodological and Psychometric Characteristics of the Research Instrument: Retest

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    This chapter describes testing of the key research instrument, by identifying the individual steps, comprised of adaptation and testing of the questionnaire, by using statistical analysis. The selected sample of the research by surveying the employees of the groups of companies operating in Eastern Europe is not only minimal, but also sufficient (error is not greater than 1%), allowing to make sound conclusions of the research. After adaptation of the questionnaire for the larger and multilingual sample, high psychometric characteristics, which confirmed the reliability of the instrument and its suitability for the research, have been found. This shows that the developed questionnaire is appropriate, and it can also be used to measure management culture and corporate social responsibility not only in this research
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