93 research outputs found

    Modelos de relación entre periodistas y políticos: La perspectiva de la negociación constante

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    Entre políticos y periodistas se establecen, diariamente, numerosos intercambios fruto de la necesidad mutua existente entre ambos. Estas relaciones son fundamentales para la construcción de la realidad social, para la articulación de las preocupaciones y prioridades ciudadanas y para la estructuración de la opinión pública en las sociedades actuales. Por ello, describir y entender las correspondencias entre estas instancias resulta esencial. En este sentido, este artículo propone cinco patrones para caracterizar y explicar las interacciones que se dan entre periodistas y políticos. Entre ellos, se presta especia atención al modelo de la negociación constante, que constituye una nueva aportación teórica al estudio de esta importante cuestión.Numerous exchanges are established between politicians and journalists daily. These relationships are basic for the construction of the social reality, the articulation of the citizen’s priorities and the structuring of the public opinion in the current societies. Because of that, to describe and to understand the correspondences among these applications is essential. In this sense, this paper suggests five patterns to characterize and to explain the interactions that occur between journalists and politicians. Among them, attention is paid spice to the model of the constant negotiation, which constitutes a new theoretical contribution to the study of this important question

    El website com a instrument comunicatiu a les eleccions autonòmiques valencianes de 2007

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    El paper d'Internet i les tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació (TIC) resulta creixent a l'escenari actual de la comunicació política. En aquest sentit, aquest article pretén fer una primera aproximació a l'anàlisi de les estratègies de comunicació en línia dels diferents partits polítics desplegades durant el període de campanya electoral. Per això, es prenen com objecte d'estudi les eleccions autonòmiques del maig de 2007 a la Comunitat Valenciana. A partir de l'adopció del website com a unitat d'anàlisi i mitjançant l'aplicació de tècniques d'anàlisi de contingut, es pretén revelar les característiques bàsiques dels models comunicatius adoptats i les funcions atribuïdes als llocs web per part de les principals formacions polítiques que concorren a les urnes durant la campanya. Els resultats suggereixen un predomini de la gestió de la informació en línia en detriment de la creació de canals electrònics que fomentin la participació ciutadana.The role of Internet and information and communication technologies (ICT) is increasing on the current stage of political communication. In this sense, this paper intends to carry out an approach to the analysis of the online strategies of communication displayedby different political parties during the electoral campaign period. In order to do it, their websites, as a new emergent instrument in their communicative activity, will be taken as object of study. The empirical analysis will be focused on the regional elections of 2007 in the Autonomous Community of Valencia? By taking their websites as a unit of analysis and applying a content analysis technique, it is intended to reveal the basic characteristics of communicative models adopted. It also attempts to describe the functions that are attributed to the websites, according to the main political parties that are standing for election during the campaign. The results suggest a predominance of online information management to the detriment of the creation of electronic channels that encourage citizen participation

    Estrategias y prácticas comunicativas del activismo político en las redes sociales en España

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    Social media are introducing significant changes in social movements. The aim of this article is to analyse the strategies and communicative practices developed by political activists on social media in the Spanish context. Three processes are studied: the self-mediation, the monitoring of power centers and the reversed agenda-setting. The methodology is based on case study and in-depth interviews. The results reveal that the web 2.0 offers numerous potential for political activism but also sets limits to their action.Las redes sociales están introduciendo importantes novedades en los movimientos sociales. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar las estrategias y prácticas comunicativas desplegadas por los activistas políticos en las redes sociales en el contexto español. Para ello, se analizan tres procesos: la automediación, la monitorización de los centros de poder y el establecimiento inverso de la agenda. La metodología se basa en el estudio de caso y la entrevista en profundidad. Los resultados revelan que la web 2.0 ofrece numerosas potencialidades para el activismo político pero también plantea límites a su acción

    Impact of Covid-19 on the media system. Communicative and democratic consequences of news consumption during the outbreak

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    Covid-19 is a phenomenon of enormous magnitude and relevance. Its impact has affected various social domains, including the media and journalism. Since the beginning of this health crisis, news has become a valuable resource for citizens. Studying the dynamics of information consumption is highly relevant both for its ability to transform the media system and for its incidence in democracy. The objective of this research is to analyse the influence of the new coronavirus on news consumption, the credibility given by citizens to the media as well as their ability to detect fake news. To answer these questions, we have conducted an exploratory and initial analysis based on the secondary data from the online surveys of the Pew Research Center’s American Trends Panel in the United States, comparing data before and after the outbreak. The results confirm the impact of Covid-19 on the media system. The findings suggest the emergence of important developments such as the resurgence of the role of legacy media, especially on television, and the reconnection with news by citizens who usually remain far from the information. Therefore, the existing inequalities regarding news consumption among citizens have been reduced, in part. This generates potential benefits for democracy in terms of equality and accessibility concerning public affairs

    Impact of Covid-19 on the media system. Communicative and democratic consequences of news consumption during the outbreak // Impacto del Covid-19 en el sistema de medios. Consecuencias comunicativas y democráticas del consumo de noticias durante el brote

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    Covid-19 is a phenomenon of enormous magnitude and relevance. Its impact has affected various social domains, including the media and journalism. Since the beginning of this health crisis, the news has become a valuable resource for citizens. Studying the dynamics of information consumption is highly relevant both for its ability to transform the media system and for its incidence in democracy. The objective of this research is to analyse the influence of the new coronavirus on news consumption, the credibility given by citizens to the media as well as their ability to detect fake news. To answer these questions, we have conducted an exploratory analysis based on the secondary data from the online surveys of the Pew Research Center’s American Trends Panel in the United States, comparing data before and after the outbreak. The results confirm the impact of Covid-19 on the media system. The findings suggest the emergence of important developments such as the resurgence of the role of legacy media, especially television, and the fact that citizens who usually remain far from the information have reconnected with the news. Therefore, the existing inequalities regarding news consumption among citizens have been reduced, in part. This generates potential benefits for democracy in terms of equality and accessibility concerning public affairs

    Influência da mídia na conversa política no Twitter

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    Traditionally media (newspapers, television stations, radio networks, and news agencies) have exerted a great influence on society, but their role is changing in the face of the emergence of the digital environment. Although we know a lot about how to measure digital influence, we still have little evidence on how it is exercised in social media. In order to reverse this deficit, big data techniques are used on a sample of 127.3 million tweets with the goal of learning which were the most influential in the political debate on Twitter in Spain. Through a methodology based on machine learning and social network analysis, the most influential media are identified based on their nature, type, perceived ideological position, and territorial coverage. For this, three indicators of digital influence are used: activity, popularity, and authority. The results indicate that the exercise of influence on Twitter inside the media system is being reconfigured in depth. Likewise, the data reveal the incidence of the perceived ideological position of the media –when it comes to having more or less centrality in the network and being able to influence the interactions on Twitter. Finally, although media register high values in activity and popularity, in general they obtain intermediate or low values in authority. This lack of authority calls into question the power of the media to effectively influence the political debate on Twitter.Tradicionalmente, los medios de comunicación (periódicos, cadenas de televisión, radio y agencias de noticias) han tenido una gran influencia en la sociedad, pero su papel está cambiando ante la aparición del entorno digital. Aunque sabemos mucho sobre cómo medir la influencia digital, todavía tenemos poca evidencia de cómo se ejerce en los medios sociales. Para revertir este déficit, se utilizan grandes técnicas de datos en una muestra de 127,3 millones de tweets para conocer cuáles fueron los más influyentes en el debate político sobre Twitter en España. A través de una metodología basada en el aprendizaje automático y el análisis de redes sociales, se identifican los medios de comunicación más influyentes en función de su naturaleza, tipo, posición ideológica percibida y cobertura territorial. Para ello se utilizan tres indicadores de influencia digital: actividad, popularidad y autoridad. Los resultados indican que el ejercicio de influencia sobre Twitter dentro del sistema de medios se está reconfigurando en profundidad. Asimismo, los datos revelan la incidencia de la posición ideológica percibida de los medios de comunicación, cuando se trata de tener más o menos centralidad en la red y poder influir en las interacciones en Twitter. Finalmente, aunque los medios de comunicación registran altos valores de inactividad y popularidad, generalmente obtienen valores intermedios o bajos de autoridad. Esta falta de autoridad cuestiona el poder de los medios de comunicación para influir efectivamente en el debate político en Twitter.Tradicionalmente, a mídia (jornais, emissoras de televisão, rádio e agências de notícias) exerce uma grande influência sobre a sociedade, mas seu papel está mudando diante do surgimento do ambiente digital. Embora saibamos muito sobre como medir a influência digital, ainda temos poucas evidências de como ela é exercida nas mídias sociais. Para reverter esse déficit, técnicas de big data são usadas em uma amostra de 127,3 milhões de tweets com o objetivo de aprender quais foram os mais influentes no debate político sobre o Twitter na Espanha. Por meio de uma metodologia baseada em aprendizado de máquina e análise de redes sociais, as mídias mais influentes são identificadas com base em sua natureza, tipo, posição ideológica percebida e cobertura territorial. Para isso, são utilizados três indicadores de influência digital: atividade, popularidade e autoridade. Os resultados indicam que o exercício de influência no Twitter dentro do sistema de mídia está sendo reconfigurado em profundidade. Da mesma forma, os dados revelam a incidência da posição ideológica percebida da mídia - quando se trata de ter mais ou menos centralidade na rede e poder influenciar as interações no Twitter. Finalmente, embora a mídia registre altos valores de inatividade e popularidade, em geral ela obtém valores intermediários ou baixos de autoridade. Essa falta de autoridade questiona o poder da mídia de influenciar efetivamente o debate político no Twitter

    Una visión actual y accesible de la comunicación política

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    Reseña de libroPerloff, Richard M. (2014). The Dynamics of Political Communication. Media and Politics in a Digital Age. New York: Routledge.

    Introduction. Political influencers in the digital public sphere

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    Newspapers on the internet: new business models in the convergence era

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    The internet is transforming the business model of the press. Free access to online news, increased competition and the crisis of the media sector has reopened the debate on the future of newspapers in the convergence era. The object of this paper it is to examine the basis of the new business models of the press on the Net. The analysis addresses the revenue sources for online information: advertising and sale of the product. The methodology is the case study, applied to the business strategies of four Spanish digital newspapers: the online versions of two main newspapers (Elpaís.com and Elmundo. es) and two pure digital players (Soitu and Factual)