23,755 research outputs found

    Risk, Return and Dividends

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    We characterize the joint dynamics of dividends, expected returns, stochastic volatility, and prices. In particular, with a given dividend process, one of the processes of the expected return, the stock volatility, or the price-dividend ratio fully determines the other two. For example, together with dividends, the stock volatility process fully determines the dynamics of the expected return and the price-dividend ratio. By parameterizing one or more of expected returns, volatility, or prices, common empirical specifications place strong, and sometimes counter-factual, restrictions on the dynamics of the other variables. Our relations are useful for understanding the risk-return trade-off, as well as characterizing the predictability of stock returns.

    How to Discount Cashflows with Time-Varying Expected Returns

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    While many studies document that the market risk premium is predictable and that betas are not constant, the dividend discount model ignores time-varying risk premiums and betas. We develop a model to consistently value cashflows with changing risk-free rates, predictable risk premiums and conditional betas in the context of a conditional CAPM. Practical valuation is accomplished with an analytic term structure of discount rates, with different discount rates applied to expected cashflows at different horizons. Using constant discount rates can produce large mis-valuations, which, in portfolio data, are mostly driven at short horizons by market risk premiums and at long horizons by time-variation in risk-free rates and factor loadings.
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