2,502 research outputs found

    Cross-understanding and trust formation within medical emergency intervention teams

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    AbstractThe present study investigates elements of trust and cross-understanding within medical emergency intervention teams. Individual and group interviews were conducted with paramedics working for a medical emergency intervention service. Our participants were asked to describe their experience of working for this service and being part of the intervention teams and emphasize on trust and knowledge sharing and how these affect team performance. Data analysis revealed competency-based trust is considered to be one of the key factors for team performance. Components of cross-understanding were also identified and were associated with speed and efficiency of the intervention and preferences in team membership

    Mature workers in organisations: Insights from CEPAR's benchmarking survey of the Australian workforce

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    Global population aging trends have led government leaders to ponder effective strategies to reduce costs and maximize engagement associated with older adults. One approach is to encourage organizations to attract, hire, and retain mature-aged workers. However, there is a shortage of evidence-based recommendations to guide organizational scholars and practitioners in effectively managing an aging workforce, and the associated increase in workplace age diversity (Ali & French, 2019; Truxillo, Cadiz, & Hammer, 2015; Zacher & Griffin, 2015). In an effort to address this empirical scarcity, the Australian Research Council has funded, through the Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research (CEPAR), the “Mature Workers in Organisations” research stream. As part of this seven-year project, approximately 15 organizations are being recruited for a longitudinal, multi-level study assessing organizational processes and interventions aimed at an aging and age diverse workforce, and in particular ensuring workers’ health, productivity, and ability to provide care. A key element of this project has been the development of a comprehensive survey to be used for diagnosing workplace success and opportunities, and to track changes resulting from organization-driven interventions. As an important first step, this survey is being used to establish benchmarks within Australia; these ratings will later be used to gauge organization-level performance on a variety of indicators. To establish the benchmark ratings, over 2,500 participants age 18 and older are being drawn from Qualtrics panels of Australian working adults to complete a cross-sectional survey consisting of established items that assess employee perceptions of their workplace. These include measures covering a wide variety of topics, such as organization policies and practices, team work, work design, as well as individual attitudes, behaviours and characteristics. Benchmark data collection is currently underway and is expected to be completed by mid-June 2019. Additionally, we are rapidly advancing towards commencing data collection with several of our collaborating, industry-diverse organizations and anticipate having baseline data for at least a few by the end of July 2019. Insights and implications from the benchmark survey will be presented and discussed, including how well Australian employers as a whole are doing at cultivating an age inclusive work environment. If available, organizational case study results will be compared and contrasted against the benchmark data and each other to reveal a more nuanced perspective

    A Speaker De-Identification System Based on Sound Processing

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    In the context of products employing speech recognition, where the speech signal is sent from the device to centralized servers that process data, or simply products that involve data storage on servers, privacy for audio data is an important issue, just as it is for other types of data. Ignoring privacy has consequences for both, speakers (information leaks) and server administrators (legal issues). In this paper, we propose a speaker de-identification solution based on sound processing, altering voice characteristics, along with an API. Our solution consisting of pitch shift and noise mix (the latter is an optional augmentation method) has a great speaker de-identification performance, without an important loss in terms of word intelligibility. It is worth mentioning that sometimes the recordings may not be easy to understand in the initial (i.e., not de-identified) form, due to the speaker’s pronunciation, talking speed, and other related factors

    Using feldspathic ceramic masses in frontal group restorations

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    Scop: Scopul acestui studiu a fost de a alege și aplica metoda cea mai optimă de tratament a pacienţilor cu dereglări estetice a grupului frontal de dinţi. Materiale și metode: În studiu au participat 15 pacienţi, dintre care 8 pacienţi de sex F și 7 de sex M , ulterior ei au fost divizaţi în două loturi: — în primul lot au fost incluși 10 pacienţi trataţi cu microproteze fixe (coroane) integral ceramice, în cel de al doilea grup au fost incluși 5 pacienţi trataţi cu ajutorul vinirilor feldspatice. Microprotezele au fost prelucrate cu acid ortofosforic 38% și fixate cu ciment adeziv. Evaluarea clinică a restaurărilor s-a realizat la momentul iniţial și după 3,6 ,12 luni de la tratament. Au fost analizate următoarele criterii: integritatea marginală, sensibilitatea dinţilor, fracturile restaurărilor. Rezultate: Reabilitările funcţionale și estetice au fost realizate cu ajutorul a microprotezelor fixe integral ceramice și vinirelor feldspatice. Integritatea marginală a fost păstrată la pacienţii cu ambele tipuri de restaurări. Pe parcursul timpului evaluat ţesuturile moi nu au prezentat nici o modificare. Apariţia cariilor nu a fost observată, precum și nici o modificare patologică periapicală si nici o sensibilitate. La un pacient tratat cu vinire feldspatice, unghiul incizal distal a fost fracturat. Nu s-au observat modificări semnificative între cele două grupuri de studiu. Concluzie: Satisfacţia pacientului și o bună integrare a restaurărilor indirecte au confirmat succesul acestei reabilitari. Cimentarea în limitele smalţului e mai rezistentă la fracturare decît cimentarea în limitele dentinei. Ambele tipuri de restaurări posedă o capacitate de durabilitate în timp.Purpose: The purpose of this study was to choose and apply optimal method of the treatment in patients with esthetic disorders. Materials and Methods: 15 patients were examined and treated, 8 of them were males and 7 — females. These patients were divided into two groups: — the first group included 10 patients treated with full ceramic crowns, and second group included 5 patients treated by feldspathic veneers. All restorations were etched, silanized and adhesively luted using a self-etching, dual-cure, fluoride-releasing cement. Clinical evaluation of the restorations was performed at baseline and 3,6,12 months after luting, where were analyzed following criteria: marginal integrity, sensitivity of teeth, fractures restorations. Results: Functional and aesthetic rehabilitation were achieved using a full ceramic crowns and feldspathic veneers. Marginal integrity has been preserved in patients with both types of restorations. During evaluated time soft tissues didn’t present any changes. No caries recurrence, no periapical pathology, no sensitivity were observed. In a patient with feldspathic veneers restoration, distal incisal angle was fractured. No significant changes were observed between these two groups of study. Conclusion: The patient satisfaction and good integration of indirect restorations confirmed the success of this rehabilitation. Luting ceramic to enamel provided higher fracture resistance than luting to dentin. Both, and porcelain veneers, and dental crowns are lifelong commitment

    Migraine and Gallbladder Motility

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    Introduction Five (5) hydroxitryptamine (5-HT) selective receptor agonists (triptans) were reported to have gastric motor effects. However, less is known about their role on gallbladder (GB) motility. Aim: Assessment of GB motility in patients treated with orodispersable triptans for migraine’s attacks. Patients and Methods: Out of 112 patients with various forms of migraine who required triptans while having headache attacks, followed-up in our ambulatory service, we have selected 30 patients diagnosed with mild to moderate migraine. These patients include: 15 with aura (3 men, 12 women, mean age=41,8±16,42 years) and 15 without aura (2 men, 13 women, mean age=47,73±18,50 years). Consequently, they had an ejection fraction (EF) of GB which is less than 60% (previously measured in intercritic period by elipsoid ultrasound Dodds method). Furthermore, no record of prokinetic or proton pump inhibitor treatments, gastric surgery, gallstones, collagen or thyroid disease, diabetes mellitus, cardiac, liver, kidney failure or cancer disease was recorded. The measurements of the GB were made while having a migraine attack, before and in every 15 minutes till 90 minutes. This was after receiving 5 mg of orodispersable zolmitriptan. Results: There are no statistical significant difference between initially EF of the two groups (p=0,8190). Patients with migraine with aura showed a mean EF=42,53±4,31% before therapy. After therapy, the mean EF improved significantly: 48,80±3,23% (p=0,0001). Patients having migraine without aura displayed an initially mean EF=42,53±3,27%. In addition, they had a very statistically significant response to therapy with important improvement of EF to 61,47±7,07% (p<0,0001). Conclusions: 5HT selective receptor agonists increased GB motility, in migraine attacks with a response above the cut-off range of EF, in patients having migraine without aura

    The Innovation-to-Occupations Ontology: Linking Business Transformation Initiatives to Occupations and Skills

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    The fast adoption of new technologies forces companies to continuously adapt their operations making it harder to predict workforce requirements. Several recent studies have attempted to predict the emergence of new roles and skills in the labour market from online job ads. This paper aims to present a novel ontology linking business transformation initiatives to occupations and an approach to automatically populating it by leveraging embeddings extracted from job ads and Wikipedia pages on business transformation and emerging technologies topics. To our knowledge, no previous research explicitly links business transformation initiatives, like the adoption of new technologies or the entry into new markets, to the roles needed. Our approach successfully matches occupations to transformation initiatives under ten different scenarios, five linked to technology adoption and five related to business. This framework presents an innovative approach to guide enterprises and educational institutions on the workforce requirements for specific business transformation initiatives.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, Camera-ready version in ACIS 202